Monthly Archives: January 2016

Sun 31st January 2016
Written by in DE and tagged
Top Level Domain .shop erzielt Rekordpreis von 41,5 Mio. Dollar - Geld, Brennen, Feuer Bildquelle: k.a. GMO Registry, bisher vor allem auf Städte-Endungen wie .tokyo und .yokohama spezialisiert, hat sich in dieser Woche mit einem Gebot von 41.501.000 US-Dollar die Rechte an der neuen Top-Level-Domain gesichert. Das Unternehmen erhofft sich eine riesigen Erfolg durch die neue TLD. Nach einem jahrelangen Streit um die neue Endung .shop und dem ähnlichen .shopping wird damit nun ein Schlussstrich unter die Vergabe gezogen und Unternehmen werden ... read more ...
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Revised New gTLD Program Implementation Review Report Now Available – ag-IP - Home / Revised New gTLD Program Implementation Review Report Now Available / LOS ANGELES - ICANN announced the publication of the revised Program Implementation Review report, a self-assessment of New gTLD Program processes. According to ICANN, the report of public comments [PDF, 788 KB], which includes a summary and analysis of the comments received regarding the draft report, has also been published. The Program Implementation Review ... read more ...
Sat 30th January 2016
Written by in DE and tagged
.shop: die 40-Millionen-Dollar-Domain - Neuer Rekord bei der Vergabe von Top Level Domains durch die ICANN: Für .shop wurden in einer offiziellen Auktion 41,5 Millionen US-Dollar erzielt. Neun Bewerbungen um die E-Commerce-Domain .shop gingen im Frühjahr 2012 bei der Internetverwaltung ICANN ein. Amazon und Google waren interessiert; das höchte Gebot kam jedoch von einem japanischen Domain-Unternehmen. Gibt es für eine Top Level Domain (TLD) mehrere Interessenten und einigen die sich nicht ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
EIU set to fail LGBT community unless Internet domain-naming authority intervenes - Posted by Steve Lee, Editor Online Only, Top Highlights, Around the Nation Saturday, January 30th, 2016 NEW YORK, N.Y. — With claims from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) that the word ‘GAY’ is “not a well-known abbreviation for the community of LGBTQIA people,” the international organization responsible for maintaining the Internet’s global domain system has denied dotgay LLC’s community application proposal to operate the .GAY top-level ... read more ...
Written by in TR and tagged
Artık ‘istanbul’ ve ‘ist’ de internet adresi uzantısı - Ülkelere verilen yerel alan adları ve diğer alan adları aşağıdadır. Alan adları IANA olarak bilinen uluslararası bir kuruluş tarafından yönetilmektedir. İnternet Ülke Alan Kodu, (İngilizce ccTLD: country-code Top Level Domain) İnternet adreslerinde ülkeyi belirten iki harflik en son uzantı. Örnegin alan adında “.tr” Türkiye için İnternet Ülke Alan Kodunu gösterir. Bu kod Rusya için “.ru”, İtalya için “.it”dir. Ülke alan adları için kayıt ... read more ...
Fri 29th January 2016
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Expired Domain Report: sells for $7.2k - A look back at the past week in expired domain name sales. SnapNames turned in the top expiry result this week: ($7.2k). Such 3-digit .NETs are fairly rare in these charts, since only 1000 exist and those few rarely expire. The last time we saw one was 9 months ago, before the Chinese surge in prices; and it’s interesting to note how little the value has changed between these 2 sales – quite unlike the steep appreciation in categories like, where 160,000 “CHIPs” ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Another Reverse Domain Name Hijacking decision, though I'm not so sure - Was reverse domain name hijacking really justified in this case? I usually gripe about UDRP panels finding in favor of the respondent but not going the extra step of finding the complainant guilty of reverse domain name hijacking. This morning I read a decision from Czech Arbitration Court in which the panelist found the complainant guilty of reverse domain name hijacking, but I’m not sure it was warranted. Perhaps the panelist just didn’t do a good job of wording his decision. NanoTemper Technologies ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
GMO Registry Buys .Shop Top Level Domain for $41.5 Million - The sale of the most-expensive reported new generic top level domain (gTLD) to date is now over with GMO Registry purchasing the rights to a single new .shop gTLD name for the record price of $41,501,000. GMO Registry - a Japanese domain name company which runs a few Asian geographic gTLDs and works as a service provider for some dot-brands - was the last bidder standing in the auction. It defeated six other bidders, including Google and There were only two companies in the auction whose ... read more ...
