Thu 18th June 2015
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What you need to know about .sucks domain names - Over the past two years, more than 500 new top-level domains (TLDs, or the words to the right of the dot in a domain name, such as .com or .edu) like .attorney, .consulting, .menu, and even .rocks have launched. But none has garnered the attention and concern of the business community as much as .sucks, a TLD launching this year and being billed by its registry (the appropriately named company Vox Populi) as a place where consumers can find their voice. While several large organizations like Google ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Rightside Spent $54M On New gTLD's Got Back $29M By Withdrawing Apps -, just covered Rightside (Nasdaq: NAME) and there is some good information in the article some of which I had not read before “Rightside spent $54.18 million on gTLDs over the past three years. The company got back about $29 million of that by withdrawing applications on some domains” With its partner in certain strings Donuts, Rightside applied or had part interest in 133 new gTLD applications. Rightside secured 39 new gTLD strings and is still negotiating on another 26. One of ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Here are some artistic Donald Trump for President domain names - Verisign and domain name registrars are laughing all the way to the bank. There’s nothing like another Donald Trump run for president to spur people to register Trump-related domain names! I count 182 .com Trump domain name registrations from his announcement on Tuesday until this morning. What would Donald Trump do with Obamacare? Try Trumpcare(.com)! It’s all part of Trumpenomics(.com). Who will Trump pick as a running mate? Try: Every ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Domain names…in a wild - Group creates tumblr to chronicle the use of creative domain names. I’ve often come across cool uses of domain names on the side of trucks, on billboards, or while watching TV. For example, a couple years ago I saw on the side of a lawn mowing company’s truck (see picture). Domain Name Association (DNA) has started a new site to capture some of these creative uses, chronicling them on a tumblr at While DNA’s main objective is to grow use of new top level domains, ... read more ...
Wed 17th June 2015
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Is Sharing the Answer to .BRAND Top Level Domain Disputes? - In opening up for the .BRAND top level domain, ICANN has artificially created a scarce resource of great commercial value. Indeed, the values of the .BRAND TLDs may be astronomical due to the investments made by the companies that own the trademarks represented in the .BRAND TLD. While the above is interesting in its own right, I will here focus specifically on how we deal with situations where more than one company has a legitimate trademark interest in a particular .BRAND TLD. Such situations ... read more ...
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Dan Svantesson - Is Sharing the Answer to .BRAND Top Level Domain Disputes? In opening up for the .BRAND top level domain, ICANN has artificially created a scarce resource of great commercial value. Indeed, the values of the .BRAND TLDs may be astronomical due to the investments made by the companies that own the trademarks represented in the .BRAND TLD. While the above is interesting in its own right, I will here focus specifically on how we deal with situations where more than one company has a legitimate ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Seller of Dot Money name for $90,000 once walked divided from The Apprentice UK TV Show - Elliot Silver broke the news about a $90,000 .money sale. The seller Adam Freeman from Essex, was slated to be a contestant on the British version of The Apprentice before he quit. The Apprentice UK is produced by Mark Burnett the same producer of the U.S. version. Sir Alan Sugar is the Donald Trump of the U.K. version. This was back in 2009 and after he quit The Guardian covered the story: He’s been called a wannabe and a drop-out, but the 31-year-old businessman from Chigwell told the Guardian ... read more ...
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Clifford deSouza - For ccTLD Registries: 4 Steps to Guaranteed Success The introduction of New gTLDs has increased the rate at which individuals and businesses are getting online today and we're already seeing mainstream adoption of New gTLDs. By going the extra mile to spread awareness about their extensions among the masses, New gTLD Registries are bringing attention to their value propositions and, more importantly, are sharing the idea of 'getting online' to audiences. more» ... read more ...
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For ccTLD Registries: 4 Steps to Guaranteed Success - The introduction of New gTLDs has increased the rate at which individuals and businesses are getting online today and we're already seeing mainstream adoption of New gTLDs. By going the extra mile to spread awareness about their extensions among the masses, New gTLD Registries are bringing attention to their value propositions and, more importantly, are sharing the idea of 'getting online' to audiences. How Can Cctlds Leverage This? If you're a ccTLD Registry, you've been steadily growing ... read more ...
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LogicBoxes Powers .NGO & .ONG Retail and Wholesale Channels for ENSET - LogicBoxes, the Vertical Integration Solutions Provider for New gTLDs ccTLDs, today announced its business alliance with Enset, a subsidiary of Public Interest Registry (PIR), to establish wholesale and retail channels for .NGO .ONG domains. Through this alliance, Enset can now provide strong online identities to NGOs and non-profits around the world. Enset is the only non-profit Domain Registrar in the .NGO and .ONG domain name space. Its mission is to support other NGOs and Non-Profits ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
After Selling For $750K In 2010, Sells For $105K On - The domain name just sold on for $105,000. The reserve price seemed to be $100,000. In all there were 218 bidders and the bidder with the  id easydomains won the domain name auction with a bid of $105K The domain name has an value of $909,000 sold at Sedo back in 2010 for $750,000 although it’s not clear if the buyer of the domain name at $750,000 was the seller or if the domain sold a time or two since then. There were only 6 bidders of $20,000 ... read more ...
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Canada Responds to ICANN on Controversial .SUCKS New gTLD - The Government of Canada has responded to ICANN regarding the controversial .SUCKS new gTLD rollout. In a letter to ICANN dated June 9 (PDF), Industry Canada Deputy Minister James Knubley said that Canadian law includes trademark protections, and those laws apply to the new gTLD as much as, and in the same way, as they apply to everything else. Less than a page long, the letter is strikingly short compared with FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez’ response, and could be considered terse in its ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
How Whoosh Inc. Bought from Directv - The following is an interview I did with Whoosh! Inc’s Jason Greenspan who I had noticed recent acquired the generic exact match .com domain name they have been attempting to acquire for the past 2.5 years. I tried to ask questions to give you insight into how, why and when. This is how it happened and a bit more about the company, its product and the domain names they own. When was Whoosh Inc. founded, what do you offer and what domain name did the company first launch with? Whoosh! was founded ... read more ...
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Miguel Ángel Rodríguez: Si Perú viene atravesando procesos ante … - El internacionalista dijo esperar que desempeñe un buen papel en defensa del Perú, el nuevo miembro de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Francisco Eguiguren, cuya elección ha sido criticada. 17 de Junio del 2015 - 09:34 | Lima - ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Mike Mann Sells For $70,000 -

