Tag Archives: fred krueger

Fri 7th August 2015
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Minds + Machines co-founder dumps another 30 million shares - Krueger now owns about 5% of the company. Minds + Machines co-founder Frederick Krueger, who was pushed out of the company at the end of May, has sold another 30 million shares in the company. He now owns about 41 million ordinary shares of the new top level domain name company, or about 5%. When he left the company, he said he planned to keep the “vast majority” of his shares in the company. Since then he’s sold 87 million shares, or about 70% of his holdings of ordinary shares. This means ... read more ...
Tue 9th June 2015
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Fred Krueger sells about 1/5th of his interest in Minds + Machines - Former chairman sells 24.5 million shares in three transactions. Former Minds + Machines chairman Fred Krueger has sold about a fifth of his stake in the new top level domain name company since leaving at the end of last month. Krueger has sold 24.5 million shares in three transactions, netting him close to £2 million, assuming he sold for just over 8 pence per share. [Update: Minds + Machines announced on 6/10 that Krueger sold another 4 million shares, on 6/11 that he sold 10,750,000 shares and ... read more ...
Tue 26th May 2015
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Fred Krueger pushed out of Minds + Machines, association reports $5 million bookings - Co-founder leaves company and will focus on his website building platform. Minds + Machines released 2014 results today, and also announced that the board has voted co-founder Fred Krueger out of the company and his role as executive Chairman. Keith Teare, a British tech entrepreneur, will take over as Chairman. The move doesn’t come as a complete surprise to me. Krueger has seemed more excited about his website building software, Mozart, than the core process of top level domain names. In his ... read more ...
Thu 3rd July 2014
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Minds + Machines files obvious for “Domain Name Registration and Resale” - Patent describes system similar to AfternicDLS and SedoMLS but at the registry level. Minds + Machines Chairman Fred Krueger has filed a patent application (pdf) for the resale of domain names, titled “Domain Name Registration and Resale”. Here’s part of the description: Internet registries operate in the primary market for domain names and not in the secondary market. A registry has no record of whether a domain name is available for resale and, if so, at what ... read more ...