Monthly Archives: March 2014

Wed 26th March 2014
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
.UK adds registry close option - .UK domains can now get added protection against nameserver and domain hijacking. .UK registry Nominet is now offering its own version of a registry lock service, dubbed “Domain Lock.” Similar to Verisign’s Registry Lock service for .com domain names, Domain Lock requires manual intervention and authentication in order to change key details about a domain name. This authentication should prevent the type of attack that took down the New York Times website last ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Cheers! .Wine and .Vin domains prepared to be bottled - Wine domain names can move forward without additional restrictions. The New gTLD Program Committee of ICANN’s board has given the green light for the .wine and .vin top level domain names to move forward without additional restrictions. [Update: put a cork in it! The GAC has apparently found a procedural error that will delay the Board’s decision.] A number of governments, particularly in Europe, were opposed to the delegation of the domain names without added ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Why domain investors and Bitcoin click - Domain investors find a lot to love in bitcoin. Despite some massive setbacks, bitcoin is still a hot topic right now. I think domain investors are drawn to bitcoin at a higher rate than the general population for a handful of reasons. Having talked to several bitcoin owners, I think there are four key reasons for this. 1. You have to learn a little to get into the club. It takes a bit of knowledge and research to start using bitcoin. It’s much like the knowledge ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
End user sales report: People still wish a relating .com - Many examples of companies buying the matching .com when they use a .net, .org, or ccTLD. Frank Schilling said something during his keynote at NamesCon that really rings true. When companies get a domain name other than .com, they say to themselves “we really ought to get the .com domain too”. In the year 2014, that’s certainly true. You can argue this will change in the future, but when people tell me today the domain extension doesn’t matter, it’s usually ... read more ...
Tue 25th March 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Sedo Transactions Total $1.7M Led By for $25K; $35K - Sedo just reported that over the past week, 692 transactions took place on Sedo’s marketplace and via SedoMLS, totaling $1.7 Million 48% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings. is the new home of Northwestern Medicine which is part of Northwestern University Highlights of public sales are: ·         Top .coms: at 25,000 USD ·         Top ccTLD: at 20,000 EUR ·         Top “other” TLD: at 35,000 USD <![CDATA[]]> Google+Michael ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Some Interesting .Email Domain Registrations & The Dallas Cowboys Miss Again - As we said in an earlier post today we went through the zone file for .Email to see what people have been registering. We noticed some interesting registrations. The Dallas Cowboys which has an illustrious history when it comes to domain names, just missed again not applying for the domain name, in Sunrise and the owner of the domain is now Cowboys Concert Hall, Inc  which is also out of Dallas. I’m sure they will get their money’s worth went it sends out emails like Another ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Mark It to Market — March 2014 - The March issue of this newsletter contains a reminder on the use of NCAA playoff names and logos, an overview of the latest amendments to China's Trademark Law, and an updated list of the Sunrise periods currently open for new gTLDs. Don't be Overcome by MARCH MADNESS With the NCAA playoffs hitting a fevered pitch, we remind our clients to avoid implying a tie-in or relationship with these events in your promotions and social media posts. Unless you are an official sponsor, we recommend that ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Breaking: IRS Rules Bitcoin (virtual Currency) Will Be Treated As Property Not Currency - The Internal Revenue Service said Tuesday that it will treat Bitcoin and other virtual currencies like property, like stock or other intangible property rather than currency. If the virtual currency is held for investment, any gains would be treated as capital gains. The top long-term capital gains tax rate is 20%, while the top ordinary income-tax rate is 39.6%. The IRS notice also made clear that many people involved in handling virtual currencies—and many transactions involving them—would ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Afternic/GoDaddy Sells $1.9 Million In Domain Names - Afternic/GoDaddy released its sales report for the week of March 17th – March 23rd 2014 All sales for the week totaled $1,904,435. The top .com sale was for $25,000 followed by for $20,000. I’m going to guess that probably was bought by the large private equity firm, Catterton Partners The top non-com sale lead by for $4,500. sold for $3,920 is priced at $5,320 by the registry Here are all the reportable sales Google+Michael ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Meet The 1st .Email Cybersquatter Grabs Up ESPN, Pepsi, Starbucks, Chevrolet, NFL & More - We just went through the zone file for the .email new gTLD to see what interesting new domain registrations I found. I couldn’t help miss the registrations by a organization out of Los Alamitos, CA named Viva Las Vegas who wound up getting a great domain in, but went after and got domain names matching some trademarked and well known companies. It should be noted all these were acquired before general avaliabity so the company paid extra to get priority registrations on these  .email ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
