.CEO Registry Releases 42K Domains Held Back At Landrush Here Are Our Picks -
The dotCEO Registry has just released 42,000 .CEO Premium Names, which were listed as “taken” during the dotCEO Landrush phase so they are now available for the 1st time, on a first come basis as general registration just opened for .CEO
We went through the list pretty quickly and these are or favorites
Each of these domains carry a premium renewal rate as indicated in most cases below, with the suggested retail price, however each registrar is allowed to set their own retail price which could ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: March 2014
Fri 28th March 2014
Treffen Sie Key-Systems auf den WorldHostingDays 2014 - Die Key-Systems GmbH wird bei den diesjährigen WorldHostingDays (WHD.global) vom 1. - 3. April in Rust mit ihrer Metaregistry[TM] RRPproxy[TM] vertreten sein. RRPproxy ermöglicht den Wiederverkauf von Domains mit zahlreichen Endungen wie .DE, .COM, .NET und neuen Top Level Domains (TLDs) wie .GURU, .BERLIN und .PHOTOGRAPHY durch ein einziges Portal. Mit RRPproxy sparen sich ISPs und Registrare Aufwand und Kosten für die technische Implementierung hunderter neuer TLDs. Messe-Besucher haben am ... read more ...
Treffen Sie Key-Systems auf den WorldHostingDays 2014 - ');
} else {
Die Delegation hunderter neuer gTLDs hat bereits begonnen und wird
sich voraussichtlich die kommenden zwei Jahre fortsetzen. RRPproxy's
Registrar- und Reseller-Lösung für neue TLDs ermöglicht die Nutzung
der RRPproxy-Akkreditierung oder die Integration der Kunden-eigenen
Akkreditierung (Registry Account Management) innerhalb des selben
RRPproxy-Kontos. Durch die Metaregistry reduzieren sich die
technischen und finanziellen Investitionen für die ... read more ...
Amazon Successfully Defends Community Objection Against Application For … -
Terms Conditions and Privacy Statement
Mondaq.com (the Website) is owned and managed by Mondaq Ltd and as a user you
are granted a non-exclusive, revocable license to access the Website under its
terms and conditions of use. Your use of the Website constitutes your agreement
to the following terms and conditions of use. Mondaq Ltd may terminate your use
of the Website if you are in breach of these terms and conditions or if Mondaq
Ltd decides to terminate your license of use for whatever reason.
Use ... read more ...
.CEO General Availability Starts at Noon EST Today -
PeopleBrowsr, owner of the registry operator for new Top Level Domain dotCEO, has announced General Availability for the new gTLD . CEO domain addresses and identities will be available for purchase at Noon (EST) Today Friday, March 28th .
dotCEO is positioned as the only TLD to convey authority and power.
Over the last few weeks 100 of the Fortune 500 registered their dotCEO domains. 3,000 individual CEOs are on the wait list. More than 45,000 premium dotCEO domains will be released.
Jodee ... read more ...
.CEO General Availability Starts during Noon EST Today -
PeopleBrowsr, owner of the registry operator for new Top Level Domain dotCEO, has announced General Availability for the new gTLD . CEO domain addresses and identities will be available for purchase at Noon (EST) Today Friday, March 28th .
dotCEO is positioned as the only TLD to convey authority and power.
Over the last few weeks 100 of the Fortune 500 registered their dotCEO domains. 3,000 individual CEOs are on the wait list. More than 45,000 premium dotCEO domains will be released.
Jodee ... read more ...
Das Revier im Internet: .RUHR startet in die General Availability - Industriekultur, Ballungsraum, Revierderbys: Viele Menschen aus dem Ruhrgebiet eint eine tiefe emotionale Verbundenheit zu ihrer Heimat. Gleichzeitig ist die größte Metropolregion in Deutschland ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsstandort. Am 27. März ist mit .RUHR eine Top-Level- Domain gestartet, die all diese Facetten im Netz vereint.
Die erste Regional-TLD der Welt ist in die General Availability gestartet: Seit dem 27. März sind Adressen mit der Endung .RUHR frei verfügbar. Die TLD aus dem Revier ... read more ...
