Monthly Archives: March 2014

Mon 24th March 2014
Written by The Domains in EN
Secure Domain Foundation Launches Backed By Facebook, Verizon, Verisign, Rightside, .Ca, .Co, DomainTools, Blacknight - Experts and companies in the information security industry formed the Secure Domain Foundation (SDF), a non-profit, community-driven organization devoted to the identification and prevention of Internet cyber crime utilizing the DNS and launched it at the ICANN’s 49th Public Meeting. The SDF is backed by : Facebook, Verizon, Verisign, Rightside which owns Enom and, CIRA(.ca), CO Internet(.co), CrowdStrike, APWG (Anti-Phishing Working Group), Emerging Threats, ESET Anti-Virus, DomainTools, ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
UDRP Panel Orders Return of Purportedly Stolen Domain - A one member UDRP panel has ordered the return of a purportedly stolen domain name, The UDRP was decided by the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre. UDRP panels in the past generally have refused to transfer purposed stolen domain names finding the UDRP is the wrong process to return such a domain. However this panel noting that the domain name was owned by the Complainant since 2001 until it was transferred without its authorized in September 2013; The Complainant has filed a ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
After Losing Over 25,000 Registrations in Two Days .Com Back Below 113 Million; .Berlin Tops 40K - Verisign reports that they have lost .com domain name registrations over the past couple of days after it briefly reported that the number of .com registration passed 113 Million domains. According to RegistrarStats the number of registered .com domain names is sitting at 112,952,656 after it had a net lost over 17,000 registrations. However Verisign own stats which were just updated a few minutes ago show even a greater loss of registrations for .com which is sitting at 112,973,470, as of today ... read more ...
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ICANN: Over 175 New gTLDs Delegated So Far - [ Technology] ICANN announced on Monday at ICANN 49 in Singapore that the number of new gTLDs that have been delegated has surpassed 175. The month of March has seen the approval of .NYC, .Cologne, .AXA, .Webcam, .Trade, .Jetzt, .世界 (xn--rhqv96g) – Chinese for “world/shijie,” .DNP, .Ink, .机构 (xn--nqv7f) – Chinese for “agencies/institutions,” .संगठन (xn--i1b6b1a6a2e) – Hindi for “organization/sangathana,” .组织机构 (xn--nqv7fs00ema) – ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
Days After The AFL-CIO Calls Coins The Term Kellogg Greed & The Company Registers Domain Names - Last week the AFL-CIO a published a story on hundreds of workers of Kellogg who its says have been locked out of one the company’s plants in Memphis in a post call  Kellogg Greed: Destroying Worker Dedication Around the Globe. News outlets picked up the story and the issue seems to be spreading to other plant’s of Kellogg. The union in question the BCTGM launched a social media campaign against Kellogg calling it Kellogg Greed and the company responded by registering defensive domain names. A ... read more ...
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INTERNET: LANCIO NUOVI gTLD SEGNA IMPORTANTE … – AgenParl - (AGENPARL) - Roma, 24 mar -Non c’è dubbio che il 2013 sia stato un anno storico per Internet, segnato dall’introduzione dei nuovi Global Top-Level Domain (gTLD) che hanno avuto il via libera per la delegazione dello scorso novembre. Tutti conoscono gli attuali domini di primo livello (i TLD), cioè la parte del nome di dominio che si trova a destra del punto, come .com o .net. La nuova era dei gTLD vedrà crescere Internet dagli attuali 22 gTLD a circa 1300 nuove possibilità. Dopo molti ... read more ...
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INTERNET: LANCIO NUOVI gTLD SEGNA IMPORTANTE TRASFORMAZIONE – AgenParl - (AGENPARL) - Roma, 24 mar -Non c’è dubbio che il 2013 sia stato un anno storico per Internet, segnato dall’introduzione dei nuovi Global Top-Level Domain (gTLD) che hanno avuto il via libera per la delegazione dello scorso novembre. Tutti conoscono gli attuali domini di primo livello (i TLD), cioè la parte del nome di dominio che si trova a destra del punto, come .com o .net. La nuova era dei gTLD vedrà crescere Internet dagli attuali 22 gTLD a circa 1300 nuove possibilità. Dopo molti ... read more ...
