Thu 1st October 2015
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Donald Trump, adult domains and the battle over the Kit Kat shape all feature … - Trevor Little While a story focused on the latest developments in the gTLD space was the most-read World Trademark Review blog last month, the top 10 ran the full gamut of trademark-related topics, touching on the worlds of politics, law, counterfeiting, the internet and marketing. The most-read blog last month focused on ICM Registry’s ‘.sex’ ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Domain name registrars no longer have to lift ubiquitous guilt insurance - ICANN waives insurance requirement for accredited registrars. ICANN’s board approved a resolution this week to waive an insurance requirement for domain name registrars. The registrar accreditation agreement requires registrars to carry general liability insurance of at least $500,000, but ICANN will no longer require this. ICANN has decided to waive the requirement for a couple reasons. First, the reason for requiring the insurance was to protect registrants. But most general liability insurance ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Don't be like a Tesla apologist - Some criticisms are valid, and this extends to the domain name industry. I stayed up to watch the Tesla Model X launch event online Tuesday night. It was supposed to start at 8 PM PST. Nearly an hour later, Elon Musk shuffled onto the stage unapologetically and proceeded to give a lackluster introduction to a car his company is depending on for its future. It has been amusing to see how people reacted to this. Most amusing are the Tesla apologists who make excuses for the company whenever someone ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Readers Digest Association Rebrands To Trusted Media Brands, Inc Buys Domain - In a historic move, The Readers Digest Association, Inc. has changed its corporate name after 93 years, to Trusted Media Brands, Inc. Back on June 1, 2015 TheDomains discovered that The Readers Digest Association had acquired the domain name from Get On The Web, but we were not sure “why” at that time, but now we do know why. had a $16,950 asking price by Get On The Web on a landing page directly on the domain name but it is not known what the actual purchase price of the ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
ICANN selects Panama for Jun 2016 meeting - Panama City selected for next summer’s meeting. ICANN’s summer meeting next year will take place in Panama City, Panama. The decision was made during a board meeting earlier this week. I think this meeting will draw a lot of domain name investors. Many already live in Panama (such as Andrew Rosener of Media Options) and many more run their businesses out of the country. There are two ICANN meetings between now and the Panama meeting. The first takes place later this month in Dublin, Ireland, ... read more ...
Wed 30th September 2015
Written by in DE and tagged
FC.BAYERN – Deutschlands erfolgreichster Fußballverein setzt auf neue … - Am 30. September 2014 ist die neue Top-Level-Domain für den Freistaat live gegangen. Nach einem Jahr nutzen schon mehrere große Unternehmen und Marken die Top-Level- Domain. Darunter auch der Rekordmeister aus München. Ein Jahr .BAYERN: Am 30. September 2014 ist die Domain-Endung für das größte Bundesland in Deutschland gestartet. Nach einem Jahr hat die Top-Level-Domain (TLD) schon das Vertrauen prominenter Nutzer gewonnen. Das neueste Kapitel der bayerischen Erfolgsgeschichte ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged Loses Bid To Grab in UDRP - IBUY Stores, Inc. of New York, just lost its bid to grab the domain name in a UDRP IBuy Stores owns the domain name This case really should have gotten a Reverse Domain Name Hijacking ruling. The domain holder applied for a trademark in 2008, they bought the domain name in 2007 and the Complainant first filed its trademark in 2015 however the one member panel of David H. Bernstein did not even bring up the issue. Here are the highlights: Complainant is the owner of a United ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
20 finish user domain name sales adult to $20,000 - A firefighting equipment manufacturer, event crew provider and celebrity news site bought domain names last week. Sedo handled 697 domain name transactions this past week, for about $1 million in sales. This includes a number of solid end user domain name sales in the five figure range, such as and for $20,000 each. Here’s a look at end user domain name sales from the past week on Sedo: (You can view previous lists like this here. If you’d like to learn how to sell your ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
Rekordmeister setzt auf „.BAYERN“ - Arbeit Werkverträge: Der Feldzug der IG Metall Rohstoffe Verbände fordern Fracking-Verbot Internet Der FC Bayern München nutzt die neue Domain-Endung. Als Service-Dienstleister steht ein Regensburger Unternehmen dahinter. So sieht die aus. Screenshot: MZ Mehr zum Thema Internet Adress-Endung ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Strangest Decision of The Year? Netflix Loses URS On The Domain Name - Netflix, Inc. just lost a complaint filed under the Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS) on the domain name I have read through the short decision several times and still don’t understand it The domain owner said he doesn’t even own the domain. The domain which was had a website about Netflix service was found to be inactive when the Examiner David J. Steele, Esq. looked at it, yet he found in favor of the domain holder Here are the highlights: “At the outset, it is necessary ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Even before, people suspicion was owned by Taco Bell - Sure, some people will type instead of But that confusion isn’t new. Yesterday I wrote about how I think is a great shortcut web address for Taco Bell, and perhaps better than Many people disagree, and one commenter (on the first post about asked how much traffic will end up at by mistake. First things first, I don’t think people landing at instead of will hurt Taco Bell. The domain name is owned by an IT company, so it’s not like ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
NBC rising SeeSo streaming service? - Company registers domain names for what appears to be a streaming TV service. Judging from recent domain name registrations, NBC Universal is getting ready to launch an over-the-top streaming service called Seeso. [Update: Yes, that’s what it is.] The company registered dozens of domain names related to the service yesterday. I can’t track down any related trademark applications, and Google searches come back without any clues. Perhaps we can piece it together with some clues. First of all, ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Domain Movers:,, & More Domains - If this is your first time seeing a Domain Movers series, I highly suggest you checkout past articles. This series is all about detecting domain names on the move for one reason or another by large corporations. These companies often purchase already owned domain names by others for new brands, products or services and for many more reasons. These are early findings and the following is often the first time publicly that the information is announced. Microsoft Corporation registered 27 domain names ... read more ...
