9 years later, Twitter gets Twitter.com.au - Company finally gets hold of Australian domain name.
Twitter has won a cybersquatting complaint against the owner of the Australian domain name Twitter.com.au. The company filed the complaint with World Intellectual Property Organization.
Jason Boyce registered the domain name in 2006, just as the Twitter service was in development. Twitter hadn’t bothered him about the domain name (at least formally) until 2012, when it objected to Boyce’s trademark filing for Twitter.com.au.
Now, in 2015, it ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: November 2015
Mon 16th November 2015
Report: All Chinese Premium LLLL.org Domains Registered - I have received a report that all Chinese Premium four letter .org domain names have been registered.
Chinese Premium domain names are those without a Vowel or the letter “v”
According to registrarstats.com .Org had a net gain of over 12,000 domain registrations on Sunday which is a strong number for a Sunday but many of these were registered today as well.
I’m also told that very few Western LLLL.org remain to be registered.
For the record I did not register any of them.
... read more ...
This week's new TLDs: Save a .Earth, .Forex and more - Targeted to eco-friendly sites, .Earth launches on Thursday.
Earlier today I wrote about two new top level domain names that launched today: .broker and .forex. Investment opportunities are limited since .broker will set you back about $700 and .Forex is over $1,000 per year.
There are two other domain names launching this week.
On Wendesday, Zodiac Gemini launches .八卦, which translates loosely as “gossip” in Chinese. If you are anchored by the prices of .broker and .forex, then you won’t ... read more ...
Read this UDRP before induction Monte Carlo domain names - Group waits for gambling use before filing claims.
Société des bains de mer de Monaco has lost a UDRP it filed against the domain names MonteCarlo.biz and MonteCarlo.ws.
This is an interesting case. The complainant is primarily owned by the government of Monaco. It has won previous UDRPs related to gambling and Monte Carlo.
In the UDRP, the complainant stated that it monitors domain names with “Monte Carlo” in them. It doesn’t claim exclusive used to the term Monte Carlo, but as soon as the ... read more ...
Monte Cahn – DNW Podcast #59 - Moniker founder discusses domain name investing.
Monte Cahn founded domain name registrar Moniker and later sold it, and now is a partner with domain name consultancy Right of the Dot. On today’s program, Monte talks about how the domain name business has changed over the past 20 years, and how it might change in the future. He discusses current domain investing trends and the upcoming domain auction at NamesCon.
Also: GoDaddy “make offer” fix, Verisign’s IDN plans, Start spreading the .News ... read more ...
Drug Giant Merck Buys DogFlu.com: Had a BIN Price of $19K -
The drug giant Merck just bought the domain name DogFlu.com.
The domain name was listed in Afternic.com with a Buy It Now price of $19,000.
The domain was owned by Frank Schilling’s Name Administration according to the whois as recently as May 2015, when it switched over to privacy in August.
The domain had an Estibot.com appraised value of $16,000.
There is an outbreak of Dog Flu in the United States which started getting reported on in June of this year.
The CDC has a website dedicated to the ... read more ...
This new tip turn domain name costs $30,000 per year to register - $30,000 a year for a domain name registration?
We’ve seen some sky-high prices for domain name registrations in new top level domain names. .Rich for about $2,500 a year comes to mind.
But that’s nothing compared to the price for .Spreadbetting.
IG subsidiary Boston Ivy wanted to keep this domain name for its own use. But ICANN cracked down on “single registrant generics”, and the company was forced to offer .spreadbetting domain names to its competitors.
There’s a bit of a loophole in ... read more ...
Sun 15th November 2015
Company Shares of Rightside Group, Ltd. (NASDAQ:NAME) Drops by -2.17% -
Rightside Group, Ltd. (NASDAQ:NAME) has lost 2.17% during the past week and dropped 12.93% in the last 4 weeks. The shares have outperformed the SP 500 by 1.52% in the past week but underperformed the index by 12.49% in the last 4 weeks.
Rightside Group, Ltd. is up 11.79% in the last 3-month period. Year-to-Date the stock performance stands at 14.29%.The company shares have dropped 18.9% in the past 52 Weeks. On March 27, 2015 The shares registered one year high of $10.38 and one year ... read more ...
