Monthly Archives: November 2014

Fri 14th November 2014
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Ad Aruba l’estensione .cloud - Aruba S.p.A. si è aggiudicata l’estensione .cloud concretizzando le sue prospettive di operatore globale su questo mercato. Per diventare Registro Ufficiale per la registrazione dei domini .cloud avevano fatto domanda sei società  oltre ad Aruba, tra cui Amazon, Charleston Road Registry (Google) e Symantec. Il dominio in questione è un’estensione molto ambita, non solo perchè di grande rilevanza per tutti gli attori del mercato desiderosi di ... read more ...
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Amazon wins right to sell .pay and .buy domains - © Finextra Research 2014 Contact usEditorial Sales and Membership Follow usLinkedIn Twitter <!--Facebook--> RSS Feeds Daily ... read more ...
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Judge Rules That Even if Iran Owes You Money, You Can’t Just Take Its Top … - Nothing else has panned out, though, so the plaintiffs decided to go after Iran’s top ccTLDs and, weirdly, Syria’s and North Korea’s, too. According to InTheCapital, the suit now stands more broadly for terrorist victims in all three countries. But the plaintiffs aren’t going to be able to seize the ccTLDs, .ir for Iran, .kp for North Korea, or .sy for Syria. ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged saved in UDRP, though no RDNH and unimaginable dissent - Domain bought for $18,805 earlier this year saved in UDRP, but it was closer than it should have been. In September, I wrote about the domain name being hit with a UDRP after the buyer paid $18,805 to buy it in an expired domain name auction. A three person WIPO panel has denied the UDRP, but one panelist dissented and the panel did not find reverse domain name hijacking. I find the dissent appalling. Originally, it appeared that the complainant may have ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Reviewing final month’s NameJet sales - Joseph Peterson takes a look at some of last month’s notable domain name sales at NameJet. If I were to tell you that, by selling 66 domains at or above the $2,000 mark during October, NameJet recorded one of its lowest monthly domain counts ever, that would be quite misleading. True, only 5 out of the past 41 months have fared worse in terms of the quantity of domains clearing $2k. But during all the previous months in which NameJet sold 66 or fewer domains ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN
Why my North Dakota Trucking domain name pays for itself - Registering probably didn’t make sense, but now I understand why it pays for itself each year. I registered the domain name in 2007. I was on a bit of a geo domain kick at the time. But let’s face it, on the surface, this is a pretty crappy domain registration. We’re talking about a state with fewer than 1 million people. That is not where you want to focus your geo domain name money. Yet every year, this domain ... read more ...
Thu 13th November 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
More Details Emerge On New York’s Deal On .NYC: But 50K New Yorkers Did Not Register 50K Domains -                     According to a post on,  the city of New York is making a “cool $40,000 a week on the Internet”. According to the story, the City of New York collects 40% of all domain registration fees collected by Neustar the operator of the .NYC registry. At a “cost of $20″ (which is unclear from the story if its retail or wholesale), “City Hall pulls in $8 every time a New Yorker buys a domain name that ends in .NYC.” “That math works out to $448,000 ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Nat Cohen’s Telepathy Files Federal Lawsuit Over The Domain - Domain investor Nat Cohen’s Telepathy, Inc. just filed a federal lawsuit against SDT INTERNATIONAL of Brussels, Belgium, over the domain name after it rejected a $400 offer that got worked up all the way to $1,000. Actually the Brussels company filed a UDRP with WIPOUDRP with the case number D2014-1870. Mr. Cohen is represented by David Weslow, Esq, and decided to take the case to federal court rather than wait for a UDRP panel to decide its fate. The action “seeks actual and/or statutory ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Archeo Publishes 3Q Sales Stats - According to the Small Business Association, there are roughly 28 million small businesses in the U.S. Many of which are working extra hard to compete with bigger businesses and stand out among the competition. Of those 28 million small businesses, an astounding 22 million (79%) are self-employed with no additional employees on the payroll. Whether you’re running a business solo or you have a team of employees, it can be a challenge to gain brand awareness. This is especially the case if like most ... read more ...
