Added To ROTD/ NamesCon Auction As Submissions Closes Tomorrow - The two letter domain name is one of several new domain names that were added to the RightoftheDot/Namescon auction yesterday, which is opened for pre-bidding on
As of publication there are now 147 domain names at for pre-bidding.
89 domain names have at least one bid and there are 531 total bids placed.
To see the updated list of domains at you can click here.
Submissions to be included in the domain name auction closes tomorrow Friday, November 20 at ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: November 2015
Thu 19th November 2015
2 Great (and Free) Tools for Domain Investors - Better bulk search and a handy new tool from DomainPunch.
I come across good tools for domainers from time-to-time, and want to pass a couple good ones along to you.
First is NameBright’s bulk availability search. Alan Dunn mentioned this tool in a blog post yesterday, and I gave it a shot.
Most registrars limit you to 100 bulk searches at a time, or 500 if they’re generous. NameBright lets you check up to 5,000 names at a time. Even more importantly, it’s fast. Compared to other registrars, ... read more ...
RDNH should have been deliberate in decision - Panelist gets decision correct but doesn’t consider reverse domain name hijacking.
A World Intellectual Property Organization panelist has denied New Canaan, Connecticut-based Bankwell Financial Group in its cybersquatting complaint against
However, panelist Peter Dernbach did not consider if Bankwell engaged in reverse domain name hijacking by bringing the case. He probably should have.
The same owner has had the domain name since he registered it in 2003. Bankwell wasn’t formed ... read more ...
CONJONCTURE : De Radiall à TLD : les espoirs mesurés des … -
Si les carnets de commandes d’Airbus et de Boeing n’en finissent plus de gonfler, les entreprises locales liées à l’aéronautique sont loin de céder à l’euphorie et les perspectives d’embauche à court terme sont mesurées. Chez Radiall, le directeur du site souligne une pression accrue sur les prix imposés aux sous-traitants et du côté de TLD, un nouvel agrandissement du site de Sorigny est certes programmé mais le taxi bot, nouveau produit phare du groupe, peine à monter en ... read more ...
Results Available for 18 November 2015 New gTLD Program Auction – ag-IP -
Home / Results Available for 18 November 2015 New gTLD Program Auction /
LOS ANGELES - On 18 November 2015, Power Auctions LLC, ICANN's authorized auction service provider, conducted a New gTLD Program Auction to resolve string contention for one new generic top-level domain (gTLD) contention set: .HOTELS/.HOTEIS. The applicants were unable to resolve contention among themselves; thus their contention set proceeded to auction, which ... read more ...
Rightside Group, Ltd. (NAME) Files Form 4 Insider Selling : Wayne M. Maclaurin … -
Rightside Group, Ltd. (NAME): Wayne M. Maclaurin , Chief Technology Officer of Rightside Group, Ltd. sold 1,397 shares on Nov 18, 2015. The Insider selling transaction was disclosed on Nov 18, 2015 to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The shares were sold at $7.62 per share for a total value of $10,641.19.
The company shares have dropped 18.9% in the past 52 Weeks. On March 27, 2015 The shares registered one year high of $10.38 and one year low was seen on July 27, 2015 at ... read more ...
Wed 18th November 2015 buys .Hotels domain name for $2.2 million - Booking.yeah!
Hotel booking company has won exclusive rights to run the .hotels top level domain name for $2.2 million.
The company was the only applicant for the .hotels domain name. However, .hotels and .hoteis were one of two sets of domains to be considered “too similar” in ICANN’s first pass of string similarity. (Other domain names were trapped through individual string similarity objections.)
Therefore, there was a public auction today between and Despegar Online ... read more ...
Sony Uses Brand TLD ‘.sony’ for Bond Game Site -
Sony is using it's newly secured brand Top-Level Domain, '.sony' for a game site as part of the promotion for its latest Bond movie. Lori Anne Wardi of Neustar writes: "Spectre, the latest James Bond film and the #1 movie worldwide, is drawing fans on, where they can play an interactive game to help Miss Moneypenny track down evil villains. Powered by Google Maps and Street View, the mobile-first game is a slick digital flourish on a movie franchise launched over ... read more ...