Ruhr-Domain – ein Stück Heimat im Netz - Als letzte der deutschen Regional-TLDs gestartet, ging sie als erste ins Netz: .RUHR! Sie stärkt die Metropole und den Ausdruck lokaler Identität, schafft ein Bewusstsein für ein starkes Stück Deutschland, verleiht dem Mythos Ruhr ein Markenzeichen und schenkt den 5,2 Millionen Einwohnern, 53 Städten sowie 160.500 Unternehmen des Ruhrgebiets eine Heimat im Internet. Die Ruhr-Domain ist damit die virtuelle erneuerbare Energie im Revier. Neben dieser klaren Positionierung im Web verschafft ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
TMCH Has Caused More People Not To Register 450K Domains, As New gTLD’s Pass 350K - The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) said today that is has delivered  500,000 Claims Notices (CNIS) of which 95% of the queries for trademark terms are not being followed through to a live registration. That means that up to 475,000 new gTLD domain names may have gone unregistered due to the THCM, let discount that number for some potential duplicate domains and call it 450,000 domain names A potential registrant of a new gTLD receives a notice as a warning to anyone attempting to register a domain ... read more ...
Written by in NL and tagged klaagt internetbeheerder aan - spant een arbitrageprocedure aan tegen Icann, de organisatie die wereldwijd de internetdomeinen en -namen beheert. De Nederlandse boekingsite doet daarvoor een beroep op de Belgische advocaat Flip Petillion. Dat schrijft De Tijd. pikt het niet dat Icann het verplicht te bieden op het topleveldomein .hotel. Een topleveldomein of TLD is het gedeelte van een internetadres rechts naast het punt (zoals ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
ICANN’s ability to clamp down on budget-busting sunrise fees questioned - It was inevitable that the issue of gTLD registries charging trademark owners excessive sunrise fees to register names in gTLD sunrise periods would be high on the agenda of the Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC). At today’s ICANN meeting in Singapore, however, ICANN’s ability to clamp down and prevent brand owners from being held to ransom was in doubt. World Trademark Review has previously covered the news that one applicant for the ‘.sucks’ TLD is planning to charge trademark ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Frank Schilling Sells for $55,000 - Last week it was selling for $47,750 on Sedo and today Afternic reported on their website the sale of for $55,000. The domain was sold by Frank Schilling and his company Name Administration. The domain was registered in November of 2001 and the farthest Domain Tools goes back in whois history is 2005 and Name Administration was the registrant. Interestingly is a developed website. The buyer is B.E.Publishing an online website that according to their website ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Famous Four alleges couple between panelist and competition for .Sport - Company says panelist that killed its .sport application had a conflict of interest. Last fall Famous Four Media saw its plans to run a .sport top level domain dashed after a panelist found in favor of rival applicant SportAccord in a community objection. Famous Four appealed the decision to ICANN through a reconsideration request and lost. Now the company is claiming (pdf) it has found ties between the panelist that decided the case and SportAccord. Panelist Guido ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
5 some-more Donuts TLDs accessible to register tomorrow & .email is a leader so far - .Email has the most registrations so far for this week’s batch. Five more of Donuts’ new top level domain names revert to regular registration pricing tomorrow: .training, .solutions, .support, .builders and .email. So far it looks like .email is the winner — but anything can change when prices drop tomorrow. The latest .email zone file shows about 1,500 domain names registered. Just over 300 in the zone file were sunrise registrations with the rest coming during ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
TMCH brags about numbers, though what do they mean? - Trademark Clearinghouse has issued 500,000 claims notices. The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) announced today that it has issued 500,000 claims notices to prospective registrants of domains under new top level domain names. The notices are shown when someone tries to register a domain that matches a trademark or trademark string submitted to the database. Here’s what the claims notices look like. That’s an impressively high number, but what exactly does it mean? ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
16 finish user domain purchases including EA’s new video game - EA buys a domain name that’s likely for a new video game. Yesterday I published an end user sales list of sales from Sedo. They sent two weekly lists at once and I’m getting caught up, so this morning I’ve got another one for you. You may view previous end user sales lists here. $10,000 – a Mark Monitor client $877 – Lincoln Financial Group $999 – Realty Executives Vantage in El Paso, Texas. ... read more ...
