Tue 8th September 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Verisign: Trump & Alphabet Both Make tip 10 Trending Keywords in .Com & .Net In August - The words Bank, Local, Experts, Trump, Scope. Alphabet, Fantasy, Tomorrow, Method and Teeth were the top trending keywords registered in .Com in August according to Verisign the registry for the .com and .net extensions. Alphabet is related to Google’s naming of its parent company and Trump I think you can figure that one out for yourself. Trump and Alphabet where the only two trending keywords to make the top 10 of .com and .net Before anyone goes and registers a bunch of Trump domains you might ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Trump is still trending…in .com - Trump, Alphabet were hot keywords in domain name registrations last month. At some point, Donald Trump will flame out of the presidential race. Until then, The Donald is giving .com registry Verisign a bit of a bump. For the second month in a row, “trump” made the list of Verisign’s trending keywords in .com registrations. That’s impressive since the list is created by looking at the jump the keyword made over the previous month. And if you think Verisign completely lost out on Google’s ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
New .LOVE TLD Tops 10000 Domain Sales Due To Strong Sales in Asia - Beijing, China – The new .LOVE TLD [Top Level Domain] has successfully launched on the Internet (more details available at www.get.love) and is rapidly selling web domain names to couples, individuals, and businesses. "We are delighted with the growth of our .LOVE web domain sales, especially in the past two weeks. Beginning with the Qixi Festival on August 20 (Double Sevens on the Chinese calendar), .LOVE has seen phenomenal growth and has increased its overall number of domains by over 30% ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
ipaymentinc.com Found Guilt Of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking on A domain it used to possess iPayments.com - In what is a great case for al domain name holders iPayment, Inc. of Westlake Village, California, represented by Waller Lansden Dortch Davis, LLP, just got found guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH) on the domain name ipayments.com The company who brought the complaint used to own the domain name and let the registration lapse which the three member panel found to be “inexcusable”: “The Complainant did previously register the disputed domain name, and was not prevented from doing ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Down The Stretch We Come as a ROTD/4.cn Action Has Over $6M In Bids & Closes Wed @ 8AM EST - The RightoftheDot.com auction which is being held on 4.CN as part of the DOMAINfest.asia conference has 331 domain names have bids as of publication, including many with no reserves. You can see all the domain names in the auction here In all there are are 545 domain names in auction meaning that well over 60% have a bid. The auction starts to close over a four hour staggered period on September 10th at 8pm Hong Kong time,  which is September 10th,  8am EST, which we previous reported incorrectly. As ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Symantec released obvious for rating domain registrars - Does your registrars’ reputation matter? The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has granted patent number 9,130,962 (pdf) to Symantec for “Calculating Domain Registrar Reputation by Analysis of Hosted Domains”. Symantec, which sells the web security product line Norton, suggests that calculating a registrar reputation score helps determine how much scrutiny to give to websites connected to domain names at that registrar. If a registrar has a high proportion of names distributing malware, responsible ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in PT and tagged
Domínios personalizados podem esconder sites perigosos; entenda - Domínios de Internet personalizados podem esconder sites suspeitos de práticas nocivas aos usuários. Muitos desses espaços ocultam sistemas para distribuição de spam, malwares, botnet e ataques phishing. Todos os dias são criados 20 mil novos sites, que só duram três mesesDomínios de topo (TLDs) são a parte final do endereço dos sites. No TechTudo, por exemplo, ".com.br" é o TLD. Domínios de topo personalizados substituem esse trecho por termos mais complexos, como ".review", ".science", ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Lead Gen and Domain Names with Braden Pollock – DNW Podcast #49 - Can domainers make money with lead gen? Is there a scaleable way to monetize domain names with lead generation? Today’s guest, Braden Pollock, runs lead generation company Legal Brand Marketing. We’ll chat about monetizing domains with lead gen, as well as get Braden’s opinion on new top level domains (he’s invested in some) and the state of the domain name aftermarket. Plus: a new Domain Dunce, .com winners and losers, not quite “emazing”, domain scams and congrats to .Online. Subscribe ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
