Wed 16th September 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Rick Schwartz Sells For $801,000: Now Has 1st & 3rd Largest Reported Sales Of 2015 - Rick Schwartz, the Domain King, has sold the domain name for $801,000 which becomes the 3rd largest reported domain name sale of 2015.  (DnJournal. com is the official keeper of all reported domain name sales) Earlier this year Rick sold the domain name for $8,888,888 which is the highest reported domain sale of 2015. The 2nd highest reported domain sale is which was sold by MediaOptions to ReviMedia for $1 million just last week. Before the sale the 2nd highest sale ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged for $25,000 and other finish user domain name sales - tops list of public domain name sales at Sedo for the week. Sedo handled $1.4 million worth of domain name transactions last week, with 56% of them resulting from “buy now” sales. The top public sale was, purchased by the wine store at, for $25,000. A lot of interesting sales are still in escrow. I’m curious who paid $2,000 for and $12,500 for Here’s a look at end user domain name sales from the psat week: (You can view previous lists ... read more ...
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ICANN Announces New COI Amendment Service – ag-IP - Home / ICANN Announces New COI Amendment Service / In December 2011, ICANN published guidance to help Registry Operators calculate the estimated costs for the operations of a TLD based on their projected domain registrations under management (DUMs). Since that time, the launch of new gTLDs has provided Registry Operators with market-driven data points on which to base their projected DUMs. With the COI Amendment Service, Registry Operators ... read more ...
Tue 15th September 2015
Written by in CZ and tagged
Kořenová zóna v Česku: blíž základům DNS - Kořen dobra U kořenových serverů začíná každé dotazování na internetovou doménu. Pokud se chcete zeptat na doménu, budete muset zjistit, jaké adresy mají servery CZ.NIC. To zjistíte právě u kořenových serverů, kterých je celkem třináct a jsou označeny písmeny A až M. Jejich seznam si můžete z libovolného z nich zjistit. $ dig . ns ... 518400 IN A 518400 IN A ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Sedo Weekly Transactions Total $1.4 million led by during $25,000 - Sedo completed 512 transactions on their marketplace and via SedoMLS. The total of all transactions was  $1.4m. 56% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings.  .Co topped all sales this week with selling for $25,000  Highlights of public sales are: Top .com: at 20,000 USD Top ccTLD: at 25,000 USD Top “other” TLD: at 15,500 EUR New gTLD sales: 1,492 USD 1,100 EUR 789 EUR     ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Sarah Michelle Gellar Launching "New" Kids Food Kits Brand - is being launched by actress Sarah Michelle Geller, who is best know for staring in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Co-Founder Chief Mom) in October 2015 according to a Exclusive article published on September 8, 2015. The current website states: “Our premium baking mixes and foodcrafting kits inspire creativity and curiosity, while emphasizing the importance of a healthier lifestyle.” Interestingly, the company’s brand name as a domain name has been registered ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
DomainTools launches Iris height for confidence hazard investigations - New platform helps security teams quickly find the source of attacks. DomainTools launched its new Iris platform today, making it easier for companies to quickly investigate security attacks and determine their sources. Iris integrates many of DomainTools’ existing data sets into an easy-to-use workflow. While targeted to enterprises without the resources necessary to manage their own systems tapping into DomainTools’ API, it could also be helpful for domain name attorneys and other people trying ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Panelist finds East End N.Y. Imports Inc. intent in retreat domain name hijacking - Company went after domain name, which was registered well before it had trademark rights in the name. One of three panelists in a UDRP decision for has determined that East End N.Y. Imports engaged in reverse domain name hijacking by bringing the case. The other two, while finding in the domain name owner’s favor, declined to find RDNH. It seems that the complainant’s saving grace for reverse domain name hijacking was that it managed to pull up a couple cases to back up ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Foundation Fitness Guilty Of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking on - Foundation Fitness LLC of Portland, Oregon, United States of America (“US”) represented by Dorsey Whitney, LLP, US was just found guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking on the domain name The domain holder was represented by The three member panel of John Swinson, Timothy Casey and The Honorable Neil Brown Q.C. really hit the COmplaintnants hard on all fronts. The domain owner could have hoped for a better decision Great job by the folks at Here are the highlights: The ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged Lost In UDRP Decision Although Domain Holder Was Willing To Give It Up - Tesla Motors, Inc. just won the rights to the