Parking page ads lead to a UDRP loss - What ads show up on a parked page make a big difference.
Anyone can own the domain name Enterprise is a dictionary word, often referring to businesses and large organizations.
But the owner of just lost the domain name in a UDRP brought by Enterprise, and for good reason. It’s worth digging into this a bit to clear two common misconceptions:
1. You can blame PPC algorithms for the keywords displayed on your parked page.
2. You shouldn’t park a ... read more ...
Tag Archives: domain parking
Mon 1st February 2016
Tue 5th January 2016
Efty Launches For-Sale Landing Page Theme Gallery - Leading domain name management and investment platform Efty announced today that it has launched a first-of-its-kind service, offering a For-Sale landing page theme gallery for domain owners using the software.
The theme gallery, which launched earlier today with five designs, allows domain name investors to host a selection of top-notch For-Sale landing pages that have been fashioned for optimal visitor-to-lead conversion and to sell their domain names through direct navigation without paying a ... read more ...
Tue 26th August 2014
Why your new TLDs won’t work good with domain parking (yet) -
Domain parking ads don’t consider the full meaning of a domain name that spans the dot.
A couple weeks ago Donuts launched the .cash top level domain name.
This got me thinking about domain parking. I’ve owned a few .com domain names with the term “cash” in them. When they got clicks, they were high dollar clicks. There are lots of expensive Adwords terms related to cash.
So would traffic to monetize well?
No, not on the basis of the top level ... read more ...
Mon 9th December 2013
How we destitute another click rascal (and auction fraud) scheme -
A silly mistake tipped me off to a click fraud and pump-and-dump scheme.
Every once in a while, someone running a click fraud scam slips up. And sometimes they slip up in a big way: by accidentally tipping me off about it.
For example, In August this year I uncovered one such scam after digging around following a suspicious phone call from someone pretending to be with ICANN. The people behind the scam had been boasting about how they’re making so much money with ... read more ...
Thu 7th November 2013
Domain parking clawback dings Demand Media earnings, and initial demeanour during Rightside numbers -
Company hit with parking clawback from a previous quarter.
Ask any domain parking company about their top frustrations, and clawbacks will be high on the list. Basically, their upstream ad partner will clawback previously paid revenue based on traffic quality. This often happens after the parking customer has paid its partner.
These clawbacks can apparently be quite big, as evidenced in today’s Demand Media earnings call.
Speaking about a tough third quarter, Demand ... read more ...
Fri 22nd March 2013
First signs of Google’s new domain parking customer marker program… -
Internet Traffic asks customers to identify themselves as part of new Google initiative.
One of the topics discussed extensively in the hallways at Webfest this year was changes Google is making to its parking program.
Although I don’t have all of the details, the bottom line is that Google is making an effort to better identify who is actually parking domains using its ad feed. This may involve steps to identify people across the various parking companies that ... read more ...
Wed 7th November 2012
Matt Cutts: don’t park your domain right before rising a web site -
Cutts recommends taking down a parking page about a month before launching a new site.
Google web spam czar Matt Cutts just published a video in which he asks himself a question (rather than taking it from the community): should I keep a domain name parked before I launch a web site?
In short, Cutts says no.
He works in a reference to eNom’s backpack girl and then goes on to explain that Google has a filter to try to keep parked domain names out of its search results.
This ... read more ...
Wed 5th September 2012
Top Domain Name Wire stories of August -
ccTLDs, domain parking, and more make the top five list.
If August is over, why is it still 100 degrees in Austin? Sigh…
Here are the top 5 news stories from Domain Name Wire last month.
Oops, I entrusted my domain name to a tiny island nation! –
think about political and technical risks before setting up your web site on a country code domain name.
Wow: Craigslist loses domain dispute – so this guy creates a list, and his name is supposedly ... read more ...
Mon 20th August 2012
How browser changes are creation a hole in approach navigation traffic -
Browser features change the way people navigate the web.
