Category Archives: EN

Tue 29th September 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Three Letter Domain Name TPP.Com Hit With UDRP - The domain name has been hit with a UDRP The Complainant  is unknown  at the moment but the domain is owned on behalf of a client of MarkMonitor which generally means big corporate client and was owned earlier this year by Thomson Reuters Holdings Inc a client of since at least 2005. There are at least 7 different trademarks for the world-famous term TPP in the USPTO going back to 1992. The UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION filed the 1st trademark in 1992 and then LOCKKHEED ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Sedo Weekly Transactions Total $1million led by - Over the past week, 697 transactions took place on Sedo’s marketplace and via SedoMLS, totaling $1m. 57% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings.     Highlights of public sales are: Top .com: at 20,000 USD Top ccTLD: at 19,500 EUR Top “other” TLD: at 4,500 USD New GTLD sales:    999    USD   ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
16,000+ .NYC domains will be expelled subsequent week - Some good .nyc domain names will be released next week. .NYC will release 16,674 previously blocked .NYC domain names on October 8. The domain names were all blocked as name collisions. Not all name collision names will be released, however. Names like,, and are still being held back, presumably as premium domain names or for the city. You can see a list of the names that will become available on Hexonet’s website. Here are some I found interesting: Remember, ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Lawsuit filed to redeem stolen domain name - Company files lawsuit after losing UDRP. After failing to recover the allegedly stolen domain name through a UDRP, the previous owner of the domain name has turned to the courts., LLC, which generates leads for education companies, filed a lawsuit (pdf) in U.S. District Court in Virignia late last week to recover the domain name. It says that an unknown person gained access to its email address, and used this to hijack the domain name. Plaintiff says the domain thief ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Why is improved than - For Taco Bell, using is better than Yesterday Taco Bell began promoting the domain hack for its updated website, which gives people the ability to order customized Taco Bell menu items online. (Finally! I can add bacon to my Doritos Locos Tacos!) Will from posted this comment on Domain Name Wire: I give props to Taco Bell for taking the unique creative approach with Ta.Co not only is it sure and catchy but it will make people aware of the .Co. With any of the ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
.Com Tops 120 Million Total Domain Names & Over 119 Million Active Domains - Verisign is reporting that the number of .Com domain names has topped 120 Million for the 1st time and likewise the number of domain names active in the .Com zone file top 119 million. The .Com domain name base which has topped 120 million domains is explained as: “”The domain name base is the active zone plus the number of domain names that are registered but not configured for use in the respective Top-Level Domain zone file plus the number of domain names that are in a client or server hold ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
New TLD foe news is worthless - Getting answers to the wrong questions… ICANN released a report yesterday called “Phase I Assessment of the Competitive Effects Associated with the New gTLD Program”, undertaken by an outside research firm. I found the report mostly worthless. This is partly because the new TLD program’s focus on increasing choice and competition is based on the wrong premise. That premise is that there is a lack of good available second level domain names to register. The reality is there are plenty of good ... read more ...
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A new home for the digital Red Ribbon - BERLIN, Sept. 28, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Uniregistry Corp., a leading domain name registration services company founded by Frank Schilling, and dotHIV, the first charitable Top-Level Domain Registry, jointly announce today that the .hiv TLD will change ownership to Uniregistry. The two organizations plan to conclude the transition prior to December 1st 2015 World AIDS Day. The .hiv TLD made history last year as the first open charitable TLD, dedicated to the global fight against AIDS. .hiv domain ... read more ...
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Does your business really need an Arabic Top Level Domain? - It’s now possible to buy domain names in non-roman letters including Chinese, Arabic and Russian, following a major expansion in the kinds of domains that can be registered. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which launched in 1998 and has been active in domain name registration since 2000, now includes top-level domains (TLD) in new languages, which were adopted in the beginning of 2014. Country code top-level domains (ccTLD) were implemented ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
After Setting Records On Kickstarter, Smartwatch Company Pebble Secures - Smartwatch company Pebble Technology first made headlines 3 years ago when it raised $10 Million dollars for the e-paper watch on Kickstarter. In early 2015, Pebble broke Kickstarter records when it crowdfunded Pebble Time raising $1 Million in 49 minutes and then set a record for raising the most money on Kickstarter,  over $20 Million dollars for its smartwatch Pebble Time. The company has been using the domain name which has been registered since May 27, 2011 but according to whois ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Sen. Cruz Asks The GAO to Determine Whether Obama Has "The Power to Give Away a Internet" - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who is also running for President, along with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet, sent a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) yesterday “requesting an affirmative determination of whether the Obama Administration’s plan to transfer U.S. ... read more ...
Mon 28th September 2015
Written by in EN and tagged
More Than Just Forwarding: How .brands Like Apple Can Use Defensive Registrations - The domain industry media was abuzz last week with speculation that tech giant Apple may be gearing up to launch its .apple brand TLD. Rumours began when it was discovered that Apple registered 29 .com domain names that to the untrained eye, appear to be strangely worded. These include the likes of, and, providing hope to many industry pundits that they could potentially be defensive registrations designed to protect Apple from losing traffic ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged A singular RDNH in an "outside a scope" UDRP - Panel rules reverse domain name hijacking in dispute. A three person National Arbitration Forum panel has found the complainants in a UDRP over to have engaged in reverse domain name hijacking. You’re probably not surprised about an RDNH in a case for a million dollar generic like What is unique is that the panel also found the entire case outside the scope of the UDRP. Most of the time, when a panel comes to this determination, it doesn’t consider RDNH. ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
