Mon 2nd November 2015
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
This week's new domain name: Let's speak about .Sex - .Sex domain names become available on Wednesday. There’s only one new domain name entering general availability this week according to, but it’s a big one: .Sex. ICM Registry launches the domain name on Wednesday, November 4. You will be able to register .Sex domain names at registrars for about $75 per year. The domain name option will join ICM Registry’s existing line of similarly-themed domain names, including .XXX, .Adult and .Porn. Already, the .sex zone file has nearly 4,000 ... read more ...
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La Guinée recherche un consultant pour prendre possession de son domaine de code pays de haut niveau dot GN -


Galaxy A7, A5, A3, TV SUHD, etc., les nouveaux produits de Samsung qui seront disponibles en Afrique en 2015


Written by in FR and tagged
La Guinée recherche un consultant pour prendre possession de son … -


Galaxy A7, A5, A3, TV SUHD, etc., les nouveaux produits de Samsung qui seront disponibles en Afrique en 2015


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Which Domain Extensions Should You Use for International #SEO? - Most websites have a global audience, even if they focus on one country. However, depending on your product, you might want to go the extra step and target international users. The decision to focus your site on an international audience is a big leap forward and there are many complexities to work through.There are, of course, issues to deal with around language, but there are also some big SEO and brand choices to make, including exactly what domains to use for your international presence.ccTLD ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
.Com default disappears in iOS 9 on iPad - Keyboard loses its .com shortcut. Something weird happened when I updated our iPads to iOS 9.1. I’m not sure if it is an intentional change or a bug. Here’s the deal: When you press and hold the period “.” key on the iOS keyboard on an iPad, it no longer automatically inserts .com. Oddly, this behavior is different on the iPhone. For a long time, if you pressed and held the period key for a second in a field that might contain a domain, iOS would pop up a selection of five top level domain ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
French Regulators wish .com enclosed in right to be forgotten - We have written before about Google and their battle with certain European countries on the “right to be forgotten”. Google has contended that results should only be removed from the local country code results, so if someone from France makes a request, then the results no longer show on The E.U. would like to see the results removed from everywhere including Google does not see things that way and has argued removal should be on the local level. Recently Google made an ... read more ...
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Recrutement d’un Consultant Individuel dans le cadre de l’Assistance pour la Délégation du ccTLD .GN - Sollicitation de manifestations d'intérêt  :  SMI n° 011/WARCIP/SC/09/2015   Date début : 02/11/2015 ;   Date Limite : 16/11/2015   Client : Ministère en charge des Postes, Télécommunicationset des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information (MPTNTI) - Unité de Gestion du Projet WARCIP – GUINEE.   Type : Sollicitation de manifestation d'intérêt.   Titre : Recrutement d’un Consultant Individuel dans le cadre de l’Assistance pour la Délégation ... read more ...
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Recrutement d’un Consultant Individuel dans le cadre de l … - Sollicitation de manifestations d'intérêt  :  SMI n° 011/WARCIP/SC/09/2015   Date début : 02/11/2015 ;   Date Limite : 16/11/2015   Client : Ministère en charge des Postes, Télécommunicationset des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information (MPTNTI) - Unité de Gestion du Projet WARCIP – GUINEE.   Type : Sollicitation de manifestation d'intérêt.   Titre : Recrutement d’un Consultant Individuel dans le cadre de l’Assistance pour la Délégation ... read more ...