Four Key Takeaways From ICANN 54 - Keywords: Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers, registry operators, brand owners, gTLD
The 54th meeting of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
and Numbers (ICANN) concluded on October 22, 2015, in Dublin,
Ireland. As always, the ICANN community discussed several
high-profile topics during the meeting, all of which are relevant
to registry operators, brand owners and future new gTLD applicants
alike. Topics included ICANN accountability issues, the scope of
ICANN's ... read more ...
As .Com registrations surge, is Verisign a good buy? - Domain name registrations are outpacing Verisign’s guidance.
There was a rather spirited conversation over at DomainSherpa today about the landrush on short domain names.
Is it a bubble? Maybe so. But guests Frank Schilling, Andrew Rosener and Shane Cultra discussed one way you can play in this boom without ever buying a numeric or four character domain name: buy Verisign stock.
The thinking is that most analysts and people following the stock market aren’t keeping up-to-date with .com and .net ... read more ...
Google Starts Rolling Out Fully Designed The New Google+ -
In a blog post today, Google introduced the world to the new Google+
“Today, we’re starting to introduce a fully redesigned Google+ that puts Communities and Collections front and center”
“Communities, which now average 1.2 million new joins per day, and Collections, which launched just five months ago and is growing even faster. Whether it’s the Nonfiction Addiction Community, where people can be found discussing the best in Crime or Travel storytelling, or the Watch Project Collection, ... read more ... co-founder Lawrence Ng launches $10 million incubator - OnRamp Fund is just the latest of Ng’s ventures post
Lawrence Ng today announced the launch of OnRamp Fund, a new incubator with $10 million to invest in early-stage startups.
Ng co-founded, best known for its DomainSponsor domain parking service. He served as CEO of the company until 2008, and then Chairman of the Board from 2008-2015.
He took his money off the table in when Oak Hill Capital invested $150 million in the company. That move was well-timed.
Ng ... read more ...
Candidates for Competition, Consumer Trust and Choice Review Team Announced – ag-IP -
Home / Candidates for Competition, Consumer Trust and Choice Review Team Announced /
LOS ANGELES - ICANN announced in a press release 71 individuals applied to serve on the team that will review the New gTLD Program in relation to competition, consumer trust and consumer choice (CCT). Candidates hail from Bahrain, China, Kenya, Jamaica, Spain and many other countries. Their collective professional experience spans a variety of industries. ... read more ...
Google cranky compelling domain names to existent customers - Company sends $10 discount to some Google Analytics customers.
One of the reasons domain name registrars are keeping a close eye on competition from Google Domains is the search giant’s massive user base of small business customers.
It already has customers plugged into its email, apps and analytics services. It’s easy to cross-sell a domain name to them.
Here’s one example. Google sent this email to some of its Google Analytics users this morning:
$10 off isn’t quite free at Google Domains, ... read more ...
With 24 hours to go, all .Club domains in auction have 2+ bids - .Club auction is sizzling on Sedo.
The .Club numeric domain name auction on Sedo is a rare sight: All 37 domain names have bids and will sell when the auction closes tomorrow.
In fact, each domain name has at least two bidders, so it’s likely we’ll see lots of activity over the next 24 hours. leads the pack with 49 bids and a current price of $3,200. I’ve always found this to be an interesting number. It’s a lucky number in China, while elsewhere it is considered the mark of the ... read more ...
What domain names Business Insider and 18 others bought final week - Here are companies that bought domain names last week.
Sifting through Sedo’s weekly sales list to find end user domain name sales is becoming a time-consuming task, but it’s good news for Sedo and the domain name aftermarket. The run on short domain names is filling Sedo’s coffers.
Last week the company handled an unusually high 807 domain name transactions for an unusually high $2.4 million in sales. Based on the total of public sales, that means the company also handled some high value private ... read more ... Gets Sun.Flowers From Uniregistry Under Founders Program - Uniregistry, the company behind the new gTLD .Flowers announced today that “Dos Gringos (, the expert grower and supplier of sunflowers to retailers across the United States, today announced a strategic alliance with Uniregistry who acquired the domain name Sun.Flowers through the Uniregistry Pioneers Program.
