Nuevo presidente de la ICANN promete transición a un organismo … -
El sueco Goran Marby fue nombrado el lunes jefe de la ICANN, el regulador mundial de internet, con la promesa de acompañar la transición del organismo -que hasta ahora estaba bajo la tutela de Estados Unidos- hacia un modelo no gubernamental y multipartito.
Marby, director general del regulador sueco de las telecomunicaciones (PTS), dirigirá desde ... read more ...
Author Archives:
Mon 8th February 2016
Nuevo presidente de la ICANN promete transición a un organismo no gubernamental -
El sueco Goran Marby fue nombrado el lunes jefe de la ICANN, el regulador mundial de internet, con la promesa de acompañar la transición del organismo -que hasta ahora estaba bajo la tutela de Estados Unidos- hacia un modelo no gubernamental y multipartito.
Marby, director general del regulador sueco de las telecomunicaciones (PTS), dirigirá desde ... read more ...
Le Suédois Göran Marby prend la tête du régulateur d’internet - San Francisco (AFP) - Nommé lundi à la tête de l'Icann, le régulateur mondial d'internet, le Suédois Göran Marby s'engage à soutenir la transition de cet organisme, jusqu'à présent sous tutelle des Etats-Unis, vers un modèle non-gouvernemental et pluripartite."Le modèle pluripartite a prouvé sa force", indique-t-il dans un entretien avec l'AFP. "Il est important pour moi de continuer cette évolution. C'est la manière d'aller de l'avant maintenant".Göran Marby, âgé de 53 ans, dirige ... read more ...
EURid Gets .ею (Cyrillic for .eu) -
EURid, who run the .eu registry, have finally been delegated .ею (Cyrillic for .eu). Punycode xn--e1a4c.
One of the things that EURid is chartered to do under its contract to the European Commission was to get the extension in scripts other than Latin.
EURid used ICANN's IDN ccTLD "Fast Track" process, though whether the process is truly "fast" or not is debatable, as it is still quite a long process. According to European Commission's Dec 2015 report, .ею string "was deemed to be confusingly ... read more ...
PTS generaldirektör slutar – Västerbottens -
Flög med 2,29 promille i blodet
Nyheter En svensk helikopterpilot står åtalad i Norge, misstänkt för att ha flugit helikopter i berusat…
Nomination officielle -
«Le modèle pluripartite a prouvé sa force», indique Göran Marby dans un entretien avec l'AFP. «Il est important pour moi de continuer cette évolution. C'est la manière d'aller de l'avant maintenant». Göran Marby, âgé de 53 ans, dirige actuellement le régulateur suédois des postes et des télécoms (PTS), et il va prendre en mai la tête de l'Icann (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). Cet organisme basé en Californie est chargé de l'attribution des noms de domaine ... read more ...
Sat 6th February 2016
Will a New gTLD Domain Be Used in a Super Bowl Ad? -
We know that Super Bowl television advertisements are usually funny and edgy. One way to be humorous and edgy, in my opinion, is to use a new gTLD domain name for a Super Bowl advertising website. If a humorous domain name were to be used, it could help create a buzz and also be used to better track traffic following the Super Bowl.
I have no idea if any companies are planning to use a new domain name in their Super Bowl advertising campaigns, but I would not be shocked to see one. I would ... read more ...
Fri 5th February 2016
Allegravita Brings on Kurt Pritz As Partner -
Although I don’t know Kurt Pritz personally, I know that he has been active in the domain name space (primarily with ICANN) for many years. For nearly two years, Kurt served as Executive Director of the Domain Name Association, an organization that is quite involved in the new gTLD space.
Allegravita is a consulting firm with domain industry companies among its clients. I believe the company’s primary focus is helping domain industry companies advance their business interests in the Chinese ... read more ...
URS versus UDRP proceedings – choosing the right forum - In 2013 the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) contracted with third-party service providers to adjudicate ‘clear and convincing’ cases of domain name abuse through the newly established Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) programme. Experiences with this new rights protection mechanism established for and applicable to all new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) have been mixed.
Recent developments
In 2015 the cases that shed particular light on the burden of proof associated ... read more ...