Last week I wrote about how Sedo’s domain name parking business continues to struggle.
The company cites a few reasons for the decline, including “advances made in browser technologies, which alters the circumstances surrounding monetization in the parking business”.
There’s no doubt that browsers are blurring the lines between typing in a domain name and a search. What that means for type-in traffic ... read more ...
Thu 26th July 2012
VeriSign blames domain monetization for reduce renovation rate -
Lower than usual renewal rate blamed on search engine changes.
Verisign had its second best quarter ever for new domain name registrations last quarter, but its renewal rate was lower than usual.
The company cites two reasons. First, there were large promotions by domain registrars a year ago (apparently mostly from one large registrar) that led to an uptick in new registrations that came up for renewal last quarter.
Second, and more interesting, Verisign blames “search ... read more ...
Wed 17th August 2011
Google Kills URL Forwarding as Yahoo Caps Some Non-.Com Domains -
Domain parking ad providers make changes.
There have been two announcements from the big domain parking ad providers over the past 24 hours that may affect your domain parking company.
According to an email from NameDrive, Google is banning URL forwarding as of October 1. The parking company says clients need to switch to DNS parking, although it says it’s also working on other solutions. [Update: DomainSponsor just sent a notice to its customers as well.]
Partners ... read more ...
Tue 7th June 2011
Surveying a Domain Parking CPA Landscape -
There are a number of options for CPA on parked pages, but we’re still trying to figure out what works best.
Last week, which had been in beta for a while, opened its doors. The sample sites I’ve seen on its parking platform primarily use CPA offers to monetize traffic.
But my headline for the launch — “New Service Brings CPA To Domain Parking” — may have suggested that this was the first attempt to bring CPA to domain parking.
This ... read more ...
Tue 31st May 2011
ICANN Deletes Parked Domain Question from New TLD Guidebook -
Applicants no longer asked to explain restrictions on domain name parking.
A controversial and intriguing addition to the previous applicant guidebook for new top level domain names has been deleted.
The April version included a new clause that applicants would have to explain “Will you impose any constraints on parked sites, or sites that offer only advertising?”
That clause has been struck from the May 30 version of the guidebook.
The question about domain parking ... read more ...
Mon 23rd May 2011
Hey Michael, There Are a Number of Variables during Play in Domain Parking Revenue -
There’s a reason each parking company performs differently.
Alright, it’s time for me to jump in.
Yesterday Elliot Silver wrote about parking companies and what they bring to the industry. Then today Michael Berkens wrote a post (rebuttal?) as well.
The discussion is stoked by Frank Schilling’s new parking company.
A few things up front:
1. I think it’s great that Frank is opening up his platform to others.
2. This article isn’t meant as disrespect to ... read more ...
Sat 19th February 2011
Major Domain Parking Shift? NameDrive Adding Site Links and Site Reviews. -
Google to start syndicating more ad data to parking companies.
In one what could prove to be a major move for Google Adsense for Domains partners, NameDrive will begin showing site links and site reviews with some of its parked page links.
These options have already been offered to Google Adwords advertisers on for a while.
Here’s an example of an ad including additional “site links”:
And an example that includes a site review:
You’ve probably ... read more ...
Fri 3rd December 2010
Google Adsense For Domains Now Makes Parking Easier -
Company changes parking procedures for Adsense for Domains.
Ever since Google released its direct-to-publisher Google Adsense for Domains program, one of the big complaints has been how difficult it is to point your domains to Google’s parking servers. You had to make a change to your A records and create CNAME records. Compare this to the typical parking service that lets you just change your name servers or forward the domain.
Google has responded to the feedback. ... read more ...
Tue 23rd February 2010
Sedo and Tops for Domain Name Parking -
Familiar faces top results from survey.
Sedo and were selected as the best domain name parking companies in the 5th Annual Domain Name Wire Survey.