Sun.Flowers (, a knowledge specialist in all things sunflowers, offers a unique shop of exclusive sunflower bouquets and an online magazine. , began developing ... read more ...
3.2 Million .Com Added In Last 3 Weeks More Than Increase In All Domains in 2Q - As of today Verisign is reporting that the .Com zone file has topped 123 million domain names; 123,203,096
On October 27, 2015, three weeks ago, the .com zone file topped 120 Million for the first time and had 120,034,068 domain names.
So we are looking at an increase of almost 3.2 million new .com domain names since October 27th, three weeks ago.
Consider that Verisign reported in this last Domain Industry Brief for second quarter of 2015 there were “296 million domain name registrations across ... read more ...
.հայ approuvé comme suffixe de domaine unique pour l’Arménie -
L’International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)a approuv un nouveau domaine Internet reprsentant Armnie-. Հայ (translittration “hye“ en alphabet latin). Le nouveau domaine de .hye a t dlgue la socit Internet d’Armnie, qui a demand le code pays unique en 2014.
L’Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) est une organisation de droit priv but non lucratif. Son personnel et ses participants viennent du monde entier. Elle est charge d’allouer l’espace ... read more ...
Tue 17th November 2015
Boston Ivy Launches Its Registry for .FOREX .BROKER and .CFD Domains -
After previewing the firm’s coming arrival in September, Boston Ivy has launched its domain registry services this week. Focusing on the financial and trading sector, Boston Ivy is marketing its offering as a service to help brands distinguish themselves. Becoming available through Boston Ivy are new top line domains (TLD) of .broker, .cfd, .forex, .trading, .markets and .spreadbetting.
The new TLDs are part of the overall opening of domains which have become available ... read more ...
Sedo Weekly Transactions Total $2.4million led by during 38,000 Euros - Over the past week, 807 transactions took place on Sedo’s marketplace and via SedoMLS, totaling $2.4m.
60% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings.
Highlights of public sales are:
Top .com: at 38,000 EUR
Top ccTLD: at 20,000 EUR
Top “other” TLD: at 14,709 USD
New Gtld Sales: 1,500 1,300 1,150 999 900 ... read more ...
NAF Panelist Flubs another UDRP Decision - Panelist doesn’t address domain name owner’s evidence.
Panelist Bruce Meyerson seemed to ignore evidence that the domain name owner had rights and legitimate interests in the domain name.Earlier this year I was dumbfounded by the actions of panelist Bruce Meyerson in a UDRP case at National Arbitration Forum. He literally asked the complainant to change its argument so he could find in its favor.
Meyerson just decided another UDRP case at NAF that calls his judgment into question.
The case involves ... read more ...
Be clever about domain name pumping - Carefully consider the source of domain name sales data.
It’s no secret that money is being made with short domain names right now. It has moved beyond 2 and 3 character domains to longer domain names.
I applaud those who have taken advantage of this price appreciation and are making money. But I also want to give a bit of a warning.
Lately, I’ve come across cases of boisterous “pumping” of certain types of domain names. People are shouting from the rooftops that certain domain names are ... read more ...
Electronic Frontier Foundation takes down travesty malware site - Site was spreading malware under “Pawn Storm”.
It’s a bit ironic, really. Electronic Frontier Foundation, which defends privacy and online freedoms, was itself spoofed in an attempt to spread malware.
The organization has won control of the spoof site,, through a cybersquatting complaint with World Intellectual Property Organization.
The domain name was used as part of “Pawn Storm“. A spear-phishing attack included a link to the fake site. The perpetrators, ... read more ...
Mon 16th November 2015
TLD Podcast #26: Miguel Cotto-Canelo Alvarez -
Oct 3, 2015; Los Angeles, CA, USA; WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight Boxing Champion Miguel Cotto talks with Los Angeles Dodgers second baseman Enrique Hernandez (14) before a diversion opposite a San Diego Padres during Dodger Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Jayne Kamin-Oncea-USA TODAY Sports