Tue 5th January 2016
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Kabei.com, JunGong.com lead lapsed domain report - [Editor’s note: this Expired Domain Report normally would have been published at the end of last week. It was delayed due to the New Year holiday.] After a pair of 5-figure Chinese Pinyin domains topped the previous chart, my first reaction this time around was to assume the same thing had happened. The second highest item, JunGong.com ($8.1k), is Chinese: jùn gōng (竣工) means “project completion”. However, I can find no Chinese match for Kabei.com ($10.1k); and at this stage the buyer’s ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
I'll compensate $500k for your domain name. Psych! Here's a UDRP. - French company files UDRP after offering to buy a domain name for $500,000. Plug “buy followers” into Google and you’ll get 624,000 results. In a rush to look important online, companies spend lots of money buying low-quality social media followers. A French firm that uses the domain name BuyFollowers.fr to sell followers has failed in its attempt to steal the generic domain name BuyFollowers.com through a UDRP, and it appears it may have been a bit dirty in its tactics. By my reading of the ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in ES and tagged
Los nuevos dominios, una alternativa para atraer a potenciales clientes - ');eIFD.close(); var s = eIFD.createElement('SCRIPT'); s.src = 'http://' + (eS2?eS2:eS1) +'/layers/epl-41.js'; eIFD.body.appendChild(s); if (!eS2) { var ss = eIFD.createElement('SCRIPT'); ss.src = 'http://ads.e-planning.net/egc/4/51f5'; eIFD.body.appendChild(ss); } eplLL = true; return false; } } eplCheckStart(); function eplSetAdM(eID,custF) { if (eplCheckStart()) { if (custF) { document.epl.setCustomAdShow(eID,eplArgs.custom[eID]); } document.epl.showSpace(eID); } else ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in ES and tagged
Los nuevos dominios, una alternativa para atraer a potenciales … - ');eIFD.close(); var s = eIFD.createElement('SCRIPT'); s.src = 'http://' + (eS2?eS2:eS1) +'/layers/epl-41.js'; eIFD.body.appendChild(s); if (!eS2) { var ss = eIFD.createElement('SCRIPT'); ss.src = 'http://ads.e-planning.net/egc/4/51f5'; eIFD.body.appendChild(ss); } eplLL = true; return false; } } eplCheckStart(); function eplSetAdM(eID,custF) { if (eplCheckStart()) { if (custF) { document.epl.setCustomAdShow(eID,eplArgs.custom[eID]); } document.epl.showSpace(eID); } else ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Namejet.com Has Record Breaking Month Reporting Almost $3 Million In Sales - Namejet.com reported its sales for December 2015, selling 383 sales at $2k and above for a total of $2,964,861, nearly double their previous record breaking month of November, 2015. Namejet only reports on sales of $2,000 or more. 23 of the top 40 domain names were for three letter .com (LLL.com) domains, of the remaining 17 domains in the top 40, 5 were two letter .net domains (LL.net) and 4 more were four number domains .com domains (NNNN.com) With the RightoftheDot.com auction from Namescon being ... read more ...
