Monthly Archives: July 2014

Mon 7th July 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
.GOP Was Suppose To Go Live Today But You Can’t Register One -   The new gTLD extension .GOP was suppose to go live today July 7th for general availability but as far as I can tell you can’t register one. The Dot GOP registry proudly announced in the Wall Street Journal back on April 23, 2014, that there go live date would be July 7, 2014. Landrush applications were being taken as late as Friday night on Join.GOP. I actually submitted  A Total of 14 Landrush applications at $100 per domain name. The Landrush domain name applications seemed to go through ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
The Namejet .Global Domain Auction Closes In 48 Hours & Reserves Have Been Lowered - Following on the heels of the highly successful Live .Global auction held in London during ICANN where over $63,000 in .Global domain names sold,  the remaining domains that didn’t sell are at auction at As of publication, out of the 47 domain names in the auction all but 11 have opening bids. The auction closes on Wednesday starting at 3PM EST/ 12PM PST. The best part of the auction is that the registry agreed to lower the reserve on a lot of the domains in the auction ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
ICANN Updates New gTLD Collision Auction Schedule; Here Is The New 2014 Schedule -                 ICANN has published an updated schedule of the ICANN Last Resort Auction for those new gTLD  in Collision. ICANN will hold a Last Resort Auction for new gTLD strings that had more than one application and which have not settled the contention through private auctions or otherwise. You might remember that ICANN proposed most recently to hold 20 Last resort auctions per month starting with June 2014. However June only saw one new gTLD Last Resort auction, none are scheduled ... read more ...
Written by in FR and tagged
L’Icann face aux AOC : comment le .vin a tourné au vinaigre - Le 26 juin, les autorités françaises, par les voix de la secrétaire d’Etat au Numérique Axelle Lemaire et de son ministre de tutelle Arnaud Montebourg, volaient dans les plumes de l’Icann, estimant que l’autorité internationale – en réalité une société de droit californien – chargée de l’attribution des noms de domaine n’était « plus aujourd’hui l’enceinte adéquate pour discuter de la gouvernance de l’Internet ». En cause : le mécanisme d’attribution de certains ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
Will This Domain Portfolio Owned By The Castello’s Be The 1st To Sell For Over $1 Billion? -       Last week I received a tweet to @thedomains, asking the question: “Is any domain name portfolio worth over $1 Billion Dollars? We are about to find out.” The link in the Tweet goes to this site, which says: “The portfolio consists of 40 hyper names (and hundreds of others) that will ensure a substantial and immediate impact on the Internet if they are paired with the right global resource. The seller’s preference is to keep the portfolio intact. It is his belief that the whole is ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged Lil Wayne Spent $600,000 To Buy The Domain & Is In Default -     According to, hip hop artist Lil Wayne purchased the domain name which matches the name of his record label which has signed artists like Drake and Nicki Minaj for $600,000 in 2011. In a lawsuit filed by the company that sold the domain name, Wayne’s company hasn’t paid the $250K balance it owes. The seller is suing to get its domain name back. ... read more ...
Written by in NL and tagged
TLD’s: drukke dagen voor hosting providers - Gastexpert Peter Jonkers, Manager Business Relations bij D-Hosting De nieuwe namen in domeinland geven nieuwe bedrijven die vaak moeten kiezen voor langere domeinnamen in de bekende extensies de kans nu ook een mooie naam te claimen. Voor reclamebureau’s geven al deze nieuwe extensies weer ruimte voor de creatieve geest en extensies als .guru doen het goed bij ZZP’ers. Veel van de populaire gTLD’s zijn, niet geheel onverwacht, de extensies waarmee nog iets duidelijker kan worden gemaakt ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Napster.FM Hit With a UDRP by Rhapsody - A name from the past is back in the news, this time the second coming of Napster located at Napster.Fm was hit with a UDRP by online subscription service Rhapsody International, Inc. Rhapsody owns and purchased the company a few years back. Napster.FM has been registered since March of 2012 by LLC. The website does not look to be operable as the top menu is blurred out where you would look for links to Chat, Discovery, About, etc… ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
CentralNic Launches BuyDomains.London, Domain & Website Included For £39.00 A Year -       CentralNic announced today that they have launched the BuyDomains.London A “website for Small SMEs to obtain their .London domain names” taking aim “at the “75% of London’s 841,000 SMEs that will fail to register for a .London domain name before the 31 July deadline”. For only £39.00 per year, Londoners and London-based businesses will get from BuyDomains.London: – A .London domain, which tells local customers and visitors alike that you’re located in London – A professional ... read more ...