Fri 13th November 2015
Franks Schilling Sells 2,000 4 Letter .com for $3 Million Dollars - Frank Schilling just announced he has sold over 2,000 4 letter .com domain names for $3 million dollars
Frank also announced that all 4 letter domain names in .link and .click have sold out at the registry level
” All 4 and 5 number combinations in link and click are about to be sold or sold out”
All 6 numbers in link and click are pending sale.”
“All 4 letter domain names in link and click are about to be sold out or sold out. All 5 number combinations in link and click are about to be ... read more ...
Åtal mot terrormisstänkta i Göteborg -
Via: svd.se
Expired Domain Name Report (It's a large one) - The Western domain market takes home gold, silver, and bronze medals this week. You’ll see a pair of 2-word English category killers and a short, word-based brandable. Wheelz.com ($7.1k) covers many existing brands – for niches as diverse as wheel chairs, roller skates, tires, and automobiles. Part of that domain’s value is intrinsic; but much of the bidding competition for such brandables is based on preexisting brands, any of which might buy. You might root for the motivational wheel-chair ... read more ...
Nya åtgärder mot asyltryck övervägs - Vi gjorde en överenskommelse för ett par veckor sedan. Sedan dess har antalet flyktingar fortsatt att öka och ligger nu på ännu högre, historiska nivåer, säger Johansson.Var och en som ser det, och ser hur det ser ut i våra system, förstår att det inte kan vara slut här. Vi måste vidta nya åtgärder.Men han vill inte säga något om när det kan bli av eller vad det skulle kunna handla om för åtgärder.Sök asyl i TysklandEnligt regeringen så är syftet med de tillfälliga gränskontrollerna ... read more ...
Rick Schwartz Sells 4 Domains For Over $1.325M & Breaks Record (Again) For 4 Number .Com - Rick Schwartz added to his most amazing year, selling four more domain names this week for just over $1.325 million dollars.
Rick, who is known as the Domain King, keeps showing why he owns that title.
Included in this week’s sales is 6565.com which set another record for a 4 number .Com domain name.
Rick sold 9595.com for $180,000 in July, which at the time set a record for the highest amount paid for a 4 number .Com domain name (NNNN.com)
The sale of 6565.com, which Rick sold early this week, ... read more ...
Stats Spin? .London Renewal At 75.4% For Sunrise, Landrush & 1st Day Domains -
The .London registry along with Minds + Machines (LSE:MMX)) announced today that the renewal rates for .London domain names “exceeded expectations by reaching 75.4%.”
However that “renewal rate is for a total of 38,389 names applied for during the Dot London combined Sunrise and Landrush period as well as the first day of General Availability, registered between August 19th and September 9th 2014.”
All domain renewals have passed their grace periods.”
Domain names acquired in Sunrise are ... read more ...
Renewal rates for new TLDs so far - Renewal rates seem to be in line with previous TLD launches.
Dot London revealed its initial renewal rates today, reporting that 75.4% of the domain names registered during sunrise, landrush and day one of general availability were renewed.
That means just shy of 29,000 of the 38,389 registrations were renewed.
Renewal rates for domain names registered during sunrise and landrush are generally higher than other registrations. The same can usually be said for domain names registered on the first day ... read more ...
DomainPros Buys 260 Five Digit Domains For $1M; $3,850 Per - DomainPros.com announced today that it just acquired 260 five number domain names (NNNNN.com) for $1,000,000
That works out to just over $3,800 per domain name.
“Most of those 260 domains originally belonged to Marchex’s portfolio of 5 digit domains” which Godaddy bought from Marchex.
Back in April we announced that Godaddy paid $26.2 Million dollars for Marchex’s portfolio of over 200,000 domain names, however its not clear if Godaddy still owned the domain names that DomainPros.com acquired.
62.com ... read more ...
Remember that behest fight for 66.biz ? Owner got his genuine universe estimation and eliminated out - I have talked many times about people playing the real world appraisal game, they let the domain name complete auction at Go Daddy and then get the auth code and transfer out. Not everyone knows that you can transfer out, so many believe that someone would not pay $80 for this real world appraisal, most don’t pay $80 and redeem at Go Daddy, they transfer out to another registrar for $8.