.Club banks with some-more reward sales in August - .Club sells another $100k in premium domain names. The .Club registry has released premium domain sales totals from August, much like it did for the previous month. This provides great insight into premium sales by registries. .Club’s domains come with a one time premium rather than annual renewal. Last month it sold 15 premium .club domains through nine different sources, led by 6 sales at GoDaddy. The top sales were Super.club (not supper) for $7,095, and Sea.club and Betting.club for $7,000 ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Donuts releasing 2 impression domain names this week - TV.show, RX.delivery and other domains are available for registration on Wednesday. Have your eye on a two character domain name in one of Donuts’ domain names? You can start registering them on Wednesday, September 9. Previously withheld two letter domain names, such as TV.show and NY.pizza, will debut with a seven day Dutch auction tomorrow. This is essentially the same as Early Access, which has been run for all Donuts releases and name collision names. The following Wednesday, names will revert ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
CSC Sep New gTLD Report: .News & .Sexy Are Hot - The brand protection and domain name registrar CSC published its New gTLD Utilization Report for September late last week and had some interesting findings. We picked through the report and found what we believe are the highlights. You can review the entire report here. CSC publishes a New gTLD report every two months, and it’s “designed to update digital marketers and their peers in legal and IT about how new gTLDs are being adopted,we examine how .brand domains are being used and how effectively ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
This week: .Ski and .Lotto domain names - Hit the slopes with .Ski this week. Two new top level domain names launch today, the most anticipated of which is .ski. .Ski got 1,000 registrations during a combined Sunrise and Limited Registration Period. A number of entities and people that are key targets for .ski don’t have trademarks, so the Limited Registration Period (LRP) enabled them to get first dibs on domains before they headed to general availability. Among those participating in sunrise or LRP include: The most famous ski resorts ... read more ...
Mon 7th September 2015
Written by DomainHack.er in NL and tagged
Onderzoek onthult de gevarenzones op internet - Rapport toont dat meer dan 95 procent van de websites van de top-10 nieuwe domeinextensies verdacht zijn; .zip en .review zijn de grootste delinquentenBlue Coat Systems, Inc., een marktleider op het gebied van IT-beveiligingsoplossingen, publiceert nieuw onderzoek voor consumenten en bedrijven naar de veiligheid van de Top-Level Domains (TLDs), de meest gebruikte domeinextensies op internet. TLDs, zoals .nl en .com, zijn de ‘zones’ op internet ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in FR and tagged
Les nouveaux TLD : des zones très dangereuses – CIO - Business Franck Salien, -->Le 08 Septembre 2015 Le modle conomique des registres les pousse au laxisme. La politique trs laxiste des registres des nouveaux TLD rend potentiellement trs dangereux les sites utilisant ces TLD selon une tude Blue Coat. 99,98% des sites utilisant l'un des nouveaux gTLD [generic Top Level Domain] agrs par l'ICANN, le .country, sont dangereux. C'est le rsultat d'une tude mene par Blue Coat, ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in PL and tagged
Dziesięć najbardziej niebezpiecznych domen - Firma Blue Coat przeprowadziła badanie, które sugeruje, że witryny rozpowszechniające szkodliwe treści należałoby umieścić w jednej domenie TLD, nadając jej na przykład nazwę .evil, tak aby internauci wiedzieli co im grozi? Okazuje się, że najgroźniejsze są domeny .zip i .review. 100% zarejestrowanych w nich witryn zawiera szkodliwe treści. Raport został opracowany przez firmę Blue Coat, po przeanalizowaniu kilkudziesięciu milionów witryn, z usług których korzystało ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in PL and tagged
Dziesięć najbardziej niebezpiecznych domen TLD - Firma Blue Coat przeprowadziła badanie, które sugeruje, że witryny rozpowszechniające szkodliwe treści należałoby umieścić w jednej domenie TLD, nadając jej na przykład nazwę .evil, tak aby internauci wiedzieli co im grozi? Okazuje się, że najgroźniejsze są domeny .zip i .review. 100% zarejestrowanych w nich witryn zawiera szkodliwe treści. Raport został opracowany przez firmę Blue Coat, po przeanalizowaniu kilkudziesięciu milionów witryn, z usług których korzystało ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in ES and tagged
