Monthly Archives: April 2014

Tue 8th April 2014
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Wien-Domains: Eine Marketing-Chance für Wien und Wiener - Wien-Domains werden bei lokalen Suchanfragen von Google Co. vor anderen Domains plaziert Die Wien-Domain ging als eine der ersten neuen geo- und community-TLD in Betrieb und ermöglicht damit prägnante lokale Internetadressen für Unternehmen, Organisationen und Privatpersonen. “Aus Sicht der Stadt ist eine eigene Domainendung ein großer Mehrwert, denn damit wird Wien weltweit noch besser wahrgenommen”, freut sich der Wiener Informationsstadtrat Christian Oxonitsch. “Wien hat die Chancen ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
.Tokyo To Go Live Jul 22nd & Anyone In The World Can Register One - According to a press release, GMO Internet Group company, GMO Registry, Inc. announced that  the new gTLD .Tokyo will be open for landrush applications starting on June 9th. General Availability will begin July 22nd. Sunrise period for trademark holders is already opened. Unlike some cities like New York’s .NYC, there are no residence or other nexus requirements to register a .Tokyo domain, meaning that anyone in the world can register a .tokyo domain name. “.tokyo is a domain that will represent ... read more ...
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Afternic Expands Reach in Indian Sub-Continent Region with Partnership … - Related: Press Release, News Afternic, the world's premier domain marketplace, today launched an exclusive partnership with NameJet and Desi Networks, LLC to leverage its technology and distribution network to a new premium domain extension - .DESI. This partnership allows Afternic, the industry's largest reseller network, to promote .DESI premium domains to a vast audience of potential buyers. This new generic top-level domain ... read more ...
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Battle heats up over wine gTLD GI protections - This week the battle for protection for geographical indications (GIs) in the ‘.wine’ and ‘.vin’ strings heated up, with the European Federation of Origin Wines (EFOW) threatening an ongoing campaign should the strings be delegated without mechanisms in place. The ‘.wine’ and ‘.vin’ strings have been the focus of industry debate, with the European Union previously urging against their delegation before additional protections were afforded to GI rights holders. As reported ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
Hilton Buys For a Whopping $850 - Hilton just bought the domain name for a whopping $850. The domain name was listed on a Buy It Now basis through So one of the largest hotel chains in the world just picked up the bang on matching domain for one of the busiest airports in the country for less than $1,000. If you do a Google search for Chicago Airport Hotel you will see Hilton is an advertiser under the term as well as and Expedia. Don’t you think Hilton spends more than $850 in ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
For the Internet, it’s the next logical step - By JOHN CARY SIMSThe Sacramento Bee There's a reason we all love to "reply" to emails we receive, while striving to avoid an inappropriate "reply all." Internet addresses can be so messy, and even the tiniest error misdirects our communication. Soon the Internet addressing challenge will be even more difficult, as "Top Level Domains" (TLDs) mushroom from a handful of familiar ones (.com, .org, .gov, ... read more ...
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Japan’s capital city gets ‘.tokyo’ top-level domain name - Japan’s capital city gets ‘.tokyo’ top-level domain name Apr 08, 2014 John Hofilena Features, Tech Science 0 The Japanese ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
.SAARLAND: Die Saarland-Domain kommt – business - Die Einführung der Top Level Domain (TLD) .SAARLAND wird in vier Phasen unterteilt sein: die Sunrise-Phase für Markeninhaber (18. Juli - 15. September 2014), das Gründerprogramm für Firmen und Personen mit innovativen Nutzungskonzepten (18. Juli - 16. August 2014), die Landrush-Phase zur Sicherung von beliebten Domains (23. September - 22. Oktober 2014) und die Allgemeine Verfügbarkeit ab 30. Oktober 2014. Ab dann kann jeder .SAARLAND Internetadressen nach dem Prinzip "first-come, ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Company Loses Battle to Get Critical Website Taken Down - There has been a lot of discussion about the coming .sucks new gtld and some of the potential pricing that could potentially come with it. Other extensions coming down the pipeline have gotten less publicity but certainly fall in a similar camp. .Fail,.Exposed,.Gripe and .WTF are all extensions that no company or person really wants to be associated with to the left of the dot. Brands IMO should not participate in regging their names in these extensions. The reason being is you cannot protect against ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Company Loses Battle to Get Critical Website Taken Down - There has been a lot of discussion about the coming .sucks new gtld and some of the potential pricing that could potentially come with it. Other extensions coming down the pipeline have gotten less publicity but certainly fall in a similar camp. .Fail,.Exposed,.Gripe and .WTF are all extensions that no company or person really wants to be associated with to the left of the dot. Brands IMO should not participate in regging their names in these extensions. The reason being is you cannot protect against ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
17 finish user domain sales adult to $24,000 - Kim DotCom’s Mega among end user domain name buyers. I’m still playing catch-up, so these are end user sales from the list Sedo sent last week. You can view previous end user sales lists here. $24,000 – HomeVista Decor and Furnishings in Bangalore. $10,000 – Kim DotCom’s Mega $1,495 – Crux Subsurface, Inc. 7,500 GBP – Blue Speck Financial Ltd in the UK. $1,500 – Neo Technology, ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Busted: UDRP panelist contradicts his progressing decisions - Panelist’s rationale for latest decision directly contradicts earlier ones. National Arbitration Forum panelist Héctor A. Manoff has found against Restomod, Inc. in a UDRP it filed for the domain name The decision is probably correct, but how he came to the decision directly contradicts earlier decisions he has made. In the case, the domain registrant registered the domain name way back in 1999. The complainant didn’t register a trademark ... read more ...
