Google compra domínio .app por 25 milhões -
O Google pagou 25 milhões de dólares (22 milhões de euros) pelos direitos exclusivos do domínio de topo (TLD ou Top-Level Domain) .app, naquele que foi o valor mais elevado alguma vez pago por uma empresa num leilão do Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), organismo que regula os domínios de Internet.
O Google decidiu candidatar-se a novos TLDs em 2012, quatro anos antes de o ICANN ter decidido aumentar ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: February 2015
Sat 28th February 2015
Google Paid $25M to Buy the .app Web Domain -
Image Source: Whereverwriter
Google has paid $25 million for buying the .app top-level web domain. The company hasn’t announced specific plans for .app, but the purchase could provide a creative way to the company to promote apps. As per BusinessInsider report, Google won an ICANN (the organization that controls internet domains) auction for the top level domain (TLD).
The company currently owns ‘.how’, ‘.soy’, ‘.minna’, and ‘.foo’, and allows people register for its own ICANN-accredited ... read more ...
Jeffrey Sass Talks Dot Club and a formula of the Dot App Poll - In an article by Laurie Sullivan on Media Post which discussed Google paying $25 million for .app, there was also some commentary from Jeffrey Sass about .club. Sass explained how the pricing works at the wholesale and retail level. He gave a little shout out to, the $10.99 hand registration that Bruce Marler was able to jump on. Sass mentioned as an example that new gtlds have proven their ability to rank in the serps.
Sass said early indications suggest many of the new domain ... read more ...
Google compra l’estensione ".app" - Mountain View sarebbe divenuto proprietario dell'estensione generica di primo livello ".app", un nuovo TLD (Top Level Domain) la cui acquisizione sarebbe costata ben 25 milioni di dollari alle casse del gruppo; più propriamente quest'ultimo avrebbe fatto propria la gestione di tale suffisso, motivo per il quale chiunque la voglia utilizzare dovrà passare per Big G. Google aveva fatto capire da tempo di essere fortemente interessata al controllo su ".app", la sua richiesta in proposito risalirebbe ... read more ...
Für 25 Millionen Dollar: Google kauft Top-Level-Domain .app -
Für 25 Millionen US-Dollar hat Google die Rechte an der Top-Level-Domain .app erworben.
Nach .MEME, .EAT und vielen weiteren hat sich Google die Rechte an einer weiteren Top-Level-Domain gesichert. Ganze 25 Millionen US-Dollar (ungefähr 22,3 Millionen Euro) hat man dafür auf den Tisch gelegt, zukünftig Domains mit der Endung .app anbieten zu können. Entwickler sollen sich in Kürze eigene .app-Domains registrieren können.
Über Google Registry wird aktuell nur eine Registrierung von .soy, ... read more ...
Google paie le prix fort, pour s’emparer du ”.app” -
En 2012, l'Icann mettait aux enchères de nouveaux gTLD (domaine de premier niveau générique), notamment les ".cloud", ".free", ".live" et ".app". C'est ce dernier qui a particulièrement intéressé Google, dans une logique probable (mais non confirmée) de mise en avant des applications de son store à travers son moteur de recherche.Et visiblement, le moteur a tout fait pour remporter le lot puisqu'il a mis sur la table pas moins de 25 millions de dollars. Une somme considérable au ... read more ...
After 6 Years Owner Of The Adult Site Brazzers Files UDRP Against Affiliate - A UDRP has been filed against the domain name which is a typo of one of the most popular adult sites which uses also uses the domain name to which is actually forwarding to.
The complaint was filed by Licensing IP International S.à r.l which also owns, and to name a few. The company used to be known as Manwin but its now known as MindGeek.
The content on the front of the is extremely ... read more ...
Neue TLDs: Google sichert sich .app, .gmbh geht in die USA -
(Bild: dpa, Ole Spata/Archiv)
Ganze 25 Millionen US-Dollar zahlt Google für .app. Das ist der bisher höchste Betrag, der bei einer Versteigerung einer neuen Top Level Domain gezahlt wurde. Auch .gmbh, eine andere Endung, um die sich Google beworben hatte, wurde am Freitag versteigert.
