17 finish user domain name sales from Sedo final week -
Some expensive spring chickens and a cruise company were among last week’s end user domain name buyers at Sedo.
Here’s a selection of end user domain sales from Sedo last week:
A UK company called Spring Chicken Direct Limited bought SpringChicken.co.uk for a whopping 12,000 GBP.
Online game company Greentube Internet Entertainment bought Greentube.it for 1,500 GBP. Its website is greentube.com
IFN.com, which offers a toll free forwarding business, bought LiveAgent.co.uk ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Fri 24th May 2013
Afternic’s large proclamation and 22 finish user sales -
Afternic signs a big distribution agreement.
Before jumping into this week’s list of Afternic end user sales, Afternic made a big announcement today. It inked a deal with Directi to sell its premium domains through Directi’s registrars. This means Afternic has deals with 9 of the top 10 domain registrars.
OK, on to the sales.
Education advocacy group Achieve, Inc. bought BusinessandEducation.com for $2,488.
Online education company ePals bought ToolsforSchool.com ... read more ...
Thu 23rd May 2013
Afternic & Directi Partner Up - Afternic, announced their partnership with Directi, the largest domain registrar in Asia and seventh-largest registrar in the world. Directi will join the Afternic reseller network as a Premium Partner, incorporating Afternic’s vast inventory of premium domains for sale through their BigRock brand.
This exclusive relationship brings premium domains to India for the first time, opening up new domain options for small to medium size business owners and domain investors across the globe. The entire ... read more ...
H2.Co Launched By Linkedin Co-Founder & Ex-Google, Verisign, Apple Executives - Another .Co is in the news today as H2.co announced its holding its inaugural meeting at LinkedIn’s global headquarters in Silicon Valley in October 2013.
Talk about name dropping.
Lets start with Reid Hoffman who is a Partner at Greylock and Co-Founder and Executive Chairman at LinkedIn
Then we move over to Nayan Patel and Jeff Merkel who between them are ex-Google, Verisign and Apple exec’s.
The organization which used to be known as h2global.org is now using a .Co H2 (h2.co), ]which has ... read more ...
TLD Transport Gramsbergen failliet: 8 banen in gevaar -
Meedoen! »
Zaterdag 25 en zondag 26 mei:In diverse landen zijn weekendrijverboden van kracht. Klik hier voor een overzicht.
Woensdag 29 mei:Kroatie: 15:00 uur - 23:00 uurPolen: 18:00 uur - 22:00 uur
Donderdag 30 mei:In diverse landen zijn rijverboden van kracht vanwege een feestdag. Klik hier voor een overzicht.
Meer rijverboden »
In het wegvervoer doen zich kwesties voor waarin u zich afvraagt hoe dit bij de wet geregeld is. Zeker als transportondernemer ... read more ...
Ron Paul Loses Both UDRP’s On Ronpaul.com and Ronpaul.org - In two UDRP decisions that are expected to be published later today, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) denied Congressman’s Ron Paul, bid to obtain the domain names RonPaul.com and RonPaul.org
The Congressman filed two UDRP’s one for both of the domain name RonPaul.com and RonPaul.org against Whois Privacy Services Pty Ltd / JNR Corp and another UDRP on just the domain name RonPaul.org against DN Capital Inc., Martha Roberts.
It will be very interesting to read the decision ... read more ...
Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway Now Owns Over 5% Of Verisign - Back In February we told you that Warren Buffets’s Berkshire Hathaway purchased 3,685,700 shares of Verisign (VRSN) which at the time of acquisition represented an investment of around $165 Million dollars.
Today according to Cnbc.com, Berkshire Hathaway added another 4.49 million shares last quarter and now owns 5.35% of VeriSign.
“”While the introduction of a new category of “top level domains” (such as .aero for aviation businesses or .mobi for mobile websites) does increase the ... read more ...
Bill Sweetman Announces New Consulting Venture, Name Ninja -
Last month, Bill Sweetman announced his departure from YummyNames and Tucows, and he informed us that he would be starting a new domain consulting business. At the time of his announcement, Sweetman didn’t offer many details about his venture, but in a press release that was distributed to me this morning, we now know it’s called Name Ninja, and it has a unique tagline, “lethal domain name consulting.”
