Thu 30th July 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Minds + Machines To Register Up To 30K New gTLD Premium Domains Under Emerald Names - Minds + Machines announced they are going through the process of registering up to 30,000 Premium Names from across its wholly-owned portfolio of TLDs through its wholly-owned entity, Emerald Names, “so as to raise the visibility of its inventory amongst the broker and registrar channel, as well as with consumers”. “As a result, these Premium Names will resolve to a “for sale” web site, whereas previously they returned a “not found” error when typed into a browser. These Premium ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
Report shows 15% of America is still not regulating a Internet - broke down some stats that came out of the Pew Research Center that looked at Internet usage in the U.S. The research showed that Asian – Americans had only 5% not using the Internet, in contrast Blacks were at the high end of the scale with 20% not using the Internet. From the article: Despite government and social service programs designed to increase Internet adoption, 15% of U.S. adults do not use the Internet. That percentage has not changed since 2013, according to Pew. While ... read more ...
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Minds + Machines Group Rating Reiterated by N+1 Singer (MMX) - Minds + Machines Group (LON:MMX)‘s stock had its “corporate” rating restated by investment analysts at N+1 Singer in a note issued to investors on Thursday, Marketbeat reports. Shares of Minds + Machines Group (LON:MMX) opened at 7.0250 on Thursday. The company’s market cap is £58.73 million. The firm’s 50-day moving average is £7.88 and its 200-day moving average is £8.28. Minds + Machines Group has a 52 week low of £6.75 and a 52 week high of £13.75. Minds + Machines ... read more ...
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Minds + Machines Group Rating Reiterated by N+1 Singer (MMX) - Minds + Machines Group (LON:MMX)‘s stock had its “corporate” rating restated by investment analysts at N+1 Singer in a note issued to investors on Thursday, Marketbeat reports. Shares of Minds + Machines Group (LON:MMX) opened at 7.0250 on Thursday. The company’s market cap is £58.73 million. The firm’s 50-day moving average is £7.88 and its 200-day moving average is £8.28. Minds + Machines Group has a 52 week low of £6.75 and a 52 week high of £13.75. Minds + Machines ... read more ...
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Minds + Machines eyes profit next year - ---ADDS MANAGEMENT BROKER COMMENTS AND SHARE PRICE--- Internet domain name specialist Minds + Machines (LON:MMX) is targeting a move into profit next year after a round of cost reductions. M+M has saved US$1.3mln through job cuts in June and this, allied with the development of a direct sales team, “would have a very material direct effect on our bottom-line results over the next 12 months,” said Antony Van Couvering, chief executive. At end-June, M+M had 217,200 domain ... read more ...
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Minds + Machines eyes profit next year - ---ADDS MANAGEMENT BROKER COMMENTS AND SHARE PRICE--- Internet domain name specialist Minds + Machines (LON:MMX) is targeting a move into profit next year after a round of cost reductions. M+M has saved US$1.3mln through job cuts in June and this, allied with the development of a direct sales team, “would have a very material direct effect on our bottom-line results over the next 12 months,” said Antony Van Couvering, chief executive. At end-June, M+M had 217,200 domain ... read more ...
Wed 29th July 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
18 Year Old Generic Domain Saved in UDRP - eWomenNetwork, Inc. lost its bid to grab the 18 year old domain in a UDRP The three member panel of the Honorable Richard DiSalle, the Honorable Karl V. Fink, (Ret.) and The Honourable Neil Anthony Brown found the 18 year old domain was registered in good faith by the registrant but refused to find Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH) Here are the highlights: Complainant has registered the EWOMEN mark in stylized form with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) (Reg. ... read more ...
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New gTLD .Tech Enters Early Access Period (EAP) Today With 40+ Pioneers - Radix announced today that .Tech has entered the 1st day of the Early Access Program (EAP) Unlike other Radix new gTLD extensions that previously launched .Tech is not going to have a landrush period but an EAP period like Donuts and Rightside. Radix further announced that it has signed up 40+ Pioneers for .tech. “The Pioneer list includes impressive names like Carl Pei, co-founder of the much talked about OnePlus smartphone, Web Summit – Dublin based 3 day conference that attracts 22,000+ delegates ... read more ...
