.NYC Landrush Auctions Are Underway - The landrush auctions for .NYC domain names are underway at SnapNames.com according to someone who is involved in the auctions.
We previously announced that the auctions would start today on a staggered 3 stage basis going through November 6th.
We understand that not everyone who submitted a landrush application went ahead and established a valid account at Snapnames.com.
In the cases where more than one landrush application was submitted but the other applicants for the same domain did not establish ... read more ...
Tag Archives: .nyc
Thu 23rd October 2014
A Rumble in a Bronx over a Couple .Nyc Domains - The Daily News has an interesting story today about two .nyc domains that are at the heart of an online turf war in The Bronx. Welcome2thebronx.nyc and welcometothebronx.nyc. are being used as digital bargaining chips as one Bronx blogger wants another to retract statements and stop harassing her in a dispute that seems to be about of all things, a Whole Foods Market.
An online dispute rooted in the Bronx has turned into a battle of domains.
Blogger Ed Garcia Conde claims he’s being extorted by ... read more ...
Wed 15th October 2014
GigaOM: “The latest New York City “land rush” is already branch into a celebration for cyber-squatters” -
Jeff John Roberts of GigaOM covered the .NYC launch in an article today, the site points out that many New York sports teams have had their domains registered but not by the teams themselves.
They summed it up like this:
The latest New York City “land rush” is already turning into a party for cyber-squatters, who have snapped up some familiar names. The episode shows, again, how the system is geared in favor of the domain name industry, rather than brands or the public.
They go on to talk about ... read more ...
Thu 9th October 2014
Big Apple’s new .NYC domain adds 16k registrations during launch to strike 27k -
.NYC off to a solid start, especially given registration restrictions.
.NYC had a strong first day yesterday thanks, in part, to lots of press and advertising. It would have been even stronger if people outside NYC could register domains.
The overnight zone file shows about 27,000 .nyc domain names registered. This doesn’t include over 1,000 landrush domain name orders that are headed to auction.
.NYC had over 10,000 domains grabbed in landrush. About 9,500 of these ... read more ...
Wed 8th October 2014
.NYC Says Over 10K Landrush Applications Were Received For Domain Names - AdAge.com just published a post covering today’s .NYC launch into general availability. Its just one of many publications that have covered New York City big day but a quote from the story caught my eye.
AdAge updated their story for a correction: CORRECTION: A previous version of this story said more than 100,000 people signed up for a .nyc domain. More than 10,000 people signed up.
In total there are about 50 founders representing a diverse group of people and organizations across the city. ... read more ...
After scarcely a decade, .NYC finally gets the day -
.NYC domain names available for registration today.
The .NYC domain name goes into general availability for New Yorkers today after a long, citizen-initiated process.
A Long Road
In the middle of the last decade, a group of New Yorkers proposed the idea of creating a .NYC domain to the city government. The city council passed a resolution to assign resources for a .nyc bid in 2008 and issued a request for proposal to find a partner in 2009.
The city select Neustar, ... read more ...
See GoDaddy’s crafty .NYC boat ad -
Barge message taunts neighbors across the Hudson.
Earlier today I wrote about the highly anticipated launch of .NYC domain names. GoDaddy is promoting the domain name heavily around New York City, including a big ad on a barge being piloted on the Hudson River.
Here are a couple photos of the barge, taunting New Jersey residents about how New York City has a domain name and they don’t.
In fact, only people who live or own a business in New York City are eligible ... read more ...
Tue 7th October 2014
.NYC Landrush Auctions To Start On Oct 23rd & SnapNames.com Will Handle Them - According to an email we received from a domain investor, The .NYC landrush collision auctions will be managed by SnapNames, the .nyc Auction Provider.
A landrush collision occurs when more than 1 landrush application was submitted for the same .NYC domain name
“Auctions will be held on three different dates to best suit bidders with multiple applications for .nyc domains. Auction dates have been determined by the first letter of the applied for .nyc domain application.
If your .nyc application ... read more ...
Mon 6th October 2014
.NYC one of 5 tip turn domains rising this week -
.NYC launches this week and Donuts’ well runs dry.
