Tue 27th October 2015
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
.Law Early Access Grosses Over $1 million - Minds + Machines releases Q3 update including early .Law results. The .Law top level domain name is off to a solid start, generating $1.18 million of orders during the first week of the Early Access Program combined with .abogado (Spanish for attorney). Similar to other registry’s Early Access phases, the phase was structured like a dutch auction in which prices started high and dropped over time. This was Minds + Machines’ first foray into Early Access. To date, there have been over 3,135 applications ... read more ...
Mon 26th October 2015
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Busy Week for New gTLDs: .SRL Entered GA Today – Two More Coming Wednesday … - Most of the new gTLDs coming out each week are getting released on Wednesdays, but one came early this week with InterNetX opening General Availability for their .SRL extension today. A ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Dicker hires lawyer, asks people to mislay adverse posts - People asked to remove posts as part of deal to get money back. Adam Dicker has hired a lawyer to handle claims made by people who say he owes them money. Attorney Joel Reinhardt of Gowlings sent a letter Friday afternoon to a number of people that posted complaints about Dicker on NamePros. The letter states: The post, made by username “Shane Bellone” is replete with highly damaging false, defamatory and malicious statements. The statements include that our client Mr. Dicker is “a predator” ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in IT and tagged
Pmi più visibili in rete: nasce il dominio .srl - NOVITA' Il provider tedesco InterNetX lancia la nuova estensione di web domain dedicata alle società a responsabilità limitata registrate in Italia Un dominio pensato ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Breaking: Judge dismisses Verisign's lawsuit opposite .XYZ - 10 month ordeal is over after judge grants summary judgment. That jury trial taking place in Virginia next week…won’t take place after all. Judge Claude M. Hilton has granted XYZ.com’s motion for summary judgement (pdf). The judge will issue a memorandum opinion shortly. Verisign had filed a false advertising suit against .XYZ and its founder Daniel Negari in December. Verisign was upset that Negari was disparaging .com and claiming that .XYZ was the next .com. At the center of Verisign’s ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Warning: domain name phishing email blast going on right now - Emails try to get you to download file. A Domain Name Wire reader has received 4 phishing/malware attempts within the past hour, and web searches show that the scam is widespread. Here’s a copy of one of the phishing emails: From: Date: Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 5:04 PM Subject: Domain [redacted] Suspension Notice Dear Sir/Madam, The following domain names have been suspended for violation of the DYNADOT LLC Abuse Policy: Domain Name: [domain redacted] Registrar: DYNADOT LLC Registrant Name: [name ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
This week: .SRL, .Studio, .Live and a $2,675/year IDN - A new corporate identifier domain and a very expensive IDN debut this week. Four top level domain names make their general availability debuts this week. InterNetX launches .SRL, a corporate identifier for “Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada”, on Tuesday. SRL is similar to Limited Liability Companies in many Spanish and Italian speaking countries. This is the second corporate identifier domain released by InterNetX. It previously released .LTDA (similar to LLC in Brazil), which now has about ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Verisign v. XYZ set for jury hearing subsequent week - Verisign’s false advertising case about .xyz top level domain name is scheduled for jury trial next week. [Update: the judge has granted summary judgment to XYZ.] .Com registry Verisign is scheduled to present its case against .XYZ next week in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Virginia. Verisign filed a false advertising suit against .XYZ and its founder Daniel Negari in December. At the center of Verisign’s argument is that .XYZ gave away free .xyz domain names and then used these “inflated” ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