Thu 28th January 2016
Written by in EN and tagged
Minds + Machines Group Expands Into Chinese Market - Minds + Machines Group Limited (LSE:MMX), the publicly quoted owner and operator of Internet top-level domains has announced its expansion into the Chinese market with the appointment of the highly respected registry service company, ZDNS (互联网域名系统北京市工程研究中心有限公司), as its local infrastructure partner. The Company has also appointed Allegravita LLC, a leading strategic marketing company focused on introducing registry businesses into China, to advise the ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
How to Upgrade to a New Top-Level Domain - Jeff Gapinski is a husband, designer, technologist, active, nerd turned entrepreneur. He co-founded his digital agency, Huemor, with one of his best friends. Since his agency's birth, he's been proud to have had the opportunity work with brands like Live Nation, Revlon and NBC. Several months ago I got an email about new, fancy top-level domains (TLDs) available on the market. As a designer and creative mind, scrolling through the "dot-ninjas" and "dot-gurus" made me excited, but the SEO specialist ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
There Is a New Digital Gold Rush Called gTLD’s Happening Right Now; Thanks to New Services from Leads.Plus … – Virtual - The face of the Web has changed forever, and most people have not even recognized that there is a new gold rush happening right under their fingertips with new gTLD's. The birth and discovery of this new virtual land for pioneers to claim for their own is in this new digital economy and is accessible, thanks to new big data technology provided by Leads.Plus. (PRWEB) January 28, 2016 The face of the Internet has changed forever, and most people have not even recognized that there is a new gold ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Plans for .gay top-level domain at risk - ( New York, NY ) With claims from the Economist Intelligence Unit ( EIU ) that the word 'GAY' is "not a well-known abbreviation for the community of LGBTQIA people," the international organization responsible for maintaining the Internet's global domain system has denied dotgay LLC's community application proposal to operate the .GAY top-level domain ( TLD ). Lexus Nexus search, Google search, global community supporters, and common sense point to GAY as the best-known abbreviation for the community ... read more ...
Written by in IT and tagged
1&1 annuncia il nuovo dominio di primo livello .FAMILY - 11 Internet è annuncia la disponibilità del nuovo dominio di primo livello .FAMILY. L’azienda ha compreso l’importanza dei nuovi domini fin dal novembre 2013, quando ha iniziato appunto a introdurre interessanti estensioni di dominio generiche (i nuovi gTLD). Ciò ha reso possibili infinite combinazioni per creare nomi di dominio completamente personalizzati e quindi siti ancora più efficaci per moltissime categorie di utenti. Grazie alle nuove estensioni è possibile, infatti, trovare ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Results Available for 27 January 2016 New gTLD Program Auction – ag-IP - LOS ANGELES - On 27 January 2016, Power Auctions LLC, ICANN's authorized auction service provider, conducted a New gTLD Program Auction to resolve string contention for one new generic top-level domain (gTLD) contention set: .SHOP. This set was previously identified as an indirect contention set consisting of both the .SHOP and .SHOPPING strings. ICANN stated that the applicants for .SHOPPING have resolved their contention amongst themselves, eliminating the linkage between .SHOP and .SHOPPING. ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
Istanbul bekommt eine eigene Top-Level-Domain - .ist statt Die Abkürzungen „.istanbul“ und „.ist“ werden zu Top-Level-Domains (TLD). Somit ändert sich beispielsweise die Adresse der Stadtverwaltung von İ zu beziehungsweise Das gab die Großstadtverwaltung Istanbul (İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi, İBB) auf einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit der ICANN, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, bekannt. Die ICANN ist für die Vergabe von einmaligen Namen und ... read more ...
