Wed 10th June 2015
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16 finish user domain name sales adult to $50,000 - An end user (instead of a Chinese domain name investor) bought a three letter domain name last week. Sedo handled 560 transactions last week for total domain name sales of about $1 million. The biggest public sale was, which was purchased by South Korean app maker NBT Partners. The company currently uses the ccTLD Some new top level domain names made the end user sales list as well. Here’s a list of end user domain name sales from last week: (You can view previous lists ... read more ...
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The hurdles of detailed trademarks - Two lawsuits show that descriptive brands have a downside. I came across a couple recently filed trademark lawsuits that emphasize the challenge of building a brand around a descriptive term. The first was filed by Texas company Peanut Labs, Inc., which operates the site The company is upset with Instantly, Inc for using the term “Survey Tool”. (Lawsuit PDF) Survey tool is very descriptive. It’s a tool for surveys. If you Google “Survey Tool”, you’ll find a bunch of services ... read more ...
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GMO Internet (Largest Registrar in Japan) Raises $65million - GMO Internet is the largest registrar in Japan, they made news last November purchasing for JPY800 million or $6,776,448 USD.  The dollar amount is the exchange rate at the time of the transaction. Today it would be $6,506,768. reported today that the company just received a $65 million investment from Mitsui Sumitomo to provide the financial wherewithal to strengthen their payment solution and to help foster the start ups they work with. From the article: Japan’s GMO Internet ... read more ...
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eUKhost™ Celebrates Anniversary of .UK Domain with £1 Domains - Jun 10, 2015 - (Newswire) Launched on 10th June 2014, the introduction of the .uk domain marked the first time that consumers and businesses were able to register domains directly under the .uk domain TLD. Over 330,000 .uk domains have been sold in the first year and the new TLD has represented an excellent opportunity for businesses to adopt an online presence or to adapt their existing websites. For end-users it has made access to ... read more ...
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eUKhost™ Celebrates Anniversary of .UK Domain with 1 Pound Domains – SYS - <![CDATA[ ]]>LEEDS, England, June 10, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Launched on 10th June 2014, the introduction of the .uk domain marked the first time that consumers and businesses were able to register domains directly under the .uk domain TLD. Over 330,000 .uk domains have been sold in the first year and the new TLD has represented an excellent opportunity for businesses to adopt an online presence or to adapt their existing websites. ... read more ...
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eUKhost(TM) Celebrates Anniversary of .UK Domain with 1 Pound Domains - Copyright 2015 PR Newswire. All Rights Reserved2015-06-10 LEEDS, England, June 10, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Launched on 10th June 2014, the introduction of the .uk domain marked the first time that consumers and businesses were able to register domains directly under the .uk domain TLD. Over 330,000 .uk domains have been sold in the first year and the new TLD has represented an excellent opportunity for businesses to adopt an online presence or to adapt their existing websites. For end-users it has ... read more ...
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Verisign Lowered to Sell at Zacks (VRSN) - Zacks lowered shares of Verisign (NASDAQ:VRSN) from a hold rating to a sell rating in a research report released on Tuesday morning. According to Zacks, “Internet infrastructure assurance and domain registry services provider VeriSign reported strong first-quarter 2015 results with both earnings and revenues growing year over year. We believe that gTLD prospects, international expansion through IDNs and investments in intellectual properties will boost results over the long ... read more ...
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How to Maximise Registrations Through Effective Registrar Relationships - There are some surefire ways to get channel engagement and drive registrations, but doing what everyone else is doing is not going to cut it in the world of new TLDs. Successful Registrar engagement requires an investment of time far in advance of what some Registry Operators appear to be expecting, both in terms of ongoing relationship management as well as continually providing tools which make it easier for Registrars to sell your extension over other TLDs. There are a number of methods ... read more ...
Tue 9th June 2015
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VENEZUELA: Argentina, Brasil y México están entre los 20 países del mundo que más … -

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VENEZUELA: Argentina, Brasil y México están entre los 20 … - VENEZUELA: Argentina, Brasil y México están entre los 20 países del mundo que más generan spam / Alta Densidad / Los nuevos dominios de nivel superior como .work o .science han sido objetivo de los ciberdelincuentes en el primer trimestre del año, según Kaspersky Lab En enero de 2014 empezó el programa New gTLD de registro de nuevos dominios de nivel superior, destinados a determinadas comunidades y tipos de organización (.science o .work). La principal ventaja de este programa es que se ... read more ...
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Argentina, Brasil y México están entre los 20 países del mundo que más … - Los nuevos dominios de nivel superior como .work o .sciencehan sido objetivo de los ciberdelincuentes en el primer trimestre del año, según Kaspersky Lab En enero de 2014 empezó el programa New gTLD de registro de nuevos dominios de nivel superior, destinados a determinadas comunidades y tipos de organización (.science o .work). La principal ventaja de este programa es que se puede escoger un dominio según el tipo de actividad o la temática del sitio web. Las nuevas oportunidades que ... read more ...
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New Internet Domain Names for Banks: What You Need to Know Now - You are responsible for reading, understanding and agreeing to the National Law Review's (NLR’s) and the National Law Forum LLC's  Terms of Use and Privacy Policy before using the National Law Review website. The National Law Review is a free to use, no-log in database of legal and business articles. The content and links on are intended for general information purposes only. Any legal analysis, legislative updates or other content and links should not be construed ... read more ...
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New .insurance domain names expected later this year: McCarthy Tetrault -

