QY.com Sells For $100K: Afternic/GoDaddy Sells $2.1 Million In Domain Names - Afternic/GoDaddy weekly sales sales report for domain names for the week of March 10, 2104 – March 16th, 2014 totaled $2.1 Million
According to the report the two letter .com QY.com sold for $100,000 which we have now confirmed as having sold on Godaddy.com
It is the lowest price for a two letter .com that I have seen in many years.
The domain name is under privacy at Godaddy and is not resolving.
According to Screenshots.com the site has been inactive or parked since December 2008
The top non-com ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: March 2014
Tue 18th March 2014
Gaia.Tv sole for $22,372 On Sedo -
The domain name Gaia.tv sold for $22,372, according to the former owner of the domain.
The word Gaia according to Wikipedia.org is from Ancient Greek meaning “land” or “earth”; Gaia was the great mother of all: the primal Greek Mother Goddess; creator and giver of birth to the Earth and all the Universe; the heavenly gods, the Titans, and the Giants were born to her.
The buyer appears to the same company that owns Gaiam.com a Yoga and Fitness site and the domain name GaiamTV.com which ... read more ...
Rightside Announces One.Menu Product -
One of the things I believe may help make the new gTLD domain names more appealing to small businesses is if there are special products or services associated with the TLD that can only be used in conjunction with a particular TLD. Rightside, through a proprietary (yet to be named) platform, will be offering One.Menu, a product targeting restaurants who want to operate websites on .Menu domain names that allow people to easily see dining menus no matter what browser they are using.
Many restaurants ... read more ...
Mit .berlin startet die weltweit erste Städte-Domain -
Daniel Fürg absolvierte eine Ausbildung beim Bayerischen Rundfunk und bildete sich an der Bayerischen Akademie für Werbung und Marketing zum Kommunikationsiwirt fort. Er gründete verschiedene Onlinemedien, wie zum Beispiel MUNICH's BEST, 100SINS oder Social Secrets und arbeitete unter anderem für den Bayerischen Rundfunk, die Financial Services Einheit von Siemens, die Sana Kliniken AG und die MAROundPARTNER GmbH. Daniel Fürg engagiert sich außerdem aktiv als Mitglied des Vorstands im ... read more ...
PR Trying To Sell A Domain: “I Think we Can Convince The Owners to Sell for $500K” - I saw this press release that was published today for the word Gamely.com which appears to be for sale and the subject of the press release.
Not a horrible domain, but certain a very bad pitch in my opinion when it comes to price:
“We are talking about the domain name Gamely.com. We asked the domain name expert Paul Wilson what figure he sees on this domain name and this is what he said: “I think that I can convince the owners to sell for US $500,000.”
Google+Michael ... read more ...
Afilias und andere führende Internet-Organisationen begrüßen Fortschritte bei … -
Dublin, 18. März 2014 – Afilias, Registrierungsstelle für die Top-Level-Domains (TLD) .INFO, .ORG, .AERO, .MOBI, .ASIA, .XXX, .PRO, .POST und globaler Anbieter von Registry-Services, unterstützt die Erklärungen der für die Koordinierung der Internet-Infrastruktur zuständigen technischen Internet-Organisationen (IETF, IAB, ccTLD ROs, ICANN, ISOC und W3C). Diese hatten zur Ankündigung der US-Regierung, Änderungen am Vertrag zur Verwaltung der IANA-Funktionen vorzunehmen, Stellung bezogen.
Als ... read more ...
.ARCHI–The First Non-Geographic Community Generic Top Level Domain to … -
.ARCHI--The First Non-Geographic Community Generic Top Level Domain to Launch--Signs 20 Global Registrars in First Month
PRWEB.COM Newswire
New York, NY (PRWEB) March 18, 2014 Starting Dot Ltd. today announced that 20 global domain name registrars have signed its Registry Registrar Agreement to offer the .ARCHI new community gTLD, scheduled to launch in April 2014, and is negotiating with another twenty.
Skepticism from certain circles in the domain name industry on the ... read more ...
