Tag Archives: directv

Wed 17th June 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
How Whoosh Inc. Bought Whoosh.com from Directv - The following is an interview I did with Whoosh! Inc’s Jason Greenspan who I had noticed recent acquired the generic exact match .com domain name they have been attempting to acquire for the past 2.5 years. I tried to ask questions to give you insight into how, why and when. This is how it happened and a bit more about the company, its product and the domain names they own. When was Whoosh Inc. founded, what do you offer and what domain name did the company first launch with? Whoosh! was founded ... read more ...
Thu 8th August 2013
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Dish DBS ruled a tip turn domain cybersquatter - Dish’s .direct application tossed out; Donuts is sole applicant remaining for .direct top level domain name. It’s notable that the two applicants deemed to be attempting to cybersquat top level domain names thus far aren’t nefarious cybersquatters, as industry groups suggested would happen. Instead, it’s two members of those types of trade groups that have lost the two Legal Rights Objections for new top level domain names. First, there was Del Monte International ... read more ...