Monthly Archives: July 2014

Fri 4th July 2014
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New Domain Names to Eradicate Need for Search Engines? - Photo by Ryan Wick Creative Commons license Following the launch of thousands of new generic top level domains (gTLDs), brand protection company Netnames has uncovered a significant change in browsing habits. In its Internet 2020 report, Netnames revealed that ... read more ...
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Noted American Wine Regions join forces to protest ICANN’s release of .wine … - DBR Staff Writer Published 04 July 2014 Seven noted American wine regions have banded together in opposition to the rights-to-the-highest-bidder release of generic top level domain names (gTLDs) such as .wine and .vin by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). The regional wine organizations that are driving the opposition include the Oregon Winegrowers Association (545 wineries), the Napa ... read more ...
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URS complainants may have second bite of the cherry -

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Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google’s Matt Cutt to take a break - Head of Google web spam Matt Cutts said that he is taking a break and going on leave. Matt certainly does take a lot of abuse defending the Panda and the Penguin and while I am sure he has made a lot of money at Google, it must be a stressful job. Maybe Sergey and Larry could make it easier on him by allowing Google to be a little more transparent and accountable for their actions. Danny Sullivan wrote on Search Engine Land: It will be the longest break Cutts has ever taken from Google since he ... read more ...
Thu 3rd July 2014
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The Digital Strategy and DotOps Congress (Amsterdam, September 2014) - The Digital Strategy DotOps CongressClick to Download BrochureMomentum has announced that the upcoming Digital Strategy DotOps Congress will be held in Amsterdam, September 18-19, 2014. The group says that it has completely updated the program agenda for this 5th installment in Momentum's Digital Strategy and gTLD Congress series. From the announcement: * * * Specifically focused on addressing top of mind digital marketing strategy for TLD applicants and Brands, both Round 1 applicant ... read more ...
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California Democrats .Whine Over Proposed .Wine Domains - Let’s see if we can do this without making any puns. In May, California Democratic Congressman Mike Thompson sent a letter to the Internet Corporation for Assigning Names and Numbers (ICANN), asking that .wine and .vin domain not be assigned to “any applicant,” provided that worries concerning protections against cybersquatting can’t be resolved. Congressman Thompson’s district, the California 5th, contains Napa county, which is famous wine country. The fear, it appears, is that there ... read more ...
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Thank You GNSO – From the - The recent announcement at the ICANN 50 London, by all stakeholder groups and constituencies comprising of ICANN's Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) to endorse a joint statement in support of the creation of an independent accountability mechanism "that provides meaningful review and adequate redress for those harmed by ICANN action or inaction in contravention of an agreed upon compact with the community" is a very welcome development to the Multistakeholder framework. It is well ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google Adult Ad Ban Now In Effect - CNBC is reporting that the Google Advertising Ban on Adult domain names is now in effect. We reported earlier this month that Google was going to impose new restrictions on adult advertising, which some believed amounted almost to a ban on advertising. Today CNBC is reporting that “Google is getting out of the porn advertising business”. The changes, which went into effect late Monday, prohibit any promotion of most sexually themed sites, specifically those that feature “graphic sexual acts ... read more ...
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What if France Had Applied for a .WINE New gTLD? - If France had applied... Would the French Government or any other French Private company — such as a French Vineyard — had applied to the .WINE Top-Level Domain, one could wonder what would the situation be today. Well… the situation would be the exact same — the applicant would be in front of three other .WINE applicants with this exact same question: how do I win the auction? A "standard application" All three .WINE projects are standard applications and all stick to what the ... read more ...
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.WANG – 15000 Registrations on Day One of General Availability - Zodiac Registry is pleased to announce that 15,000 .wang domain names have been registered during the first 24 hours of its General Availability, which started on 00:00, June 30, Beijing time. Within the first 2 hours, more than 7,000 domain names were taken. "We are very pleased with our day one performance in an unprecedented and over-crowded new gTLD launch space", commented Eugene Li, CEO of Zodiac Registry, "thanks to our team and our partners. It's an impressive debut, considering ... read more ...