Berlin bekommt eine eigene Domain: Mit Host Europe Chancen für .berlin … - Unter der Microsite https://gtld.hosteurope.de können Webseitenbetreiber ihre Wunschadresse mit der Endung .berlin bestellen. Als erste deutsche Stadt bekommt Berlin seine eigene Domainendung. Die Sunrise-Phase für .berlin läuft seit dem 14. Februar 2014. Markenanbieter haben die Chance genutzt und sich Domains wie "porsche.berlin", "surpricehotels.berlin" oder "dein.berlin" bereits gesichert. Ab dem 18. März ist es nun für alle Webseitenbetreiber möglich, eine URL mit .berlin-Endung zu erwerben. ... read more ...
.Club Teams Up With TLD Registry For The China Market -
According to a press release out this morning, .CLUB Domains, LLC, the company formed to own and operate the new “.CLUB” top level domain, and TLD Registry the company behind the new gTLD for the Chinese IDN for Online (.在线) as well as the registry for the new gTLD (中文网) (Dot Chinese Website) have teamed up to market .Club to the China market.
the new gTLD for the Chinese IDN for Online (.在线) as well as the registry for the new gTLD (中文网) (Dot Chinese Website) should ... read more ...
Berlin bekommt eine eigene Domain: Mit Host Europe Chancen für .berlin … -
Dienstag 18. März 2014 | 14:36
Unter der Microsite https://gtld.hosteurope.de können Webseitenbetreiber ihre Wunschadresse mit der Endung .berlin bestellen.
Als erste deutsche Stadt bekommt Berlin seine eigene Domainendung. Die Sunrise-Phase für .berlin läuft seit dem 14. Februar 2014. Markenanbieter haben die Chance genutzt und sich Domains wie “porsche.berlin”, “surpricehotels.berlin” oder “dein.berlin” bereits gesichert. Ab dem 18. März ist es nun für ... read more ...
.Club Teams Up With TLD Registry For The China Market -
According to a press release out this morning, .CLUB Domains, LLC, the company formed to own and operate the new “.CLUB” top level domain, and TLD Registry the company behind the new gTLD for the Chinese IDN for Online (.在线) as well as the registry for the new gTLD (中文网) (Dot Chinese Website) have teamed up to market .Club to the China market.
the new gTLD for the Chinese IDN for Online (.在线) as well as the registry for the new gTLD (中文网) (Dot Chinese Website) should have ... read more ...
.berlin für BerlinerInnen! -
Schöneberg -
Bekanntmachungen -
"Endlich eine vernünftige Adresse": So bewerben die Macher ... read more ...
Neue Domain-Endungen – .berlin geht online -
Das Internet bekommt neue Adressen: Wer seine Seite nicht unter .guru und .singles anmelden will, kann sich nun die weltweit erste Städte-Domain sichern.
Als erste Städte-Domain startet die neue Endung für Internetadressen .berlin an diesem Dienstag. Sie gehört damit zu den ersten 40 neuen Endungen, die bei offiziellen Registraren wie Strato oder 11 bestellt werden können.
... read more ...
Disputa por nomes na web fica mais dura -
Bradesco, Petrobras, Alpargatas, Gol e outras companhias brasileiras acionaram a Organização Mundial de Propriedade Intelectual (Ompi) contra o registro abusivo de suas marcas como nome de domínio na internet, prática conhecida como cybersquatting. A multiplicação de endereços de internet a partir do lançamento de 1,4 mil novos nomes de domínio genéricos de primeiro nível (gTLD) vai alterar ainda mais as estratégias de proteção das marcas em vigor na web, alerta a Ompi.
Em 2013, ... read more ...
.CLUB Domains and TLD Registry Team Up to Maximize Exposure in China -
Registries Collaborate on Marketing Promotion of Their Popular IDN and ASCII gTLD's in China and Other Markets
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL and BEIJING, CHINA--(Marketwired - Mar 17, 2014) - .CLUB Domains, LLC, the company formed to own and operate the new ".CLUB" top level domain, and TLD Registry, Ltd., which is the market leader for new Chinese-language top level domains, have agreed to collaborate on introducing some of the most popular new Internet extensions to the Chinese-speaking world. With half ... read more ...
Top five tips when choosing a domain name -
The hardest part in securing a domain name for the company is determining the actual words to use
News |
CIOL Bureau
MARKHAM, CANADA: When a company is searching for a domain name to use for a business website, In Front Media, a website design company, offer several suggestions to consider before making the final choice for a domain name.