It’s time for the weekly overview of new top level domain names coming out this week.
It will be brief, as just five are on the docket as best I can tell. But one of them is certainly big.
I think .Desi (definition) went live today. It’s hard to tell, though, since nic.desi has basically no information on it.
.NYC will launch to great fanfare on Wednesday. This is a big test for geographic ... read more ...
Sun 5th October 2014
.NYC Adds 1,147 Landrush Domains & Now Sits 4,549: Here Are The More Interesting One’s - Yesterday we wrote about, .NYC have some registered 2,949 domain names in their Landrush period but also mentioned we knew of more .NYC landrush registrations and expected more once the zone file updated today.
Today there are 1,147 additional Landrush domain registrations and .NYC now sits at 4,549 registrations.
We also stated yesterday and still believe to be true that domains that had more than one trademark application, and that are heading to auction are not included in this total. I’m ... read more ...
Sat 4th October 2014
.NYC Gets Almost 3K Land Rush Domains & Sits during 3,441 Before Next Weeks Launch - .NYC the top level extension for New York now has 3,441 domain name registrations after awarding some 2.900 domain names that were applied during landrush that received only 1 land rush application.
Prior to the Landrush, NYC had just under 500 Sunrise registrations by trademark holders.
The number of LandRush domain names, so far in the zone file, are 2,949 domains.
Any domain that received more than landrush application are off to auction and none of those are included in the totals.
There are ... read more ...
Mon 8th September 2014
The Mayor Of New York Declares The 1st .NYC Websites Are Live - Think of it as a virtual ribbon cutting ceremony as the Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio today announced that the first .NYC websites have gone live.
The owners of these domain names, officially called “.NYC Founders,” represent a diverse group of New Yorkers”
“It’s exciting to see New York City’s official domain coming to life with the launch of our first .nyc Founder websites,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
“Our .nyc Founders include an eclectic mix of small businesses, well-known ... read more ...
Tue 29th July 2014
The Village Voice Covers .NYC: Landrush Auctions Will Be in 5 & 6 Figures - The Village Voice just covered the new .NYC domain names and quotes Gerardo Aristizabal who runs the domain registrar Hello NYC who predicts that Landrush auctions will produce bids at least to the tens of thousands of dollars,”
“Two or three might reach six figures.”
The blog post is entitled:”Lost Out on Sex.com? Sex.NYC Will Soon Be Available at a Domain Auction Near You”
What isn’t clear in the .NYC roll ou, at least t to me is how the most valuable domain names, usually referred ... read more ...
Fri 27th June 2014
Say Hello To The 1st 158 .NYC Domains: HappyBirthday.NYC, Honeymoon.NYC Startrek.NYC - The Sunrise period for trademark/brand holders closed on June 20 for the .NYC new gTLD, the extension for the city of New York.
The latest zone files indicate that brands and trademark holders participated very lightly in the Sunrise period, where I count less than 160 domain name registrations (of course all of the Sunrise maybe in).
However since New York is largely regarded to be the headquarters of so many companies including those in media, advertising, marketing and is the home to thousands ... read more ...
Wed 14th May 2014
“.NYC is The Best Real Estate Opportunity Since The Dutch Bought Manhattan” -
BetaBeat did a story today on an early video done by former Mayor of New York City, the late Ed Koch. The headline for our story here was a quote that Mr.Koch used when doing his .NYC pitch. You can watch the video below.
From the article:
“Back in 2008, city officials were leaning against creating a ‘.nyc’ web address,” Davidson Goldin, the public relations superstar hired by DotNYC, told Betabeat. “Entrepreneurs who’d been behind the .tv address embarked on a long journey to convince ... read more ...
Tue 22nd April 2014
Neustar is Holding A Live Event In NYC To Discuss Rights Protections in .NYC Tomorrow - Neustar the company operating the .NYC domain name extension on behalf of the city of New York is holding a Breakfast seminar in New York Tomorrow April 23rd at 8:30 Am to discuss ICANN’s rights protection mechanisms, the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH), general brand protection strategies and the .NYC launch program
The event is free and breakfast will be served
“”Join experts and colleagues for a breakfast gathering to discuss ICANN’s rights protection mechanisms, the Trademark Clearinghouse ... read more ...