Domain name is a one member UDRP panel decision although it was willing to give up the domain name to Tesla. It’s a shame that the case had to go to a decision. “”Respondent, via its formal Response, consents to having the at-issue domain name transferred to Complainant.”” Many domainers have the opinion that they will always have the option of just giving a domain name to a trademark holder but this once again shows that is not always ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Foundation Fitness nailed for Reverse Domain Name Hijacking on - Seller of Stages exercise bikes abused UDRP in effort to get domain name. Portland, Oregon company Foundation Fitness engaged in reverse domain name hijacking for the domain name, a World Intellectual Property Organization panel has ruled. The company sells stationary exercise bikes under the brand Stages Cycling. In this case, the registrant of the domain name bought it in the aftermarket in 2014. This was after trademarks were issued to the complainant. Still, the panel determined ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
See .Online ads in San Francisco - Radix begins ad campaign in Bay Area. New top level domain name registry Radix has begun a large-scale advertising effort in San Francisco. The company now has ads promoting .Online on the side of 35 bus stops. Radix is also promoting .online and .tech on a mobile video board. The truck is visiting a number of hot spots in San Francisco and a couple conferences, such as TechCrunch’s Disrupt ’15 and Dreamforce (the latter of which sucks up every hotel room in the city). Listen to this week’s ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
CentralNic reports earnings, numbers decrease from final half - Although year-over-year numbers look nice, it’s not a good comparison. Top level domain name registry CentralNic (AIM: CNIC) reported results for the first half of the year today. The company painted a rosy picture comparing the results to the first half of 2014 (revenue +171%, gross profit +125%), but that doesn’t really tell the story. The best comparison for CentralNic’s numbers are the second half of 2014, since that’s when the company realized the full revenue and earnings from its ... read more ...
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ICANN and UASG Announce Results of Universal Acceptance Study for New gTLDs – ag-IP - Home / ICANN and UASG Announce Results of Universal Acceptance Study for New gTLDs / LOS ANGELES – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), in conjunction with the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) announced the availability of a new report: An Analysis of New gTLD Universal Acceptance, a press release by the Corporation stated. Universal Acceptance (UA) is the concept of removing all technical barriers ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
Sweden Is #1 In Global Broadband Study; Canada is #2; US 8th, India 24th - Ovum just published a 35 page detailed study,(pdf) entitled the ” the Global Broadband Experience Scorecard” which analyzed  fixed line broadband use by consumers in the top 30 countries Sweden scored the highest level of broadband experience (with a score of 88%) of the 30 countries researched. The United States has a Score of 8 well below its neighbor to the north, Canada which had a score of 3. India was ranked 24th among 30 countries with a score of 44%. Egypt is ranked 30th with a score ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
ICANN Publishes "An Analysis of New gTLD Universal Acceptance" Finding They Are Not - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), in conjunction with the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) announced the results of a study: “An Analysis of New gTLD Universal Acceptance“, Universal Acceptance (UA) is the concept of removing all technical barriers that might hinder a user from accessing any name in any top-level domain (TLD) from any web browser, email client, or other Internet application on any computer or electronic device. The report is sponsored by ICANN. APNIC ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
CentralNic Profit More than Doubles in 1st Half of 2015 - CentralNic (LON:CNIC) reported today that its profits more than doubled in the first half of 2015. CentralNic, which is a technical partner and wholesale distributor for web domains, saw a 213% rise in bookings to £7.9mln in the six months to June 30, compared with £2.5mln in the corresponding period of 2014. Booked revenue was up 171% at £4.4mln versus £1.6 last year, while gross profit increased 125% to £2.1mln from £0.95mln in the first half of 2014. Chief executive Ben Crawford highlighted ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
CentralNic Appoints Mergers & Acquisitions Specialist Mike Turner As Non-Executive Chairman - Internet domain group CentralNic (LON:CNIC) has appointed tech mergers and acquisitions specialist Mike Turner as the internet domain firm’s new non-executive chairman. Turner, a partner and head of technology media and communications at law firm Taylor Wessing, joins the company immediately Chief executive Ben Crawford says Turner’s “deep expertise and vast network” will be invaluable to the company as it pursues organic and acquisition-led growth. “Mike Turner is one of the best-known ... read more ...
