Mon 22nd June 2015
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
This permit image email reminds me of new domain names - Reserved plates being released, just like reserved domains… I received an email a few days ago from MyPlates, the company that administers the personalized (vanity) license plate program for Texas. Notice a similarity to what a lot of new top level domain name companies are doing? Here’s what the email said: Reserved Texas license plate messages up for grabs! Today we are releasing a number of previously reserved license plate messages for immediate sale! Some of these messages have previously ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Selling domains on Flippa with Kevin Fink – DNW Podcast #38 - Learn about the Flippa marketplace and its acquisition of Domain Holdings. Learn the best way to get started selling domain names on Flippa in this week’s podcast. Kevin Fink, Director of Domains for Flippa, also discusses what the company’s acquisition of domain name brokerage Domain Holdings means for Flippa users, and what Flippa is doing to improve the integrity of its marketplace. Also: Domains for $1.50 or less, WordPress Foundation files a cybersquatting lawsuit, CentralNic scores more ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Domain Movers:, and More Domains - Domain Movers is a series where Jamie Zoch monitors domain names on the move that are being registered, acquired or simply moving mostly all by large corporations. These domain names can lead to being used for new products, advertising campaigns, services, brands and much more. These are often very early detections and can lead into the first time something is seen publicly relating to it. Here we go with the latest domain movers: Apple Inc. registered 4 new domain names and those include: ... read more ...
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Vox Populi cashes in as ‘.sucks’ registration levels are revealed - Trevor Little In April we noted that brands were rushing to secure their trademark terms in the ‘.sucks’ gTLD sunrise period, despite a hefty price tag. This weekend the sunrise closed, and the string hit general availability, giving us the first opportunity to gauge how successful its sunrise period actually was. On first analysis the Vox Populi ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
DOMAINfest.Asia to be hold in Macau in September - Domain name conference heads to China in a few months. I’ve been a bit confused by NamesCon’s strategy with DOMAINfest after acquiring the brand. The one day add-ons to existing domain name conferences haven’t made much sense to me. But now DOMAINfest is hosting a complete conference, this time in Macau, China. DOMAINfest.Asia is being staged by the NamesCon, Simon Cousins’ Allegravita and .Asia. Allegravita has been staging events in Macau for over ten years, and Cousins tells me he hopes ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
This week: .Irish and .Bank - Two new top level domain names enter general availability this week. Two new top level domain names enter general availability this week, although one won’t be generally available to the public. .Bank domain names become available on Wednesday, June 24. Most readers won’t be able to register them, though. It’s a restricted domain name for banks and savings associations. isn’t an option. Most big market domain name registrars aren’t carrying the domain for this reason. .Irish ... read more ...
Sun 21st June 2015
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Calidad del aire empeora en Santiago y alcanza nivel crítico en … - De acuerdo al último informe emitido por la estación de medición de calidad del aire en Pudahuel, los niveles de contaminación por material particulado fino en Santiago es el más crítico desde 1999.Dicha zona marcó un índice de 171 microgramos por metro cúbico, a las 8 de la mañana de este domingo, por lo que está en niveles de emergencia ambiental.El resto de las estaciones de medición marcan un índice de premergencia, a pesar de ello, la autoridad no descarta que pueda empeorar, ... read more ...
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Defensa de Cardemil pidió aplazar formalización tras nuevos delitos … - Defensa de Cardemil pidió aplazar formalización tras nuevos delitos imputados El abogado explicó que necesita más tiempo para preparar la defensa debido a los nuevos cargos que se le imputan al ex diputado. Cardemil será formalizad este lunes junto a otros cuatro miembros de la Alianza en el marco del Caso Penta. ... read more ...
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Who Doesn't Suck? Kim Kardashian; Justin Bieber; Twitter, FoxNews, CNN Pass On $2,500 .Sucks Domains - While some of the biggest brands  in Entertainment, Sports, Politics,  Technology and Pop Culture registered some 3,400 new gTLD’s in the new .sucks domain extension, in the Sunrise period for up to $2,499 for each domain, there were some glaring misses of some of the most criticized, controversial and most talked about companies, celebrities and public figures. There are not domain registration so far for any of these as of publication: and ... read more ...