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.XYZ Becomes 1st New gTLD To Pass 250000 Registrations - .XYZ has become the first new gTLD to pass 250,000 registrations. The official count according to, 250,731 domain names. Of that amount 217, 752. are registered at Network Solutions representing over 86% of all registrations. As we always note, the vast majority of these .XYZ registrations at Netsol are free and being pushed into customers account without the customers asking for the domains. Disregarding all NetSol registrations .XYZ is still doing pretty well, with over 32,000 registrations ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
.XYZ Becomes 1st New gTLD To Pass 250,000 Registrations - .XYZ has become the first new gTLD to pass 250,000 registrations. The official count according to, 250,731 domain names. Of that amount 217, 752. are registered at Network Solutions representing over 86% of all registrations. As we always note, the vast majority of these .XYZ registrations at Netsol are free and being pushed into customers account without the customers asking for the domains. Disregarding all NetSol registrations .XYZ is still doing pretty well, with over 32,000 registrations ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Another Poor 1st Day For This Weeks New gTLDs: .Vision 905; .Report 845; .Fish 542 - Three new gTLD’s went into their first day of general availability yesterday and it was another underwhelming week. The totals include Sunrise registration and those domains registered in the Early Access Program .Vision 905 .Report 845 .Fish 542 A total of less than 2,500 for the three strings However especially in .vision there were quite a few premium domain names with registration and annual renewal prices of $400 or more that got registered including, and This ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Silicon Valley VC is a solitary Winner of Government Bitcoin Auction - Last week the U.S. government held an auction for 30,000 bitcoins that were previously seized. Reuters is reporting that Tim Draper a well known Silicon Valley VC purchased the coins. In the article Draper noted that he saw the auction as a sign that Bitcoin had a real value to society, if not they would have just buried them. I am not sure that anyone can say if  that is actually true, the government knows there is value for these coins and it makes sense to liquidate. Whether they are giving ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Minds + Machines files obvious for “Domain Name Registration and Resale” - Patent describes system similar to AfternicDLS and SedoMLS but at the registry level. Minds + Machines Chairman Fred Krueger has filed a patent application (pdf) for the resale of domain names, titled “Domain Name Registration and Resale”. Here’s part of the description: Internet registries operate in the primary market for domain names and not in the secondary market. A registry has no record of whether a domain name is available for resale and, if so, at what ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
GoDaddy wants to obvious approach of onboarding new TLDs - GoDaddy files four patents related to adding new TLD options to a registrar. GoDaddy has filed four patent applications describing methods for adding new top level domain names to a registrar’s offerings. Each top level domain name a registrar offers comes with its own restrictions, GoDaddy explains: A large part of the difficulty in adding new TLDs is that each TLD may (and usually does) have unique business requirements. As non-limiting examples, the business ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged’s UDRP record drops to 3 and 3 - Company loses a UDRP for the third time in just 6 tries. Online shoe retailer might need to re-read the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Policy. It just lost its third UDRP. It has only won three times. This latest loss comes courtesy of typosquatting recovery firm CitizenHawk, which helped go after Yes, w is right next to e on the keyboard. But a UDRP panel determined that, made up of two common dictionary words, is not ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
2nd turn .UK domain name registrations tip 100,000 - A strong sales month for .UK. Over 100,000 second level domain names under .uk have been registered since they became available for registration last month, .uk registry Nominet announced today. About two-thirds have been registered by people who have matching third level .uk domain names. They are given first rights to the second level domain name for a period of five years. Surprisingly, over one-third have been registered as completely new and unique registrations, ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
This week’s Expired Domain Name Roundup - Joseph Peterson reports on the past week in expired domain name sales. What’s an UNCH?  And how many of them would Dr. Seuss need to sell in order to recoup the $11.6k spent on  Well, actually, some 36 years ago, the United Nations established its Centre for Human Settlements.  Perhaps now they’ve finally secured a matching .ORG domain for their work on urban planning, upgrading slums, and so forth.  Meanwhile, the corresponding .COM remains ... read more ...
Wed 2nd July 2014
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gTLD Sunrise Periods Now Open - As first reported in our December 2013 newsletter, the first generic top-level domains (gTLDs, the group of letters after the "dot" in a domain name) have launched their "Sunrise" registration periods. Please see our December 2013 newsletter for more information as to what the Sunrise Period is, and how to become eligible to register a domain name under one of the new gTLDs during this period.  As of the date of this newsletter, Sunrise periods are open for the following new gTLDs: .services .actor  ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Owner Of A $7 Billion Company Loses UDRP On - AgStar Financial Services, ACA (“Complainant”),  just lost its bid to grab the domain name from Ashantiplc Ltd, who was represented by John Berryhill, Esq. , who also in full disclosure represents our company in UDRP cases. The complainant owns the domain name (missing the other letter “L”) along with a trademark on the term (also with the missing “L”) The domain holder registered the domain name in August 3, 2005, the Complainant’s trademark ... read more ...
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Noted American Wine Regions Join Forces to Protest ICANN’s Release of .wine … – Virtual - Seven noted American wine regions have banded together in opposition to the rights-to-the-highest-bidder release of generic top level domain names (gTLDs) such as .wine and .vin by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). The regional wine organizations that are driving the opposition include the Oregon Winegrowers Association (545 wineries), the Napa Valley Vintners (500 wineries), Sonoma County Vintners (230 wineries), ... read more ...
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Is het wel fair dat een land zijn ccTLD verkwanselt? - En soms gaan de inkomsten uit domeinnamen echt wel naar de verkeerde...Je kent ze wel, die leuke domeinnamen waarbij gebruik gemaakt wordt van een slimme combinatie met een cc (country code) TLD (Top Level Domain). .tv bijvoorbeeld, dat eigenlijk bij het minuscule eiland Tuvalu hoort, maar dat dankbaar gebruikt wordt door makers van tv-programma's. Of .me bijvoorbeeld, dat toebehoort aan Montenegro.Nu is daar op zich niets mis mee - tenminste als de verkoop van domeinnamen ten goede komt aan de ... read more ...