Mon 14th September 2015
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Sedo to Promote New gTLDs at Giant DMEXCO Conference in Germany This Week - offerings to leading digital marketers. As a global domain sales platform, Sedo wants to build awareness for its premium domain inventory, ... read more ...
Written by in PT and tagged
Especial: saiba quais os 10 domínios mais perigosos da Web - Estudo da empresa de segurança Blue Coat procurou identificar os endereços mais perigosos da Web. Para isso, analisou centenas de milhares de solicitações de mais de 15 mil empresas e 75 milhões de usuários. Os resultados mostram que 95% dos sites que utilizam novos domínios (TLDs), criados após 2013, não são confiáveis. O relatório “The Web’s Shadiest Neighborhoods” (As regiões mais suspeitas da Web) combina análises técnicas com dicas e truques para internautas e equipes ... read more ...
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Você sabe quais são os endereços mais perigosos da web? - A Blue Coat Systems, Inc., especialista em soluções de segurança corporativa, lançou uma pesquisa listando os componentes de endereços mais perigosos da Web. Domínio principal (em inglês Top-Level Domain - TLD) é um dos componentes de todos os endereços das páginas URL da Internet. Alguns domínios como .com, .info, .net e .org são muito utilizados. A pesquisa da Blue Coat foca-se nos endereços com mais chances de serem usados em sites suspeitos, páginas que irão abrigar ... read more ...
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Relatório analisa endereços mais perigosos da web - Risk Report     14/09/2015 A Blue Coat Systems lanou uma pesquisa listando os componentes de endereos mais perigosos da Web. Domnio principal (em ingls Top-Level Domain - TLD) um dos componentes de todos os endereos das pginas URL da Internet. Alguns domnios como .com, .info, .net e .org so muito utilizados. A pesquisa da Blue Coat foca-se nos endereos com mais chances de serem usados em sites suspeitos, pginas que iro abrigar atividades perigosas para as empresas ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
Volltreffer im Netz: Deutscher Rekordmeister FC Bayern München findet neues … – MOTOR - FC Bayern startet / Erfolgreichste Regionen-Top-Level Domain .BAYERN wird 1 Jahr altMünchen, 14. September 2015 - Der FC Bayern München sicherte sich gleich mehrere .BAYERN-Domains: Ab sofort können Fans des Fußballvereins alle News rund um den Verein unter anderem auch auf www.fc. München, 14. September 2015 - Der FC Bayern München sicherte sich gleich mehrere .BAYERN-Domains: Ab sofort können Fans des Fußballvereins alle News rund um den Verein unter anderem ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
How To: Free & Easy Contact Form For Domains For Sale - All Domainers should take advantage of a FREE option to use at your disposal by adding a responsive contact form directly on your domain name. Sedo, Flippa, Domain Name Sales, Afternic, GoDaddy and many allow to sell your domain names, but I often think the BEST place to sell your domain names is right on the domain name itself. A simple contact form can be all you need to gain interest and sell it (at least start the process) and save some $$$ in commission. One thing I have noticed in all my years ... read more ...
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City Must Use .NYC to Create a Real Civic Commons - Churchill nailed it in 1947 when he said "democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others which have been tried from time to time." For several decades thereafter traditional Western Democracy was the tarnished global standard. But with the Internet's ascent many had a gut feeling that something better was possible. An organization I helped found saw the potential for a better democracy emerging from a "civic commons" that became possible with the city’s acquisition of ... read more ...