Tue 24th November 2015
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Plan now for these Black Friday domain name specials - Registrars are discounting domain name registrations, and some of the sales have already started. People in the United States are getting ready to unplug for a couple days to eat copious amounts of turkey. As soon as they’re finished digesting turkey legs and pumpkin pie, the holiday shopping season is officially underway. I’ve made a couple posts on twitter soliciting information from domain name registrars and registries that are offering discounts for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I’m posting ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
ICANN to community: we may be sick. We aren’t sure. Do you happen to know? - Oddly, ICANN has requested comments and volunteers to help it develop a gTLD Marketplace Health Index. The request raises more questions than it could possibly answer: Doesn’t ICANN already know whether the industry that it created and regulates is healthy? If it does, then what is the point of this new bit of busywork? If it doesn’t know, why doesn’t it? ICANN is trying to break free from U.S. government oversight, and part of that process is to show that it is competent to run the industry ... read more ...
Mon 23rd November 2015
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
As WHOIS Transitions to RDAP, How Do We Avoid the Same Mistakes? - In 1905, philosopher George Santayana famously noted, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." When past attempts to resolve a challenge have failed, it makes sense to consider different approaches even if they seem controversial or otherwise at odds with maintaining the status quo. Such is the case with the opportunity to make real progress in addressing the many functional issues associated with WHOIS. We need to think differently. Over the last several years a large ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
.XYZ Tops 1.5 Million Domains As Domain Registrations Return To Normal - .XYZ just broke through the 1.5 million mark in registered domain names which is net includes pending deletes. The CEO of XYZ Daniel Negari told TheDomains.com that he was ecstatic! and thinks they should break 2 Million within the next 6 – 9 months. In general domain world returned to normal numbers over the last few days as yesterday looked like a typical Sunday. Total new domains were just over 122,000 but only over 12,000 net after deleted domain names. .Com as more typical gained a  few ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN
Verisign issues matter on Chinese marketplace for domain names - Company says it can’t predict if surge will continue, nor what renewal rates will be. .Com registry Verisign issued a statement today regarding an upcoming presentation at a financial conference and provided commentary on the Chinese domain name market. Domain name registrations in China are leading to an outsized performance in domain name registrations this quarter. The company said its domain name base is up 4.1 million for .com and .net this quarter as of November 22, 2015. The company noted: …While ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Tobias Cohen Jehoram - Tobias Cohen JehoramPartner De Brauw Blackstone WestbroekTobias Cohen Jehoram of De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek explains why arbitration has proven to be an effective means of recovering domains in Europe How central are domain names to building a successful brand? They are becoming less and less central. Domains are associated with a successful brand, but few people search for brands by inputting a specific domain name into a search engine. Instead, they will type a brand’s name and a search ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Twerking & Clubbing – Jeff Sass – DNW Podcast #60 - When will new top level domain names have their “twerking moment”. Have new top level domain names had their twerking moment yet? Jeff Sass, CMO of .Club, talks about what it’s going to take for new top level domain names to go mainstream. We also discuss what’s going on in China and the value of short domain names. Jeff also discloses (for the first time) the sale of a single-letter .Club domain name. Also: Beware of domain name pumping, .Booking domain name auction and is Verisign stock ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
KeyDrive to rebirth TrafficClub name for NX trade monetization - Traffic.Club Sàrl will be the new name of KeyDrive’s NX traffic monetization service. I took a trip down memory lane last week when I noticed that the domain name TrafficClub.com sold on Sedo for $899. TrafficClub.com was a domain traffic splitting system created over a decade ago by Moniker. Clients pointed their domain names to TrafficClub, and the service split-test traffic between multiple parking companies. Oversee.net shuttered the service after acquiring Moniker. It pushed customers to ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
3 Letter .Com hits new auction site during $10 with no reserve - Greg Ricks is betting a valuable domain on getting attention for his own auctions. Domain name investor Greg Ricks has added auctions to his Perfect Name site, and he’s putting up a 3 letter .com domain name at no reserve to draw attention to it. DXC.com is currently in an auction on Perfect Name with a starting bid of $10. Ricks has already sold the domain name 447.net for $5,150 on the platform. Now he’s upping the game. I asked Ricks why he’s using his own auction platform rather than one ... read more ...