Das Revier im Internet: .RUHR startet in die General Availability -
(PresseBox) (Regensburg, 28.03.2014)
Industriekultur, Ballungsraum, Revierderbys: Viele Menschen aus dem Ruhrgebiet eint eine tiefe emotionale Verbundenheit zu ihrer Heimat. Gleichzeitig ist die größte Metropolregion in Deutschland ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsstandort. Am 27. März ist mit .RUHR eine Top-Level- Domain gestartet, die all diese Facetten im Netz vereint.
Die erste Regional-TLD der Welt ist in die General Availability ... read more ...
New Generic Top-Level Domains Will Create New Trademark Issues: The … - A top-level domain is the part of an Internet address appearing
to the right of the last period. A generic top-level
domain (gTLD) is a top-level domain that is not a geographic or
national designation".com," ".org," and
".net" are gTLDs. Formerly gTLDs were limited to a
relatively short list of three-letter combinations, but the
Internet Corporation for Adopted Names and Numbers is in the
process of freeing gTLDs from those restrictions. The new gTLDs
open up endless possibilities for new domain ... read more ...
Torino, 27/03/2014 (informazione.it - comunicati stampa) Lunedì 31 marzo manager della comunicazione e dell’Information Technology di Fiat Chrysler, Ferrero e Praxi si incontreranno per discutere e confrontarsi su opportunità e vantaggi offerti dai nuovi gTLD, i domini generici di primo livello. Un incontro esclusivo per fare rete promosso da Franco Di Rosa, amministratore delegato di DGTmedia - l’agenzia di comunicazione digitale di Italia Brand Group.
“Cogliendo l'opportunità ... read more ...
Fortune 1000 association loses 2 URS cases -
Heartland Payment Systems loses claims to “Heartland” domain names.
So far the Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) policy for new top level domain names appears to be working.
URS was designed to be a faster and cheaper version of UDRP for slam dunk cases of cybersquatting. Since UDRP was meant to be for clear-cut cases as well, the burden of proof is very high in URS cases.
Richard Branson was the first to lose a case, for Branson.guru.
Now Heartland Payment Systems, ... read more ...
4chan final 4chan.com domain name -
Popular bulletin board asks arbitration panel to give it the 4chan.com domain name.
One of the world’s most trafficked websites is on a .org domain name, and now its asking an arbitration panel to give it the matching .com.
Image-based bulletin board 4chan (at 4chan.org) has filed a complaint with The World Intellectual Property Organization. It claims that the owner of 4chan.com is cybersquatting and demands the domain name be handed over.
4chan.com has been owned ... read more ...
Thu 27th March 2014
The Lowdown on DomainFest: Conference Organizers Talk About What Has … -
final countdown
to the 2014 DomainFest
conference in underway with the show set to
kick off Monday morning (March 31) in
Hollywood, California at the Loews
... read more ...
1st URS Filed On a .UNO Domain, Aeropostale.uno Leads The Weekly URS Report - The first URS has been filed on a .Uno domain name .
.Uno just launched this week.
The clothing maker Aeropostale filed a URS against the domain name Aeropostale.Uno which was just registered on the 21st of March
We figured we might as well scheuldue every Friday afternoon a URS weekly report
So A few other URS were filed or decided over the last few days including bbva.careers and bbva.ventures which are both now suspended after A URS was filed by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.
The domain ... read more ...
Well At Least Microsoft Is Happy About The US Giving Up Oversight of ICANN - In a statement issued by Microsoft today they “applaud The US NTIA’s transition of key Internet domain name functions”
The statement was made on behalf of Microsoft by David Tennenhouse Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Technology Policy
“”The U.S. Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s recent announcement of its intent to transition key Internet domain name functions to the global multi-stakeholder community is a significant and welcome ... read more ...
DGTmedia riunisce i manager di Fiat Chrysler, Ferrero e Praxi per discutere di … -
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Puoi usufruire dei servizi di ADVexpress in prova gratuita per 10 giorni registrandoti.
Via: advexpress.it
Sedo Holdings Reports: Revenue Up 5.5%; Domain Parking Down; 16.5 Million Domains For Sale - Sedo Holding AG just issued its Annual Report for 2013 and revenues overall were up by 5.5% to €140.0 million (previous year: €132.7 million).
But the growth was driven by the Affiliate Marketing segment, “although it performed significantly more weakly than expected”.