Len Doren, of In Front Media says, "Although we primarily design responsive WordPress ... read more ...
Baby.CN Sells for $410,872 -
NiceNic.net did a post on their site about a another group of big Chinese sales. These were led by Baby.CN which sold for $410,872 USD.
Baby.cn was the highest selling domain name at 2.53 million cny(US$410,872); QiLu.com ended in bidding 1.98 million cny(US$321,552) and ranked second to Baby.cn, QiLu is another name for “Shangdong”, a big province of China; the highest bid for ShunFeng.com was 1.06 million cny(US$172,144) and ShunFeng is a famous express company in China.Other interesting domain ... read more ...
New gTLDs will disrupt trademark protection strategies – WIPO -
The introduction of new generic top-level domains (gTLD) will be responsible for a disruption in existing strategies for trademark protection on the web, according to the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).
During 2012 companies and organisations submitted over 1,900 applications for 1,400 distinct new domain names under the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers’ (ICANN) gTLD programme.
“Trademark owners have been facing significant uncertainty in the ... read more ...
First 4 Community Priority Evaluations Fail: .Taxi, Tennis, .MLS, .Immo -
Four “community” applicants fail in bids to quash competition.
ICANN has published the results of the first four decided Community Priority Evaluations (CPE) for new top level domain names. All four failed to pass.
Applicants that self-selected themselves as “community” applicants for top level domain names can go through this process to see if they qualify. If they do qualify as a community under the requirements, they will effectively kill off all non-community ... read more ...
55 new TLDs ask grant from Registry Code of Conduct -
55 .brand application owners request exemptions.
Today ICANN posted 55 requests made by new TLD applicants for an exemption from the Registry Code of Conduct.
The Registry Code of Conduct for new TLDs includes provisions related to showing preference to different registrars, registering domains in the registry’s own right, frontrunning, and control between an owned registry and registrar.
The 55 requests were made by companies wishing to operate their domains as ... read more ...
The Birth Pangs of new tip turn domain names -
The launch of new domain names has been anything but smooth.
Confusion. Frustration. Incompetence.
That’s how I’d sum up the launch of new TLDs so far.
I’ve already written about some of the challenges of new TLD launches to date. How they’re coming out with a whimper. How domain name registrars are making it difficult to register these new domain names.
Kevin Murphy over at Domain Incite has more examples today in a post titled “Registrars screwing up new ... read more ...
Panel won’t find Reverse Domain Name Hijacking due to whois privacy -
UDRP panelist cites whois privacy as reason for not finding RDNH.
A single member National Arbitration Forum panel has found in favor of the owner of Finell.com, but declined to find reverse domain name hijacking because the owner used a whois privacy service.
The UDRP complaint was brought by Finell Co., LLC, which has its origins around 2011. Architect Filip Finell registered Finell.com in 2000 and started using it to promote his architecture firm. He later took ... read more ...
.Menu picks adult over 1,500 registrations in initial day -
.Menu enters general availability with over 1,500 registrations.
The .menu domain name entered general availability yesterday and got over 1,500 new registrations shortly after GA started, according to zone file data. Here are some of the types of domain names that were registered.
Restaurant Brands
Most of the restaurant names I found were smaller restaurants. I didn’t find a lot of big restaurant brands.
There are some, of course: Yum Brands got PizzaHut.menu, ... read more ...
Mon 17th March 2014
Berlin Becomes the World’s First City to Have its Own TLD: Starting Tuesday … -
oriented organizations and individuals can freely
register domains representing Germany's
capital city - a thriving metropolis of 3.4
million people.
Ali, founder and CMO of InterNetX,
... read more ...
Registro na web preocupa empresas -
Grandes empresas e marcas nacionais estão se armando para garantir sua proteção contra uma prática chamada Cybersquatting, a prática de registrar, traficar ou usar domínios na web com marcas comerciais já registradas por outras companhias.
Cybersquatting vira preocupação de empresas. Foto: divulgação.
Aurora registra receita de R$ 5,7 biTwitter fica no vermelho em 2013SoftExpert cresce 34% no lucro em ... read more ...