Tag Archives: registry lock

Wed 26th March 2014
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
.UK adds registry close option - .UK domains can now get added protection against nameserver and domain hijacking. .UK registry Nominet is now offering its own version of a registry lock service, dubbed “Domain Lock.” Similar to Verisign’s Registry Lock service for .com domain names, Domain Lock requires manual intervention and authentication in order to change key details about a domain name. This authentication should prevent the type of attack that took down the New York Times website last ... read more ...
Thu 29th August 2013
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
6 of tip 20 websites exposed to conflict that took down NYTimes.com - Amazon.com and Pinterest among those sites more vulnerable to unauthorized nameserver changes. Yesterday I wrote about how NYTimes.com could have avoided its nameserver hijacking on Tuesday had it paid about $50 a month for a service called Registry Lock. As the 55th most trafficked website (Quantcast), it seems like a small price to pay to avoid downtime. But The New York Times, which has since added Registry Lock, is not the only large website that hasn’t taken ... read more ...
Wed 7th April 2010
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
VeriSign Offers Tools to Secure Domain Names - Two tools from VeriSign help keep your domain names secure. With a couple recent high profile domain thefts, and the recent hijacking of Baidu’s nameserver settings, I reached out to VeriSign Chief Technology Officer Ken Silva to learn what VeriSign offers to help domain owners protect themselves. “Over the next 12 months, we’re working so that from the time a person registers a domain name and creates an account to when it gets resolved, almost every single ... read more ...