Market Recap 2/9/16 Godaddy down tighten to 5% - Market Recap 2/9/16
Godaddy (GDDY) had another rough day down close to 5%. The stock was as low as $23.88. Uptick Analyst published where analysts stand on the stock currently.
Sell-side analysts on Wall Street covering shares of Godaddy Inc (NYSE:GDDY) have handed the stock a one year target price of $35.555. This is the average number according to the 9 brokerage firms weighing in on the name. The most bullish (highest) estimate is $40 while the lowest, most conservative, stands at $30. This and ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: February 2016
Tue 9th February 2016
Nokta İstanbula ilgi büyük - "Nokta İstanbul" ile İstanbul'un dünyanın sayılı internet uzantısına sahip şehirlerinden bir tanesi olduğunu vurgulayan Kaplan, 1930 şehrin ICANN'a başvuru yaptığını aralarında İstanbul'un da olduğu 66 şehrin başvurusunun kabul edildiğini söyledi.ICANN'in başvuruları kabul ederken o şehirdeki internet kullanım oranını çok önemsediğini anlatan Kaplan, İstanbul'un başvurusunun kabul edilmesinde İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi'nin şehrin dört bir yanına koyduğu ... read more ...
Internet: sarà lo svedese Marby il nuovo capo di Icann -
Possibile intervento video dello showman da Zurigo. Il fratello Beppe sarà all’Ariston. Audience mai così alta da undici anni
L’ICANN dirigée pour la première fois par un Européen - L'ICANN a choisi un Suédois, Göran Marby, pour être son nouveau directeur. Il devra accompagner l'indépendance promise par les États-Unis au système de DNS racine sur lequel repose le Web.
Est-ce un signe politique, au moment où l’ICANN vit une transition très importante, qui doit assurer son indépendance vis à vis des États-Unis ? Pour la première fois depuis la création de l’Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) en 1998, l’institution sera bientôt ... read more ...
Göran Marby, un europeo per traghettare l’Icann fuori dagli Usa -
Svedese, prenderà il posto di Fadi Chehade che lascia a metà marzo. A lui il delicato compito di guidare il trasferimento di poteri dell'organismo a una community internazionale multistakeholder. Il sottosegretario Giacomelli: "Ottima notizia"
... read more ...
CSC Issues "New gTLD Utilization Report" .Global Enters "Alternative Top 10" List - Brand protection and domain registrar, Corporate Service Company (CSC) issued its latest “New gTLD Utilization Report” which is designed to update digital marketers and their peers in legal and IT about how new gTLDs are being adopted. The report also examines how .brand domains are being used and how effectively the new generic TLDs are penetrating the, top one million websites (a potential indicator for TLD utilization).
On the Brand front in CSC’s December report, there were 75 ... read more ...
Göran Marby va prendre les rênes de l’ICANN - L’organisme en charge de la gestion des noms de domaine s’est choisi Göran Marby comme nouveau dirigeant. Il aura pour mission de superviser le transfert des pouvoirs des Etats-Unis vers l’ICANN.
En mai dernier, Fadi Chehadé, président de l’ICANN depuis 2012, annonçait à la surprise générale qu’il quittait ses fonctions en mars 2016, alors que son mandat se terminait le 30 juin 2017. Le board de l’ICANN s’était donné 10 mois pour rechercher la perle rare pour assurer la transition ... read more ...
Goran Marby nieuwe CEO internetorganisatie ICANN -
De Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) maakt bekend dat de Zweed Goran Marby is benoemd tot de nieuwe CEO van de internetorganisatie. Marby is topman van de Zweedse toezichthouder TPS en volgt Fadi Chehade op, wiens termijn op 15 maart afloopt.
Marby gaat vanaf mei aan de slag bij ICANN, tot die tijd neemt topman Akram Atallah de rol van interim-CEO op zich. Marby was onder meer medeoprichter en CEO van softwarebeveiligingsbedrijf AppGate Network Security, CEO van ... read more ...
Zweed Göran Marby wordt nieuwe ceo van Icann -
Fadi Chehadé, die in 2012 aan het hoofd kwam te staan van Icann, kondigde in mei 2015 al aan dat hij het voor bekeken hield als ceo van de multistakeholder organisatie. Tijdens de overgangsperiode zal Akram Atallah de honneurs waarnemen, de man die momenteel de mondiale domeinnaamdivisie leidt binnen Icann. Göran Marby komt aan het hoofd te staan van Icann op het moment dat de organisatie vervelt tot een onafhankelijk, niet gouvernementeel ... read more ...