Mon 21st April 2014
Dot London and Dot NYC holding dual opposite approaches -
Dot NYC much more restricted than Dot London.
Two .city domain names are getting ready to enter their first phase of rollout: .London and .NYC.
This will be a big moment in the new top level domain name program. Many people, including myself, think .city domain names have the biggest chance for success. Despite being much smaller than London and New York City, .berlin has already captured close to 50,000 registrations (although many of those were given away for free).
Dot ... read more ...
Tue 1st April 2014
.NYC Go Live Scheduled for Oct 8th, 2014 - The launch policies for .NYC domain registry were just published by ICANN and they are lengthy.
The “Plan has been developed to describe the Launch Program for the .nyc Top Level Domain (“TLD”) by The City of New York by and through the New York City Department of Information Technology Telecommunications (“Registry Operator”).
Launch Schedule:
The following is a brief overview of each of the periods that will be implemented in launching the TLD.
These periods are described in ... read more ...
New York City sets phases, sequence mandate for .NYC domain name -
New York City has finalized its launch plans (pdf) for the .NYC web address coming out later this year.
The domain name will be allocated in four phases rather than the usual three.
The first phase will be a sunrise for trademark owners running May 5-June 20. That will be followed by a unique “City Government Affiliated Phase” in which governmental organizations can request domains. A 60 day landrush will then start on August 4. Domains will finally ... read more ...
Sun 23rd February 2014
No Privacy or Proxy Registrations For .NYC New gTLD Domain Names - This week during the Fairwinds Beyond The Dot conference held in Washington, Jeff Neuman of Neustar, laid out some more interesting information about the new .NYC extension which Neustar will be running in cooperation with the city of New York.
Domaininvesting.com covered some basic eligibility a few days ago, including that a registrant be an entity, business or resident who has a physical location in New York.
For one no privacy registrations will be allowed.
Each registration will have to contain ... read more ...
Mon 14th October 2013
.NYC Expects To Go Live in 1st Half of 2014 -
According to a mailing from the offical site of the .NYC new gTLD domain name extension, mydotnyc.com the city expects that the .NYC extension will go live in the 1st half of 2014.
“The City of New York will be one of the first cities in the world to be granted its own domain extension by ICANN, the nonprofit organization responsible for overseeing the domain names.
“Approval of .nyc comes as ICANN expands the number of generic top-level domains beyond such extensions ... read more ...
Wed 3rd July 2013
75 Stories Published By Mainstream Media On .NYC in Less Than 24 Hours - Since the city of New York let everyone know yesterday, that their application for .NYC passed ICANN Initial Evaluation (IE), which actually occurred on May 24th, 75 media outlets from the BBC to PC Magazine, to Time Magazine, Cnet, to FastCompany.com to Mashable.com, to the WashingtonPost.com, have covered the story with more being added hourly.
We have been telling you for quite a while that the new gTLD program will get more coverage for the domain name industry in the next two years than the ... read more ...
Wed 2nd May 2012
Hey buddy, it’s substantially too late to heading .NYC -
A good way to waste $325.
The guy who just recently wasted his money filing a trademark application for .music is at it again.
Joseph Walker DBA ExtraWeb Ent just filed trademark applications for .nyc and .shop.
New York City has already announced plans for the .nyc domain name and has selected a registry partner to bring it to market.
Numerous companies want to bring .shop to market as well.
Both of these applications will be summarily rejected by the U.S. Patent ... read more ...
Wed 21st March 2012
New York Said To Be Guaranteed $3.6 Million For .NYC TLD - According to an article in the New York Times, the city of New York is on the verge of making a deal with a “Virgina based company” that would apply for and operate the gTLD .NYC.
According to the story the city would be guaranteed a to received $3.6 Million over the first 5 years.
“The Virgina based company would pay all costs of the application and the operation of the registry.”
The .NYC registry for the city of New York would be in my opinion a very popular extension and should depending ... read more ...
Thu 23rd June 2011
New York Is Excited About The New gTLD’s & It’s Upcoming .NYC Extension -
Via: thedomains.com