Monthly Archives: April 2014

Mon 21st April 2014
Written by The Domains in EN
Rook Media Acquires -, announced today that Rook Media, has acquired,’s monetization business along with its parked domain portfolio. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. which once owned the domain name registrar, which was the 7th domain name registrar in the world at the time of acquisition , the auction platform, was the largest dropping domain name aftermarket with exclusive deals with registrars like and and ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Launched – Grown – Sold The Miami Herald Discusses What’s Next for .CO Founders - The Miami Herald did a piece today on the .CO Registry acquisition by Neustar. They spoke with Juan Diego Calle to find out what’s next for everyone now that the company is sold. Calle mentioned a better job and better benefits for employees. The article also mentions that Neustar did not get in the deal.   Calle said Neustar’s plan is to keep the offices — and the jobs — in Miami and Colombia. There are 20 full-time employees going to Neustar, plus a few consultants. “All of our ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Facebook to Launch Mobile Ad Network - Mike Isaac wrote on Recode that Facebook will be launching their own mobile ad network. Lots of people have wanted Facebook to build an ad network for a long time. Here it comes. Facebook will take the wraps off its plans for a mobile ad network at its “F8″ developer conference in San Francisco at the end of the month, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter. Facebook will pitch the ads to publishers and developers as a way to leverage the social network’s vast database of user ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
What the New Top-Level Domains Mean for Marketers - Over the next few years, the Internet will look like a very different place. More than 1,000 new top-level domains (TLDs) are now joining "heritage" domains, such as .com, .info, and .org. Retailers will now be able to take advantage of branded TLDs (like .nokia), geographic TLDs (like .vegas) and generic TLDs (like .shop). For example, consumers might buy new phone chargers from "" rather than "" and jewelry from "" instead ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Should Business Fear Google ? - Olivia Solon wrote on Ars Technica that a major European media company has concerns about the growing power of Google. From the article: The chief executive of Axel Springer, one of Europe’s largest media publishers, has said that his company is afraid of the power that Google has accumulated and worries that the search giant is becoming a “superstate,” immune from regulation. Mathias Döpfner published an open letter to Google’s executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, in the German newspaper Frankfurter ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Rook Media acquires DomainSponsor - has sold DomainSponsor and its domain name portfolio to Rook Media. One of the largest domain name parking companies has been acquired. Rook Media has acquired domain name parking company DomainSponsor from, the companies confirmed today. DomainSponsor is one of the oldest domain parking companies, serving customers since 2002. Rook, on the other hand, just launched in 2011. Rook was founded by former employees of NameDrive, a parking company ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Pricing a latest new TLDs: NameCheap is Cheap - NameCheap’s pricing for new TLDs is low. Two months ago I ran a price comparison of new top level domain name options at various top registrars. The prices were for the three tiers of domains offered by registry Donuts. Many more domains have come out since then, often offered by registries other than Donuts. Today I ran another comparison based on four non-Donuts domains. In many ways the results were very similar to the Donuts comparison. NameCheap lives up ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Dot London and Dot NYC holding dual opposite approaches - Dot NYC much more restricted than Dot London. Two .city domain names are getting ready to enter their first phase of rollout: .London and .NYC. This will be a big moment in the new top level domain name program. Many people, including myself, think .city domain names have the biggest chance for success. Despite being much smaller than London and New York City, .berlin has already captured close to 50,000 registrations (although many of those were given away for free). Dot ... read more ...
Sun 20th April 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Has a time come for imperative dual cause authentication ? - I was already thinking about the topic of  mandatory two factor authentication before Heartbleed. It was actually the story about Naoki Hiroshima and his post on Medium detailing the account hack at Go Daddy and Paypal, in order to gain access to the Twitter handle @N. Minda Zetlin of Inc Magazine recently published an article, ” Heartbleed Proves the Password Is Dead. This Is What You Need Now”. In the article Zetlin goes into the fact that no matter how good you think your password is, with ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
How Many Letters On To The Right of the Dot is Too Many To Be A Hack? - A domain name hack has traditionally used ccTLD’s to form words and made it a brandable domain. Some of the more famous hacks are, and started out as But now with the new gTLD’s people are using them to form words with longer extensions to the right of the dot. So .Land with 4 characters to the right of the dot, has become a popular hack in terms of registrations with domains like,, as well as just tot ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
How Many Letters On To The Right of a Dot is Too Many To Be A Hack? - A domain name hack has traditionally used ccTLD’s to form words and made it a brandable domain. Some of the more famous hacks are, and started out as But now with the new gTLD’s people are using them to form words with longer extensions to the right of the dot. So .Land with 4 characters to the right of the dot, has become a popular hack in terms of registrations with domains like,, as well as just tot ... read more ...
Sat 19th April 2014
Written by The Domains in EN
Looks Like A New Domain Publication Coming in July - It looks like there will be a new domain publication coming on the scene in July. On today we spotted an ad for As a magazine type publication rather than a blog its seems the new magazine seems to be taking on which always has considered itself more of a newspaper/magazine than a blog Ryan Colby of Outcome Brokerage looks to be the registrant of the domain. From the Facebook page With over 175,000,000 iPads sold, we figured it was time to publish ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
Turkey May Leave a World Wide Web - I can say I have thought for a long time we will eventually see the balkanization of the Internet. The net has become to vital in so many aspects of life that we continue to have global agreement. We do not see universal agreement in the offline world so its not a surprise if the online world mimics the offline. Not let me say I have not been championing the balkanization, just that I think there is a good chance its comes about somewhere down the road. Trend.Az reported: Lutfi Elvan, Minister of ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
KeyBiscayne Gets Creative with .Email - The people behind are offering residents the opportunity to get their own address. Posted on their website: was selected to manage the email address of the Island Paradise.  Key Biscayne residents and businesses have the exclusive right to use the address and have the option to receive VIP offers sent only to address (optional, you can opt-out of this benefit). Thanks to its exclusivity, you can have your perfect ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
LinkedIn Tops 300 Million Members - LinkedIn reached 300 million members according to a story in USA Today. The company was founded in December 2002 and launched on May 5, 2003, the company is now a publicly traded company and is currently trading at $175 a share, this equates to a market cap of $21.6 billion. From the USA Today article: Professional social network LinkedIn announced that the service topped 300 million members, 100 million of which are based in the U.S. In a statement released Friday, Deep Nishar, the senior vice ... read more ...