Über eines waren sich auf der Branchen-Konferenz Domainpulse fast alle einig: der Verkauf von Domains unter den neuen Internetendungen bleibt weit unter ... read more ...
The MPAA Would Like to Help ICANN set process in targeting Pirate Domains - In an article on Torrent Freak it seems that the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) is in bed with ICANN and is trying to use that relationship to shape certain policies. These policies center on the handling of domain names used by sites that infringe intellectual property.
From the article:
The MPAA is one of the ICANN partners shaping future policy for the domain name system. With Hollywood being the driving force behind the group the MPAA is particularly interested in making it harder ... read more ...
Treibende Kraft für neuen Schlepper von Stiebel Getriebebau -
Treibende Kraft für neuen Schlepper von Stiebel Getriebebau
Getriebe Spezialisten von Stiebel entwickeln Verteilergetriebe für modernen Flugzeug-Schlepper
Umweltschonend, lärmreduzierend und kraftvoll – über diese besonderen Eigenschaften verfügen die aktuell am Frankfurter Flughafen getesteten “Taxibots”. Dabei ziehen die neuartigen Schlepper Flugzeuge des Typs 737, die vollbeladen mehr als 60 Tonnen wiegen, vom Gate bis zur Startbahn. Im zukünftigen Einsatz ist der Taxibot ... read more ...
Google pagou 25 milhões de dólares e comprou o TLD .app -
Criado por Pedro Simões em 28 de Fevereiro de 2015 | Categoria: Google, Internet, Notícias | 7 comentários
A Internet está a mudar a vários níveis. Muito para além das tecnologias que surgem todos os dias e que mudam a forma como acedemos aos conteúdos disponibilizados, existe também uma constante actualização e melhoria das estruturas de suporte e de serviço.
Algo que tem estado a mudar são os domínios ... read more ...
Eigene Website: Das ist bei der Wahl der Domain zu beachten - Der eigene Auftritt im Internet beginnt mit einem klangvollen Namen. Eine Domain ist die Adresse, unter der Nutzer im Web zu finden sind. Sie sollte daher sorgfältig ausgewählt werden.Der persönliche Blog, die eigene Firma oder ein Erlebnisbericht über den letzten Urlaub - es gibt viele Gründe für den eigenen Internetauftritt. Wichtig dabei ist die Webadresse. Die Seite soll ja gefunden werden und im Gedächtnis bleiben. Bevor der Name gewählt wird, steht die Entscheidung der richtigen Endung ... read more ...
Google kauft Top-Level-Domain .app für 25 Millionen Dollar -
Google hat sich die begehrte generische Top-Level-Domain (TLD) .app gesichert. Nach einer Auktion mit 12 Bewerbern, die sich mehr als einen Tag lang hinzog, ging .app für 25 Millionen Dollar an Google – dem bisher höchsten Preis, der für eine TLD bezahlt wurde. “Wir sind sehr .app-y”, zitiert Business Insider UK einen Google-Sprecher zum erfolgreichen Gebot.
Der Internetkonzern überbot damit unter anderem Amazon. Drei Bieter waren bereit, mindestens 19,4 Millionen Dollar für die Domain ... read more ...
Fri 27th February 2015
CMO Offers Fresh View on New gTLDs: "They’re a Channel, Not Just a Label" -
Several years ago, I had a very interesting conversation with a talented marketing executive from Portland, Oregon who joined the DotGreen Community, Inc. Board of Directors. When I told him about the new gTLD program, which was then under development at ICANN, Dave Maddocks immediately understood the value of what new gTLDs would mean to all businesses that have an online location. While so many of us in the domain or Internet industry think of website addresses as locations, or as real-estate, ... read more ...
Google compra ‘.app’ por US$25 millones - Por:
La empresa con sede en Mountain View ha pagado US$25 millones para tener derechos exclusivos sobre este TLD. En 2012, Google decidió solicitar la compra de algunos de estos registros -incluidos .docs, .android, .free, .fyi, .foo y, por supuesto, .app- y el organismo encargado de su gestión, la ICANN, ha ido subastando y concediendo gradualmente esos TLD desde junio de 2014.Entre los últimos ejemplos están el TLD .tech, que la empresa Dot Tech LLC compró por US$6,7 millones ... read more ...