Mon 4th January 2016
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Troy Lee Designs Partners with FMF Factory KTM Offroad - Troy Lee Designs proudly announces that they have entered into a multi-year deal with KTM’s Factory Off-Road effort. TLD will be the official race wear (Jersey, Pants, Gloves and Protection) partner of the Factory Off Road Team. In addition, TLD will support Ivan Ramirez, Taylor Robert and Russell Bobbitt with our industry leading helmets. “This is a monumental moment for TLD as we have been diligently working our way into the Off-Road market. To be a part of the FMF/KTM Factory Off-Road ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
2015 New gTLD Year in Review (Infographic) - The 2015 infographic reflects some of the intriguing highlights of the new gTLD industry. The data analyzed within the infographic is based on the following: • Revenues are based on the average retail price over four registrars (101domain, eNom, GoDaddy and United Domains) at the end of December 2015. In the case where a TLD was unavailable at all four registrars, one or more alternative registrars were used for the average price • Top five TLDs launched in 2015 are based on TLDs entering ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
1st Reverse Domain Hijacking Finding of The Year & Bretzel Ditsch GmbH Of Germany is Guilty - Bretzel Ditsch GmbH from Mainz, Germany, represented by Horak Attorneys, Germany was found guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking on the domain name Ditsch.com which was registered on June 28, 1998. To the best of our knowledge this is the first RDNH finding of 2016 (although the decision was entered on December 24th but just published by WIPO today) At some point the Bretzel Ditsch was offered the domain name for EUR 10,000 but they declined and started this UDRP. The original decision was written ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN
It's 2016 – Let's do this! - It’s a new year. Make it a great one! I love the winter holidays…getting together with family, sipping hot chocolate and reading a few good books. But as a blogger, I feel a bit disconnected, too. A lot of people take time off over the holidays, and many of them unplug. I’m writing for a smaller audience for a couple weeks over the holidays. Now it’s January, and we’re ready to go! Welcome back to the “office”. Let’s make 2016 the best year yet in the domain business! Get started ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Reserve Dropped On 8 Domains In The ROTD Auction: All Have Bids, Which Are Now The High Bid - We have more news on the RightoftheDot.com auction being held a week from today at Namescon at 2PM PST. An owner of 8 domain names in the auction, all of which already have bids in pre-bidding at Namejet.com has removed the reserve price. By removing the reserve prices, the domains are being offered at NO Reserve. Since all of the domain name have bids and the reserves have removed, the high bids are now the winning bids. Here are the domain names which are all open for pre-bidding on NameJet.com certifiedplanners.com metrocard.com doctorlove.com greatadventure.com nannycams.com funtimes.com SouthAmerica.com toytrucks.com Of ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
PIR CEO Brian Cute – DNW Podcast #65 - CEO of non-profit that runs .org discusses the past, present and future of domain names. Public Interest Registry is a not-for-profit that operates the popular .Org domain name. CEO Brian Cute explains the unique nature of his registry, as well as its rollout of .Ngo, .Ong and IDN domain names. Cute explains what needs to happen for these new domain names to be successful, and why he believes validation will be key for domain names in the future. Subscribe via iTunes to listen to the Domain Name ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Stanley Pace sues for purported Reverse Domain Name Hijacking - Pace sues after losing UDRP to dancewear company. Stanley Pace, a Texas resident who has faced his fair share of UDRP complaints, lost another one last month. A three member UDRP panel ordered the domain name Yumiko.com transferred to dancewear company Yumiko, LLC. He’s fighting back to halt the transfer and is asking for damages under the Anti-cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act for reverse domain name hijacking. Pace filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas on December ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Another UDRP that should have never been filed - iCloak.com was registered many years before the complainant had rights to iCloak. A World Intellectual Property Organization panel has rejected a UDRP for the domain name iCloak.com. It’s another example of a case that was dead on arrival, and one that future UDRP rules should prevent from being filed. Simply put, the complainant tried to get a domain name that was registered well before it was in existence. The complainant operates an internet privacy service called iCloak, promoted at the website ... read more ...
Sun 3rd January 2016
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
We Are Sorry To Report That Domain Investor Anthony J. McDermott Passed Away - Unfortunately the new year has started out with some very bad news as we learned that Anthony McDermott, who was a domain investor and one of  the early leaders in the legal internet vertical passed away on December 23rd, 2015 Anthony was the founder and president of SWI Digital, Inc., “a Full Service Multimedia and Lead Generation Company primarily focused in the legal space. At the time I knew Anthony he was based on Ft. Lauderdale and had a large office with a lot of employees signing up lawyers ... read more ...
Sat 2nd January 2016
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Quick Poll: How Many .Com's Will Be Registered By 1/1/17? - So the final count for the number of registered domain names for January 1, 2016 is 123,963,640 according to Verisign. As of Dec. 31, 2014, the number of .Com registrations were 115.6 million names. So the number of .Com’s increased some 7 Million in 2015 or over 7%. The question is how many .Com will be registered by next year, 1/1/17? This year we all know we had a short period of time where millions of .Com’s that were previously unregistered got registered by people in China. 2015 was a very ... read more ...