Written by in IT and tagged
Il lancio dei nuovi gTLD – parte 1 - Non c’è dubbio che il 2013 sia stato un anno storico per Internet, segnato dall’ introduzione dei nuovi Global Top-Level Domain (gTLD) che hanno avuto il via libera per la delegazione dello scorso novembre. Tutti conoscono gli attuali domini di primo livello (i TLD), cioè la parte del nome di dominio che si trova a destra del punto, come .com o .net. La nuova era dei gTLD vedrà crescere Internet dagli attuali 22 gTLD a circa 1300 nuove possibilità.Dopo molti anni di discussioni, l’ICANN, Internet ... read more ...
Fri 18th April 2014
Written by in EN and tagged
.Guru(s) Galore: New Top-Level Domain Passes 50K Registrations - Nevermind that the label/title “guru” has been getting mocked for years. That’s not stopping anyone from registering domains using the new .guru top-level domain (gTLD). In fact, according to, .guru recently became the first of the new gTLDs to pass 50,000 registrations. That puts it ahead of the far less annoying .berlin, .photography, .email and .link, all of which round out the top five most popular new domains. Domain Incite reports that .guru just passed the 50,000 ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Have Your Opinions Changed or Stayed The Same on a New gTLDs ? - Raymond: for many/most of these registrations, that registrant is the only person in the universe who wants it. That doesn’t make it a domain name that has any value as an investment. Let me try to elaborate, as this topic of “domain name liquidity” and its relationship with valuation is something that I’ve been thinking about for a while. Domain names (like some other assets, e.g. art) have widely varying privately-held valuations by individuals in the marketplace for their own use. ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Tokyo Court Rejects Bankruptcy Protection for Mt.Gox - Yuri Kagema a writer for the AP,  reported that Mt. Gox will not received bankruptcy protection in Japan and will be liquidated.   The Mt. Gox bitcoin exchange in Tokyo is headed for liquidation after a court rejected its bankruptcy protection application. Mt. Gox said Wednesday the Tokyo District Court decided the company, which was a trading platform and storehouse for the bitcoin virtual currency, would not be able to resurrect itself under a business rehabilitation process filed for in February. An ... read more ...
Written by in IT and tagged svela i trend relativi ai nuovi domini -, brand italiano del gruppo Dada, attiva in Italia nel mercato dei domini, hosting, soluzioni di e-commerce e advertising digitale, svela i trend relativi ai nuovi domini e mette in campo attività educational per aiutare aziende e singoli a cogliere le opportunità offerte dai nuovi scenari digitali. A pochi mesi dall’introduzione sul mercato dei nuovi gTlds (Generic Top Level Domains – domini generici di primo livello), si legge in una nota, sono già più di 200 ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
The White House Unveils A New Privacy Policy - Martha Mendoza wrote a piece for the AP on the White House updating their out dated privacy policy. The administration has been criticized from all sides after Edward Snowden exposed sweeping U.S. government surveillance programs. This policy aims to address at least some of those concerns. From the article: “Information you choose to share with the White House (directly and via third party sites) may be treated as public information,” the new policy says. The Obama Administration also promises ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Will The NFL try to stamp out adore ? - The domain name was registered last month, the domain is under privacy. The website is already up and running and actually got a bit of press on Yahoo Sports today. Anwar S. Richardson wrote, It is hard being single and searching for the perfect companion. Your so-called friends try to set you up on dates with people who are only attractive to those with their eyes closed. Speed dating is the easiest way to condense a year of letdowns into an hour-long session. Online ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Bitcoin association among finish user buyers during Sedo final week - A bitcoin company bought a domain at Sedo last week. Sedo had a solid sales week last week with $1.3 million worth of sales. Here are ten that were purchased by end users. You can view previous end user sales lists here. $10,000 – BitCoin Nordi, a bitcoin seller. $1,900 – FootballAddicts AB, creator of Forza Football app with soccer scores and highlights. $800 – the owner of, a presentation design ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Afilias’ new tip turn domain names have really delayed initial day - Color me surprised. Afilias launched its first six new top level domain names yesterday, and I’d rate it as the worst first day performance of any portfolio applicant. I’m basing this on changes to the zone files. Here are the six domains Afilias’ launched in general availability yesterday with how many domains they added to the zone and the current total: .red 289 to 341 .blue 205 to 270 .移动 142 to 231 (Chinese simplified for Mobile Phone) .pink 156 to ... read more ...
Thu 17th April 2014
Written by in IT and tagged
Da .bike a .guru, ecco i nuovi domini più ambiti - A pochi mesi dall’effettiva introduzione sul mercato dei nuovi gTLDs (Generic Top Level Domains – domini generici di primo livello), sono già più di 200 le estensioni registrabili. A livello globale ne sono state registrate oltre 480.000 e le richieste di pre-registrazione/registrazione attraverso e gli altri store del Gruppo Dada sono in costante crescita. Nei prossimi mesi continueranno a essere rilasciate nuove estensioni, tra cui le più rilevanti entro la fine di aprile ... read more ...