Inside v. Howard Nelson Brady, Jr. -
Lawsuit sheds more light on bidding scandal.
Earlier today SnapNames and parent company filed a lawsuit against former employee Howard Nelson Brady, Jr. for his alleged scheme of shill bidding and embezzlement.
Much has already been disclosed about Brady’s alleged conduct, but the lawsuit (pdf) provides more details of his alleged deceit.
The suit cites a number of examples of how he tried to dupe other SnapNames employees into thinking that Hank Alvarez ... read more ...
Tag Archives: snapnames
Tue 4th May 2010
Thu 1st April 2010
Three Domain Name Auctions Going On Right Now -
Lots of domain name auction action going on.
There are three live domain name auctions going on right now:
First, the Domain Madness 2 extended auction ends this afternoon. Several domain names already have bids including ($4,000), ($7,000), and ($2,000).
SnapNames has a Spring Auction with no reserves running now through April 8. Bidding starts at $300 per domain. Among the interesting domains are, ... read more ...
Thu 4th March 2010
Lawyer: SnapNames Class Action Headed to State Court -
Lawyers plan to take case to state court.
The lawyers that filed a lawsuit in federal district court against SnapNames and over the ‘Halvarez’ scandal and later dismissed the case say it’s not over yet.
“It was really just a procedural move,” said Michael Aschenbrener, lead attorney on the case for Edelson McGuire LLC, commenting on why the case was dismissed.
Aschenbrener said they might have an easier time filing the case in state court. ... read more ...
Sat 27th February 2010
SnapNames Class Action Lawsuit Dismissed -
Lawsuit over employee bidding scandal voluntarily dismissed by plaintiff.
A lawsuit against SnapNames and parent company that was requesting class action status has been voluntarily dismissed.
Steward Resmer, a SnapNames customer who lost $20 in an auction thanks to the “halvarez scandal”, filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court, Central District of California in November. Resmer was seeking class action status for the case on behalf of U.S. customers ... read more ...
Tue 16th February 2010
Sedo and GoDaddy Tops for Domain Sales -
Where’s the best place to sell domain names online?
Sedo and GoDaddy have been selected as the two best online domain name sales venues in the 2010 Domain Name Wire Survey.
Sedo’s position at the top of the charts is nothing new — it took 40% of the vote. But this is down from 48% last year. Where did those 8% go? Well, more people are flocking to GoDaddy.
Here are the top five:
1. Sedo 40%
2. GoDaddy 13%
3. NameMedia (Afternic, BuyDomains) 10%
4. Forums ... read more ...
‘Halvarez’ Caused $2M Loss to SnapNames Customers -
Size of bidding scandal becomes clear.
A document filed today (pdf) in a lawsuit against and SnapNames shows that the total loss to U.S. customers from the bidding scandal was about $1 million, including interest. The total damages for all customers can be extrapolated to be about $2.0 million.
The document was a declaration of Lance Martinez, General Counsel of Domain Services for, filed in response to the court questioning if the case was ... read more ...
Tue 9th February 2010
Simple Math during Play in SnapNames Lawsuit -
How much did customers overpay thanks to Halvarez?
Last week I reported about how the judge in the California lawsuit against SnapNames questioned how much money was at issue. In order to qualify for class action status, at least $5 million must be at stake.
In questioning the total number, the judge noted that the plaintiff in the case had lost a whopping $20. If ‘halvarez’ participated in 50,000 auctions at an average overpayment of $20, that would be only ... read more ...
Sat 6th February 2010
The Problem With Having Too Many Domains in an Auction -
For online domain auctions, less is more.
Two “extended” domain name auctions concluded this week. The results were underwhelming.
In the Rick Latona auction, only 9 of 600 domain names sold. The Moniker extended auction sold 79 of about 2,000 domains.
So what’s the problem? Too many domains, and especially too many poorly priced domain names.
I won’t profess to be an expert at picking which domain names will sell. But I assume auction houses apply some ... read more ...
Fri 5th February 2010
Judge Says SnapNames Lawsuit Might be Too Small for Class Action -
Amount in question may be below $5 million required for class action case.
