.de .com .org war gestern – die neuen Domainendungen sind da - 2. Juli 2014 20:23Karlsruhe (cm) Lange hat es gedauert, jetzt sind sie endlich da: Die neuen generischen Domainendungen, auch gTLDs (generic Top Level Domain) genannt. Das heißt, ab jetzt können Internetseiten nicht nur auf die bisher bekannten Domains enden, sondern auch auf etliche neue und vor allem sinnvolle Domainendungen.Der Sinn dahinter ist in erster Linie dieser: Durch die neuen Domainendungen sollen bei der Domain-Auswahl wieder mehr Möglichkeiten zur Namensvergebung im Internet zur ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: July 2014
Wed 2nd July 2014
“Creator Of Bitcoin Protocol” Domain Name Satoshi.com Sells On Sedo.com For $75,000 - According to wikipedia.org, Satoshi Nakamoto is a person or group of people who created the Bitcoin protocol and reference software, Bitcoin Core. In 2008, Nakamoto published a paper on The Cryptography Mailing list at metzdowd.com describing the Bitcoin digital currency. In 2009, he released the first Bitcoin software that launched the network and the first units of the Bitcoin currency, called bitcoins.”
Today the domain name Satoshi.com just crossed the Sedo domain sales wire selling for $75,000.
The ... read more ...
Tutte le nuove registrazioni di gTLD dovrebbero essere soggette a Periodi … -
Pianificare di registrare il proprio marchio come nome di dominio durante un Sunrise Period per poi scoprire che la registrazione figura in un elenco di Nomi Riservati?
Ci sono una serie di motivi per cui un dominio che corrisponde al proprio marchio può figurare in una Reserved Names list. Prima di tutto se il dominio desiderato è oggetto di Name Collision, anche se questo non si verifica per tutti i registri. Infatti ... read more ...
USPTO Grants Two Patents On DNS including “Systems & Methods for Providing DNS Services” - Two Patents were granted yesterday by the USPTO on DNS
Nominum, Inc received a patent on Systems and methods for providing DNS services
A system for providing a Domain Name System (DNS) service may include providing an agent for installation on a subscriber device. The subscriber device may be connected to the DNS service via an entry point device. The system includes receiving, from the agent, agent data indicative of a subscriber identifier and a unique identifier associated with the entry point ... read more ...
UGN.com Under Same Ownership For 10+ Years Hit With UDRP - The three letter domain name UGN.com which appears to have been owned or under the control of Boca Database Services, Inc since at least 2004, has been hit with a UDRP.
The domain name is not resolving.
The last entry that Screenshots.com has for the domain name is from 2009, and it looks to be an very simply placeholder.
The name of the COmplainant is not listed but their is suprinly only 1 trademark in the USPTO for the term UGN and that was filed on March 1 2014, by United Golf Network, Inc. ... read more ...
Are US Marketers Falling Behind in the Domain Game? -
The Association of National Advertisers (ANA) is a talented group of individuals that are good at their job. So good that a campaign they’re running could be causing marketers in the U.S. to fall behind their peers in other countries when it comes to an important component of any comprehensive online marketing strategy – domain names.
As I’ve written about before, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which governs the global domain name system, has started ... read more ...
TechCrunch.com Wins Rights To The The Hack Domain TechCrun.ch in UDRP - A one member UDRP panel just awarded the domain name hack of Techcrun.ch to the publisher of Techcrunch.com which also owns the domain name TechCrunch.ch
For those that don’t know a domain hack is where a registrant uses a domain extension, typically a two letter country code (ccTLD) to spell a word.
In this case the .Ch extension is the country code for Switzerland and since its a ccTLD is subject to the rules, regulations and laws of the underlying country.
The short decision was published in ... read more ...
TechCrunch.com Wins Rights To The The Hack Domain TechCrun.ch in UDRP - A one member UDRP panel just awarded the domain name hack of Techcrun.ch to the publisher of Techcrunch.com which also owns the domain name TechCrunch.ch
For those that don’t know a domain hack is where a registrant uses a domain extension, typically a two letter country code (ccTLD) to spell a word.
In this case the .Ch extension is the country code for Switzerland and since its a ccTLD is subject to the rules, regulations and laws of the underlying country.
The short decision was published in ... read more ...
WSJ.com Covers New gTLD Domain Extensions Highlighting .Global: “We Spent $10M” -
WSJ.com Live Covered the new gTLD domain name program today on WSJ Live and the star of the 3 minute segment was .Global
The segment was entitled Bye ‘Dot Com,’ 1300 New Domains Blowing You Away.