It appears that Name Ninja’s focus will primarily be on gTLD domain names, ... read more ...
Sedo May Great Domains Auction Picks -
Sedo’s monthly Great Domains auction for May is concluding in a few hours, and there are 233 domain names up for auction this month. At the time of this post, just over 100 of the auctions have bids on them, although many have not yet hit their reserve prices. There are quite a few ccTLD domain names in this auction.
I want to share 5 of my favorite domain names from this auction, with the reserve price range taken into consideration. I may bid on one or more auction.
Meaning.com (Reserve ... read more ...
Bill Sweetman Consulting Firm Name Ninja Launches - After resigning from his vice president’s role at Tucows to pursue his passion for domain name strategy, respected domain name expert Bill Sweetman has unveiled Name Ninja (www.nameninja.com), a boutique domain name consulting firm that officially launches today.
“With the massive expansion of the Internet namespace due to the upcoming rollout of hundreds of new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs), the global demand for expert domain name advice and strategy is going to explode,” predicts Bill ... read more ...
Veko.com Lost In UDRP: Domain Was Parked, For Sale & Owner Was Domainer - Veko Lightsystems International B.V. was awarded the domain name Veko.com by a one member UDRP panel
The Complainant won the case based off of a Benelux trademark issued February 20, 2002.
A Benelux trademark is about the easiest trademarks to get an usually a jurisdiction someone runs to if they have a weak claim for the trademark especially if they need one in a hurry.
The panel put a lot of weight in its decision on the fact that the domain went to a page of was offered for sale on domainnamesales.com ... read more ...
‘Governance Council’ Announced for .Health Top-Level Domain -
Stakeholders in the Health Industry Invited to Advise on Internet Best Practices
May 23, 2013 (MMD Newswire) -- Dot Health Limited, the Gibraltar-based organisation seeking to operate a new .Health top-level domain (gTLD), today announced the creation of a Governance Council that will allow the world health community to provide input on the .Health TLD. The Governance Council will be called upon to monitor, advise, and recommend best practices for the .Health gTLD.
The announcement comes ... read more ...
Rewolucja na rynku domen internetowych? - Już niedługo zmienią się zasady funkcjonowania domen internetowych. Będziemy coraz częściej napotykać niestandardowe adresy stron takie jak www.mojeulubione.spaghetti albo www.sklep.motoryzacyjny. Wszystko za sprawą procesu tzw. uwolnienia domen internetowych najwyższego stopnia (TLD - Top Level Domains).Jesteśmy obecnie świadkami kształtowania się nowych zasad i rozszerzania miejsca w Internecie. Teoretycznie w przyszłości może powstać nieskończona liczba nowych domen, a jedyne ... read more ...
New Trademark Headaches, But Help is On the Way Re: Internet Corporation for … -
For brand owners that have often struggled to keep up with all the infringement and cybersquatting issues in the 22 existing generic top-level domain name registries, or “gTLDs”, like .com, .org, and .net, life is about to become even more challenging. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers’ (ICANN) planned expansion of gTLDs to potentially almost 2,000 in total has the potential to create major trademark enforcement headaches. In order to address some of those concerns ... read more ...
Applicants record 722 responses to GAC advice -
Applicants flood ICANN with responses to GAC advice on new top level domains.
ICANN has published applicant responses to the Governmental Advisory Committees “Advice” on new top level domains.
722 responses were filed in total.
Many applicants submitted the same comment on each TLD they believed was affected by the advice.
The overarching theme in responses was: we have what we believe are adequate protections for our strings, the GAC should not be concerned, ... read more ...
Breaking: Ron Paul found guilty of retreat domain name hijacking -
Former congressman guilty of reverse domain name hijacking, says WIPO panel.
Earlier today I wrote about how Ron Paul lost both of his domain disputes brought before the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
The disputes were filed against RonPaul.com and RonPaul.org and were both heard by the same arbitration panel under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP).
The panel ruled that in the case of RonPaul.org, former congressman Paul is ... read more ...
Ron Paul loses disputes over RonPaul.com and RonPaul.org domain names -
Former politician denied relief in dispute over two Ron Paul domain names.
