Bought For $3,500 On Sedo 9 Months Ago Raises $25 Million At $100M Valuation -
It was just back in March that the New York Times chatted about, what was at that time, a 5 week old app called Secret which uses the domain name
Today the company announced it has raised an additional $25 Million dollars, on top of the $8.6 million the company announced it raised in March from a number of well-known investors, including Alexis Ohanian, a founder of Reddit, and Bing Gordon of Kleiner Perkins Caulfield Byers.”
“Secret connects people anonymously through ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: July 2014
Tue 15th July 2014
Sedo does a graduation that domain registrars should do -
Domain name registrars would see good results from a marketing push similar to this.
Sedo just sent out a marketing pitch to people that have listed domains for sale with “club” in them in the past.
The subject line was “Did you try selling [something] Invest in THESE names now”, with a pitch for investing in .club domains. You can see the marketing email below.
I’m surprised that I haven’t seen more of this from domain name registrars. Registrars ... read more ...
Domain name auction services should rethink automobile extensions -
The current method of preventing bid sniping leads to bidder fatigue.
Last Friday GoDaddy sent out a somewhat confusing notice about a change to GoDaddy Auctions and auto extensions.
Previously, any bid placed within the last five minutes of an auction extended the clock by five minutes.
Now, a bid placed in the last four minutes of an auction will reset the clock to five minutes; a bid placed between the four and five minute marks will increase the clock by one ... read more ...
.Bar picks adult 1,000+ registrations, .rest a bit slower -
.Bar has decent first day while .rest struggles out of the gate.
The .Bar domain name added 1,116 names to its zone on the first day of general availability. That’s about the same number of domain names that .pub got when it launched last week.
This seems like a solid number given the high pricetag on the domain. As a point of reference, GoDaddy is charging $100 for .bar domains compared to $40 for .pub.
I expect .bar to show steady growth going forward, especially ... read more ...
Will new TLDs get a second wind? -
It’s likely, but when is the big question.
Most new top level domain names are struggling to break even the 10,000 domain name barrier. Many applicants tell me they aren’t worried; it’s the long game. That’s true for many of them, especially the portfolio applicants.
I’ve also heard the argument that new top level domains will get a “second wind” when big companies start using the domain names.
This is a fair argument. 99.999% of people don’t know ... read more ...
Mon 14th July 2014
Novos domínios genéricos da Web são usados para phising -
Os cibercriminosos já apontam suas armas de ataque para os novos gTLDs (generic Top Level domain), os domínios genéricos de nome, aprovados recentemente pela ICANN, o órgão que governa os domínios de internet. Os gTLDs já estão disponíveis através das empresas de registro, disponíveis para as companhias ou pessoas que querem registrar novos sites. Recentemente encontramos diversas atividades maliciosas que incluem malware e páginas de phishing nos seguintes domínios: ... read more ...
Conflict Over .wine Ferments Between Trade Groups, France, ICANN -
By Ernie Smith / Jul 14, 2014
The forthcoming launch of an array of new top-level domains includes both .wine and .vin—something winemakers are worried could dilute their regionally focused brands. And with France involved, the situation is threatening to turn into something of an international trade crisis.
It’s no secret that winemakers (like their fellow artisans, cheesemakers) are protective of their names, ... read more ...
Cibercriminosos já usam novos domínios genéricos em golpes de phishing -
Cibercriminosos pelo mundo já apontam suas armas de ataque para os novos gTLDs (generic Top Level domain), os domínios genéricos de nome, aprovados recentemente pela ICANN, o órgão que governa os domínios de internet.
Alguns do gTLDs já estão disponíveis através das empresas de registro, disponíveis para as companhias ou pessoas que queiram registrar novos sites. Ente eles, os sufixos .club, .berlin, .blue, .computer, .camera, .futbol, .link, .pink, .report, .travel, .vacations e .xyz. ... read more ...
Four Reasons to Move from .COM to Your .BRAND Domain -
The FAQs of New TLDs – What Brands Need to Know About the Benefits of New Top-Level Domains by Neustar (Download PDF)Ask Google, Amazon, AXA and hundreds of other brands: branded top-level domains are the future of the web. Since 2012, when the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) opened up applications for new TLDs, more than 600 businesses have submitted applications for branded TLDs.