"Ultra Premium" Domain Names with Ryan Colby – DNW Podcast #56 - The value of one word .com domain names. What’s happening to the value of great one word .com domain names? Today’s guest, Ryan Colby, helps connect buyers and sellers of these valuable domain names for Outcome Brokerage. He discusses how the market is changing and what startups are looking for these days when it comes to buying domain names. Also: .Com is growing, WI.com saved and Australian expired domain name bidding scandal. Subscribe via iTunes to listen to the Domain Name Wire podcast on ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Paul Vixie, Member Internet Hall of Fame: "New gTLD module is a Money Grab & Mistake" - Dr Paul Vixie, a member of the Internet Hall of Fame has called the new gTLD program a money grab and a mistake and called out ICANN for allowing it to happen saying it “indicates corruption.” ZDNet.com, published a post about Dr. Vixie remarks from the Ruxcon information security conference in Melbourne on Sunday. According to Wikipedia.org,  Dr. Vixie  is “an Internet pioneer, the author of several RFCs and some Unix software.  After he left Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in 1994, ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
The .Brand Challenge to .Com - “Ancillary” .com domain name purchases might be jeopardized when companies start using .brand domain names. On last week’s Verisign investor conference call, an analyst asked the company what effect .brand domain names might have on .com. Verisign CEO James Bidzos said that, even if a company adopts a .brand domain name, they won’t abandon .com. His point was that if a company like Google starts using .Google instead of Google.com (my example), it’s not going to let Google.com expire in ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Registering Any Available LLLLL.com Domains? TM Holders Are Filing UDRP's On Them - It’s no big secret that many domainers have been registered any and all available LLLLL.com domain names, (Even LLLLLL.com  domains),  especially  in the past month or two. While I noticed a big uptick on the registration of  LLLLL.com domains, I have also noticed a big uptick in the number of UDRP’s being filed on what just seem to be a good repeater or a pronounceable short domain UDRP Decisions: DORNA WSBK ORGANIZATION S.R.L. wins UDRP on the domain name SBKKK.com CNN wins UDRP on the ... read more ...
Sun 25th October 2015
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Eesti keskpaik on Viktor Meistri nägu - Äsja 90. sünnipäeva tähistanud Viktor Meister on tark ja muheda jutuga mees. 90aastane Viktor Meister on nii tark ja erk, nagu oleks ta poole noorem. Ei ole kibestunud ega halvusta kedagi, kuigi elu parimad aastad jäid sovhoosiaega. Meister on mees, kes ehitas rohkem kui veerandsaja aasta jooksul üles Adavere sovhoosi. Kuna see laiub ümber Mandri-Eesti keskpunkti, võib öelda, et Süda-Eesti on Viktor ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Looks Like Sony Is Planning On A Sequel To Bad Teacher: "Another Bad Teacher" Based on Domains - It Looks like Sony Is planning on A Sequel to the 2011 hit Bad Teacher  that starred Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake. According to Wikipedia.org, Bad Teacher had a box office of over $216 Million Yesterday Sony registered several domain names that seem to indicate a sequel is in the works at brand protection company MarkMonitor.com: anotherbadteacher.com anotherbadteacher.net anotherbadteachermovie.com anotherbadteachermovie.net anotherbadteacherthemovie.com anotherbadteacherthemovie.net imdb.com,  ... read more ...
Sat 24th October 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Here Are The 1st Domains In The New Domain Extension .NRA: ColdDeadHands.NRA -   The National Rifle Association, which applied to operate the new domain extension .NRA,  registered its 1st domain names and we have the list for you. According to their application to ICANN to operate the new gTLD .NRA, “All domains under this TLD will be managed by the NRA, so they will only be made available to organizations and individuals that have been personally approved and are known to intend to use a domain to promote the work of the NRA.” Some of the domains are very logical and ... read more ...