[Update: Paul found guilty of reverse domain name hijacking in RonPaul.org case.]
Ron Paul has lost two separate domain name disputes filed with the World Intellectual Property Organization.
The two cases covered RonPaul.com and RonPaul.org, and were part of a public spat between the domain owners, who say they are Ron Paul supporters, and the politician.
The owner of RonPaul.com offered to ... read more ...
.Home and .Corp are not a usually shabby TLDs that now get queried -
They’re not as big, but several applied-for TLD strings get invalid queries.
ICANN is investigating internal names used by corporations and how they might conflict with applied-for top level domains.
.Home and .Corp are frequently among the top 10 queried invalid top level domains, but they aren’t the only ones.
ICANN hosts a page that shows invalid TLD queries. It seems to time out if you expand the timeframe to more than one day, so it’s hard to get a grasp ... read more ...
Who’s this new GoDaddy girl? -
GoDaddy.com has replaced Danica Patrick with a real small business customer.
For most of last five years, GoDaddy girl Danica Patrick has graced the GoDaddy.com home page. Over the past few months GoDaddy has tried a couple different approaches, as you can see at Screenshots.com.
Today there’s a new home page design with another “girl”, but she’s not a celebrity spokesperson. She’s a real small business customer.
Sindy Alexandra, a stay at home mom and photographer, ... read more ...
Bill Sweetman unveils Name Ninja -
Name Ninja to provide wide variety of domain name services including domain portfolio management, domain acquisition, and new TLD strategy.
Domain consulting firm NameNinja formally launches today.Former Tucows executive Bill Sweetman formally unveiled his domain name consulting shop today.
Name Ninja will offer services to three core groups: startups, entrepreneurs and marketers; individual and corporate domain name owners; and new gTLD registries and operators.
Sweetman ... read more ...
Bargain.com domain name sells for $150,000 -
After many times on the auction block, Bargain.com finally sells.
Bargain.com sold for $150,000 during the Hilco Streambank auction yesterday. There was only one bidder for the domain.
Bargain.com had been offered for sale previously through both Sedo and Moniker, but with a much higher asking price. The last time it was offered at a Moniker auction it had a reserve price of over $750,000.
The lot also included the common typo Bargin.com.
Also selling in the auction ... read more ...
Wed 22nd May 2013
5 ways brands should be using gTLDs -
More than 70 percent of the entire internet domain name system we use every day is currently hosted in the .com space, making it one of the most familiar generic top-level domains (gTLDs) for companies and consumers, along with .net, .org, and a few others. In the next few months, however, the internet will expand, introducing a host of changes that will transform what has been a relative status quo in the area of top-level domains (TLDs).
The International Corporation for Assigned ... read more ...
Here’s what ICANN’s board decided on Saturday – Domain Name Wire - Board passes resolution that might delay certain new TLDs and approves a new UDRP provider. While most of us were hanging with our families or on the golf course this weekend, ICANN’s board was approving a number of resolutions that could have a big affect on some parts of the domain name industry. Here’s what the board decided :Some new TLDs may be delayed or rejected based on internal name conflicts. ICANN is going to further investigate the potential for security issues related to certain ... read more ...
Over 30 Domains Related To Oklahoma Tornado The Good, Bad & Ugly - Just about 48 hours after one of the worst Tornado’s in US history hit the ground in Moore Oklahoma killing children, adults and causing over $1 Billion in damage, we found over 30 .com and .net and .org domain names registered which gives the indication they are for charitable or relief purposes.
However scanning though all the registrations and sites on the domains only three seem to have been set up by charities or good doers.
We start with the good:
The domain name Mooreoklatornado.com, encourages ... read more ...
Sedo.com Weekly Domain Name Transactions Total $1.26 Million - Sedo just reported that over the past week, 799 transactions took place on Sedo’s marketplace and via SedoMLS, totaling over $1.26m.
All sales were led by 3dCity.com which sold for $29,500.
Over 40% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings.
Highlights of public sales include:
• Top .com: 3dcity.com at 29,500 USD
• Top ccTLD: creditos.com.mx at 19,000 USD
• Top “other” TLD: mika.net at 3,888 EUR
Google+Michael ... read more ...