Mon 7th April 2014
Written by in PT and tagged
ICANN adia liberação de domínios por conflitos comerciais - Quando a Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) decidiu no ano passado aumentar e abrir a exploração comercial de domínios de alto nível (gTLDs, na sigla em inglês), utilizou o método de "quem pegar primeiro, leva". Entretanto, isso levanta a possibilidade de haver o registro inescrupuloso de domínios como .wine e .vin (relacionados a vinhos e viniculturas) para "sequestrar" endereços, especialmente relacionados a localizações geográficas – por exemplo, caso alguma ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged Reports Over $400K in Domain Sales For March - just released over $400,000 in domain names that sold during March on their platform. Only sales of $2k or more are included:   <![CDATA[]]> Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Written by in PT and tagged
ICANN adia domínios relacionados com vinho - A Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) decidiu atrasar a concessão dos novos domínios de topo .wine e .vin, numa decisão bem-vinda pelos legisladores europeus preocupados por abusos de “cybersquatting” que poderiam minar a indústria vínicola. A ICANN, responsável pelos domínios genéricos de topo (gTLDs), tinha planeado o lançamento destes domínios no primeiro trimestre do ano. No entanto, numa reunião na sexta-feira passada em Singapura, a organização ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN Live Registrations Begin Apr 8th “It’s 1985 Again”™ - The registry announced that their registrations go live tomorrow on April 8th Here is the press release: “”The very first .com domain name registration ( took place in March of 1985. Back then, of course, every name was available. Today, with over 113 million registered .com domain names, the very best .com domain names are long gone. Businesses who prefer the familiar .com extension find it difficult, or even impossible, to find short memorable names that are relevant to ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Inbay Limited of London Guilty Of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking - Inbay Limited of London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (“United Kingdom”), represented by Keystone Law, United Kingdom has been found guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH) on the domain name which was registered back on December 11, 1998. The trademark which inBay Limited of London based their claim on wasn’t filed until 2012. Here are the RDNH findings by the three member panel of Nicholas Smith Nick J. Gardner, and Diane Cabell: This is a Complaint ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Capital gets .tokyo domain - The nation’s capital has joined “.com,” “.gov” and a few other select naming categories on the Internet’s list of top-level domains. This means website addresses ending in “.tokyo” are now possible, domain manager GMO Registry Inc. said at a press conference Monday. Nagoya beat Tokyo to the punch as a top-level domain, or TLD, in February. The most common TLD is .com. The new domain will help Tokyo-based businesses and services become better known by using addresses ... read more ...
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Neustar Helps dotStrategy Secure .BUZZ Web Domain; Jeffrey Neuman … - Neustar has been providing dotStrategy with security tools and services intended to keep malware, botnets and phishing scams from entering a dotStrategy-operated top level domain. TLD operator dotStrategy uses Neustar’s registry threat detection and mitigation platform to secure .BUZZ namespace customers and users, Neustar said Thursday. Jeffrey Neuman, Neustar vice president of registry services, said the company works to help TLD operators meet requirements set by the Internet Corporation ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google to Launch Android TV – We Already Know They Don’t Own The Domain - According to a story on Mashable, Google is going to launch Android TV. Ten days ago Mike wrote a post about a UDRP that Google filed on The panelists decided that this case was outside the scope of the UDRP. You can read the case and the commentary that Mike added here. March 31, 2014 there was a press release put out highlighting this decision. The press release contact is Mike Berkens who did not pay PR Web for the press release so this looks like it was put out by the registrant. We ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Google appears to have sole domain name - domain name transferred. It appears Google has sold the domain name The company used the domain name for a photo sharing service called “Hello” last decade. It later shut down the standalone service and eventually stopped using the domain name. Last Friday it looks like Google transferred the domain name. The domain name whois record showed a change of registrant from Google to “John Murphy” on April 4. The contact email address ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged saved in UDRP, no RDNH interjection to “idiot defense” - Arbitrator decides that the case was so weak that the complainant just didn’t know any better. In March I wrote about how Life is Now, Inc., which promotes business coach David Neagle, had filed a UDRP against Domain owner Greg Ricks has successfully defended the ridiculous UDRP. The primary determining factor was that Ricks owned the domain name before the complainant started using the term “Just Believe”. That makes it impossible to prove ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Tesla buys a typo and Lord of a Flies association buys author’s domain name - Tesla pays a lot of money for a domain it could have won in a UDRP. I’m a bit behind on end user sales reports thanks to DomainFest last week. This list is the one Afternic/GoDaddy sent last week. Some notable buyers include Tesla and BMI. You can see previous end user lists here. $12,750 – Music Giant BMI $13,000 – RelayWare, which offers partner channel management services. $1,000 – Medical Education ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
UDRP complainant shoots self in feet with supplemental filing - Company effectively admits its original complaint was destined to fail when it makes supplemental filing. Inbay Limited of the United Kingdom has been found guilty of reverse domain name hijacking in a UDRP for The three person panel found that Inbay should have known its complaint would fail from the outset. Perhaps more importantly, it should have known it would fail after receiving the domain owner’s response — yet it decided to file a supplemental ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
10 Domains we like in this week’s Heritage Auctions domain name auction - Here are ten domains I think are worth the money in this week’s domain auction. Heritage Auctions’ second domain name auction takes place April 9. It’s difficult to place bets on which domains will sell, especially for the higher-end domains. It depends on if someone watching the auction has pockets deep enough to pay six figures for a domain name. That said, here are ten domains I really like in the auction at varying price levels*: ($150,000 ... read more ...