Domain name registration strategies in focus - Corporate domain name management companies are often asked the question: “What does an optimal portfolio look like?” There is no single right answer to this question, as a domain name portfolio (like an investment portfolio) depends on a number of factors, such as appetite for risk, budget, ability to manage and creative thinking. Most organisations err on the side of caution when it comes to protecting their online identity; as a consequence, domain name portfolios have tended to grow rather ... read more ...
Domain name management strategies: integrating high-end recovery techniques - Brand dilution, missed revenue, diverted online traffic and negative brand awareness are just a few examples of the significant damage that domain name infringement can have on your brand. In a world where more than 7.2 million domains have been registered using the new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) since the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) launched the programme in 2013, how can you effectively manage domain names and stay on top of all potential issues?
There ... read more ...
David Taylor, associé de Hogan Lovells Paris nommé membre du panel de l’ICANN -
Hogan Lovells Paris a annoncé la nomination de David Taylor, associé du cabinet en tant que membre du panel de l'ICANN.
L'ICANN, l'autorité de régulation de l'Internet notamment des noms de domaine, vient de nommer deux membres en Europe sur son panel "Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (CCT) Review Team", dont David Taylor associé de Hogan Lovells à Paris. Le deuxième membre est le Conseiller Principal responsable de la gouvernanceinternet et l'Internet Governance Task ... read more ...
Thu 4th February 2016
Uniregistry Adds Industry Veterans Sam Tseng & Alan Crowe to Their Account Executive Team -
launched their retail registrar
in 2014 (complementing the company's
new gTLD registry operations) they
have won many plaudits for the
smooth, easy to use interface that
... read more ...
Wed 3rd February 2016
41,5 miliona za domenę najwyższego poziomu. Trochę nie mieści mi się to w głowie -
Mówią, że rzeczy są warte tyle, ile ktoś jest w stanie za nie zapłacić. I patrząc na to, jaka suma została wyłożona na stół przez japońskie GMO (nie, nie chodzi o „to” GMO) otrzymuję kolejne potwierdzenie dla tej tezy. Zagłębiając się w informacje z rynku domen dowiedziałem się, że najwyższą ofertą (poza GMO) jaką złożono na licytacji było ... read more ...
Tue 2nd February 2016
Priority Access Program for Verisign’s First IDN New gTLD, .コム -
Verisign launched its first IDN new gTLD, .コム — the .com you know, now in Japanese — on Dec. 9, 2015 at 12:00 a.m. UTC. We recently submitted updated TLD Startup Information for .コム to ICANN, extending the end date for the .コム Sunrise Period from Jan. 31, 2016, to March 14, 2016, and shifting the dates of the subsequent registration periods. ICANN recently confirmed the following updated registration periods for the .コム TLD*:
Sunrise Period: Dec. 9, 2015 – March ... read more ...
Minds + Machines moving to another level -
The February 2016 trading update from Minds + Machines (LON:MMX) was another giant stride from the internet domain name specialist away from its “land grab” past.
Although the company is still in the running for seven yet-to-be assigned generic top level domains (gTLDs) – a TLD being the part of an internet address after the final dot – the successful launch in the final quarter of 2015 of .law, the Spanish-language equivalent .abogado and also .miami demonstrated that ... read more ...
Minds Machines scores big with premium domain names - (MENAFN - ProactiveInvestors - N.America) Internet top level domains company Minds Machines (LON:MMX) finished 2015 with a flourish enjoying significant growth in billings. For the final quarter standard name billings were up 184% at US2.66mln from the preceding quarter's (Q3) figure of US0.94mln while premium name billings were up 215% at US1.52mln (Q3 2015: 0.48m). Total billings for the year rose 57% to US7.92mln from US5.03mln as the company continued to evolve from 'land grab' mode to commercialising ... read more ...
Minds + Machines Reports Significant Billings Growth In 4th Quarter - LONDON (Alliance News) - Minds + Machines Group Ltd on Tuesday said it experienced significant billings growth during 2015 as it moves into 2016 with hopes of achieving "operational profitability".The owner and operator of Internet domains said standard name billings totalled USD2.7 million in the last quarter of 2015, rising from only USD940,000 in the third quarter, while premium name billings soared quarter-on-quarter to USD1.5 million from USD480,000."During the fourth quarter of 2015, the company ... read more ...