“You know ‘dot com’ and ‘dot org’ but over the next few years you could be using more than 1300 new domain names. The WSJ’s Ramy Inocencio speaks with Dot Global CEO Rolf Larsen on what expansion means for you.”
In the interview Rolf told WSJ.com that the application cost him ... read more ...
June 30: updated status of sunrise periods and trademark claims notification … -
As we previously reported to you (click here to view April 29, 2013 TLD article), the internet is expanding to include hundreds of new top-level-domains (TLDs) (examples of TLDs as we know them today include .com, .net. and .org – i.e., the term that is to the right of the "dot"). While the only certainty at that time was that the launch was inevitable, like it or not, it's finally here (click here to view January 9, 2014 Sunrise article).
Frost Brown Todd will be sending out ... read more ...
İpad Air ve Air 2’nin Karşılaştırma Videosu Sızdı! -
Apple'ın yeni nesil tablet modeli iPad Air 2, bir kez daha gün yüzüne çıktı! TLD Today ekibi, iPad Air ve iPad Air 2'yi videoda karşılaştırdı!
Akıllı teknoloji pazarında tanıtım gününü Eylül ayı olarak belirleyerek son sözü söyleyen Apple, bir kez daha sızıntılarla gündeme geldi. Dün 9to5mac sitesi tarafından iPhone 6'nın beyaz ve siyah ekran kasasının sızdırıldığı haberini sizlerle paylaşmış ve ardı arkası kesilmeyen Apple ... read more ...
The domain name game – Protect your brand online -
The internet is currently going through one of the biggest changes since its inception, with a massive expansion of the Domain Name System (DNS). The introduction of hundreds of new generic top level domains (gTLDs) means the portion of domain names located to the right of the dot that we have all become accustomed to, such as .com, .net or .org, will now include far more consumer targeted names such as .luxury, .gift and .diamonds.
So what impact will this gTLD revolution ... read more ...
New TLD Luxury.Estate sells for $50k -
A new high water mark for a domain sale in a new TLD?
Hot of the heels of news that eat.club sold for $20,000, DomainHoldings announced today that it brokered the sale of Luxury.Estate for a whopping $50,000.
The Luxury.Estate sale is different from the eat.club one because an early domain registrant cashed in big, rather than the registry getting paid for a premium sale.
According to DomainHoldings, the seller of Luxury.Estate purchased it on day 5 of Donuts’ ... read more ...
Top 5 Domain Name Wire stories from June -
Moniker “wins” three spots on June’s top stories list.
Is there no such thing as bad press?
That phrase probably went out the window last month for Moniker. It took three of the month’s top five spots on Domain Name Wire for highest-trafficked stories. The stories also combined for over 350 comments. It was not good news.
Here’s the complete top five.
1. The new Moniker: Love it or Hate it? – It’s definitely the latter.
2. Moniker CEO Bonnie Wittenburg ... read more ...
How English speakers can deposit in Chinese IDNs -
TLD Registry releases tool for discovering Chinese terms available for registration.
Last week in London I sat down with TLD Registry, the company behind the Dot Chinese Online (.在线) and Dot Chinese Website (.中文网) domain names.
These IDNs have been a success so far, with over 50,000 registrations combined. They are easily within the top twenty new TLDs launched to date and are the top two IDN TLDs in terms of registrations.
As an English speaker with little ... read more ...
.Club domain tops final week’s finish user domain name sales -
Catering company goes clubbing.
Sedo’s top sale last week was MM.com at $1.2 million. But it’s not an end user sale. It appears to have been purchased by the owners of Chinese domain marketplace 4.cn.
Instead, this week’s top end user sale honors go to a new TLD. .Club sold Eat.Club $20,000 to employee meal catering company Eat Club, which has been using the domain name MyEatClub.com. I have to assume they tried to acquire EatClub.com as well. Was it more than ... read more ...
Tue 1st July 2014
iPad Air ve Air 2’nin Karşılaştırma Videosu Sızdı! -
Apple’ın yeni nesil tablet modeli iPad Air 2, bir kez daha gün yüzüne çıktı! TLD Today ekibi, iPad Air ve iPad Air 2’yi videoda karşılaştırdı!
Akıllı teknoloji pazarında tanıtım gününü Eylül ayı olarak belirleyerek son sözü söyleyen Apple, bir kez daha sızıntılarla gündeme geldi. Dün 9to5mac sitesi tarafından iPhone 6’nın beyaz ve siyah ekran kasasının sızdırıldığı haberini sizlerle paylaşmış ve ardı arkası ... read more ...