Google buys .app internet domain for $25m -
Google has procured the web site domain .application in an auction held by the organisation which oversees the jogging of the net. The business's profitable bid for $25,001,000 (£16,234,000) is believed to be the maximum so far. The Net Company for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann) is rolling out new customised internet names and auctioning them off. Other web deal with endings offered so considerably consist of .newborn, .tech, .salon and .VIP. ... read more ...
Google pagó 25 millones de dólares por el uso de los dominios .app -
ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / El maki es la pieza de sushi más demandada en España por los clientes de Sushimore (, la red pionera en espacios de sushi de máxima calidad. Así lo expone el I Informe sobre el consumo de sushi en España' elaborado por la franquicia con datos de los 25 centros que tiene abiertos en España. A esta pieza le sigue, diez puntos porcentuales por debajo, con un 23%, los california; a continuación, los nigiri con un 21%; las últimas posiciones son ... read more ...
Extension : Google s’impose pour s’emparer du ".app" - Pour 25 millions de dollars, Google s’approprie par voie d’enchères le « .app » sur fond de vague de libéralisation des domaines de premier niveau (gTLD).');}googletag.cmd.push(function(){googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-DESKTOP_IN_ARTICLE-0");});}})(jQuery);
C’est la plus grosse acquisition d’extension depuis le début de la procédure mise en place par l’ICANN en juin 2014.
Au regard de l’essor de la mobilité IT et des places de marché d’application, cette extension pourrait ... read more ...
Google purchases .app domain for £16 million -
Google has bought the .app domain from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the organisation tasked with overseeing the internet.
It is part of a new move by ICANN to create new generic Top Level Domains (gTLD) for specific types of websites, like .app, .baby and .tech, all sold at the recent auction.
Unsurprisingly, .app was the most valuable in the auction, due to its innate appeal to developers. Having an .app domain could come in handy in the few years, ... read more ...
Imagem do dia: .app -
A Google pagou 25 milhões de dólares pelo domÃnio de topo .app, o valor mais elevado de sempre na aquisição deste tipo de “propriedade” na Web, através da sua empresa Charleston Road Registry.
Em 2012, a Google candidatou-se a diferentes TLDs, como .docs, .android, .free, .fyi, .foo ou este .app, embora não tenha detalhado planos para o seu uso.
Numa lista recente dos domÃnios mais caros de sempre (não-TLD), o domÃnio ... read more ...
Neue Domain-Endungen: Google bezahlt 25 Millionen für .app -
Kurz abgehakt: Satte 25 Millionen US-Dollar blättert der Suchmaschinenkonzern für die neue gTLD (Generic Top Level Domain) .app hin und überholt damit Amazon, das im vergangenen Herbst immerhin 5 Millionen Dollar für die Endung .buy bezahlt hat.
Die genaue Absicht hinter dem Kauf dieser Domain-Endung ist natürlich nicht bekannt, jedoch liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass die Domain dereinst im Zusammenhang mit dem Google Play Store und seinen vielen Millionen von Android-Apps zum Einsatz ... read more ...
Google Decides To Reverse Ban of Sexually Explicit Material on Blogger -
Well that was quick. We wrote earlier this week about Google banning pornography and sexually explicit material on Blogger. Well today the company posted on its product forums website that the decision has been reversed. Instead the company will step up enforcement against those that do not mark their blogs as adult content and those who may try to use the platform to sell porn.
I think they knew people were looking to leave the site, as even people who did not have a blog with anything pornography ... read more ...
Für 25 Millionen Dollar Google kauft Top-Level-Domain .app – com -
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Google investe 25 milioni di dollari per comprare il dominio di primo … -
Il colosso di Mountain View ha da poco concluso una trattativa da ben 25 milioni di dollari che consentirà a Google di utilizzare il dominio di primo livello .app. La trattativa è stata autorizzata dall’ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), ente che si occupa dell'assegnazione dei domini internet. La proposta per poter utilizzare l'estensione .app è nata nel 2012 quando BigG ha chiesto di potersi veder attribuita la gestione del TLD (top-level domain) dell'estensione ... read more ...