Mike Mann announced that his sole a domain for $70,000

The domain name was “purchased a while back” according to Mike Mann.

This .co domain represents a 9th top .Co domain sale according to Estibot and a top domain sale by given that sole for $80K.




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Alejandro Yovera: Congreso hizo oficial su vacancia del cargo - La Presidencia del Congreso declaró hoy la vacancia del cargo de parlamentario que ejercía Alejandro Yovera, sobre quien pesa una condena de dos años de prisión suspendida. Mediante la Resolución Nº 046-2014-2015-P/CR, publicada hoy en el diario oficial “El Peruano”, se dispone oficiar de esta decisión al Jurado Nacional de Elecciones (JNE) para que proceda conforme a sus atribuciones. Entre los considerandos de ... read more ...
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Brasil é o décimo país no mundo que mais envia spam, afirma pesquisa - De acordo com a Kaspersky Lab, os criminosos virtuais estão utilizando o novo programa de registro de domínios primários para enviar spams com intuito de infectar computadores. Em janeiro de 2014, teve início um programa de registro de domínios focado em comunidades de organizações específicas (.science ou .work), cujo objetivo é oferecer uma opção de escolha de domínio de acordo com o tipo de atividade ou assunto do site. O novo gTLD obteve uma grande aceitação na internet, mas ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Monsanto buys domain name for a new code (and other finish user purchases) - Monsanto buys a new brand name .com and a handful of new TLDs are snapped up by end users. Monsanto recently applied for a trademark on Trecepta, and this past week it bought the matching .com domain name for just $850. Even more peculiar, the domain name was registered last month. Did someone spot the trademark application and register the domain name? Was there some sort of threat that limited the purchase price to $850? The Monsanto purchase was just one of many end user sales at Sedo, which turned ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
UDRP Panel Rejects Fashion Television's Attempt To Grab - Fashion Television International Limited has lost it’s attempt to grab the domain name in a UDRP basically letting a pending court case in Munich decide the fate of the domain We wrote about this UDRP when it was filed a couple of months ago There was a report that was purchased in 2014 for $125,000 but that does not seem to be correct, according to the facts of this complicated case which has been an ongoing battle between the parties for at least 10 years ... read more ...
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Is a “” domain name worth $2500 per year? - The sunrise period for "dot sucks," the new generic top level domain (gTLD), opened on March 30, 2015 and ends on June 19, 2015. During the sunrise period, the suggested retail price per .sucks domain name registration is $2,499 annually. Thereafter, the price remains unchanged for companies that were diligent enough to register their marks with the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) in order to protect them as to newly-introduced gTLDs. Starting in September 2015, the owners of marks registered with ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
.News reward list slimmed down, here are 37k that didn't make a cut - Rightside slims down premium list for .News, and some good domains will be available at regular prices. Rightside’s upcoming .News top level domain name launch should be one to watch. .News works with many terms, giving it big potential for second level domain name registrations. Retail pricing is also a reasonable $20-$30. I’ve commented before about how Rightside has managed to capture just about every good domain in its TLDs and stick a premium on them. The company is taking a different tack ... read more ...
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CentralNic raises £2.3m in placing to improve balance sheet - Internet platform CentralNic Group has raised £2.3m through a placing of shares to strengthen its balance sheet. The group issued 5.75m shares at 40p each, bringing in £2.3m before expenses. The raising represents a premium of 16% to the current share price. CentralNic has been focusing its strategy in the developing markets and in the inventory of top-level domains (TLDs). It said new acquisitions have been becoming available for each of its wholesale, retail and enterprise business ... read more ...
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Debate rages over future extension of URS to legacy TLDs - Trevor Little Noting that it wishes to “increase the consistency of registry agreements across all gTLDs”, ICANN has proposed that the renewal of the ‘.travel’ sponsored TLD registry agreement be based on the approved new gTLD Registry Agreement as updated on January 2014. One of the results of this approach is that the registry operator would ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
CentralNic raises £2.3 Million - CentralNic pads bank account with institutional placement. Publicly traded domain name registry and registrar CentralNic (AIM: CNIC) has raised £2.3 Million by placing 5,750,000 new ordinary shares. The shares were sold at 40 pence each, above yesterday’s closing mid-market price of 34.5 pence. Shares are trading between 37.50 pence and 39.00 pence today. The shares will represent 8.58% of the company’s ordinary share capital. CentralNic can boast being the #2 backend registry for new top level ... read more ...