Written by in IT and tagged
1&1 Internet, disponibili i nuovi domini .FISH, .REPORT, .VISION - 11 Internet ha inserito nel proprio listino domini i gTLD (generic Top Level Domains)  .FISH, .REPORT e .VISION. Le estensioni, che vanno ad aggiungersi agli oltre 100 domini già registrabili con il provider, si prestano a diversi impieghi nell’ambito del business aziendale, come sottolineato nella news ufficiale:“Se da un lato .FISH è perfetto per l’estate, con la possibilità di realizzare un sito web creativo dedicato a un nuovo ristorante a base di pesce sulle soleggiate coste della ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged sells domain name to startup - After shutting down service that used, company sells domain name to startup. It appears has sold the domain name to Redo, Inc., parent company of meeting productive application If you go to today, it will forward to where you can sign up for a beta of the service. It appears that the San Francisco startup is just getting off the ground. On July 3 or 4, the domain name’s whois record changed from ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
This week in new TLDs: .Pub, .Christmas and more - Frank Schilling tries to put you in the holiday spirit and Rightside raises its glass. You know what amazes me? One of the .brand TLDs to “go live” this week, .中信 and .citic, has a better information page than some of the other new TLDs launching. But readers probably aren’t interested in .brand domain names they won’t be able to register, so here’s a look at other domain names launching this week. It’s Christmas in July! Your local furniture store ... read more ...
Sun 6th July 2014
Written by in EN and tagged
Have Trademark Holders Given Up On The URS? Last 17 Disputes Filed, 15 … - Have trademark holders given up on the Uniform Resolution Service? The URS is something that trademark holders and their representative pushed for at ICANN for years. A cheap, quick take down on obviously trademark infringing new gTLD domain registrations. Although the URS is exactly that a much cheaper and quicker process than a UDRP, if a trademark holder wins a URS the domain registration is simply suspended for the term of the registration and becomes available for re-registration once it drops. Since ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
Who is a biggest domain financier of all time ? - There have been many fortunes made and a few lost in the domain world over the last 20 years or so, some were there early and some made a big splash when most thought it was too late to do so. There have been successful domainers from every continent on earth, except maybe for Antarctica. So this post is for you to decide, from Schwartz to Schilling, Ham to Day, Mann to Ye, who is the greatest domain investor in your opinion and why ? Please only post one, you may think of different people for the ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Have Trademark Holders Given Up On The URS? Last 17 Disputes Filed, 15 Were UDRP’s - Have trademark holders given up on the Uniform Resolution Service? The URS is something that trademark holders and their representative pushed for at ICANN for years. A cheap, quick take down on obviously trademark infringing new gTLD domain registrations. Although the URS is exactly that a much cheaper and quicker process than a UDRP, if a trademark holder wins a URS the domain registration is simply suspended for the term of the registration and becomes available for re-registration once it drops. Since ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Company that bought for $3.6m sells 50,000 Tablets in 4 minutes - Xiaomi paid $3.6 million for the domain name back in April, and today they sold 50,000 MiPad tablets in four minutes. The company said on their website: Good news! Mi Pad goes on sale for the first time today, and 50, 000 sets of Mi Pad sold out in 3 minutes 59 seconds! Features of Mi Pad: 7.9”IPS display 2048×1536 326 PPI NVIDIA Tegra K1 2GB RAM, 16/64GB Flash, extensible to 128GB via microSD card 8MP rear / 5MP front camera (Camera Samples) 802.11ac 2×2 Wi-Fi6700 mAh battery NeoWin ... read more ...