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The new gTLDs landscape in Asia assessed in the latest edition of World … - Trevor Little Issue 58 of World Trademark Review is now available online to subscribers. Our cover story assesses the new gTLDs landscape in Asia. While the region appears to be ahead of the curve when it comes to awareness and adoption, a slow start for certain internationalised domain names may cause brands to worry about their investments – whether ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN, miffed during cost of Congo.Com, is rebranding to a opposite .Com - Company crowdsources an aftermarket domain name purchase. A Domain Name Wire reader sent me an amusing press release issued on Friday. Boulder, Colorado startup Congo is upset that Digimedia, owners of, want an “egregiously overinflated valuation of $750,000” for You see, Congo uses the domain name for its site that connects people to attorneys. Apparently it realized that the .io domain name wasn’t working, and now they want a .com domain. But Congo is the name ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
4 Letter .Com Domains with Giuseppe Graziano – DNW Podcast #57 - How can you cash in on 4 letter domain names? 3 and 4 letter domain names are in high demand, and few people know more about the market than Giuseppe Graziano. His domain brokerage firm works exclusively on these domains. On today’s show he’ll tell you how to find and buy the best 4 letter domain names, and what to avoid. Also: Verisign gets .XYZ on its face, MySchool lawsuit dismissed, a major phishing attack. Subscribe via iTunes to listen to the Domain Name Wire podcast on your iPhone ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
.Club 2 Letter Domains Auctions Go 10 for 10 Hitting Reserve on - .Club which is holding an auction on the Chinese Auction platform sold all 10 two letter .Club domains that closed over the weekend. Each domain name had a reserve price of $5,000. The domain names that reach reserved and sold over the weekend were: I don’t know what any of the final bids for the any of the 1o domains were except for which sold for $9,750. I know how much sold for because ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged completes $7.5 million squeeze of - Deal was announced in April. Online freelancing marketplace has completed its purchase of internet escrow service announced in April that it agreed to purchase the company for $7.5 million. generated $5 million in revenue and $1.2 million EBITDA last year on $220 million of transactions. has a market cap of AUS $800 million. It owns a number of online freelancer marketplaces, in addition to online marketing forum Warrior Forum. ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Endurance International acquires Constant Contact for $1.1 billion - The acquisition machine continues. Endurance International Group (NASDAQ: EIGI) has acquired email marketing company Constant Contact for $1.1 billion in an all-cash deal. Shares in Constant Contact (NASDAQ: CTCT) closed Friday at $26.10, for a market cap of about $840 million. Endurance is paying $32.00 per share, and shares in Constant Contact have jumped in pre-market trading. Endurance is paying for the acquisition with debt financing of up to $1.085 billion from Credit Suisse AG and an affiliate ... read more ...
Sun 1st November 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Owner of Offers To Buy For $750 Million - According to,  Online property advertiser REA Group which owns and operates of has launched a $750 million takeover bid for Southeast Asia-focused REA Group’s subsidiary today said it was proposing to purchase all iProperty Group’s shares at $4 per share, or $1.20 a share plus 0.7 shares in a newly formed unlisted company with an indirect interest in iProperty. The $4 per share offer represents a 55% premium to iProperty’s ... read more ...
Sat 31st October 2015
Written by in FR and tagged
Calendrier des gTLDs – Semaine du 2 au 8 novembre 2015 -   Partager cet article :Le mois de novembre commence en douceur avec quelques extensions dédiées aux entreprises. Pour une vision plus lointaine, SafeBrands vous invite à consulter le calendrier des nouvelles extensions.A vos plannings !Début période Sunrise :04/11 – .officeFermeture période Sunrise :08/11 – .spreadbetting08/11 – .cfd08/11 – .tradingOuverture à tous :04/11 – .sexSi vous êtes intéressé, SafeBrands est registrar accrédité pour toutes ces extensions. Nos chargés ... read more ...
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Près de 300 millions de noms de domaine, et le classement qualitatif SafeBrands -   Partager cet article :CENTR, l’organisme de coordination et de concertation pour les extensions ccTLDs européenne, a établi un rapport sur l’évolution des noms de domaine au 3e trimestre 2015. Voici les chiffres importants qui en ressortent.Bilan du volume des noms de domaine au 3e trimestre 2015A ce jour, on comptabilise plus de 1000 extensions, avec 298.4 millions de noms de domaine enregistrés, soit 1.6% de croissance globale au 3e trimestre 2015, équitablement partagé entre ccTLDs, ... read more ...