Sedo took top honors with 23% of the vote, followed by at 18%. Here are the top five vote-getters:
1. Sedo 23%
2. 18%
3. NameDrive 13%
4. SmartName 6%
5. DomainSponsor and Google Adsense for Domains 6%
SmartName is new to the list this year. The company has combined its three parking ... read more ...
Wed 13th January 2010
Yahoo Gets Patent for Domain Parking Optimization -
Yahoo gets a whopper of a patent for domain name parking optimization.
Yahoo, one of the largest providers of advertising to parked domain names, has filed a patent application been granted a patent for optimizing the keyword links on “two-click” domain parking pages.
U.S. patent 7,647,316 (pdf) for “Link Optimization” was filed March 5, 2007, and issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office yesterday. It describes a system that optimizes the keyword links ... read more ...
Wed 7th October 2009 Optimizes Domain Parking Revenue - optimizes your domain parking revenue.
A lot of people are complaining about falling domain parking revenues. To counteract the drop, they’re turning to domain development. But there’s a simpler solution: optimizing your current parking revenue.
I’ve been testing, a domain parking optimization service, for the past couple weeks. It does as advertised: optimizes your domains across parking companies to maximize revenue. is a ... read more ...
Fri 14th August 2009
Yahoo! Change May Hurt Domain Parking Revenue -
Change in pricing algorithm may lower parking payouts for domainers.
Yahoo! (YHOO) just announced changes to its pay-per-click advertising program that will change the amount advertisers pay for clicks based on click quality. The company says it plans to “expand the adjustments” it already makes to click charges based on the quality of traffic the advertising source delivers.
Although this may seem like it has an upside — good domain traffic would be rewarded ... read more ...
Tue 21st July 2009
New Domain Parking Company Worth a Look -
RevenueDriver is the newest domain parking company on the block.
These days it seems like the number of domain name parking options is declining. So it’s nice to see a new option on the table in RevenueDriver.
Based in Italy, RevenueDriver brings multi-lingual support and a European perspective to the parking business. Currently, Sedo and NameDrive are generally considered the strongest European parking companies, but RevenueDriver uses a different ad feed provider. ... read more ...
Mon 18th May 2009
The Perfect Parked Domain Name -
Domain name brings value to advertisers — and money in my pocket.
A couple months ago I bought a generic expired domain name related to summer camps. It doesn’t get much traffic. But on May 5th my preliminary traffic report at my parking company showed the domain got 21 clicks from one visitor. I assumed it was a bot, but when the stats were finalized it turns out the visitor was legit and generated $12.11 in revenue for me.
I went to look at the domain name ... read more ...
Fri 8th May 2009
Patent Filed for Domain Name Securitization -
Patent would allow for securitization and trading of domain name portfolios.
Gregory Manriquez and Stevan Lieberman of NameDrive have filed a patent for domain name securitization. The patent was filed in November 2008 and published yesterday.
The invention, titled “Method for Domain Trading”, would allow an entity to divide a domain portfolio into a levels of risk, issue bonds or loans on the portfolio, and trade the portfolio on an open exchange. If implemented ... read more ...
Tue 7th April 2009
Let’s Increase a Size of “For Sale” Signs -
Parked pages need to evolve into domain sales machines.
It’s common wisdom that putting a notice on your parked domain name that it’s for sale likely decreases your pay-per-click click through rate. That’s part of the reason any “for sale” notices on parked pages are inconspicuous.
With pay-per-click revenue down sharply, perhaps the equation is flipping so that it makes sense to make the sale notice bigger. If you have a domain that attracts 10 people ... read more ...
Mon 9th March 2009
Park Domains? Enter a Parking Judge Contest -
If you’ve tried three or more domain parking services, enter the Parking Judge contest.
It’s been over a month since I launched Parking Judge, a web site that lets you review domain name parking services. I’m a bit surprised that fewer people have submitted reviews on the site than Registrar Judge had a at the same point. So I’m going to give you an incentive.
Here’s how it works:
-Submit three thoughtful and complete reviews at Parking Judge before ... read more ...