Mon 24th March 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Bad Decision: Turns Down $6K & Loses Generic Domain In UDRP - Austin Pain Association (“Complainant”), just won control of the domain name which was owned by As someone who is the subject of UDRP complainants as well (2 pending) it brings me no joy to report on these cases, but the cases are the cases and in this case lost control of which the panel acknowledged was generic in nature and for which the complainant didn’t even have a registered trademark and a common law trademark which “Complainant ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Go Daddy Closing a Go Daddy Direct Affiliate Program - Dear Raymond Hackney, After months of compiling data, projecting development timelines and deciding how to best serve our Affiliates’ needs, we have decided to close the GoDaddy Direct Affiliate Program. I want to thank you for your participation and I hope you join one of our programs in CJ Affiliate (formerly Commission Junction), ShareASale or Affiliate Window. The benefits of joining one of our external partner programs include: • Access to Direct Deposit for our international publishers • ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged Now Offers 12 More TLDs - [ Technology] is now offering users twelve new top-level domains. You can now register domains with the following TLDs for new or existing sites: .info .biz .mobi .mx .es .nl .be .fm .tv .in now offers a total of seventeen TLD options for those buying domain names. The others are .com, .net, .org, .me, and .co. You can register for any of these regardless of where you live (though you might want to look into how search engines view ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
Wien-Domains: Eine Marketing-Chance für Wien und Wiener - Die Wien-Domain ging als eine der ersten neuen geo- und community-TLD in Betrieb und ermöglicht damit prägnante lokale Internetadressen für Unternehmen, Organisationen und Privatpersonen. "Aus Sicht der Stadt ist eine eigene Domainendung ein großer Mehrwert, denn damit wird Wien weltweit noch besser wahrgenommen", freut sich der Wiener Informationsstadtrat Christian Oxonitsch. "Wien hat die Chancen einer eigenen Domainendung für die Stadt als Marke und vor allem für die Wirtschaft erkannt. ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Iron Mountain picked to protect data for 70% of new top-level domains - In late January, the first new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) .bike, .clothing, .guru, .holdings, .plumbing, .singles and .ventures went live and many more such as .bid, .science and .pub are expected to follow, as companies look to expand their presence on the Internet.Iron Mountain Inc. (NYSE: IRM) is playing a prominent role in this expansion and has been chosen to protect the data for more than 70 percent of all new gTLDs.A top-level domain is the portion of the domain name appearing ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Hogan Lovells’ IP team named as Europe Domain/Internet Team of the Year - 24 March 2014 Hogan Lovells’ intellectual property (IP) team has been named as Europe Domain/Internet Team of the Year at the Global Managing Intellectual Property Awards.  The domain name team was highlighted for its work covering domain name disputes in Europe, including new generic top-level domain (gTLD) advice, online strategy ... read more ...