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Não se podem apreender TLDs de países - Uma boa notícia para os que se preocupam com o poder que o governo dos EUA tem na Internet. Numa decisão histórica, que sinaliza uma vitória para o actual sistema de governança da Internet, um tribunal dos Estados Unidos anulou uma tentativa de apreensão dos domínios do Irão, Síria e da Coreia do Norte, como parte de um processo contra os governos desses países. Os queixosos no caso queriam ficar ... read more ...
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ccTLDs Might Be Property - The long-running saga of victims who are pursuing 'state sponsors of terrorism' via ICANN has taken yet another turn. Some time back the Plaintiffs in Rubin ors -v- Islamic Republic of Iran ors managed to obtain Writs of Attachment in the Federal court district in Washington (D.C.) courts ordering that the ccTLDs of those respective countries be seized in part-payment of the damages they are owed. ICANN, fairly predictably, became involved at this point. It went to Court in DC asking ... read more ...
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Judge: Terror bomb victims CAN’T seize Iran’s domain name as compensation - Adaptable System Recovery (ASR) for Linux virtual machines A judge in Washington DC has ruled that a country's entire internet registry cannot be seized, averting a global diplomatic crisis.In a ruling [PDF] made earlier this week but released late last night, Judge Royce Lamberth focused in on a single argument presented by DNS overseer ICANN that country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) are not "attachable property" because they "exist only as they are made operational ... read more ...
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Judge Rules Terror Victims Can’t Take Over Country Domain Names - Image via Paul Matthew Photography / Shutterstock Terrorist victims from Iran, North Korea and Syria cannot gain control of the Internet domain names of those countries according to a judge in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Judge Royce Lamberth ruled that country level domain names, in this case .ir, .sy and .kp, are not actually property and thus a court can't seize them during legal proceedings. It's a big win for the nonprofit Internet Corporation for Assigned ... read more ...
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Il Cloud è italiano, l’ha vinto Aruba - di Celia GuimaraesMilano 13 novembre 2014Al Registro Ufficiale per la registrazione dei domini '.cloud' avevano fatto domanda sei società: Amazon, CloudNames, Charleston Road Registry (Google), Dash Cedar, Symantec e Top Level Domain Holdings. Oltre, naturalmente, ad Aruba, società per azioni italiana di servizi di data center, web hosting, e-mail, posta elettronica certificata e registrazione domini.  Cloud, termine diventato popolare e abrangente, è un’estensione molto ambita. Il grande ... read more ...
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No, you can’t seize country TLDs, US court rules - Trending: Got Lollipop? 10 cool things to try with Android 5.0 IT Careers Broadband Resources/White Papers computerworld Cloud Computing All Cloud Computing ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged End of Year Auction Closes Today: $90K Bid; Hi.Net $25K - The End of Year domain name auction closes today at 3:15 EST under snapnames normal closing rules. There are 179 domain names in the auction. As of publication 17 of the 179 domain names have a bid. The domain name leads all bids with $90,000 however is still below the reserve range of $100,000-$250,000 has the next highest bid at $25,000 but also has not hit reserve which is between $25K-$50K Here are all the domain names in the auction with the current bids as of publication:     Domain ... read more ...
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Judge sides with ICANN: Plaintiffs can’t take all of Iran’s domain names - A federal judge in Washington, DC, has ruled that an entire country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs) cannot be transferred as part of a civil judgement to collect Iranian state assets in the wake of a terrorism attack "because they are not property subject to attachment under District of Columbia law." Further ReadingICANN to plaintiffs: No, you can’t have all of Iran’s domainsAttack victims won 2003 judgment against Iran but haven't been able to collect.In an eight-page memorandum ... read more ...