Should your company launch a .brand TLD? Absolutely, says Neustar's new guide: ... read more ...
ItsMillerTime.Bar; JackDaniels.Bar; Skyy.Bar: Best of .Bar Sunrise Domain Registrations - Today .Bar went into general availability.
Although we have noted before that brand holder by in large are not participating in new gTLD Sunrise periods it is interesting to see who is.
Generally there were not a ton of Sunrise applications for .Bar. According to, there are some 110 Sunrise domain registrations.
In general it was mostly few liquor brands that applied during Sunrise but only one beer brand, Miller.
As far as brick and mortar “bars” the Wynn hotel protected a few ... read more ...
Minds + Machines Issues 740K Shares + $138K To Antony Van Couvering - Minds + Machines Group Limited (AIM:MMX), announced today that it has issued 738,299 new ordinary shares to Antony Van Couvering and made a payment of US$138,062 in respect of the cancellation of options held by him over in aggregate 9,626,347 ordinary shares.
“Antony Van Couvering held options to subscribe for 2,626,347 new ordinary shares at an exercise price of 4p and 7,000,000 new ordinary shares at an exercise price of 9p, which he had been restricted from exercising at each time of relevant ... read more ... Loses Bid To Grab 8 Year Old In UDRP Without A Trademark - Jerry G. Roper of Payson, of Utah just lost his attempt to grab two domain names about a generic as they get; and was registered in 2006
The domain owner was Dave Chretien and Color Spot Carpet of Torrance, California, US.
The Complainant which didn’t have a trademark but a patent
In October 2000, Complainant began selling a system for repairing permanent stains either caused by carpet color loss or from additional color added.
Complainant ... read more ... Upgrades To For $225,000 -
NYLON Media Inc. which was founded in 1999 and was using,announced today it acquired and switched its website to after purchasing the domain name for $225,000
According to a press release out today, “Owning is the first step in a series of digital innovations we plan to introduce to evolve our growing online, social and mobile presence,” said NYLON Media EVP of Digital, Daniel Saynt.
“NYLON is what’s new, what’s ... read more ...
Novos domínios além do .com já aparecem em golpes de phishing na Internet - Foi-se o tempo em que os cibercriminosos atacavam apenas usando o famoso domínio .com. Segundo dados da Kaspersky, diversas atividades maliciosas foram registradas nos novos domínios de topo genéricos (gTLDs). A tática empregada pelos farsantes é usar nomes de marcas famosas do varejo no endereço, "antes do .com", como ou, por exemplo.Para especialista, phishing ainda é o golpe mais popular no Facebook; proteja-se Gráfico dos gTLDs mais populares ... read more ...
Neue TLD .kaufen – wichtig für deutsche Onlineshops? – -
Neue TLD .kaufen - wichtig für deutsche Onlineshops?, 1.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating Seit einiger Zeit bläst sich ja die Liste der Toplevel-Domains (TLDs) mächtig auf: Ein Haufen regionaler, allgemeiner und branchenspezifischer Domains werden eingeführt sowie einige “private” Domainendungen, die den jeweiligen Markeninhabern vorbehalten sein werden. Für den Onlinehandel sind einige spezifische Domains vorgesehen, vornweg die TDL .kaufen sowie .shop sowie .market, ... read more ...
.Bar & .Rest Are Live: Priced At $99.99 & $49.99 At Godaddy - .REST (dot-rest) and .BAR (dot-bar) “a new global online neighborhood designed specifically for restaurants and bars have gone live into General Availability today. is charging $49.99 for a .Rest domain and $99.99 for a .Bar domain registration.
We received a press release on these two new extensions and here is a part of it:
“.BAR, a domain designed for bars and nightclubs, and .REST, the abbreviation for “restaurant” in almost 30 languages and in more than 50 countries, are ... read more ...
Cibercriminosos já utilizam novos domínios genéricos em campanhas de phishing -
Cibercriminosos pelo mundo já apontam suas armas de ataque para os novos gTLDs (generic Top Level domain), os domínios genéricos de nome, aprovados recentemente pela ICANN, o órgão que governa os domínios de internet. ... read more ...