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Mercato dei domini: trend del 2015 e previsioni per il nuovo anno -  Il portale DN Journal ha pubblicato recentemente un corposo articolo dedicato ai principali trend che hanno interessato il mercato dei domini nel 2015, oltre a riportare come di consueto delle previsioni per il nuovo anno. Di seguito, vista anche l’estensione ragguardevole dell’analisi, vi proporremo un riepilogo di quanto reso noto dalla fonte della news odierna.L’importanza del mercato cineseTutti gli esperti interpellati dal portale concordano su un fatto: tra gli eventi principali ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged saved in UDRP, though no RDNH - PR firm filed UDRP after failing to buy domain name. A three-member World Intellectual Property Organization panel hasdenied a UDRP for the domain name It did not find the complainant to have engaged in reverse domain name hijacking for the domain name, however. Joseph Lee bought the domain name for over $10,000 in 2010 with plans to create a game site. Complainant Hopscotch Group of Paris is a PR company. The complainant uses the domain name and also owns domains ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Can we make clarity of $41.5 million for .Shop? - GMO Registry’s outlay for .shop is difficult to rationalize. I’m still trying to wrap my head around GMO Registry paying $41.5 million for the .shop top level domain name. .Shop is a monster TLD, but it’s hard to justify this upfront cost for any top level domain name. I’m not alone. Of the seven participants in yesterday’s auction for .Shop, only two were willing to pay more than $15 million for the domain name. Clearly, GMO is in this for the long term. Any company that invests $41.5 ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
New gTLD ‘.shop’ Sells for 41.5 Million at Auction, Highest Sale to Date - GMO Registry, Inc, a Japanese domain name registry business, has won the rights to a single new top-level domain, .shop, for $41.5 million. Google and Amazon where among contenders bidding for the TLD however only two bidders, GMO and an unidentified rival, were prepared to pay over $15 million, reports Kevin Murphy in Domain Incite. GMO says .shop will be an open, unrestricted namespace however the company is forbidding speculation and trading of domains under the TLD. "Registration of ... read more ...
Wed 27th January 2016
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Breaking: .Shop tip turn domain sells for towering $41.5 million - $41.5 million spent for rights to a single new top level domain name. An auction to determine which company will control the .shop top level domain name has concluded with a record price of $41,501,000. GMO Registry, a Japanese domain name company, was the last bidder standing. It defeated six other bidders, including and Google. Only GMO Registry and one other company bid above $15 million for the name. The final bid price is sure to turn heads with the lackluster results of other new ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
XYZ Launches .Security, .Protection, & .Theatre: All Domain Including Single Character Are Avail - We just received an email from XYZ which launched the new gTLD extensions .Security, .Protection, and .Theatre today. Apparently on the launch some registration requests for single character domain names  were being rejected due to a technical error, however we just received a note that the error has been fixed and that all domain names are available for registration (unless of course already registered) None of the domain name have a premium renewal rate Here is the email we received:   ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
.WS Changing 2-3 Character New Domain Pricing & Releasing All 5-20 Number Domains - Due to the recent demand for the .WS extension coming from the emerging China Domain market, Global Domains International, the operator of the .WS registry, announced today that they are changing their pricing for all 2 and 3 character .WS domain names. In December 2015, thousands of .WS domain names were registered in China. The entire 4 number Chinese Premium .WS space sold out over a three-day period in December. Global Domains International which runs the .WS registry, announced it  has partnered ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
2015 Domain Year in Review - 2015 was a challenging yet exciting year for brand owners. While new gTLDs continue to consume much of the news in the domain industry, there were other notable highlights. Global domain registrations reached nearly 300 million; ICANN had several initiatives in motion that were of particular concern to brand owners; and companies continued to face threats to their brand reputation, revenue and customer trust. Here's my top 5 domain highlights from 2015: * * * 1. Strong Growth in Domain Market Verisign ... read more ...
Written by in ES and tagged
¿Cómo hizo la Unión Soviética para enviar a su primer hombre a internet? - El Espectador / A primera vista, hablar del " internet soviético " parece paradójico y anacrónico. Sin embargo, realmente existió. Esto explica por qué hoy en día aún se encuentra disponible el dominio de nivel superior ".su" ( Unión Soviética ) en el mercado de dominios, más allá de que la ICANN (Corporación de Internet para la Asignación de Nombres y Números) haya pedido que lo eliminaran.Los investigadores del internet soviético generalmente coinciden en que su desarrollo comenzó ... read more ...
Written by in ES and tagged
¿Cómo hizo la Unión Soviética para enviar a su primer hombre a … - El Espectador / A primera vista, hablar del " internet soviético " parece paradójico y anacrónico. Sin embargo, realmente existió. Esto explica por qué hoy en día aún se encuentra disponible el dominio de nivel superior ".su" ( Unión Soviética ) en el mercado de dominios, más allá de que la ICANN (Corporación de Internet para la Asignación de Nombres y Números) haya pedido que lo eliminaran.Los investigadores del internet soviético generalmente coinciden en que su desarrollo comenzó ... read more ...