Monthly Archives: April 2014

Fri 11th April 2014
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Internet Grows to 271 Million Domain Names in Q4 of 2013 - BANGALORE: VeriSign, the global leader in domain names, today announced five million domain names were added to the Internet in the fourth quarter of 2013, bringing the total number of registered domain names to 271 million worldwide across all top-level domains as of Dec. 31, 2013, according to the latest Domain Name Industry Brief. Is it likely that we will run out of domain names? No, the number of possible second-level domain names in any TLD is an extremely large number. Refer to page 4 of ... read more ...
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Internet grows to 271 million domain names in Q4, 2013 - As of Dec. 31, 2013, the base of registered names in .com equaled 112 million names, while .net equaled 15.2 million names News | by CIOL Bureau BANGALORE, INDIA: VeriSign Inc. today announced five million domain names were added to the Internet in the fourth quarter of 2013, bringing the total number of registered domain names to 271 million worldwide across all top-level domains (TLDs) as of Dec. 31, 2013, according to the ... read more ...
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Internet Grows To 271 Million Domain Names - The steady growth of the Internet has been revealed in the new quarterly Domain Name Industry Brief (DNIB) from VeriSign. The fourth-quarter DNIB reported that there are now 271 million domains registered across all top-level domains (TLDs). Steady Growth TLDs include the popular .com and .net domains, both of which are administered by VeriSign under a contract with the US Department of Commerce that was most recently renewed in 2012. According to VeriSign, the .com and .net registries now include ... read more ...
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Internet Reaches 271 Million Domain Names - There are about 271 million domains registered across top-level domains (TLDs) on the Internet, according to a VeriSign’s quarterly Domain Name Industry Brief (DNIB). This shows a steady rise in the total number of TLDs on the Internet, which is going strong, with the popular .com on the top. The TLDs also include .net domains, both of which are administered by VeriSign under a contract with the U.S. Department of Commerce that was most recently renewed in 2012. According to VeriSign, the .com ... read more ...
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Minds + Machines Heading Off To Private Auction To Settle At Least 3 More New … - The Directors of Minds + Machines Group Limited (AIM: MMX) announced today that they will be participating in a minimum of three top-level domain (“TLD”) private auctions will be held on April 22md, 2014 and be conducted by Applicant Auction, Inc. The new gTLDs the Company will definitely be bidding for in this round are .garden, .property, and .yoga. The Company expects the format and rules for each of these TLD auctions to broadly follow earlier private auctions administered by Applicant ... read more ...
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Minds + Machines to participate three private TLD auctions - – Minds + Machines Group Limited pronounced on Apr 22 it will attend in a smallest of 3 top-level domain (TLD) private auctions. The auctions are for a TLDs .garden, .property, and .yoga.

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Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Minds + Machines Heading Off To Private Auction To Settle At Least 3 More New gTLD’s - The Directors of Minds + Machines Group Limited (AIM: MMX) announced today that they will be participating in a minimum of three top-level domain (“TLD”) private auctions will be held on April 22md, 2014 and be conducted by Applicant Auction, Inc. The new gTLDs the Company will definitely be bidding for in this round are .garden, .property, and .yoga. The Company expects the format and rules for each of these TLD auctions to broadly follow earlier private auctions administered by Applicant ... read more ...
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Domain Venture Partners Acquires the .PARTY Top Level Domain Registry – SYS - It's .PARTY time!Thursday, 10th April 2014 Gibraltar: You may not have noticed but there is a quiet revolution on the Internet. Now, anyone can apply for web addresses associated with their interests and hobbies, industry sectors, events and locations. One such generic Top Level Domain, or gTLD as they are known, is .PARTY which was locked in a battle over the right to operate it, until today. Famous Four Media, the registry operator for Domain Venture Partners ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Uniregistry Whois tells we because a domain isn’t available - Whois explains if domain is on name collision list. One of the most frustrating challenges of pre-registering new top level domain names is having the registrar return a search “not available”. You end up asking yourself “why isn’t it available?” The first instinct is to blame the registry for holding back what appears to be a good domain name. Odds are that’s not the case. Instead, the domain name is temporarily blocked due to name collisions. These domains ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged strike with UDRP - Generic word targeted with UDRP filing. The generic domain name has been hit with a UDRP at World Intellectual Property Organization. The case was filed by Dune Holdings Limited, a London-based seller of shoes and accessories. The company uses the web address, so it’s no wonder that it wants the shorter domain name. When I search for “dune” on Google the first five results are about the science fiction novel and movie. Of course, dune ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Famous Four submits .Sport reconsideration request…with Ombudsman’s support - Ombudsman recommends new panelist hear .sport community objection. I haven’t written about many new TLD objection appeals (reconsideration requests) because there are so many and few have a chance of succeeding. But a recent one from Famous Four Media (pdf) for .sport is unique: ICANN’s Ombudsman has supported the company’s call for a rehearing with a different panelist. The reconsideration request is based on Famous Four’s recent disclosure of a link between ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
More new TLD auctions on tap, and Uniregistry appears to be participating - Private auctions taking place later this month. With the start of ICANN’s “Auctions of Last Resort” quickly approaching, some new top level domain applicants are working on last minute contention set resolutions. Minds + Machines Group Limited (AIM: MMX), the band formerly known as Top Level Domain Holdings, says it’s competing in at least three auctions on April 22. The auctions are for .garden, .property, and .yoga. The company is in contention with Donuts ... read more ...
