Monthly Archives: April 2014

Wed 2nd April 2014
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
No Justin Bieber bashing in new .xyz domain name - Be careful what content you post at The .XYZ top level domain name has published its launch policies, and it includes perhaps the most off-the-wall restriction of any new TLD to date: No Bieber-bashing. Oprah, too. Page 22 of the policy states that abusive and forbidden uses of .xyz names include: “illegal malicious and fraudulent defamation of Oprah Winfrey, Daniel Negari, or Justin Bieber” Depending on how you look at generational dates, ... read more ...
Tue 1st April 2014
Written by in PT and tagged
Petrobras tem aval para teste de longa duração no pré-sal de Santos - RIO  -  A Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP) autorizou a Petrobras a realizar Teste de Longa Duração (TLD) no bloco Nordeste de Tupi, no pré-sal da Bacia de Santos. O TLD cumpre o Programa Exploratório Obrigatório (PEO), definido no contrato de cessão onerosa. Os TLDs são realizados durante a fase de  exploração, com a finalidade exclusiva de obter dados e informações para conhecimento do comportamento dos reservatórios e dos ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Clubbing the Competition? Land Rush for New .CLUB gTLD Buoyed By Major … - I wasn't able to make the 2014 Domainfest Conference that is currently underway in Hollywood, California (the first one I've ever missed) but I'm hearing that the new .CLUB ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Sedo Transactions Total $1.2 Million Led By For $24K - Sedo just reported that  737 transactions took place on Sedo’s marketplace and via SedoMLS, totaling $1.2 Million dollars for the week 44% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings. Highlights of public sales are: ·         Top .coms: at 24,000 USD ·         Top ccTLD: at 10,000 USD ·         Top “other” TLD: at 5,000 USD Here are the reportable sales: <![CDATA[]]> Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Namescon Already Tops 100 Paid Pre-Registrations For Jan Vegas Show - With no website, agenda, keynote speakers or press releases, NamesCon organizers say they have already exceeded 100 paid pre-registrations for its Jan 11-14, 2015 Las Vegas conference. The inaugural event got very positive reviews and the organizers are repeating the incredibly low $199 pre-registration price. However that $199 price is only valid until midnight tonight (April 1st) Some are predicting as many as 1,000 people will attend Namescon 2015. Companies that have already paid and registered ... read more ...
Written by in PT and tagged
Petrobras tem aval para teste de longa duração no pré-sal de Santos - RIO  -  A Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP) autorizou a Petrobras a realizar Teste de Longa Duração (TLD) no bloco Nordeste de Tupi, no pré-sal da Bacia de Santos. O TLD cumpre o Programa Exploratório Obrigatório (PEO), definido no contrato de cessão onerosa.  Os TLDs são realizados durante a fase de  exploração, com a finalidade exclusiva de obter dados e informações para conhecimento do comportamento dos reservatórios e dos fluidos durante a produção. Ficou ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Go Daddy Sells 41,242 Domains in Mar Led by - Go Daddy Auctions Market Report – March 2014 Go Daddy sold 41,242 domains in March vs 37, 408 domains in February. The top sale for the month was at $100,000. The February stats were changed in this report and is now the top sale for February at $50,000. The most popular keywords sold were Online, Blog,Free,Design and Home. (click to enlarge) ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Strickling, Fadi, Steve DelBianco All Set To Testify In House Hearing On ICANN Tomorrow - There is going to be a house hearing tomorrow on the US giving up its oversight control over ICANN. The hearing is being held by the Energy Commerce Committee of the United States House of Representatives The Subcommittee on Communications and Technology has scheduled a hearing on Wednesday, April 2, 2014, at 10:30 a.m. in 2322 Rayburn House Office Building. The title of the hearing is “Ensuring the Security, Stability, Resilience, and Freedom of the Global Internet.” Witnesses will be announced ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
.NYC Go Live Scheduled for Oct 8th, 2014 - The launch policies for .NYC domain registry were just published by ICANN and they are lengthy. The “Plan has been developed to describe the Launch Program for the .nyc Top Level Domain (“TLD”) by The City of New York by and through the New York City Department of Information Technology Telecommunications (“Registry Operator”). Launch Schedule: The following is a brief overview of each of the periods that will be implemented in launching the TLD. These periods are described in ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
The revolution in domain names: are you ready? - The brave new world of Generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) has arrived. Until September 2013, would be registrants had only 22 gTLDs to choose from, the premium of which was always .com.Since then, over one hundred have been open for registration, and over the next months and years there will be in the region of another 1,700. This is a game changer both for brand owners and agencies. It presents new opportunities for more targeted communication of information, products and services, but also ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Desi Networks Signs First Registrar Agreement with Key-Systems - (Ping! Zine Web Tech Magazine) – Desi Networks, LLC, the company behind the .desi gTLD, has announced that it has entered into a registrar agreement with Key-Systems.  The signing is the first RRA agreement for Desi Networks and galvanizes the partnership between the two companies. “It was important for us to showcase our partnership with Key-Systems and we are thrilled to be so near the launch of the .desi gTLD” said Ravin Ohri, CEO.  The focus of .desi is the global ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
Quick Poll: Which New gTLD Will Be The 1st To Hit 100K Registrations? - As of today there are over 414,000 new gTLD domain names registered. .Guru is still leading the pack with over 47,000 registrations and is growing at the rate of 75-100 domains a day. .Berlin is safely in second place for now, with  43K registrations and .Photography just topped 30K registrations. The question we have today is a simple one which new gTLD will hit 100,000 registrations first. We have included the three top new gTLD’s to date and have included some other what we consider likely ... read more ...
Written by in PL and tagged
Jak wybrać dobrą domenę dla biznesu? - Wybór nazwy domeny dla witryny w Internecie jest trudnym zadaniem dla startujących z nowym przedsięwzięciem przedsiębiorców. Adres internetowy jest nie tylko unikalnym ciągiem znaków identyfikującym stronę www w sieci, ale również służy do budowania wizerunku firmy, który wyróżni ją w internecie na tle konkurencji. Warto zatem dołożyć wszelkich starań, aby nazwa, którą wybieramy dla witryny była chwytliwa i łatwa do zapamiętania, a z pewnością przyczyni się do tego, ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
New York City sets phases, sequence mandate for .NYC domain name - LaunchPlan.NYC. New York City has finalized its launch plans (pdf) for the .NYC web address coming out later this year. The domain name will be allocated in four phases rather than the usual three. The first phase will be a sunrise for trademark owners running May 5-June 20. That will be followed by a unique “City Government Affiliated Phase” in which governmental organizations can request domains. A 60 day landrush will then start on August 4. Domains will finally ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Major email providers restraint some RAA corroboration emails - Blocking could lead to website suspensions. Beginning January 1st domain name registrars are required by the new Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) to verify contact details for registrants. Most registrars do this by sending an email to domain registrants and asking them to click a link in the email. For the registrant fails to do this, their domain names can be suspended. This has resulted in at least one high profile website being suspended, and more will ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Gary Vaynerchuk during DomainFest: domain values headed downward - Vaynerchuk makes a prediction about domain name values during talk at DomainFest in Hollywood. Yesterday Gary Vaynerchuk gave a spirited keynote at DomainFest, with an even more spirited QA session. It got interesting when Vaynerchuk predicted that the value of a good domain name will go down over the next decade or two as the importance of having a good domain name goes down. Vaynerchuk thinks that the importance of domain names is being eroded by other platforms ... read more ...