Mon 1st February 2016
Japanischer Anbieter kauft Top Level Domain .shop für 41,5 Millionen US-Dollar -
Wenn sich mehrere Organisationen für eine TLD interessieren und sich untereinander nicht einig werden, verkauft die Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) die Domain über ein Bieterverfahren. Das passiert häufiger, hat aber noch nie ein so hohes Ergebnis erzielt: Mit mehr als 40 Millionen US-Dollar hat GMO Registry eine neue Rekordsumme geboten. Bisher lag das Höchstgebot bei 25 Millionen US-Dollar – so viel bezahlte Google für die Endung .app.
Eine Überraschung ist ... read more ...
Sun 31st January 2016
Top Level Domain .shop erzielt Rekordpreis von 41,5 Mio. Dollar -
Geld, Brennen, Feuer
Bildquelle: k.a.
GMO Registry, bisher vor allem auf Städte-Endungen wie .tokyo und .yokohama spezialisiert, hat sich in dieser Woche mit einem Gebot von 41.501.000 US-Dollar die Rechte an der neuen Top-Level-Domain gesichert. Das Unternehmen erhofft sich eine riesigen Erfolg durch die neue TLD. Nach einem jahrelangen Streit um die neue Endung .shop und dem ähnlichen .shopping wird damit nun ein Schlussstrich unter die Vergabe gezogen und Unternehmen werden ... read more ...
Revised New gTLD Program Implementation Review Report Now Available – ag-IP -
Home / Revised New gTLD Program Implementation Review Report Now Available /
LOS ANGELES - ICANN announced the publication of the revised Program Implementation Review report, a self-assessment of New gTLD Program processes. According to ICANN, the report of public comments [PDF, 788 KB], which includes a summary and analysis of the comments received regarding the draft report, has also been published.
The Program Implementation Review ... read more ...
Sat 30th January 2016
.shop: die 40-Millionen-Dollar-Domain -
Neuer Rekord bei der Vergabe von Top Level Domains durch die ICANN: Für .shop wurden in einer offiziellen Auktion 41,5 Millionen US-Dollar erzielt.
Neun Bewerbungen um die E-Commerce-Domain .shop gingen im Frühjahr 2012 bei der Internetverwaltung ICANN ein. Amazon und Google waren interessiert; das höchte Gebot kam jedoch von einem japanischen Domain-Unternehmen.
Gibt es für eine Top Level Domain (TLD) mehrere Interessenten und einigen die sich nicht ... read more ...
EIU set to fail LGBT community unless Internet domain-naming authority intervenes -
Posted by Steve Lee, Editor
Online Only, Top Highlights, Around the Nation
Saturday, January 30th, 2016
NEW YORK, N.Y. — With claims from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) that the word ‘GAY’ is “not a well-known abbreviation for the community of LGBTQIA people,” the international organization responsible for maintaining the Internet’s global domain system has denied dotgay LLC’s community application proposal to operate the .GAY top-level ... read more ...
Artık ‘istanbul’ ve ‘ist’ de internet adresi uzantısı - Ülkelere verilen yerel alan adları ve diğer alan adları aşağıdadır. Alan adları IANA olarak bilinen uluslararası bir kuruluş tarafından yönetilmektedir.
İnternet Ülke Alan Kodu, (İngilizce ccTLD: country-code Top Level Domain) İnternet adreslerinde ülkeyi belirten iki harflik en son uzantı. Örnegin alan adında “.tr” Türkiye için İnternet Ülke Alan Kodunu gösterir. Bu kod Rusya için “.ru”, İtalya için “.it”dir.
Ülke alan adları için kayıt ... read more ...
Fri 29th January 2016
GMO Registry Buys .Shop Top Level Domain for $41.5 Million - The sale of the most-expensive reported new generic top level domain (gTLD) to date is now over with GMO Registry purchasing the rights to a single new .shop gTLD name for the record price of $41,501,000.
GMO Registry - a Japanese domain name company which runs a few Asian geographic gTLDs and works as a service provider for some dot-brands - was the last bidder standing in the auction. It defeated six other bidders, including Google and
There were only two companies in the auction whose ... read more ...