Sun 22nd November 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
AT.com Gets a $1.5 Million Bid At NameJet.com - On Thursday we told you that the domain name AT.com was added to the RightoftheDot domain name auction being held as part of the NamesCon Conference on January 11th 2016, for which pre-bidding is now opened on Namejet.com There is now a qualified $1.5 Million dollar bid on the domain name AT.com which of course is a even a more rare than a Two Letter .com which only has 676 possible combinations since it’s a word as well. 47 domain names that are live for pre-bidding now have a least one bid on ... read more ...
Fri 20th November 2015
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Judge: .XYZ statements were puffery and opinion - Judge explains why he dismissed Verisign’s lawsuit. Daniel Negari has lots to smile about today.Judge Claude M. Hilton has issued his reason for granting .XYZ’s motion for summary judgment in a battle with .com giant Verisign. The judge granted the motion for summary judgment on October 26. In an opinion released today, Hilton said that .XYZ’s and Daniel Negari’s statements were a combination of fact, opinion and puffery. For example, saying “all the good real estate is taken” is merely ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
BrandShelter schützt Marken und Warenzeichen im Internet - St. Ingbert (ots) - BrandShelter, ein Unternehmensbereich der Key-Systems GmbH, wird auf der IP Service World in München (23./24. November 2015) Dienstleistungen zum Thema Markenschutz im Internet vorstellen. BrandShelter hilft Kunden ihre Firmennamen, Marken und Warenzeichen im Internet zu schützen und entwickelt kundenspezifische Strategien zum richtigen Umgang mit den neuen Internet-Endungen (Top Level Domains, TLDs). Außerdem wird das BrandShelter-Team sein vielfältiges Angebot an Monitoring-Services ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Judge In 1st Verisign vs. XYZ Case Publishes 15 Page Opinion - The federal judge CLAUDE M. HILTON who granted a summary judgement in favor of .XYZ and Daniel Negari last month throwing Verisign’s case for false advertising out, today handed down a 15 page Memorandum Opinion supporting the summary judgement decision and of course its very interesting. Here are the highlights: THIS MATTER comes before the Court on Defendants XYZ.COM, LLC and Daniel Negari ‘s (“XYZ” or “Defendants”) Motion for Summary Judgment. Plaintiff Verisign, Inc Defendant XYZ ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
XYZ 2, Verisign 0 - Judge dismisses registry change lawsuit. A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit Verisign filed against .XYZ and CentralNic. Verisign sued the companies after two of Verisign’s clients sold their top level domain names to .XYZ and switched to CentralNic for registry services. .XYZ acquired .Theatre, .Protection and .Security. The original applicants for these domain names had contracted with Verisign to run them. Once .XYZ bought the names; it wanted to move the names to CentralNic since the company ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Radix’s .ONLINE Fastest to Sell 100000 Domains - After a very successful launch (38,000 domains in the first 24 hours) and breaking all nTLDrecords, .online surpassed 100,000 domain registrations this morning. Radix shared the 100,000th domain to be registered — myfamilyroots.online that came through eNom. While .online got a jumpstart at general availability, the TLD has maintained momentum and climbed to a top 15 nTLD spot in less than 3 months from GA. The TLD has been featured on several registrar storefronts like GoDaddy, 11, ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
XYZ & Negari Beats Verisign In Federal Court, Again: CentralNic Too - .XYZ has just won another court battle against Verisign (VRSN). Back three weeks ago a Federal Court dismissed a case brought by Verisign against XYZ.com,  the registry for .XYZ and Daniel Negari personally alleging  false advertising by granting XYZ and Negari a short summary judgement opinion. Now in a second case in Verisign sued XYZ.COM, DANIEL NEGARI and CentralNic,  which is the back-end provider for the .XYZ registry,  for tortuous interference and business conspiracy relating to changing ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Radix: .ONLINE Fastest New gTLD to Sell 100,000 Domains - Radix the registry for .ONLINE announced today that .Online is the fastest gTLD to sell 100,000 domains names since their launch less than 3 months ago. After a very successful launch which broke all new gTLD records with 38,000 domain names registered in the first 24 hours of General Availability, .online surpassed 100,000 domain registrations this morning. The 100,000th domain to be registered was myfamilyroots.online that came through eNom. This milestone comes at a time as Radix also surpasses ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
259999.com sells for $15,100 (and other lapsed domain name sales) - Who says there’s nothing new UnderTheSun.com ($3.8k)? Two months ago, a pair of 6-digit numerical domains topped these charts. But those headline-making expired auctions – $7.5k and $7.3k – fail to match last week’s $15.1k sale … even added together! Has the entire asset class doubled in price after 2 short months? Well, that can’t be inferred just by looking at a few peak sales. But it’s safe to say appreciation in this sector has been – hmm, so many adjectives to choose from ... read more ...