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Verisign Rating Increased to Buy at Zacks (VRSN) - Verisign (NASDAQ:VRSN) was upgraded by Zacks from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a research note issued to investors on Wednesday, reports. The firm currently has a $78.00 price objective on the stock. Zacks‘s target price would indicate a potential upside of 11.48% from the stock’s previous close. According to Zacks, “Internet infrastructure assurance and domain registry services provider VeriSign reported strong second-quarter 2015 results with ... read more ...
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Dólar comienza en 16.60 pesos en bancos del Distrito Federal - Al inicio de la jornada bursátil, bancos del Distrito Federal ofrecen el dólar libre hasta en 16.60 pesos, cuatro centavos menos respecto al cierre de la jornada previa, y lo compran en un mínimo de 15.10 pesos. El euro, por su parte perdió 69 centavos frente al peso en comparación con el término de la sesión previa y se ofrece en un precio máximo de 18.21 pesos, en tanto que el yen alcanza una cotización a la venta de 0.136 pesos. En entrevista con José Isaac Velazco, ... read more ...
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El reto es unir al Perú y avanzar en el cierre de brechas de desigualdad - Mirando hacia el Bicentenario de la Independencia. “En mi gobierno el reto ha sido y seguirá siendo unir un país fragmentado y avanzar en el cierre de brechas de exclusión y desigualdad”, aseveró el presidente de la República, Ollanta Humala, en su mensaje a la Nación por el 194º aniversario patrio, en el que recalcó que se trabaja para construir una nación inclusiva, moderna, integrada y próspera.Afirmó que en este último año de gobierno “vamos ... read more ...
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Mujica homenajea a Chávez en medio de polémica con gobierno venezolano - Mujica homenajea a Chávez en medio de polémica con gobierno venezolano. Foto: EFE El senador del MPP homenajeó a Chávez en el paraninfo de la Universidad de la República en el marco del seminario “Pensamiento de Hugo Chávez”, que se extenderá hasta noviembre, y donde se presentó el libro del profesor argentino Miguel Ángel Barrios sobre la vida del polémico expresidente. Según publicó el diario El País, Mujica definió a Chávez como un “sembrador” de pensamiento que apareció ... read more ...
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Flüchtlinge sterben am Kanaltunnel nach Großbritannien - London/Paris (Reuters) - Am Kanaltunnel zwischen Frankreich und Großbritannien sterben immer mehr Flüchtlinge. Am Mittwoch wurde ein Sudanese nach französischen Polizeiangaben von einem Lastwagen überfahren. Nach Angaben französischer Medien ist er bereits der neunte Flüchtling, der seit Anfang Juni bei dem Versuch zu Tode kam, durch den Tunnel nach Großbritannien zu gelangen. Nach Angaben der Behörden gab es allein in der Nacht ... read more ...
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Hoy comienza Expo Bolívar Potencia 2015 -   Caracas, 29 de julio de 2015.- Con el propósito de fortalecer el área productiva en esta región del sur del país, mediante la presentación de diversas alternativas no petroleras para la sustitución selectiva de importaciones, comienza este miércoles la Expo Internacional Bolívar Potencia 2015. Unos 380 expositores del sector público y privado convergen en una exposición que muestra la potencia estadal en las áreas de metalmecánica y agroproductiva. Asimismo, se efectuarán diversos ... read more ...