Sedo Domain Name Transactions Total $2.3MM For The Week -
Over a past week, 614 exchange took place on Sedo’s marketplace and around SedoMLS, totaling $2.3MM. 47% of sum sales were a outcome of Buy Now listings.
Highlights of open sales are:
· Top .coms: mm.com during 1.2MM USD
· Top ccTLD: eingangstür.de during 7,500 EUR
· Top “other” TLD: eat.club during 20,000 USD
Below is a finish report:
Via: thedomains.com
Warning: Expired Domains Are Easy Pickings for Hackers -
GroovyPost.com did a piece written by Jack Busch about his experience with an expired domain and hackers.
From the article:
I learned a hard lesson this week. Long story short, a spammer from Vietnam has hijacked my Google Apps for Domains (now called Google Apps for Business) account and is currently sending people emails from my old email address (jack@anthrocopy.com) complete with my signature, phone number and name and everything on it. Anthrocopy.com was an informal dba name I used years ago ... read more ...
Consumer trust in branded domains reaches new high -
Consumer trust levels in new dot.brand domain names are hitting new highs on both sides of the Atlantic as more and more of the generic top level domains [gTLDs] are launched.
Related: Companies favour gTLDs over social media, survey states
A study carried out by Afilias, a global registry services provider, found that 25 per cent of US and UK consumers are now able to trust new gTLDs – an increase of four per cent compared to the previous year. This ... read more ...
New Tool: How to Invest in Chinese Domains Without Knowing a Word of Chinese: ChineseLandrush.com - TLD Registry Ltd the registry for Dot Chinese Online (.在线) and Dot Chinese Website (.中文网) has released a new tool to help domain investors who do not speak Chinese (guys like me) to find available domains in Chinese.
The New tool is ChineseLandrush.com .
“ChineseLandrush.com is an innovative new way to help non-Chinese speakers to understand and invest in Chinese domains.
At ChineseLandrush.com, visitors will always find 500 great, hand-made domain name suggestions.
The suggestions ... read more ...
Iniciado o primeiro Teste de Longa Duração em Iara - Desde o dia 21 de junho, iniciaram-se os Testes de Longa Duração (TLD) na área de avaliação conhecida como Iara, no bloco BM-S-11, a cerca de 300 km da costa e em profundidade de água de aproximadamente 2.200m. O Teste de Longa Duração faz parte do Programa de Avaliação da Descoberta, aprovado pela Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP).
O teste está sendo realizado no poço 3-BRSA-1132-RJS (RJS-706), na área oeste do Plano de Avaliação de Iara, utilizando ... read more ...
MSC.com Purchased At Sedo Auction For $48K In Dec Saved In UDRP - MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company Holding S.A. of Geneva, Switzerland, just lost its attempt to grab the domain name MSC.com
Its an interesting case because the domain name was acquired by the domain holder Paul Kocher, in a Sedo auction for $48,000 in December 2013 Actually Jeremiah Johnston of Sedo represented the domain holder.
After the auction the trademark holder offered to buy the domain for $50,000 which the domain holder rejected and the UDRP was filed.
Here are the relevant facts and ... read more ...
Personal Communication Systems, Inc Gulity Of RDNH On Healthwave.com - Personal Communication Systems, Inc. of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, represented by Bell, Davis Pitt, P.A. was just found guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH) on the domain name healthwave.com.
The Complainant registered a trademark on the term HEALTHWAVE in October 2012.
The domain holder registered the domain in 2002
The one member panel of Andrew D. S. Lothian wrote:
“The Respondent in the present case has requested that the Panel make a finding of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking ... read more ...
Anschlags-Opfer wollen Irans TLD als Pfand für Schadensersatz -
Gericht, Gesetz, Urteil, Hammer
Bildquelle: Dumfries Museum
Mehrere Opfer von Anschlägen, die von islamistischen Terroristen durchgeführt wurden, haben den Iran vor US-Gerichten auf Schadensersatz verklagt. Um Zahlungen durchzusetzen, wird dabei erwogen, die Top-Level-Domain des Landes und mehr in Geiselhaft zu nehmen.
In dem Verfahren wird der Regierung des Iran von den Anwälten der Opfer vorgeworfen, die Täter aktiv unterstützt zu haben. Letztere gehörten in den verhandelten ... read more ...