Tag Archives: moniker

Fri 14th November 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Ng Steps Down, Kupietzky Promoted to President of Oversee.net - Kupietzky promoted, Ng to leave CEO position and become Chairman of Board. Jeff Kupietzky Domain Name Wire has learned that later today Oversee.net will announce that Jeff Kupietzky has been named President of the company. Oversee.net is parent company of DomainSponsor, Moniker, and SnapNames. Kupietzky had been Executive Vice President as well as General Manager for DomainSponsor. Kupietzky will take over day-to-day operations as Oversee.net co-founder Lawrence ... read more ...
Fri 17th October 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Overseeing a Domain Name World - A visit with domain giant Oversee.net in its L.A. headquarters shows how the domain world is growing up. View from Oversee.net’s lobby. When you get off the elevator at floor 44 of 515 S. Flower St, you see sweeping views of Los Angeles, trendy furniture, and glass-enclosed conference rooms. You might think you’re in the office of an advertising agency or prestigious consulting company. You certainly wouldn’t think you were at the headquarters of a company ... read more ...
Fri 10th October 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Strong Domain Registrars Will Win in Downturn - Cash-rich domain name registrars can take advantage of economic downturn. In any economic downturn, the strong companies come out ahead and the weak ones die. The same thing will happen in the domain registrar business over the next few years. Cash-rich domain registrars will be able to buy flailing registrars for pennies on the dollar. Even if domain registration rates remain strong, registrars that over leveraged themselves, created inefficient organizations, ... read more ...
Thu 9th October 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Moniker: Kentucky Cannot Have Our Customers’ Domains - Moniker assures its clients that their domain names are safe. In case there were any doubts (and I heard some), Moniker customers can rest assured that the company is fighting to keep your domains from ill-advised state governors. Speaking specifically about the situation with the Kentucky governor, Moniker founder and president Monte Cahn released the following statement to Domain Name Wire today: Moniker strives to protect the rights of domainers. While it has ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Official GoDaddy Statement on Kentucky Domains Case - What is GoDaddy doing with gambling domains? Here’s the official word. There have been a number of rumors swirling around about whether GoDaddy has handed over domains that Kentucky wants to seize as it cracks down on illegal gambling. A number of online gambling news sources have reported that GoDaddy capitulated and turned over the domains, but a look at the whois shows the domains are still in the original owners’ names. (Compare this to the domain names ... read more ...
Fri 3rd October 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Moniker Silent Auction Nets Another $900k - Moniker’s silent auction concluded yesterday with $900,000 in sales. You can raise the tally on Moniker’s TRAFFIC auction to about $4 million, thanks to another $900,000 in sales in the silent auction. Nearly 200 domains sold in the silent auction. loto.com $91,331 (Spanish for “Lotto”) wholesale.net $88,240 sparesorts.com $70,590 claudia.com $35,000 newyorkrestaurants.com $30,240 furnitureworld.com $29,420 bluecollar.com $28,750 650.com $27,000 auctions.net ... read more ...
Wed 1st October 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Moniker Should Use Marketplace Pro Instead of SnapNames - Silent auctions make more sense on Moniker’s legacy platform. In late 2006 Moniker launched “Marketplace Pro”, the domain registrar’s answer to domain aftermarket sites. It used Marketplace Pro for its silent auctions as well. The platform wasn’t perfect, but made it easy to find domains and place bids. For the past few silent auctions Moniker has switched to SnapNames, which is owned by Moniker’s new parent company Oversee.net. SnapNames has the added ... read more ...
Fri 26th September 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
How Monte Cahn & Crew Pulled It Off - $3 million auction was well executed. If anyone was scared about how yesterday’s live domain auction at TRAFFIC would go, their fears dissipated about 30 minutes into the auction. Domains were selling and bidding was intense. Sure, the final tally of $3 million ($4 million for all auctions this week) was much less than the $10 million last year, but it’s a coup given what’s going on in the economy. So how did Monte Cahn and his crew at Moniker pull it off? 1. ... read more ...