Tue 29th September 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Florida Owner of Sues For Trademark Infringement - UBER PROMOTIONS, INC. a Florida corporation filed a federal lawsuit today against the the world famous whose formal corporate name is UBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC for trademark infringement, unfair competition under the Trademark Act of 1946, under Florida law and under common law. The Florida corporation alleged they had a website for transportation services started in Gainesville Florida in 2006, home of the Florida Gators, several years before what we all know as started. Here are ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Three Letter Domain Name TPP.Com Hit With UDRP - The domain name has been hit with a UDRP The Complainant  is unknown  at the moment but the domain is owned on behalf of a client of MarkMonitor which generally means big corporate client and was owned earlier this year by Thomson Reuters Holdings Inc a client of since at least 2005. There are at least 7 different trademarks for the world-famous term TPP in the USPTO going back to 1992. The UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION filed the 1st trademark in 1992 and then LOCKKHEED ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Sedo Weekly Transactions Total $1million led by - Over the past week, 697 transactions took place on Sedo’s marketplace and via SedoMLS, totaling $1m. 57% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings.     Highlights of public sales are: Top .com: at 20,000 USD Top ccTLD: at 19,500 EUR Top “other” TLD: at 4,500 USD New GTLD sales:    999    USD   ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
16,000+ .NYC domains will be expelled subsequent week - Some good .nyc domain names will be released next week. .NYC will release 16,674 previously blocked .NYC domain names on October 8. The domain names were all blocked as name collisions. Not all name collision names will be released, however. Names like,, and are still being held back, presumably as premium domain names or for the city. You can see a list of the names that will become available on Hexonet’s website. Here are some I found interesting: Remember, ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
Neue Top Level Domains: zögerliche Nutzung der Marken-Privilegien - (Bild: cylonka Bsg ) Ein eigenes Regelwerk garantiert Markeninhabern attraktive Privilegien bei den neuen Internet-Adressen. Zur Verwunderung der Domainbranche werden die aber nur zögerlich genutzt, wie ein aktueller Bericht der Internetverwaltung ICANN zeigt. Das Trademark Clearinghouse ist ein praktisches Tool für Markeninhaber. Wer immer ein Recht an einer Marke in irgendeinem Land der Welt nachweisen kann, kann diese in die nicht-öffentliche Datenbank eintragen. ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Lawsuit filed to redeem stolen domain name - Company files lawsuit after losing UDRP. After failing to recover the allegedly stolen domain name through a UDRP, the previous owner of the domain name has turned to the courts., LLC, which generates leads for education companies, filed a lawsuit (pdf) in U.S. District Court in Virignia late last week to recover the domain name. It says that an unknown person gained access to its email address, and used this to hijack the domain name. Plaintiff says the domain thief ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Why is improved than - For Taco Bell, using is better than Yesterday Taco Bell began promoting the domain hack for its updated website, which gives people the ability to order customized Taco Bell menu items online. (Finally! I can add bacon to my Doritos Locos Tacos!) Will from posted this comment on Domain Name Wire: I give props to Taco Bell for taking the unique creative approach with Ta.Co not only is it sure and catchy but it will make people aware of the .Co. With any of the ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
.Com Tops 120 Million Total Domain Names & Over 119 Million Active Domains - Verisign is reporting that the number of .Com domain names has topped 120 Million for the 1st time and likewise the number of domain names active in the .Com zone file top 119 million. The .Com domain name base which has topped 120 million domains is explained as: “”The domain name base is the active zone plus the number of domain names that are registered but not configured for use in the respective Top-Level Domain zone file plus the number of domain names that are in a client or server hold ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
New TLD foe news is worthless - Getting answers to the wrong questions… ICANN released a report yesterday called “Phase I Assessment of the Competitive Effects Associated with the New gTLD Program”, undertaken by an outside research firm. I found the report mostly worthless. This is partly because the new TLD program’s focus on increasing choice and competition is based on the wrong premise. That premise is that there is a lack of good available second level domain names to register. The reality is there are plenty of good ... read more ...
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A new home for the digital Red Ribbon - BERLIN, Sept. 28, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Uniregistry Corp., a leading domain name registration services company founded by Frank Schilling, and dotHIV, the first charitable Top-Level Domain Registry, jointly announce today that the .hiv TLD will change ownership to Uniregistry. The two organizations plan to conclude the transition prior to December 1st 2015 World AIDS Day. The .hiv TLD made history last year as the first open charitable TLD, dedicated to the global fight against AIDS. .hiv domain ... read more ...
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Does your business really need an Arabic Top Level Domain? - It’s now possible to buy domain names in non-roman letters including Chinese, Arabic and Russian, following a major expansion in the kinds of domains that can be registered. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which launched in 1998 and has been active in domain name registration since 2000, now includes top-level domains (TLD) in new languages, which were adopted in the beginning of 2014. Country code top-level domains (ccTLD) were implemented ... read more ...