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Frustration expressed over trademark counsel gTLD engagement - In the programme update session at ICANN’s Singapore meeting, the organisation announced that 182 new gTLDs have been delegated (as of this morning). While the rollout continues, a number of domain industry voices have expressed frustration at both the level of brand owner engagement with the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) and the advice some lawyers are giving their clients. World Trademark Review has been told that, as of this morning, over 28,000 trademarks are registered at the TMCH. ... read more ...
Written by in FR and tagged
Les dix stratégies de protection de marque en ligne les plus efficaces pour 2014 - 1. La nouvelle réalité : les noms de domaines génériques (new gTLD) Les nouveaux noms de domaines génériques (new generic Top-Level Domain ou new gTLD) peuvent représenter pour une entreprise de nouvelles perspectives ou un nouveau front à défendre. Chaque marque doit mettre en place une stratégie adaptée à ses besoins. Des centaines de nouveaux gTLD arrivent sur le marché. C’est donc le moment pour les entreprises de décider de ce qu’elles souhaitent faire : enregistrer, bloquer ... read more ...
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CentralNic inks contract with Radix - - CentralNic Group, the internet platform business which earns revenues from the worldwide subscription sales of domain names, has added four valuable domain names to its existing portfolio of 25 "uncontested" domain names that are ready for market. The company has exclusively signed a registry service provision contract with Radix Registry FZC (Radix), one of the leading applicants for new Top-Level Domains ("TLDs") with 27 applications, for its four uncontested Top ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Another Bitcoin Exchange on a Verge of Bankruptcy Halts Withdrawals - Following on the heels of the Mt.Gox bankruptcy another Bitcoin exchange is on the verge of bankruptcy. Vicurex is based out of China and they are putting a freeze on all their customer accounts. Electronista covered the story, Another Bitcoin exchange has run into financial problems following in the wake of other recent turmoil surrounding the currency after the collapse of Mt. Gox. Vircurex, based in Beijing, is faced with insolvency causing the company to immediately halt withdrawals. Starting ... read more ...
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ZDNetGovWeek: US cedes TLDs, RoboSnowden, and NSA monitors Chinese … - ZDNet's worldwide team provides global 24/7 technology news and analysis. In addition to my own coverage analysis here in the ZDNet Government column and on ZDNet's DIY-IT, every week I'll bring you a selection of the best government-related articles posted by our intrepid reporters and analysts. Here are some of the most interesting from the last week. Top stories this week Analysis: What exact control over the Internet is the US giving up and is it bad or not?The single most ... read more ...
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Latest NameSpace Quality Report Ranks the Internet’s Top Domains by Safety - LEESBURG, Va. — Architelos Inc. announced today the publication of the third NameSentry NameSpace Quality Report. The report measures the comparative safety of the Internet's largest Top Level Domains (TLDs) by measuring the concentration of spam, phishing, botnets, and malware in each TLD from January 2013 to March 2014. The research is based on data from the NameSentry℠ Abuse Detection and Mitigation Service, which tracks abuse across the ... read more ...
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Public Launch of Secure Domain Foundation: Non-Profit Organization of Internet … - SINGAPORE, March 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- ICANN 49 -- Leading experts and companies in the cybersecurity, Internet and Domain Name infrastructure industry today announced the formation of the Secure Domain Foundation (SDF), a new, non-profit, community-driven organization devoted to the identification and prevention of Internet cyber crime. Launched at ICANN's 49th Public Meeting in Singapore, the SDF is backed by some of the industry's leading Internet and Domain Name infrastructure companies ... read more ...