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US Court Quashes Attempts to Attach ccTLDs: Federal Judge Agrees with ICANN – ag-IP - Home / US Court Quashes Attempts to Attach ccTLDs: Federal Judge Agrees with ICANN / LOS ANGELES - A US federal court has agreed with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) that the country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs) are not property subject to attachment.  According to ICANN, claimants filed writs of attachment to seize from ICANN, the ccTLDs for Iran (.IR), Syria (.SY) and North Korea (.KP), (as well as internationalized ... read more ...
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Aruba dominio .cloud | Battute Google e Amazon - Non c'è davvero bisogno di spiegare perché il dominio .cloud sia stato uno dei più ambiti, nell'assegnazione effettuata dall’ICANN, l’organizzazione no profit che gestisce l’assegnazione dei Top-Level Domain (TLD) per il web. A concorrere per aggiudicarsi la nuova estensione ci sono infatti state tante aziende tecnologiche tra le più famose, tra le quali troviamo Amazon (già in possesso del dominio ... read more ...
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Symantec Withdraws their Uncontested Application for New gTLD .AntiVirus - Symantec Corporation has withdrawn their uncontested application for the new gTLD .Antivirus after saying it would become one of their “core assets” in their application. From its application it appears Symantic wanted to operate the extension on a closed basis. The Government Advisory Counsel (GAC) to ICANN objected to generic strings from being operated on a closed basis forcing most who had applied to operate on a closed basis to open them up to outside registrations. Here is part of the application: “Symantec ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Symantec Withdraws their Uncontested Application for New gTLD .AntiVirus - Symantec Corporation has withdrawn their uncontested application for the new gTLD .Antivirus after saying it would become one of their “core assets” in their application. From its application it appears Symantic wanted to operate the extension on a closed basis. The Government Advisory Counsel (GAC) to ICANN objected to generic strings from being operated on a closed basis forcing most who had applied to operate on a closed basis to open them up to outside registrations. Here is part of the application: “Symantec ... read more ...
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US Court Overrules Attempt to Seize Iran’s, Syria’s and North Korea’s Domains - In a landmark ruling, a U.S. federal court has agreed with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) that the country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs) are not property subject to attachment and thus overruled an attempt to seize Iran's, Syria's and North Korea's domains as part of a lawsuit against those countries' governments. "We are pleased that the court ruled in our favor on the grounds that the ccTLDs are not property, subject to attachment", said John Jeffrey, ... read more ...
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ICANN Clears the Way for Two-character New gTLD Domain Names - ICANN reported last night that it has Cleared the way for Two Character New gTLD domain names, domain names like NN.whatever, NL.whatever or LN.whatever. The jury is still out of two letter new gTLD’s “After reviewing the summary and analysis of the first batch of Public Comments, the ICANN Board passed Resolution 2014.10.16.14 on 7 November 2014 directing ICANN staff to “develop and implement an efficient procedure for the release of two-character domains currently required to be reserved ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
ICANN Clears a Way for Two-character New gTLD Domain Names - ICANN reported last night that it has Cleared the way for Two Character New gTLD domain names, domain names like NN.whatever, NL.whatever or LN.whatever. The jury is still out of two letter new gTLD’s “After reviewing the summary and analysis of the first batch of Public Comments, the ICANN Board passed Resolution 2014.10.16.14 on 7 November 2014 directing ICANN staff to “develop and implement an efficient procedure for the release of two-character domains currently required to be reserved ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
After Hand Registering Its Domain For $10, Quandl Raises $5.4 Million - The Wall Street Journal just covered the story of a startup which has 30,000 registered users, and just raised $5.4 million to expand. The story goes on to note that one of the co-founders of the company in 2010, Tammer Kammer is quoted as saying: “My eureka moment came when I thought how is it that in 2010 all human knowledge is consolidated on Wikipedia and quantitative knowledge is a huge mess?’” he said. “He bought a Web domain for $10, hacked together a prototype website and ... read more ...