One Direction Wins a Right to a Domain Name - 1D Media Limited of London, just won control of the domain name in a UDRP on behalf of one of the most famous pop bands in the world. The one member panel of Richard G. Lyon awarded the domain on a pretty easy case saying “that the term ONE DIRECTION has no sensible or reasonable meaning that does not relate to the Complainant or its activities.” The panelist found that The Complainant demonstrated bad faith in both registration and use of the disputed domain name which was ... read more ...
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TLD .hiv Transfers Admin to New Ownership - First charitable Top-Level Domain Registry, jointly announce today that the .hiv TLD will change ownership to Uniregistry. The two organizations plan to conclude the transition prior to December 1st 2015 – World AIDS Day. The .hiv TLD made history last year as the first open charitable TLD, dedicated to the global fight against AIDS. These names help raise awareness around HIV and generate funds for verified HIV projects. The TLD opens up a dedicated namespace that brings website owners together ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Uniregistry takes over .HIV domain name - Company takes over struggling top level domain name. Top level domain name registry Uniregistry has taken over ownership and management of the .HIV top level domain name. .HIV launched as a “social cause” TLD about a year ago. It came with a high registration price of about $200, but the registry promised to donate money to HIV/AIDS charities with each visit to a .hiv site. The idea didn’t take off, with only about 500 registrations in the zone file to date. So earlier this year the .hiv backers ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Uniregistry Takes Over New gTLD .HIV - According to, who seems to be involved with the .HIV registry,  the new gTLD string .HIV is being transferred to Uniregistry. “”Today, Uniregistry takes over the lead in this unique journey to use a top-level domain to promote a social good. The dotHIV charity will continue its work for .hiv and focus on community support. The creative agency thjnk from Hamburg, Germany, longstanding partner of the initiative, will continue to work on behalf of the .hiv top-level domain, exploring ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
GoDaddy Aftermarket with Paul Nicks – DNW Podcast #52 - Paul Nicks, who manages GoDaddy’s aftermarket, discusses the state of domain resales and the GoDaddy platform. Paul Nicks runs the aftermarket for GoDaddy, which includes Afternic and GoDaddy auctions. Paul discusses the current state of the domain aftermarket, including which direction sales and sale prices are moving. He also discusses changes the company is making in the aftermarket and how they’re trying to remove friction from the domain selling and buying process. Paul also provides stats ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Study on Facebook Users: 14% Check It During A Funeral; 15% in The Shower - Stop Procrastinating published the results of a survey of 2,000 people that use Facebook Regularly and it contains some pretty interesting results: 56% described their Facebook use as compulsive and of these, 68% were worried by their inability to control their use of Facebook. Examples include: Leaving a restaurant meal with friends or their partner to visit the bathroom or toilet to check Facebook. Checking Facebook at the cinema during a film. Commenting on a post at their own wedding or a friend’s ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Another .Co win: Taco Bell regulating - Taco Bell is promoting domain name. The .co domain name extension continues to rack up big name customers, the latest being Taco Bell. The fast food restaurant chain is now promoting and an upgrade to its website. Now you can order completely customized tacos and other menu items through your mobile phone. Taco Bell bought the domain name directly from the .co registry. For now, typing in merely forwards you to Taco Bell. When I watch Taco Bell’s introductory video (below), it ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
UDRP finds laches and that heading is also generic - Panelist questions why case was filed 16 years after domain was registered, and notes that the trademark is also generic. When is a trademark also generic? You probably didn’t know that the hardware chain True Value Company has a trademark on the term “Green Thumb”. It has a registered trademark on the term dating to 1987. I always thought the term meant someone who is good with gardening. I’m not alone, either. Apparently, in the same year of True Value’s trademark registration, a dictionary ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Minds + Machines starts share buybacks - Company bought its own shares on Friday. On Friday, Minds + Machines made the first purchase under its share buyback program. The company plans to acquire up to £15 million worth of shares over the next 12 months. The first purchase was just £21,875 for 250,000 ordinary shares. Companies do share buybacks as a way to return capital to shareholders. Generally speaking, the company will cancel the shares it bought back, thus boosting earnings per share and other metrics for the remaining shares. ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged Loses UDRP On a Domain - TripAdvisor, brought a UDRP on two domain names, and and walked away winning one and losing the other David A. Einhorn as Panelist awarded the domain name to TripAdvisor but refused to hand the domain name over to the company. The same person owned both domain name and didn’t bother filing an answer. CitzenHawk represented TripAdvisor. was created on June 11, 2004 and was created on April 14, 2004. Here ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged Compares Aftermarket For .Guru, .Expert & .Ninja -

Having pronounced that here are a reported sales of $150 or some-more for any of these 3 new gTLD’s according to

Also to be transparent these are Aftermarket sales and does simulate what people spent in Early Access Periods to acquire domains in these extensions

Here are a reported sales for .Expert:

Here are a reported sales for .Guru:

Here a reported aftermarket sales for .Ninja of $150 or more:


Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
ICANN Releases Results of Its 1st Global Registrant Survey - The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) published the findings of its first Global Registrant Survey, which was conducted on its behalf by Nielsen. Here are the key findings: Awareness of new gTLDs is higher among registrants of domain names than among general Internet users; 65% of domain registrants reported awareness of at least one new gTLD versus 46% of general Internet users. While 65% of general Internet users said they had visited a domain in a new gTLD, 64% of registrants ... read more ...