Thu 19th November 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Report: 88.XIN Sells for $180,000 - According to a blog post appearing in .XIN registry, the domain name 88.XIN recently sold for ¥1,140,888 at a domain name auction, which is around $180,000 USD. According to the blog post .XIN sold  a total of 9 domain names for 3.14 million yuan which equates to over $523K USD. Other domain name reportedly sold in the auction included 789.xin for 400,500 yuan and 188.xin for 403,800 yuan which comes to around $67k USD each. .XIN is a new gTLD and according to ntldstats.com has almost 90,000 ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN
Want to Write for Domain Name Wire? - Have interesting data to share? Domain Name Wire is seeking qualified writers for data-driven and/or recurring, column-style posts. These stories could be an analysis of particular top level domain name usage, trends in the aftermarket, domain name sales data, interviews, or registration trends. I’m open to suggestions on other topics. Writers would be required to source their data, and accuracy is critical. This offer is open to individuals and companies. For companies, keep in mind that these ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
9 ways to use web proxies to limit Internet exposure - INDUSTRY INSIGHT 9 ways to use web proxies to limit Internet exposure By (ISC)2 Government Advisory Council Executive Writers BureauNov 19, 2015 The web has been central to the information age over the past 26 years, fundamentally changing how billions of people around the world communicate. While web use and dependence on the Internet have continued to grow, adversaries have also increasingly leveraged the web for cybercrime, including espionage, ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
AT.com Added To ROTD/ NamesCon Auction As Submissions Closes Tomorrow - The two letter domain name AT.com is one of several new domain names that were added to the RightoftheDot/Namescon auction yesterday, which is opened for pre-bidding on Namejet.com. As of publication there are now 147 domain names at Namejet.com for pre-bidding. 89 domain names have at least one bid and there are 531 total bids placed. To see the updated list of domains at Namejet.com you can click here. Submissions to be included in the domain name auction closes tomorrow Friday, November 20 at ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
2 Great (and Free) Tools for Domain Investors - Better bulk search and a handy new tool from DomainPunch. I come across good tools for domainers from time-to-time, and want to pass a couple good ones along to you. First is NameBright’s bulk availability search. Alan Dunn mentioned this tool in a blog post yesterday, and I gave it a shot. Most registrars limit you to 100 bulk searches at a time, or 500 if they’re generous. NameBright lets you check up to 5,000 names at a time. Even more importantly, it’s fast. Compared to other registrars, ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
RDNH should have been deliberate in BankWell.com decision - Panelist gets decision correct but doesn’t consider reverse domain name hijacking. A World Intellectual Property Organization panelist has denied New Canaan, Connecticut-based Bankwell Financial Group in its cybersquatting complaint against Bankwell.com. However, panelist Peter Dernbach did not consider if Bankwell engaged in reverse domain name hijacking by bringing the case. He probably should have. The same owner has had the domain name since he registered it in 2003. Bankwell wasn’t formed ... read more ...