U.S. District Judge Margaret M. Morrow is asking the plaintiffs bringing a class action against SnapNames over the insider bidding scandal to show that the controversy exceeds $5 million.
Under the Class Action Fairness Act, the amount at issue in a lawsuit must exceed $5 million (not including interest and costs) to qualify for class action status.
In the case of Stewart Resmer vs. ... read more ...
Thu 4th February 2010
Two Domain Auctions End Today, Snags 6 Figure Bid -
Extended online domain name auctions from TRAFFIC and DOMAINfest end today.
[Update: Apparently the bids on were errant, as the they were removed and the domain didn’t sell.] Two extended online domain name auctions from recent conferences end today.
First, the extended auction from TRAFFIC concludes on Proxibid at 1 PM EST. With less than 3 hours to go, a few domains have bids but haven’t met their reserves. This may indicate there are some buying opportunities ... read more ...
Tue 2nd February 2010
Answers to 3 Questions about a SnapNames Bidding Scandal -
Answers to three commonly asked questions about the ‘halvarez’ scandal.
The topic commonly known as ‘halvarez’ — the insider bidding scandal at SnapNames — wasn’t a major topic at DOMAINfest. I didn’t expect it to be, either. Within days of the scandal breaking I talked to several big SnapNames customers. They were disappointed about what happened, but also understanding. Most had accepted SnapNames’ compensation offer and moved on.
But a number ... read more ...
Tue 19th January 2010
Over 100 Domains Have Met Reserve during SnapNames Auction -
Auction enters final hours with over 100 domains meeting their reserves.
Over 100 domain names in this month’s Snapnames Showcase Auction have met their reserves. The auction ends later today.
The auction features 1-4 character domain names as well as one word country code domains. The highest bid on a domain name that has met its reserve is at $17,500. suggests the domain receives over 1,000 uniques a month. has seven bidders and ... read more ...
Thu 14th January 2010
SnapNames Finally Hits a Mark in Showcase Auction -
Latest showcase auction off to roaring start.
I haven’t been impressed with the results in SnapNames’ monthly “showcase” auctions thus far. The sell-through rates have been dismal and the inventory lacking. That is, until this month.
With still five days to go, this month’s showcase auction already has 80+ domain names that have met their reserves. Granted, the deck is stacked with about 700 domain names, but this is still a great start. There are two ... read more ... Asks Court to Dismiss SnapNames Lawsuit -
Defendants file motion to dismiss lawsuit over bidding scandal. and SnapNames have filed a motion to dismiss a lawsuit filed against it in wake of the SnapNames insider bidding scandal.
The lawsuit seeking class action status was filed by Stewart Resmer, who overpaid for a SnapNames auction by $20 in 2006 due to the insider bidding.
In its motion to dismiss (pdf), and SnapNames argue:
-Resmer doesn’t have any standing to name ... read more ...
Tue 29th December 2009
2009 Domain Dunce Award: SnapNames Due Diligence -
Due diligence in expired domain company acquisition missed a couple big problems.
Mergers and Acquisitions due diligence is thankless work. You have to learn everything about a company, including things about it that its current owners don’t know, in a short period of time. If you get everything right, no one remembers to thank you a couple years later. If you mess up, everyone knows about it.
And that’s exactly the case with SnapNames. The due diligence ... read more ...
Tue 1st December 2009
SnapNames Awarded Patent for “Demand formed domain name auctionability” -
Domain auction site awarded another patent.
Domain name auction platform SnapNames has been awarded U.S. patent 7,627,628 (pdf) for “Demand based domain name auctionability.” The patent’s abstract describes a system that triggers a domain as auction worthy if there is a certain level of demand for it:
A method for identifying a registered domain name as auctionable is provided. The registered domain names may be pulled from a database of desired domain names, ... read more ...
Tue 24th November 2009
LuxuryNames Domain Name Auction Ends Today -
First LuxuryNames auction ends today.