The Domain Marketing segment continued to face the challenges presented by the falling domain parking market accompanied by strong competition from aggressively-priced providers, which is why the drop in sales revenues continued, ... read more ...
Cutts On How Google Views “Sister Sites” -
[ Search]
In the latest “Webmaster Help” video from Google, Matt Cutts takes on the following question:
Is there any way Google identifies “sister” websites? For example, relationships between eBay.co.uk and eBay.com? Does linking from one to the other taken as paid or unnatural? And I’m strictly talking about good, genuine ccTLDs for businesses?
“It is the case that we try to interpret as best we can the relationships there are on the web,” he says. “At the same ... read more ...
Twitter Files UDRP On Twıtter.com (Its An IDN) -
Twitter.com filed a UDRP on the domain name twıtter.com
Twıtter.com is an IDN; xn--twtter-4ja12b.com and goes to a page that has a picture of what appears to be someone in the armed forces somewhere by the name of RUHUNUZ ŞÂD OLSUN ÖCÜNÜZ ALINDI
There is no advertising or other monetization on the domain nor is there any reference to Twitter.
The domain does not appear to be for sale or have any sort of for sale banner or even contact link.
We will see how this plays out
Google+Michael ... read more ...
UDRP Panel Punts Denying Google’s UDRP On Androidtv.com - Google Inc. (“Complainant”) just lost a UDRP on the domain anem androidtv.com and xbmcandroidtv.com
Its a pretty interesting case in which the Panel winds up punting saying the dispute is outside of scope of the UDRP but I think having read all the facts and findings of the panel and the argument of the respondent, this UDRP should not have been dismissed on its merits not as being outside the scope of the UDRP.
Here we go:
“””Complainant offers a software platform and operating system ... read more ...
ICANN Acts: .VG; .ZM; Collision Issue, Approves Studies For 2 Round; Get’s … -
ICANN Board passed some resolutions last night on the last day of the ICANN Meeting in Singapore:
1. ICANN re-delegate the .VG country-code top-level domain to the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of the British Virgin Islands.
You might remember there was a “dispute within AdamsNames Ltd., the listed technical contact for .VG which is currently responsible for operating the name servers for the registry. The dispute raised concerns over the stability of the domain as well as over ... read more ...
ICANN Acts: .VG; .ZM; Collision Issue, Approves Studies For 2 Round; Get’s Ready For US Exit - ICANN Board passed some resolutions last night on the last day of the ICANN Meeting in Singapore:
1. ICANN re-delegate the .VG country-code top-level domain to the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of the British Virgin Islands.
You might remember there was a “dispute within AdamsNames Ltd., the listed technical contact for .VG which is currently responsible for operating the name servers for the registry. The dispute raised concerns over the stability of the domain as well as over the ... read more ...
Sedo and TLD Registry Raise $182000 in First Live Auction of New Chinese … -
MACAU, China — TLD Registry Ltd and Sedo, the world’s largest domain marketplace and monetization provider, today announced that the first premium domain name auction of new Chinese character gTLDs has raised US$182,000 from 33 auction lot sales. Bidders in the room and around the world paid between US$2,000 and US$25,388 for valuable Chinese character domain names in the Dot Chinese Online (.在线) and Dot Chinese Website (.中文网) TLDs.The ... read more ...
Google’s Matt Cutts: Be Careful Linking Sister Country Sites Together When… -
In yesterday's video from Google's Matt Cutts, Matt addressed a pretty straight forward question we've touched on here a few times about how to inform Google of multiple ccTLDs for your business. The real answer is to use a href lang and that is the best approach.But Matt gets into linking between your ccTLDs. Here are some points on that:(1) It is okay to link to all your ccTLDs but don't over do it in the footer.
(2) At max link to only 4 or 5 ccTLDs in your footer
(3) It's best to set ... read more ...
Easyspace Offers New solutions for Business Domain Names -
More Related Stories
email article
March 26, 2014 --
Glasgow, United Kingdom (PRWEB UK) 26 March 2014 A new set of generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) designed to help any businesses that provide training, consultancy or support has been issued by ICANN accredited UK domain name provider Easyspace. .solutions, .support, .training and .email are now available ... read more ...