So there was a lot of excitement about 66.biz and the bidding war taking place, the name closed at $69,000, but ... read more ...
Thu 12th November 2015
Reverse Domain Hijacking Found On 21 Year Old TPP.com Owned by Thomson Reuters - A three member UDRP panel found that “The Preferred Prepaid, Inc. d/b/a TPP represented by Clifford D. Hyra, of Virginia, engaged in Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH) in attempting to grab the three letter domain name TPP.com which was registered in 1994 by Thomson Reuters.
The three member panel of The Honourable Neil Anthony Brown QC, Clive Elliott, QC and Darryl C. Wilson found the facts of this case “present overwhelming evidence that Complainant has engaged in reverse domain name hijacking”.
Here ... read more ...
Theralase Partners with University of Ulm - Toronto, Ontario (FSCwire) - Theralase Technologies Inc. (“Theralase” or the “Company”) (TLT:TSXV) (TLTFF:OTC), a leading biotechnology manufacturer focused on commercializing medical technologies to eliminate pain and destroy cancer, announced today that it has partnered with the University of Ulm (“Ulm”) to investigate the localization of its lead Photo Dynamic Compound (“PDC”) within cancer cells and shine more proverbial light on the Mechanism of Action (“MOA”) on how this ... read more ...
Worldtrademarkreview.com: New gTLD's .Law & .Legal not Getting Much Love - According to the Wordldtrademarkreview.com, the new gTLD space for lawyers which highlights .Legal, which is unrestricted and .Law which is heavily restricted have gotten off to a very slow start.
“An analysis of take-up within the two most relevant new gTLDs – ‘.law’ and ‘.legal’ – suggests that law firms are taking a tentative approach to their new gTLD registration strategies, with only a quarter of the sample we studied registering the equivalent of their key domain name in ... read more ...
Law firms taking tentative approach to registrations in legal gTLDs -
Tim Lince
An analysis of take-up within the two most relevant new gTLDs - ‘.law’ and ‘.legal’ - suggests that law firms are taking a tentative approach to their new gTLD registration strategies, with only a quarter of the sample we studied registering the equivalent of their key domain name in either of the strings. One firm that has registered ... read more ...
October: A Big Month for NameJet - …And China drove the growth
October was probably NameJet’s best month overall. Remember, the market place set a record in July and then superseded it in September with cumulative sales from auctions over $2k reaching first $1.05 then $1.32 million. Last month ranks third behind those, but it’s just 2% shy of second place. Crucially, whereas the other 2 months each derived more than half their reported revenue from a single sale ($555k then $694k), October’s top auction ($142k) leaves bragging ... read more ...
Interesting information on celebrities and domain names - .Fans registry runs the numbers on celebrity and fan sites.
How many top sports starts own FirstnameLastname.com? What about popular actors and actresses?
The company behind the .Fans top level domain name has collected some interesting data and shared it on its blog.
Some of the more interesting findings:
Players of individual sports (e.g. tennis) are more likely to have their own website matching their names than players of team sports (e.g. baseball). Of the top 100 highest paid athletes, 78% ... read more ...
Calendrier des gTLDs – Semaine du 16 au 22 novembre 2015 - Partager cet article :Début période Sunrise :16/11 – .homes16/11 – .cloud17/11 – .vin17/11 – .wine17/11 – .reitFermeture période Sunrise :17/11 – .earthOuverture à tous :16/11 – .forex16/11 – .broker19/11 – .earthSi vous êtes intéressé, SafeBrands est registrar accrédité pour toutes ces extensions. Nos chargés de clientèle sont à votre disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire ou pour commander vos noms de domaine. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter en ... read more ...
Here's because "Blab" was trending in .Com final month - Blab and Storage registrations driven by two companies.
Verisign has published its top ten trending keywords in .Com last month, and #6 on the list is blab.
Blab? Yes, blab.
You might want to thank Colorado web design and social media firm Schloss Web Services for that. The company registered dozens of domain names like PhotographyBlabTalk.com, LetsBlabJesus.com, CocktailHourBlab.com and IntroductiontoBlab.com. I wonder if this is related to Blab.im?
As for Storage being #3 on the list, you can thank ... read more ...