Uniregistry Put Premium New gTLD's Domains In Auction @ No Reserve - Frank Schilling’s Uniregistry has put many premium new gTLD’s, at no reserve, in the RightoftheDot.com domain name auction at Namescon.
Unlike many new gTLD’s, all of these domain names have normal renewal fees.
None of these domain names have been offered to the pubic before and include single letter and numbered domains like 8.Link, e.gift, and b.sexy, as well as two letter words like We.Help, plus category killers like Real.Property, Stock.Photo and Web.Hosting
Frank Schilling CEO of ... read more ...
Tag Archives: .tattoo
Tue 8th December 2015
Mon 24th February 2014
Frank Schilling’s initial dual tip turn domain names accessible tomorrow -
.Tattoo and .sexy enter general availability tomorrow, although relatively few registrars are offering the domain names.
Frank Schilling’s first two top level domain names, .tattoo and .sexy, enter general availability tomorrow at 11 am EST.
Judging from registrar support so far, Uniregistry’s first two domains are going to be a bit hampered. That may be good news for you, as it will give you a better opportunity to get domain names if you’re interested in these ... read more ...
Thu 14th November 2013
Frank Schilling’s initial new tip turn domain name is live -
You can now visit a .tattoo domain name.
Frank Schilling’s .tattoo is alive with nic.tattoo.
Yes, that’s a domain name. And it’s now on the internet.
It’s the first second level domain of Schilling’s TLD bids that you can actually visit from your browser.
Included on the site, which is a pitch “artists, studios, and individuals” about the future availability of .tattoo domain names, is a video of Frank Schilling philosophizing about tattoos. If he does ... read more ...