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.Sucks Gets Almost 3400 Domain Registrations At Prices Up To $2499 in Sunrise - The .Sunrise period for the new gTLD .Sucks generated over 3,400 domain name registrations at pricing ranging  up to $2,500 per domain name. Premium .Sucks Sunrise registrations were sold for up to $2,499,  with at a wholesale cost of $2,000 as set by the .sucks registry, Vox Populi Registry Ltd. If all 3,400 registrations in Sunrise were sold at the $2K premium wholesale price,  then Vox Populi just pulled in $6.8 Million Mark Zuckerberg registered no less than 10 .sucks domain names: Guess ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
.Sucks Gets Almost 3,400 Domain Registrations At Prices Up To $2,499 in Sunrise - The .Sunrise period for the new gTLD .Sucks generated over 3,400 domain name registrations at pricing ranging  up to $2,500 per domain name. Premium .Sucks Sunrise registrations were sold for up to $2,499,  with at a wholesale cost of $2,000 as set by the .sucks registry, Vox Populi Registry Ltd. If all 3,400 registrations in Sunrise were sold at the $2K premium wholesale price,  then Vox Populi just pulled in $6.8 Million Mark Zuckerberg registered no less than 10 .sucks domain names: Guess ... read more ...
Sat 20th June 2015
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Bachelet: «tremendo resultado» el triunfo de Chile - La presidenta chilena, Michelle Bachelet, calificó de "tremendo resultado" el 5-0 de la selección de Chile ante Bolivia en el Estadio Nacional de Santiago, donde la "Roja" aseguró el liderato del grupo A y jugará el partido de cuartos de final de la Copa América de fútbol. "Fue un tremendo resultado", dijo en la noche del viernes la mandataria, que llegó al estadio acompañada de algunos de sus ministros a presenciar el cotejo. "Volveremos el miércoles para apoyar a nuestra selección", ... read more ...
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What You Need To Know About .Sucks Domain Names - Over the past two years, more than 500 new top-level domains (TLDs, or the words to the right of the dot in a domain name, such as .com or .edu) like .attorney, .consulting, .menu, and even .rocks have launched. But none has garnered the attention and concern of the business community as much as .sucks, a TLD launching this year and being billed by its registry (the appropriately named company Vox Populi) as a place where consumers can find their voice. While several large organizations like Google ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google To Start Removing Links Related To Revenge Porn - Google is finally going to start removing content associating with revenge porn, back in March Twitter updated its TOS banning such content from their service. There have been a few high profile cases with Hunter Moore and his website being the most famous. Moore was eventually arrested. From Ars Technica: On Wednesday, Hunter Moore, 28, the notorious founder and operator of revenge porn site, pleaded guilty [PDF] to unauthorized access to a computer, aiding and abetting ... read more ...
Fri 19th June 2015
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Architelos Releases its NameSentry Abuse Report on Phishing For May 2015 … - Architelos released its NameSentry Abuse Report with a “Focus on Phishing” for all domain name extensions ccTLD, new gTLD’s and Legacy TLD’s like .com, .net and .org for the month of May 2015. .Com had the most reports of abuse but still only 11K reports out of 118 Million or so domain names. There were only 143 Phishing reports for May for all new gTLD’s out of over 6 million registrations The ccTLD .Br had 1,026 reports all by itself which is around 7X more reports than all new gTLD’s ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged Sold In Jan for $14k+ Hit With UDRP By Co. That Filed a Trademark Last Week - Well now this UDRP/trademark thing is officially just getting silly. The domain name, a generic domain name by any measure, has been hit with a UDRP after the domain was purchased in January for Over $14k, by a company that just filed for a trademark last week. The UDRP was filed by Foundation Fitness LLC which filed a trademark on the term “Stages” way back on June 12, 2015. Oh by the way that was just 7 days ago. Today is June 19th. The domain name was sold on Sedo in January for ... read more ...