The first ever LuxuryNames auction has attracted a number of bids in advance of its closing this afternoon. Lots will begin closing at 12:15 PST on SnapNames.
As of 7 am PST today, 19 domain names have received bids. The highest so far is $2,600 for Many of the domains have prices starting at only $99.
I have three domains in the auction, one of which has received several bids already: ... read more ...
Mon 23rd November 2009
Second Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against and SnapNames -
Lawsuit claims violation of California law and fraud.
Another lawsuit seeking class action status has been filed against over the SnapNames insider bidding scandal.
Law firm KamberEdelson LLC filed the case on behalf of its lead plaintiff, Stewart Resmer, in U.S. District Court Central District of California on November 18. Resmer, like, is located in Los Angeles.
Among other evidence, the lawsuit cites a now famous January 6, 2008 DNForum ... read more ...
Mon 16th November 2009
Nelson Brady on SnapNames Scandal -
Don’t expect an explanation from Nelson Brady any time soon.
When I cover a major domain industry event, I like to get both sides of the story. So when the news about the SnapNames insider bidding scandal broke, one of my first calls was to the man allegedly at the center of the controversy, former SnapNames VP Nelson Brady.
Instead of writing about the conversation then, I wanted to wait until I had a chance to have a more in-depth discussion with Brady or his ... read more ...
Wed 11th November 2009
Monthly SnapNames Auction Begins, Sedo 2 Character Auction Ends Tomorrow -
One auction kicks off as another comes to a close.
SnapNames’ monthly domain name auction has kicked off and will conclude next Tuesday, November 17. The monthly auctions used to last only a few days, so it looks like SnapNames is trying a different tact.
The auction includes roughly 240 domain names, 77 of which have no reserve. Among the domains with no reserve are,, and Two no reserve auctions have received bids: ... read more ...
Mon 9th November 2009
First Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against SnapNames -
Lawsuit filed over bidding scandal.
The first class auction against SnapNames over the bidding scandal has been filed.
The lawsuit was brought by the Cueto Law Group law firm, and filed in Miami-Dade County Circuit Court in Florida. The lead plaintiff is Carlos A. Cueto, while the law firm is led by Santiago A. Cueto. I’m checking on the connection between the two people. [Update: Carlos is Santiago’s brother.]
According to a press release from the company:
The ... read more ...
Sat 7th November 2009
Arrington: Apologies Shouldn’t be Conditional -
TechCrunch article questions Snap’s rebate requirements.
Given the bad taste Michael Arrington’s has in his mouth from his time in the domain name industry, he’s laying down the heat on SnapNames and its bidding scandal. Today he wrote a second article about the scandal, saying that SnapNames’ request that customers sign a waiver to get their rebate is not right.
I understand where he’s coming from, but I also see why SnapNames is requesting this. When ... read more ...
SnapNames Reinstates Auction History Back to 2004 -
Full auction data now available.
Responding to requests from customers to show complete auction history in order to check for auctions against bidder halvarez, SnapNames has updated the system with complete data. Company spokesperson Mason Cole wrote:
There has been quite a bit of back-and-forth on your blog and other places about access to SnapNames bidding and order history. The truncated system, which limits view to the 24 months prior to whatever date the lookup ... read more ...
Thu 5th November 2009
Poll: How SnapNames Scandal Affects You -
It’s transparent that a lot of people mislaid trust yesterday. Here are a few check questions to see how a SnapNames behest liaison will change your behavior.
[poll id=”9″]
[poll id=”10″]
Also, if you’ve already perceived notice of your rebate, greatfully leave a criticism with a amount.
Wed 4th November 2009
SnapNames Employee Bid in Domain Auctions, Cleanup in Progress -
SnapNames employee bid in auctions, but the bigger news is how company is handling it.
You’ll probably read a lot today about how a SnapNames employee had been bidding on auctions for the past four years. In case you haven’t heard the story, here’s a brief recap:
-Employee opened account in another name and started bidding in 2005
-Participated in about 5% of auctions, mostly between 2005-2007
-S/He won about 1% of the auctions during this period (so about ... read more ...