Fri 30th October 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google Upset With Symantec Over False Security Certificates - According to Google is rather peeved at Symantec for issuing fraudulent security certificates for numerous domains, including Google. This started out with just a few bad certs and then Google started looking into it themselves. Google found more bad certs than what Symantec first quoted, a few weeks later Symantec found more on their own after their own audit. From the article: So Google issued an ultimatum: Starting next summer, all Symantec-issued certificates must support the Chromium ... read more ...
Written by in ES and tagged
Lanzan el dominio “.srl” en la Argentina - La multiplicidad de dominios “.com” hace que diferenciarse en la web y proteger el nombre de una marca o compañía en la red sea cada vez más difícil. Por esa razón, la alemana InterNetX Corp sumó el “.srl” a la oferta de dominios disponibles en la Argentina. A través de una alianza con la empresa local DonWeb, la extensión destinada a sociedades de responsabilidad limitada ya se encuentra disponible por $ 549 anuales. Para Guillermo Tornatore, CEO y fundador de la ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
One Robocaller badmouthing another… - Pot calling kettle black. The robocalls to my cell phone continue, and occasionally I play along. This morning I received a robocall from my “local Google specialist” informing me it had a first page location available for me. I wondered if it was Local Lighthouse, the company being sued by Google for misleading customers. I pressed 1 to speak with a representative. As he started talking, I told him I was already talking to a company about a front page position, and wanted to know if he was with ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN
The Economist on a state of association naming - Do you agree with The Economist’s viewpoint? There’s only one print publication that still makes its way to my mailbox, at that’s The Economist. Last week’s Schumpeter column talks about the state of company naming, and paints a rather bleak picture. You should read the entire article, but here are a few interesting parts: Copyright law is a pain: companies have to go to great lengths to make sure that nobody has staked a claim to their favourite names. C’mon, Economist. I expect better ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Biggest New gTLD Registrants: 23 of Top 30 Are From China; 38 out of Top 50 - According to registrants from China are dominating the list of the top 100 Biggest New gTLD Registrants 23 of the top 30 domain names registrants are from China; 38 out of Top 50 domain names registrants are from China; and 72 of out 100 are from China. If you consider that of the 7 registrants of domain names using the new domain extensions, 3 of those are affiliated with new gTLD registries, that only leaves 4 out of the top 30 new gTLD registrants from coming from a country other ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged New TLDs are not relocating a needle - Contribution from new top level domain names isn’t significant, CEO says. CEO David Brown was asked about new top level domain names on yesterday’s investor conference call. Brown said the company isn’t doing “back flips” over the results, and says it’s not moving the needle for the firm. He suspects new domains aren’t moving the needle for competitors, as well. Here’s what he said: So in the gTLD space, that continues to be positive, but we’re not doing back flips here. ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Here's Something Scary, Namescon Early Bird Ticket Offer Ends Tomorrow On Halloween - The 2016 NamesCon Conference $399 Early Bird ticket offer expires at the end of the day tomorrow Saturday October 31. So you should take advantage of this treat because the regular price to attend the conference is $999. Namescon will be held at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas from January 10-13 which is just 10 weeks away! Show organizers are promising that this 3rd annual edition of NamesCon will be by far the biggest ever. Co-Founder Richard Lau is forecasting more than 1,000 attendees will be ... read more ...
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Tor, il dominio a cipolla è un caso speciale - Roma - La Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) ha ufficialmente pubblicato lo standard RFC 7686, un documento che in sostanza sancisce in via definitiva quanto già avvenuto il mese scorso con i domini di primo livello (gTLD) .onion: i gTLD della darknet Tor sono ora a tutti gli effetti domini a carattere speciale, inaccessibili alla Internet pubblica e non gestibili da ICANN come fonte di business con l'assegnazione dei singoli indirizzi.Lo standard RFC 7686 è una pietra miliare che sancisce ... read more ...