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PGJ acusa a autodefensa de Aquila de robo y homicidio - El líder de autodefensas en Aquila, Michoacán, Cemeí Verdía Zepeda, es acusado ahora por los delitos de homicidio y robo calificado, informó la Procuraduría General de Justicia de ese estado.La dependencia dio a conocer que cumplimentó dos órdenes de aprehensión contra el dirigente comunitario detenido desde el 19 de julio por portar armas de uso exclusivo de las fuerzas armadas. Ayer un juez determinó que no había elementos para iniciar un juicio en su contra y ordenó su liberación.Las ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
New gTLD .Tech Enters Early Access Period (EAP) Today With 40+ Pioneers - Radix announced today that .Tech has entered the 1st day of the Early Access Program (EAP) Unlike other Radix new gTLD extensions that previously launched .Tech is not going to have a landrush period but an EAP period like Donuts and Rightside. Radix further announced that it has signed up 40+ Pioneers for .tech. “The Pioneer list includes impressive names like Carl Pei, co-founder of the much talked about OnePlus smartphone, Web Summit – Dublin based 3 day conference that attracts 22,000+ delegates ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
GoDaddy loses initial UDRP from Marchex portfolio acquisition - No one responded to the dispute. GoDaddy has lost its first UDRP from the portfolio it acquired from Marchex in April. The company didn’t respond to a UDRP filed by Dairyland Midwest, Inc. d/b/a AgVision for the domain name When the UDRP was filed last month, World Intellectual Property Organization sent a notice of the dispute to all contacts on the domain name. That included an email address as well as Although the latter email address appears to ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Frank Schilling's North Sound Names Loses 1st Uniform Rapid Suspension on EOS.Blackfriday - Frank Schilling North Sound Names has lost its first Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) on the domain name North Sound Names registered almost 208,000 domain names Uniregistry new gTLD’s and marks the first time North Sound has lost a domain name in a URS or a UDRP. Due to the ruling the domain registration will be suspended for the during of the registration. The term EOS was in the trademark Clearinghouse. The Complaint was bought by the camera maker Canon. Another URS was filed ... read more ...
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Team TLD aiming to close out QRTS top-10 finish - TEAM TLD will look to cement a top-10 season finish when the Queensland Road Team Series moves into the final round next month. TLD strengthened its position in this year's series with a solid performance last weekend during round four at Gympie. The 2015 QRTS winds up on August 29-30 with the Giro d' Yarrabilba in the Logan region. The Toowoomba-based TLD outfit jumped from ninth to sixth position in the overall team standings during the two days of racing at Gympie. Harry Sweeny ... read more ...
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Out of .Africa – Process Failures Don’t Change the Facts - Posted here on behalf of DotConnectAfrica Trust as rejoinder and reply to Andrew Mark's recent article. The attention of DotConnectAfrica Trust has been drawn to a recent Blog article by Mr. Andrew Mark that was published in CircleID (see Out of .Africa - Process Failures Don't Change the Facts). In his article, Mr. Mark tried to re-frame the ongoing discussions and commentary about DCA Trust's recent IRP victory against ICANN as one about "requisite support for geographic string" to assist ... read more ...
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Navigating the .brand Delegation Process - This is the second post in a series from Corey Grant, Senior Industry Consultant at ARI Registry Services, about how .brand TLDs can get started and make the most of their TLDs. Today marks a major milestone for .brand Top-Level Domain applicants, as we pass the deadline set by ICANN for them to sign their Registry Agreement (RA). For those who have knuckled down over the last few weeks and months to meet this deadline, congratulations — for many, this was no mean feat and the effort should ... read more ...
Tue 28th July 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Sedo Weekly Transactions Total $1million - Sedo saw 495 transactions over the last week on their marketplace and via SedoMLS. Sales totaled  $1m. 53% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings.   .CO, .US and .TV had multiple showings on the cctld list. Top .com: at 50,000 USD Top ccTLD: at 10,099 USD Top “other” TLD: at 4,400 USD There were a handful of new gtld sales:    2,750    USD    1,999    USD    1,000    USD   ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged Sold for $500,000 - Dave Evanson super broker at Sedo tweeted he just sold for $500,000 Just sold Give(.)com for $500,000. Congrats to seller and buyer!! — dave evanson (@SedoDaveEvanson) July 28, 2015   Regged in 1995, last screenshot from ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Verisign gets obvious for presaging domain name renovation rates - A crystal ball for estimating domain name renewal rates. The U.S. Patent and Trademark office has granted patent number 9,094,467 to Verisign for “Method and system for predicting domain name registration renewal probability”. Simply: take a number of factors about the domain name and its history to calculate the chances of it being renewed. Verisign has to run these calculations frequently, and not just for its own forecasting. Because of the renewal grace period, it can’t give final renewal ... read more ...
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Afternic domain offered Hangout is today - Learn how to sell your domain names with Afternic in a Hangout today. GoDaddy is hosting a Hangout today to explain how Afternic works with GoDaddy. The hangout takes places at 11 am PDT (2 PM EDT). GoDaddy will discuss how Afternic works and integrates with GoDaddy. Representatives will also explain domain listing best practices. If you are willing to sell domain names with fixed prices, Afternic is one of the best ways to get exposure for your domain names. If someone searches for your domain name ... read more ...