Fri 23rd October 2015
Written by DomainHack.er in PT and tagged
CONSÓRCIO RESPONSÁVEL PELA CONSTRUÇÃO DO FPSO DE … - O campo de Libra é a principal área a ser explorada no pré-sal brasileiro e os preparativos para que o Teste de Longa Duração (TLD) seja realizado em 2017, conforme o cronograma estipulado, já estão sendo realizados. Nesta semana, a inglesa PJ Valves fechou um contrato para fornecimento de válvulas para o FPSO que realizará o TLD com o consórcio formado pela Odebrecht Oil Gas e Teekay, responsáveis pela construção e afretamento da embarcação. A empresa irá fornecer válvulas ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
.XYZ is Back Over 1 Million Domain Registrations & None Of Them Are Free - The new domain extension .XYZ has crossed the 1 Million domain name registration mark again. However now all of the “free” Network Solutions (NetSol) domain names that were stuffed into customers accounts on a non-automatic renewal basis have run their course. So all remaining Netsol registrations for an .XYZ domain exist because the owner paid to register or renew the domain According to Zone file records .XYZ crossed back over 1,000,000 domain registration mark for the first time today, since ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Dublin.Pub: Smart New gTLD Case Study from Rightside - If you attended the ICANN Dublin meeting or if you have been following along with the reports from the meeting, chances are good that you know about Dublin.Pub. If you have not heard about Dublin.Pub, go have a look. The website was created by Rightside in conjunction with Basekit and Tapastreet. I wanted to learn more about the Dublin.Pub website, the partnerships with local pubs on related micro sites, and the objectives of launching Dublin.Pub. I reached out to Bill Glenn, Vice President ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Bogotá ICANN Forum Underscores Internet Developments, Reveals Fundamental … - The Internet Corporation For assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has concluded its inaugural forum on September 28 in Bogotá, held to address topics related to the Domain Name System, internet infrastructure, and the new gTLD program. The LAC-i-Roadshow is part of the regional strategic plan developed by the different stakeholder groups represented at ICANN from the LAC (Latin America/Caribbean) region designed to raise awareness across the region on key topics related to the DNS critical infrastructure ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
36% Of All US Banks Have Purchased a .Bank Domain Name - fTLD Registry the operator for .Bank announced today that 36% of U.S. banks have purchased a .BANK domain name and many are planning as using them for their online banking operations making .Bank the first break out success of the new gTLD program from an end user perceptive. “Since May 2015, 2,465 banks have purchased one or more .BANK domain names— signaling their commitment to providing a trusted, verified and more secure location online for their banking services.” “In the United States ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Domain Holder Loses UDRP On RentMyPartyBus.com Files Federal Lawsuit - The domain holder who lost a UDRP on the domain name RentMyPartyBus.com has filed a lawsuit in federal court in Arizona. Plaintiff Aleksey Silenko is the Director of Business for Safeway Transit LLC, a Minnesota company who is the named registrant for the domain name rentmypartybus.com. It’s a pretty interesting case, since the “trademark holder” was first incorporated on May 1, 2014 but in its trademark application to the USPTO it alleged first use in 2002. Although the domain holder first ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
JinSe.com for $30k and other lapsed domain name sales - A weekly roundup of expired domain name sales. 59 bidders saw a golden opportunity when JinSe.com expired, yet it was the enthusiasm of just 2 of them that lifted it above $10.1k to finish 3 times higher at $30.2k. That made this piece of Chinese Pinyin NameJet’s top expired domain auction during the past week. Oh, in case you haven’t guessed already, jīn sè (金色) = “golden”. It also happens to be the name of a Korean actress. Think about this … Had 1 out of the 2 high bidders ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
California Car Dealers Head to Court over Domain Names - Ford dealer claims rival is stealing its web traffic. Two neighboring car dealers in California are heading to court over cybersquatting claims. El Centro, California Ford dealer El Centro Motors alleges (pdf) that Rogers Rogers, a Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge dealer on the same road less than a half mile away, is cybersquatting its brands and diverting web traffic. El Centro Motors registered ElCentroMotors.com in 2001. Rogers Rogers registered ElCentroMotor.com (singular) and ElCentroFord.com last year. ... read more ...
Thu 22nd October 2015
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Verisign Reports Third Quarter 2015 Results - VeriSign, Inc. (NASDAQ: VRSN), a global leader in domain names and Internet security, today reported financial results for the third quarter of 2015. Third Quarter GAAP Financial Results VeriSign, Inc. and subsidiaries ("Verisign") reported revenue of $266 million for the third quarter of 2015, up 4.2 percent from the same quarter in 2014. Verisign reported net income of $92 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.70 for the third quarter of 2015, compared to net income of ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Delta Airlines Loses UDRP To Grab Domain Delta.Tours - Delta Air Lines, Inc. just lost its bid to grab the new gTLD Delta.tours in a one member panel UDRP of Douglas M. Isenberg. The domain holder’s case was greatly helped because he registered four other .Tours domains on the same day. “”Complaint states that the Disputed Domain Name was registered on July 8, 2015, that “[w]ithout [Complainant’s] authorization, Respondent is likely intending to use the domain to divert Internet users seeking [Complainant’s] official website online to Respondent’s ... read more ...