Fri 1st January 2016
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google Finally Acquires Alphabetinc.com - Google finally acquired a domain name you thought it would have gotten well before its run on buying  Alphabet domains, Alphabetinc.com. As we have been reporting Google since launching abc.xyz as the website for its holding company Alphabet, Inc has been acquiring all letter of the Alphabet they could get and now owns 20 of the possible 26 (actually 25 domains since a.com is reserved by IANA/ICANN). As we known Alphabet.com is owned by BMW which still has shown no indication it is willing to sell ... read more ...
Thu 31st December 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Happy New Year - Everyone here at TheDomains.com would like to wish you a Happy and healthy new year. Things will be changing around here, after 8 years Michael will be able to do something other than be on a computer 24/7. The first post on TheDomains was here on December 4, 2007. Since that first post there have been over 9,100 posts, over 93,000 comments and close to 9 million views. I want to thank Michael for everything he has done for the industry and for the opportunity to work with him for 2 years here on ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Do You Own Any New gTLD Domain Names? - The new gTLD domain name program continues to be one of the most polarizing topics in the domain space. It seems that there are passionate people who feel strongly for or against the new gTLD domain names. There are now over 11 million registered new gTLD domain names. I would imagine that many of these domain names are owned by domain speculators / investors. As we close out the year, I thought I would ask if you bought and still own any new gTLD domain names. I believe my companies own ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Zhuang Jia: Chinese Pump and Dump - Joseph Peterson draws parallels between market manipulators in Chinese stock markets and the domain name market. An article just published by Bloomberg gives us an x-ray glimpse into a Chinese investment culture reliant on pump-and-dump schemes. The parallels with domain market activity during 2015 are so obvious that even this sentence feels a bit redundant. A Shanghai accountant sums it all up: If you want to make a quick buck from the stock market, you’d better look for stocks with manipulators ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Are we promulgation 1099 Tax Forms? Here's how to make it easy. - Online services make it easier to remain compliant with 1099s. If you’re a U.S. domainer that pays freelancers, contractors or a law firm, then you’re likely required to send out 1099s each year. Fortunately, there’s an easy and cheap way to do it online. First, here are examples of whom you need to send a 1099 to: Your web guy you paid to fix up or work on a website The landlord you pay rent to for your office The law firm you paid during the year to respond to a UDRP or handle a cease desist A ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
The Uniform Rapid Suspension System – ICANN’s fast-track domain name … - ICANN’s Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS) seeks to offer trademark holders a quick and cost-effective way of tackling infringing domain names. The URS is designed to sit alongside the existing Uniform Domain Name Resolution Policy (UDRP) system, as a quicker, cheaper alternative to the UDRP. However, the high burden of proof in the URS and the limited extent of its jurisdiction mean that the UDRP will continue to be the appropriate forum in many cases. The expansion of gTLDs and the risk to ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Plummeters of Yesterday – Rightside Group Ltd (NAME), CYS Investments Inc … - pennystock chronicle 0 Likes 0 Comments Print Wall Street dropped on Wednesday as Brent crude slid towards 11-year lows and Apple weighed on the SP 500 index, which clung to a meager gain for 2015. Heading into Wednesday’s session, the SP 500 was up 19.46 points (0.95%) on the year. The Dow was down 102.09 points (0.57%) on the year. The Nasdaq NDAQ -0.61% Composite is up 7.85%, or 371.88 points. The Nasdaq is benefiting from its exposure to tech names like ... read more ...
Wed 30th December 2015
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
UK Recording Artist J.Walker Releases New Mixtape - MUSIC VIDEOS Become a Fan, Follower Subscriber            Follow AUDIO: First Listen- Miley Cyrus Releases 'My Sad Christmas Song' VIDEO: Miranda Lambert Performs Tribute to The Eagles at KENNEDY CENTER HONORS More New Original Christmas Music from Carly Jamison Debuts     ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
15 Year Old Domain StinkySocks.com Saved In UDRP - The Trimount Company, Inc DBA StinkySocks Hockey (“Complainant”), of Massachusetts, just lost its attempt to grab the domain name stinkysocks.com in a UDRP rather than just pay the domain holder the $6,500 he was asking for the domain. The domain was registered on February 2, 2000. The Complainant trademark was registered over 15 years later on September 22, 2015 and at that the trademark was for the term “STINKYSOCKS HOCKEY” Ho Hyun Nahm, Esq. was the sole Panelist who rules in favor of ... read more ...