Thu 25th September 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Backdrop for this Week’s Domain Auctions is Shaky - This week’s onslaught of domain auctions couldn’t have come at a more unstable time. Call it the week of domain name auctions: two from Moniker, plus auctions from Rick Latona Auctions, Aftermarket.com, and Sedo. Also call it the week of economic uncertainty. Yesterday afternoon the backdrop for the Aftermarket.com auction was knowledge that President Bush was going to address the nation about the financial crisis just a few hours later. In that speech, he ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Stars May Align for Moniker Domain Name Auction during 3PM Today - Outlook getting rosier by the minute for Moniker Auction. [Update: FinancialAid.com sells for $800,000.] Earlier today I wrote about how financial uncertainty is peaking and this has weighed down on the live domain name auctions this week. I also said that Moniker’s timeslot — 3 PM EDT today — may end up being a very lucky happenstance. It’s looking more that way. Democrats and Republicans have apparently come up with a bailout plan and the stock market ... read more ...
Wed 24th September 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Moniker Auction Nets $100k; Shows Market Weakness - the auction last night was a low and no reserve auction….the results were high with almost all exceeding their reserve prices: Domain Sale Price Men.org $12,500.00 CashiersCheck.com $7,000.00 NetworkingJobs.com $7,000.00 GunRange.com $6,500.00 KinkySex.net $6,000.00 Groping.com $5,000.00 Rattlers.com $4,500.00 Sperm.net $3,750.00 SeafoodRestaurant.com $3,500.00 ExecutiveJetCharter.com $2,900.00 Beef.net $2,750.00 CollegeNewspaper.com $2,750.00 SelfMotivation.com $2,600.00 CommonStock.com ... read more ...
Tue 23rd September 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
GoDaddy Files Patent for “Domain Name Hijack Protection” - Patent covers system to automatically reject domain name transfers. GoDaddy has filed a patent for a system to protect against domain name theft. The patent lists GoDaddy CEO Bob Parsons as the sole inventor and was filed last year, but was not published until this month. United States Patent Application 20080215716 describes a service subscribed to by customers in which domain transfer-out notices are automatically ignored. A notice is sent to the customer informing ... read more ...
Mon 22nd September 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Aftermarket.com Takes Different Approach to Domain Auctions - While many are focusing on big ticket domains at Moniker and Rick Latona, I’ll be paying attention to Aftermarket.com auction. It’s go time. TRAFFIC hits New York City this week and there will be four auctions, including an opening night auction featuring mostly domains from Rick and Howard, plus auctions from Moniker, Rick Latona Auctions, and Aftermarket.com (TrafficZ). Already the competition has proven valuable, pushing the different players to sell themselves ... read more ...
Thu 11th September 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Moniker Drops .Com to $7.29 Ahead of Registry Fee Hikes - Moniker joins other registrars in “renew before the increase” promotions. Domain registrar Moniker has just cut the new registration and renewal price on .com domain names to $7.29 until the end of the month. Moniker joins other registrars in offering promotions prior to a wholesale price increase that goes into effect October 1. The current wholesale price of .com domains, including the ICANN fee, is $6.62. The price jumps to $7.06 on October 1. eNom is ... read more ...
Wed 3rd September 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
dotMobi to Enforce Compliance Rules for Premium Domains (Eventually) - dotMobi says it will start to enforce guidelines for domains won at auction. In June I wrote a second article about premium dotMobi domain names that were won at auctions at Sedo. At the time, not a single domain won at the first Sedo auction was in compliance. Compliance basically requires a dotMobi compatible parking page followed by a mobile web site within 6 months. Although it’s not surprising that few of the domains had real web sites within 6 months, ... read more ...
Tue 2nd September 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Domain Companies Need to Increase “Switching Costs” - The road to profits lies in an integrated approach to domain management. In the domain business there are low “switching costs”. A switching cost is the time and money you incur to change service providers. Consider domain parking, where you can move 1,000 domains from one parking company to another in about 15 minutes. Even switching registrars is relatively painless compared to many other service provider changes you do in the “offline” world. To see ... read more ...