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Will .music Domains Make the Internet Better or Just More of a Crowded … - Mario Tama, Getty ImagesA few years ago, ICANN, the little-known non-profit corporation that runs the internet, significantly expanded the number of top-level domains. Top-level domains are the highest part of the web domain hierarchy — they’re the –.com, –.net and –.org part of web addresses. Smaller top-level domains are nothing new. My favorite website of all time,, uses a TLD released in 2001. And lots of above-board sites use TLDs like .info and .fm (including, ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Sedo Transactions Total $1 Million Led By For $50K - Over the past week, 560 transactions took place on Sedo’s marketplace and via SedoMLS, totaling $1 Million Dollars. 55% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings.    Highlights of public sales are:                                                                    ·         Top .com: at 50,000 USD ·         Top ccTLD: at 8,888 EUR ·         Top “other” TLD: at 9,000 EUR Here are the new ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Tesla Is The 5th Top Keyword Registered In .Com in May - Verisign just published the top 10 keywords in registered in .COM and .NET for May and noticeably Tesla is sitting at number 5. Of course Tesla is a car maker and a trademarked term. So it seems very interesting that this term would be in the top 10 keyword registered domain names in .com for May The word “Option” led both the .com and the .net list pdf is another trademarked term by Adobe which is the 2nd top 10 keyword term in .net Here are some of the domain name registered in May with ... read more ...
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Make Sure Your Brand Doesn’t .suck ! - The .sucks domain name registry is preparing to launch, queuing up what promises to be an epic battle between those who build brands and those who condemn them. Touted as a platform "designed to help consumers find their voices and allow companies to find the value in criticism," .sucks is one of the latest -- and most controversial -- generic Top-Level Domain ("gTLD") strings recently made available by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN"). A gTLD is the term to the right ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
How genuine estate agents use domain names - A look at domain names in home listings. Earlier this year I wrote about domain names used to market homes for sale. This week I received a glossy magazine advertising homes for sale in Austin, and I decided to see how many of the homes had a domain name in their description or title. Of the 95 homes featured in the magazine, 51 had a domain name specifically for the home. That’s 54%. (It’s possible other homes have a unique domain name but their agents did not include them in the magazine.) I ... read more ...
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IANA Transition, Accountability Will Remain Central at June ICANN Meeting in … - IANA Transition, Accountability Will Remain Central at June ICANN Meeting in Argentina By Joseph WrightJune 8 — Plans to transition remaining U.S. oversight of key domain name system functions to the global multistakeholder community and to enhance ICANN's accountability in the process will be front and center at the organization's public meeting in Buenos Aires later this month.The meeting will take place at a pivotal point in ... read more ...
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Users Are Still Unaware of New TLDs, Study Reveals - A study conducted by Nielsen at the request of ICANN shows how most people are still unaware and distrust new Top Level Domain (TLD) extensions like .email, .link, .party, .photo, .systems, .tips, or .wiki. Introduced in late 2013, the new wave of generic TLDs now comprises over 600 entries, from the weirder .xyz and .ninja, to common extensions like .marketing, .club and .agency. Questioning over 6,100 users in 24 countries, the Nielsen study reveals what we expected. Old domain extensions ... read more ...
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Important UDRP precedent shows that TLDs are carrying more and more weight -

In a new preference underneath a Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) before a World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), a London-based investment government association has successfully performed a send of a domain name reproducing a heading underneath a new general top-level domain (gTLD) ‘.capital’. 

The ‘.capital’ TLD is one of the…


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Court earnings stolen, and domain names - Three number domain names returned to rightful owner after lawsuit. A U.S. Federal Court has ordered the domain names, and be returned to Traffic Names, Ltd. Ian Andrew of Traffic Names filed suit last year alleging the domain names were stolen from his eNom account. He found out about the theft after the domain names were listed for sale on domain name marketplace noticed the recent ownership change and contacted Andrew to make sure he was aware. and ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN
DNW Rewind: 10 years ago this month - Take a trip back in time in the domain name business. Domain Name Wire is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, and I thought it would be fun to take a look back at what I was writing about ten years ago this month. In looking back at the June 2005 archives, I realize I wrote some pretty crappy stories back then. But there was a lot of interesting stuff going on, and it’s amusing to take a trip back in time… .Com and .Net domain names totaled 76.9 million names as of the end of Q1 2005, ... read more ...
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Fred Krueger sells about 1/5th of his interest in Minds + Machines - Former chairman sells 24.5 million shares in three transactions. Former Minds + Machines chairman Fred Krueger has sold about a fifth of his stake in the new top level domain name company since leaving at the end of last month. Krueger has sold 24.5 million shares in three transactions, netting him close to £2 million, assuming he sold for just over 8 pence per share. [Update: Minds + Machines announced on 6/10 that Krueger sold another 4 million shares, on 6/11 that he sold 10,750,000 shares and ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged Domain Sells After $1.2 Million Purchase - The domain name has been confirmed sold! The transaction took place last Wednesday, June 3, 2015 with the domain name being acquired by Jinxin Wang Luo of Fujian, China according to whois records. I did try and get a purchase price but the buyer did not wish to share the details publicly. Hangzhou Duomai E-Commerce Co.,Ltd, owners of the popular website acquired the domain name in a $1.2 Million dollar purchase that was brokered by’s Dave Evanson as reported by’s ... read more ...