Cibercriminosos já utilizam novos domínios genéricos em campanhas de phishing - Os gTLDs já estão disponíveis através das empresas de registro, disponíveis para as companhias ou pessoas que querem registrar novos sites. Recentemente encontramos diversas atividades maliciosas que incluem malware e páginas de phishing nos seguintes domínios: .club, .berlin, .blue, .computer, .camera, .futbol, .link, .pink, .report, .travel, .vacations e .xyz.
Os gTLDs foram aprovados recentemente pela ICANN e as empresas já disponibilizam o registro para aqueles que querem fugir de ... read more ...
.GOP Has About 1,900 Registrations; ClayAiken.GOP; SaraPalin.Gop; Trump.GOP - The zone file for new .GOP domain extension finally had domains added it to today and we some 1.900 domain names.
Some of the domain included are part of the 100 that each registry can register to promote or use in operation of the registry but many of the domains in the zone file are registered to Minds and Machines Limited (Ireland) even domains we obtained in landrush and almost all of the registrations have the same servers making it difficult to see which ones are owned or reserved ... read more ...
Chiffres clés: Les nouveaux TLD et la loi des 50/50 - Dans son édition du moi de juin 2014, l'Observatoire du marché des noms de domaine de l'Afnic est consacrée à l'étude de la loi du 50/50. Cette règle assez répandue parmi les spécialistes du marché des noms de domaine a longtemps été constatée auprès des bureaux d'enregistrement lors du lancement de chaque nouvelle extension de nom de domaine.
Cette loi nous mène à constater que le stock des noms de domaine obtenu à la fin du 1er jour d’ouverture représente 50 % du stock à la ... read more ...
"Umstieg auf Domain-Endungen wie .FISH ist Geldverschwendung" - Daniel Colakovic, Geschäftsführer der Wiener Melon IT GmbH, warnt hinsichtlich der neuen Domain-Endungen (gTLDs) vor unüberlegten Schnellschüssen. Daniel Colakovic, Geschäftsführer der Wiener Melon IT GmbH, warnt vor unüberlegten Schnellschüssen in Sachen Web-Auftritt. Es ist so weit: Die von der Internet-Regulierungsbehörde ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) beschlossene Liberalisierung der Regelung rund um Top-Level-Domains kommt in ihre dritte und somit ... read more ... purchased for $55,000 has been around a creation this year -
The domain name was acquired by acquired this generic, three-letter .com domain with a view to development. If you are interested in purchasing, you can make an offer by clicking here. Our asking price is $125,000. To learn more about domain names and their values, click here.
On 5/1/14 the domain left Go Daddy and moved to Internet.BS, the domain was now under privacy in Panama.
Fundacion Private Whois
Aptds. 0850-00056
Zona 15, Panamà
Republica de ... read more ...
Die ".wien"-Community im Web: auf die Plätze, fertig, los! -
Wien (OTS/RK) - Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst: Nach diesemSprichwort werden ab morgen, Dienstag, 15. Juli, offene Internet-Domains mit der Endung “.wien” vergeben. Das heißt, dass sich jede Userin und jeder User eine Webseite mit der Endung “.wien” sichern kann – sofern der Name nicht bereits vergeben ist. Kosten für eine solche Domain: 30 bis 50 Euro im Jahr, abhängig vom jeweiligen Registrar.
Das Projekt der Top-Level-Domain-Vergabe (TLD) geht damit in die dritte Runde. Die sogenannte ... read more ...
DotBrand Social Media Report by SLAM Strategy Identifies Social Media … – Virtual -
Glenelg, Australia, July 14, 2014 --( SLAM Strategy, Adelaide’s leading digital strategy company, have revealed insightful findings in their DotBrand Social Media Report regarding the online presence of current ICANN brand top level domain name applicants.
The study focused on 647 brands that applied for ICANN gTLDs to look at the social media channels these brands adopted to engage with their customers. SLAM Strategy’s report found that of these 647 brands, which are counted ... read more ...
ICANN continues to rapidly expand the Internet this summer — newest statistics … -
As of July 4, 2014 ICANN announced that out of the 1,930 applicants received in 2012, 1,146 have been invited to contracting. Contracting is the process through which ICANN will contact eligible applicants and engage with them through execution of the registry agreement. Contracting is part of the transition to delegation phase of the New gTLD Program. To date, 464 registry agreements have been signed and those new gTLDs have entered the delegation phase of the program.
Next six ... read more ...