Thu 28th August 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Moniker Offers $7.49 .Mobi Domain Names - Moniker slashes prices for new registrations on .mobi domains. If you want to get your hands on any unregistered .mobi domain names, now may be a good time. Moniker just announced $7.49 per year pricing on new .mobi domain registrations through October 24. The pricing applies to up to ten years of registration if purchased at the time of registration. GoDaddy is also offering discounted .mobi domain registrations at $7.99 $8.19 each. You might consider picking ... read more ...
Wed 27th August 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Competition Works: Moniker Changes Auction Terms - Moniker shortens length of exclusivity period and changes auto-renew clause. In an e-mail announcement sent to customers, Moniker announced it is changing the exclusivity period for domains submitted for its live and silent auctions. These changes are likely due to increased competition at upcoming auction events, including five separate auctions taking place at TRAFFIC in Brooklyn next month (although only two are accepting submissions from domainers). The new period ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Rick Latona Auction to Be Simulcast on Web; Other Updates - Auction at TRAFFIC conference will allow for remote bidding. Rick Latona announced that his auction at next month’s TRAFFIC conference will be simulcast on the web. The auction will use Proxibid, which Latona calls the “biggest and best online auction company in the business.” Latona’s auction will include his own domains, including some real winners such as SecurityAlarms.com, LotteryNumbers.com, and Cyberspace.com. It is unclear how the reserves and pricing ... read more ...
Fri 22nd August 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
How to Edit Domain Submissions to TrafficZ Auction - If you submitted domains to the TrafficZ/Aftermarket.com auction at TRAFFIC, here’s how to add descriptions to each of your domains. If you’ve already submitted domains to the TrafficZ auction taking place at TRAFFIC next month in New York, you should consider adding descriptions to each of your domains. (If you haven’t yet submitted domains, here’s a quick tutorial.) The process for adding descriptions is fairly simple. Log in to your auction manager at ... read more ...
Thu 21st August 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Moniker SES: Steals of a Year - If you didn’t bid in Moniker’s SES auction, you missed out on some great deals. If you haven’t already heard, Moniker’s live auction at Search Engine Strategies in San Jose was a flop. It’s just further proof that selling domains to non-domainers (unless they are into adult) is a challenge. The official tally on Moniker’s web site is about $16,000 in sales. It doesn’t include a sale of Groceries.us which appeared sold in the auction for $4,000 but ... read more ...
Mon 18th August 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Analysis: Oversee.net Cutbacks a Sign of a Times - Oversee cuts 10%; domain companies need to tighten the ship. It’s never fun when companies lay off staff. The first company I worked for out of college called a Saturday meeting to lay off 33% of the company. Worse, I was on the finance team that had to figure out how much fat to cut. The news today that Oversee.net cut 10% of its staff isn’t a big surprise to me for a number of reasons: 1. The company acquired Moniker and SnapNames. There are overlapping roles ... read more ...
Fri 8th August 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
BJ.com Sells for $200,000 - Domain sells at InterNext Auction this afternoon. Perhaps the adult entertainment industry is seeing an uptick in business as the economy heads the other way. Moniker’s live adult domain name auction at InterNext in Hollywood Florida is underway and it has already sold more money worth of domains than the company’s last auction through about 2/3 of the domains. BJ.com sold for $200,000, Shemales.net sold for $60,000, [redacted].net $90,000, and Sluts.net $58,000. ... read more ...
Wed 23rd July 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Moniker Sends Silent Auctions to SnapNames - Move will increase audience for silent auction domains. Moniker announced that it will now use the SnapNames platform for auctioning domains in its silent auctions. Previously, silent auctions were held on Moniker’s online platform which required a separate login and access code. By moving to SnapNames, silent auction domains should get more attention and ultimately sell for more. Other benefits include: -SnapNames customers will no longer have to login to multiple ... read more ...
Thu 17th July 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Rick Latona Enters Live Auction Circus - Latona latest to throw hat into TRAFFIC conference auction hoopla. Rick Latona has announced on his blog that he will be auctioning domains at September’s TRAFFIC conference in New York. Latona joins Moniker and Thought Convergence (TrafficZ) at the conference, and up to two other auctioneers. In his post, titled “Go Big or Go Home”, Latona writes: I’ve become the largest individual reseller and broker of domains in the business because I’m a domainer ... read more ...