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In-house interview: Master of domains – Andy Southam at Netnames - Need a .law web address? Then NetNames group GC Andy Southam is the go-to man for legal know-howA bit like outer space, the internet is unlimited and constantly expanding. And its growth is about to go into warp drive.Next month, London will get its own domain name, .london, as part of the new generic top level domain (gTLD) programme.The internet is set to expand with about 1,800 new domain extensions and there is certain to be a welter of applications for .london. Few businesses ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
How many domains in new TLDs will we register? - Answer this question on the 9th annual Domain Name Wire survey. This year’s Domain Name Wire Survey has additional questions about top level domain names now that new ones are finally rolling off the assembly line. By taking the survey, you’ll answer questions such as: * How many second level domains in these new extensions do you plan to register for yourself or on behalf of your company in 2014? * What will the release of new top level domain names do to the ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
17 finish user domain name sales including Hallmark - A Hallmark company is among the companies buying domain names at Sedo. Here are some end user sales from Sedo’s sales list for the week of March 10th-16th. You may view other end user sales list here. $15,000 – Payability, Inc in New York. 10,000 EUR – Las Vegas company ZZ Inc, which operates sites such as, and $925 – J-Stream, a video distribution company. 790 EUR ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Cybersquatting lawsuit filed opposite typos - Company goes after ten 37 typos of popular website. A company created by the three major U.S. consumer credit bureaus has filed an in rem lawsuit against 10 typo domain names. [Update: The company actually filed four separate lawsuits against a total of 37 domain names.] Central Source LLC was formed to operate the website after the U.S. government passed the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) in 2003. The law mandated that consumers get free ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Radix boots ARI in preference of CentralNic - CentralNic picks up contracts for new TLDs from rival. New top level domain name applicant Radix has selected CentralNic to be the backend registry provider for its .website, .host, .space and .press top level domain names. Radix had originally said that ARI Registry Services would be the technical services provider for all of its top level domain names. With that in mind, it was somewhat surprising when Radix chose CentralNic to power its .pw launch in 2012. That ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Cleveland Clinic’s .Med focus is alive again - Board Governance Committee to consider if application should move forward. A lot of new top level domain name applicants have filed “Reconsideration Requests” after finding themselves on the losing end of objections. They all have the same story: we were wronged, and we were wronged in a way unique to everyone else who has failed with their reconsideration request. It was the same story I heard from .Med applicant Medistry (backed by Cleveland Clinic) when it ... read more ...
Sun 23rd March 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
TRAFFIC Vegas Offers 3 Nights At Hotel & Passes To Conference At $1,595 Ends Apr 4th - The organizers of the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference is offering a special sign up bonus which includes 2 nights at the Bellagio for $1495 or 3 nights for $1595 for its conference in Las Vegas which is running from May 28th – June 1st. Here is the email we received: T.R.A.F.F.I.C. has offered some of the lowest prices we have ever had but that is about to end. Right now when you sign up for T.R.A.F.F.I.C. it includes 2 nights at the Bellagio for $1495 or 3 nights for $1595. An incredible deal at a 5 ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Radix Awards Contracts for .Website, .Host, .Space, and .Press to CentralNic - CentralNic Group PLC has exclusively signed a Registry Service Provision contract with Radix Registry (“Radix”), for its four uncontested new gTLD’s; .website, .press, .host or .space. ARI  Registry had the contract for these four string before this announcement .website is a true alternative to the .com TLD; it is open and available to all for the full range of possible uses .press TLD will provide its users with a platform to share opinions and disseminate information. The primary target ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
PIR Lists Four Reasons Why to Register a .NGO - Public Interest Registry (PIR) the operator of the .org extension is out with a list of reasons to register a .ngo/ong new gtld. In May 2012, Public Interest Registry formally submitted its applications to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) for the .ngo and .ong domain extensions as part of the organisation’s global Internet expansion initiative. Along with .ngo/.ong, Public Interest Registry also applied for the creation and management of four internationalized domain ... read more ...
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NTAG Chair Blog: Singapore Mid-term Update - While the media spotlights the US role in Internet governance, the NTAG Executive Committee has been focussed on the daily business of ensuring the New gTLD programme is moving forward in the best interests of applicants. There are signs that ICANN is becoming more responsive to applicant needs. Quick action implementing GAC Advice once it was resolved by the New gTLD Program Committee, the recent name collision webinar, and an ongoing dialogue on new gTLD auctions procedures are all positive ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
The Denver Post Apparently Has Never Heard of Neustar - The Denver Post is not too familiar with Neustar, they referred to the company as “virtually unknown”. The article  is pertaining to Neustar and their bid to retain a very lucrative contract in the telecom space. This is the same “virtually unknown” company that just spent $109 to million to buy .CO Internet S.A.S. The Denver Post doesn’t seem to be aware that Neustar (NSR) is a publicly traded company with a valuation of over $2 Billion dollars based on its closing share price on Friday ... read more ...