Thu 10th April 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
CBS Picked Colbert 18 Months Ago But Didn’t Register Any Domains But Someone Else Did Today - As you probably heard today CBS named Stephen Colbert to replace David Letterman as host of the “Late Show” when he retires next year. According to CBS has been planning on Colbert to replace Letterman since 2012, which makes it pretty surprising that CBS didn’t lock up the bang on domain names LATESHOWWITHCOLBERT.COM, LATESHOWWITHSTEPHENCOLBERT.COM, or even THELATESHOWWITHSTEPHENCOLBERT.COM all of which were just registered today. And not by CBS. Two of the domains were registered ... read more ...
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Wrap-up: ICANN 49 Singapore - Given the "going live" of New gTLDs as well as the NTIA's announcement of its intent to transition Internet domain name functions to a multi-stakeholder environment, the 49th ICANN meeting in Singapore was sure to be a busy one. Here's a breakdown of some of the key happenings during the week. * * * Specification 13 The most recent draft of Specification 13 was approved. The specification provides limited accommodations to registry operators of TLDs that qualify as "dot Brand" TLDs rather ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
URS Denied On - A Uniform Rapid Suspension examiner, Alan L. Limbury, has denied the complainant of the clothing company, Aeropostale Procurement Company, Inc The domain name “Complainant here submitted with its complaint copies of the certificates of registration of seven United States AEROPOSTALE trademarks, four of which are in the name R. H. Macy Co., Inc., two of which are in the name Aeropostale West, Inc., and one of which is in the name Aeropostale, Inc. Complainant submitted no evidence ... read more ...
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SAPO vai avançar em setembro com o domínio .SAPO - (Atualizada) O anúncio foi feito por Abílio Martins na abertura da sétima edição do Codebits, marcando uma nova fase de renovação do SAPO que quer continuar a ser um representante da inovação digital em Portugal. O pedido foi feito no âmbito da abertura ao registo de novos domínios de topo genéricos (Generic top-level domain, ou gTLD), em que a PT conseguiu a atribuição do .sapo e do .meo, aprovado recentemente depois da submissão dos pedidos em 2012. O lançamento ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged Lost in UDRP - FC Management Limited of London, United Kingdom of Great Britain just got the domain name awarded to them by a UDRP panel based off of a Community Trade Mark registration. The domain holder did not respond to the complaint Here is the relevant facts and findings: The Complainant states that it is an international company which specializes in investment and asset management and has operated since 1868. It acquired Thames River Capital Group Limited and its subsidiary companies on ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged Acquired By Bell Canada - The domain name has been acquired by BCE Inc, of Quebec Canada. The administrative contacts email is which belongs to Bell Canada. The company already owned and uses the domain name The domain name was parked and for sale at Sedo although was not made public The seller of the domain appears to have acquired in back in 2008 for $28,001. I’m pretty sure this is yet another six figure sale. Congrats to the buyer and seller Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Famous Four Wins .Party - Famous Four Media, the registry operator for Domain Venture Partners announce today that is has resolved contention set for the new generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) .PARTY. Domain Venture Partners along with Blue Sky Registry came to an “agreement” with the other applicant for .Party, Oriental Trading Company, Inc whereby Oriental Trading Company, Inc has agreed to withdraw its application. Domain Venture Partners looks forward to launching and operating the .PARTY gTLD for the benefit of all ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
CentralNic acquires resources of DomiNIC GmbH - CentralNic publicly traded on the AIM Exchange under the symbol CNIC, announced an acquisition of the assets of  DomiNIC GmbH. Since 1994 DomiNIC has been continually developed into an all-round domain and DNS management system with integrated customer and user administration. In January 2014 CentralNic acquired all rights to the DomiNIC software with the intent of offering this solution to a wider market and combining its existing technology with the DomiNIC software to continue its tradition of ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google Extends “Not Provided” to Paid Search - Google is making a change that will bring paid search in line with organic search when it comes to relaying referrer information. Now when people using secure search click on AdWords ads, they will not have their search query show up in the referrer string, this info will no longer be available in analytics packages and third party providers of related software. Ginny Marvin wrote on Search Engine Land: As suspected, Google is moving to secure search for clicks on paid search ads. In an announcement ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Money talks, and Verisign is doing a good pursuit quashing new TLDs - Marketing programs help .com get top billing, but other registrars can play this game too. New top level domain names represent a growth opportunity for domain name registrars, many of which have seen domain registrations plateauing over the past year. That’s why 11 spent $50 million promoting new top level domain pre-registrations and other registrars have prominently featured new TLDs on their home pages. Over the past week or two I’ve noticed something interesting, ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Next week is colorful for new TLDs: 5 Schillings, Afilias colors, and a bit of buzz - Lots of new domains enter general availability next week, and only two of them are from Donuts. Only two of Donuts’ new top level domain names enter their “true” general availability phase next week. It will still be a big week for new TLDs as other applicants launch domains. April 15 .Buzz gets buzzing on Tuesday with broad registrar support. GoDaddy is charging $49.99 and I’ve found other registrars charging as low at $37.99. Tax day is also Frank Schilling’s ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Ready to .Party: Famous Four wins row set for .party domain - Famous Four uncorks the bubbly as it seals deal for .Party top level domain name. Famous Four Media has resolved its contention set with Oriental Trading Company for the .party top level domain name. The agreement was made through private negotiations; not an auction. Financial details were not disclosed. Famous Four Media now has 13 uncontested top level domain name applications. Oriental Trading Company, known for making cheap party favors, still has an open application ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
21 finish user domain name sales adult to $39,200 - Afternic’s strong week included a number of large end user domain name sales. Afternic and GoDaddy combined to sell over $2 million worth of domain names last week. Here’s a look at some of the domain names that were purchased by end users. You can view previous end user sales lists here. $39,200 – Software company I bet it’s for a new product or service. $32,000 – NRG Energy. I’m not sure what the domain stands for. ... read more ...