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InterNetX Corp. reforça sua operação no Brasil ao oferecer a nova extensão de … - InterNetX Corp. reforça sua operação no Brasil ao oferecer a nova extensão de domínios .LTDA InterNetX Corp. reforça sua operação no Brasil ao oferecer a nova extensão de domínios .LTDA Categoria.: Info Ti  Fonte/Autor.: Capital Informação :: Fonte/Autoria.: Capital Informação                                  _ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: No ... read more ...
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InterNetX Corp. reforça sua operação no Brasil ao oferecer a nova extensão de domínios .LTDA - InterNetX Corp. reforça sua operação no Brasil ao oferecer a nova extensão de domínios .LTDA InterNetX Corp. reforça sua operação no Brasil ao oferecer a nova extensão de domínios .LTDA Categoria.: Info Ti  Fonte/Autor.: Capital Informação :: Fonte/Autoria.: Capital Informação                                  _ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: No ... read more ...
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.Bank Gets Over 700 Domain Registration @ $750+ Per In Sunrise: Goes Live … - fTLD Registry Services the registry behind the new gTLD .Bank announced today that it received over 700 domain name registrations during Sunrise period by trademark holders at a cost of $750+ per registration. General Availability (GA) for the gTLD .BANK will open on June 24, 2015 for all eligible members of the banking industry. fTLD was created to manage the .BANK domain with the support of a coalition of banks, insurance companies and financial services trade associations from around the world. ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Architelos Releases the NameSentry Abuse Report on Phishing For May 2015: Worst Offender .Br - Architelos released its NameSentry Abuse Report with a “Focus on Phishing” for all domain name extensions ccTLD, new gTLD’s and Legacy TLD’s like .com, .net and .org for the month of May 2015. .Com had the most reports of abuse but still only 11K reports out of 118 Million or so domain names. There were only 143 Phishing reports for May for all new gTLD’s out of over 6 million registrations The ccTLD .Br had 1,026 reports all by itself which is around 7X more reports than all new gTLD’s ... read more ...
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.BANK Launches With a Bang - The 30-day .BANK Sunrise Period just concluded this week and is notable for several reasons. The .BANK TLD is highly restricted to members of the banking industry. The .BANK Registry (which also has rights to .INSURANCE, launching this fall), was founded by 24 companies and organizations from the banking and insurance industries, The Registry's founders include industry leaders such as the American Banking Association, Citigroup, Dollar Bank, Independent Community Bankers of America, JPMorgan, ... read more ...
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Cheap domain names are spammers' favorites - New report shows that spammers love some of the cheap new domain name options. Spammers churn through a lot of domain names. As soon as deliverability sinks with one, they move on to the next. That might explain this chart in Architelos’ June NameSentry Abuse Report: The bulk of improper use of new top level domain names is spam, and this chart shows which new TLDs are being abused the most. See a pattern here? All of the big ones are cheap domains. In fact, all of the domains on this chart can ... read more ...
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Empresas podem começar a registar domínios em .bank na próxima … - O .bank foi criado para identificar instituições ligadas à área financeira e para registar endereços web com este sufixo é necessário cumprir um conjunto de requisitos obrigatórios, que são validados pela Symantec. Tal como acontece sempre que um novo TLD (Top Level Domain) fica disponível, há uma fase de pré-registo reservada às instituições com marcas a proteger. Isto garante, por exemplo, que não seja outra entidade que não a titular da marca Millenniumbcp ... read more ...
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Brainstorm Domain Names Launches New Top Level Domain Social Media Sites -   View as PDF  Print View    <!-- --><!-- 'OptFor' this story -->Launch of social media sites to increase exposure of new top level domains (gTLDs) to the public. Brainstorm Domain Names offers information and free search tools to current and new customers.Cedar Rapids, IA, USA - June 19, 2015 /PressCable/ -- Small businesses, online marketers, entrepreneurs and home based businesses looking for increased exposure of new top level domains (gTLDs) to ... read more ...
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Seven key topics to track during ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires - The 53rd international meeting of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) commences in earnest on Monday, June 22, 2015, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with some sessions beginning as early as Saturday, June 20. As always, several high-profile topics have emerged amidst community discussions leading up to this meeting, all of which are relevant to established registry operators, new generic top-level domain (gTLD) applicants and brand owners alike. IANA Transition and ICANN Accountability ... read more ...