Sat 5th July 2014
Written by in EN and tagged
California Democrats and Wineries Around The Country Oppose .Wine and .Vin - “Seven noted American wine regions have banded together in opposition to the rights-to-the-highest-bidder release of generic top level domain names (gTLDs) such as .wine and .vin by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). The regional wine organizations that are driving the opposition include the Oregon Winegrowers Association (545 wineries), the Napa Valley Vintners (500 wineries), Sonoma County Vintners (230 wineries), Willamette Valley Wineries Association (200 wineries), ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
California Democrats and Wineries Around The Country Oppose .Wine and .Vin - “Seven noted American wine regions have banded together in opposition to the rights-to-the-highest-bidder release of generic top level domain names (gTLDs) such as .wine and .vin by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). The regional wine organizations that are driving the opposition include the Oregon Winegrowers Association (545 wineries), the Napa Valley Vintners (500 wineries), Sonoma County Vintners (230 wineries), Willamette Valley Wineries Association (200 wineries), ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
The 1st Installment of Things You Can’t Believe People Did This Week In The Domain World - I spotted a few hard to believe things that happened in the domain world this week and I thought I would put them into one post. I’m thinking about making this a regular weekend feature as there is typically no shortage of incredibly hard to understand things that happen every week in the domain space. Let me know what you think. On second thought you always do Someone actually registered the domain name The domain extension .Fish just launched this week and according ... read more ...
Fri 4th July 2014
Written by in EN and tagged
Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP | The Internet revolution — new gTLD update -

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Written by in EN and tagged
OSHA Fines TLD $85000 - Occupational Safety and Health Administration officials said they found 17 serious safety violations at TLD Ace Corp's Windsor, CT, facility, and have fined the company $85,000 following an inspection in February, according to a report published in The Hartford Currant. The inspection found that workers were routinely exposed to "potential falls, burns and electric shock due to missing or inadequate safeguards at the company's manufacturing plant." ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
After 2 Years .Sex, .Porn & .Adult Become “Sensitive Strings” To The New gTLD … - After 2 year years The New gTLD Program Committee (NGPC) has decided that .Sex, .Porn and .Adult are Sensitive Strings according to the minutes of the new gTLD committee to ICANN which are dated July 1st. Interestingly before the application period closed it was wildly speculated by many including myself that the Government Advisory Council (GAC) would object to the strings such as .Sex giving level of opposition to .XXX and the years and number of battles that ICM the registry for .XXX faced to ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
After 2 Years .Sex, .Porn & .Adult Become “Sensitive Strings” To The New gTLD Committee - After 2 year years The New gTLD Program Committee (NGPC) has decided that .Sex, .Porn and .Adult are Sensitive Strings according to the minutes of the new gTLD committee to ICANN which are dated July 1st. Interestingly before the application period closed it was wildly speculated by many including myself that the Government Advisory Council (GAC) would object to the strings such as .Sex giving level of opposition to .XXX and the years and number of battles that ICM the registry for .XXX faced to ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
URDP Panel Is Not On Nationwide’s Side Denying Bid To Grab 3 Domains - A one member UDRP panel refused Nationwide Insurance Company bid to grab three domain names containing the word “nationwide” The three domains at issues were; The Respondent registered the disputed domain name on January 5, 2006, on April 3, 2006, and on November 18, 2010. Two of the three domains resolve to active websites that offer online auto loan application and approval services, said to involve a network of lenders ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Amazon’s Inability To Register Domain Name .Amazon Is An Interesting Case … - Do you want your company to control .app or .restaurant? Applying to operate a generic top-level domain (gTLD) isn't for the faint of heart.  Although several hundred companies ponied up the $185,000 application fee for over 1,900 total gTLD applications, that's only the first stage in the process.  Once filed, ICANN reviews each application for financial, technical, and operational competence, ensuring that each applicant has the financial wherewithal, technical savvy, and a comprehensive plan ... read more ...