Cómo minimizar el riesgo de dominios inseguros -  Con la explosión de los nuevos TLD (Dominios de Nivel Superior), se incrementan las oportunidades con las que cuentan los atacantes para conseguir víctimas, al menos así lo aseguró una reciente investigación de Blue Coat. Aquí le damos algunos consejos sobre cómo minimizar el riesgo que entrañan las zonas inseguras de la web. El proveedor también alertaba sobre los TLD turbios, mismos que aún son suelo fértil para la actividad maliciosa, ya que la mayoría de estos ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Domain name marketplace Undeveloped launches new gTLD service - ga('create', 'UA-47275228-1', 'getnews.info'); ga('send', 'pageview'); Domain name marketplace Undeveloped launches new gTLD service Posted by admin on September 7, 2015 AMSTERDAM – September 07, 2015 – The domain name marketplace Undeveloped.com today announces rolling out a new gTLD service to more registries. After a successful pilot with the .Amsterdam extension Undeveloped now aims to provide its premium gTLD domain services ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Marriott finally finds a use for a top-level domain extension - Seems like an (internet) age ago, but 2011 and 2012 saw a huge marketing campaign for businesses to buy additional web domains. The idea was supposed to be quite simple: web naming regulator Icann wanted to the restrictive 22 domain extensions (such as .com, .co.[country], .biz, etc) and open up the web to an almost infinite number of new forms. The expansion of the so-called Generic Top-Level Domain (GTLD) system would allow companies or individuals to create extensions based on geography, ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in NL and tagged
95 procent nieuwe domeinextensies is verdacht - .zip en .review zijn de grootste delinquenten 7 september 2015 - TLDs, zoals .nl en .com, zijn de ‘zones’ op internet en uit onderzoek blijkt dat daar ook ‘gevarenzones’ bij zijn. Dit zijn de domeinextensies die het meest geassocieerd worden met verdachte websites. Blue Coat ontdekte tien verschillende gevarenzones waar meer dan 95 procent van de websites verdacht worden van kwaadaardige activiteiten. De domeinextensies .zip and .review scoren zelfs 100 procent  op de meetladder van ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in NL and tagged
‘Sommige nieuwe domeinextensies worden op grote schaal misbruikt voor … – Dutch IT - Top Level Domains (TLD’s) zijn domeinextensies. De laatste jaren komen er steeds meer TLD’s bij. Helaas blijken er onder deze nieuwkomers een aantal TLD’s te zijn die nagenoeg uitsluitend worden gebruikt door websites die worden verdachte van kwaadaardige praktijken. Bij 10 van deze TLD’s wordt meer dan 95% van alle websites verdacht van dergelijke praktijken. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek van Blue Coat Systems, leverancier van IT-beveiligingsoplossingen. ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in NL and tagged
Onderzoek: 95% van de websites van nieuwe domeinextensies zijn verdacht - Top Level Domains (TLD’s) zijn domeinextensies. De laatste jaren komen er steeds meer TLD’s bij. Helaas blijken er onder deze nieuwkomers een aantal TLD’s te zijn die nagenoeg uitsluitend worden gebruikt door websites die worden verdachte van kwaadaardige praktijken. Bij 10 van deze TLD’s wordt meer dan 95% van alle websites verdacht van dergelijke praktijken. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek van Blue Coat Systems, leverancier van IT-beveiligingsoplossingen. ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
Gefährliche, neue Top Level Domains? - "Wer soll die eigentlich alle nutzen?" fragen Kritiker der neuen Top Level Domains gerne. Die Studie eines IT-Sicherheitsunternehmens meint: Einige der Endungen wurden vor allem von Spammern und Internet-Ganoven entdeckt. Etwa 750 neue Top-Level-Domains wurden seit Ende 2013 von der Internetverwaltung ICANN freigeschaltet, mit bisher rund 7 Millionen Adressen. Das US-amerikanische IT-Sicherheitsunternehmens Blue Coat hat untersucht, welche Endungen wie stark für unschöne Zwecke ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in ES and tagged
Las zonas más turbias de la Web - Blue Coat reveló su nueva investigación que muestra las “zonas” o dominios de nivel superior (TLD) que tienen mayor relación con sitios web sospechosos. Uno de los hallazgos clave que presenta el informe es que más del 95 por ciento de los sitios web de 10 TLD diferentes se clasifican como sospechosos y que ese porcentaje llega al 100 por ciento para los TLD de los dos primeros puestos: .zip y .review. La empresa analizó cientos de millones de solicitudes web provenientes de más de 15.000 ... read more ...
Sun 6th September 2015
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
The Web’s Most Dangerous Domains - Earlier this week, security firm Blue Coat Systems Inc released a list of the 10 most dangerous web domains. Although the list has drawn some high-profile objections, Blue Coat claims that more than 95 percent of the sites on these 10 Top Level Domains (TLDs) are suspicious. What Is A TLD? TLDs are the highest level ... read more ...