Göran Marby om att bli chef för Icann -
Så sent som i oktober 2015 förlängde regeringen Göran Marbys mandat som generaldirektör på PTS, Post- och telestyrelsen, med tre år.Men i går måndag begärde Göran Marby entledigande från posten efter att han erbjudits toppjobbet som vd för Icann (Internet corporation for assigned names and numbers).Den internationella organisationen har som uppgift att ansvara för grundläggande funktioner inom internet - såsom arbetet med IP-adresser och domännamnsystemet. Icann har därmed ... read more ...
Omstridde PTS-chefen får tungt jobb i internets absoluta topp -
Foto: Kristina Sahlén
Det blir en svensk, PTS gd Göran Marby, som tar över som vd på Icann, den verksamhet som kontrollerar adresserna på internet.
Icann uppger att man vill göra om verksamheten från en stiftelse till en ickestatlig organisation, där universitet, näringsliv och myndigheter ska finnas representerade.
Någon intervju med Göran Marby om det nya jobbet blir det dock inte. Från nuvarande arbetsgivaren PTS meddelas att han ”kommit överens med sin kommande arbetsgivare ... read more ...
January domain name sales in-depth - Joseph Peterson takes an in-depth look at January’s domain name sales on NameJet.
January 2016 was a busy month for NameJet. Not only did the auction platform deliver its customary mix of expired domains and seller-managed inventory; it also handled the NamesCon auctions in conjunction with Right Of The Dot and (in many cases) a live auctioneer at the Las Vegas conference.
In presenting these January sales data, I’ve decided to exclude all domains associated with NamesCon, whether they were ... read more ...
L’ICANN a un nouveau président : le Suédois Göran Marby - Christian Phéline nommé président de la HadopiErreur 53 : un procès pour une tempête dans une verre d’eauLe marché des imprimantes déprime !Jusqu'à 1 Gbps ! Qualcomm dévoile ses nouvelles gammes : modems, processeurs, IoT...Orange investit dans KissKissBankBank, alors que MyMajorCompany s’essouffle Netflix achève sa migration totale sur Amazon Web ServicesPandora est à vendreBouygues Télécom atteint 75% de couverture de la population en 4GGoogle va étendre le droit à l’oubliOrange ... read more ...
Donuts signs robbery understanding with MPAA - Agreement says Donuts will investigate piracy claims as a last resort.
New top level domain name company Donuts has inked a deal with Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) in which Donuts will investigate cases of large-scale piracy on the domain names it operates.
The deal isn’t a rapid takedown sort of agreement. It only says that the MPAA will be a “Trusted Notifier” of movie piracy sites. If the MPAA gets no resolution from working with a domain name registrar and hosting company ... read more ...
Mon 8th February 2016
Market Recap 2/8/16 Verisign down 5% - Market Recap 2/8/16
Another down day in the markets overall, Godaddy (GDDY) managed to finish up .14 after being down over 15% the previous two trading days.
Verisign (VRSN) was down over 5% today, the stock traded as low as $70.84 before closing at $71.77. Earnings are due out this week.
United Internet (UTDI) The parent company of Sedo was the big loser today down over 7%.
Disclaimer – Any stock price and market data provided on our website is for informational purposes only, and should not be ... read more ...
Nuevo presidente de la ICANN promete transición a un organismo no gubernamental -
El sueco Goran Marby fue nombrado el lunes jefe de la ICANN, el regulador mundial de internet, con la promesa de acompañar la transición del organismo -que hasta ahora estaba bajo la tutela de Estados Unidos- hacia un modelo no gubernamental y multipartito.
Marby, director general del regulador sueco de las telecomunicaciones (PTS), dirigirá desde ... read more ...
Nuevo presidente de la ICANN promete transición a un organismo … -
El sueco Goran Marby fue nombrado el lunes jefe de la ICANN, el regulador mundial de internet, con la promesa de acompañar la transición del organismo -que hasta ahora estaba bajo la tutela de Estados Unidos- hacia un modelo no gubernamental y multipartito.
Marby, director general del regulador sueco de las telecomunicaciones (PTS), dirigirá desde ... read more ...
Le Suédois Göran Marby prend la tête du régulateur d’internet - San Francisco (AFP) - Nommé lundi à la tête de l'Icann, le régulateur mondial d'internet, le Suédois Göran Marby s'engage à soutenir la transition de cet organisme, jusqu'à présent sous tutelle des Etats-Unis, vers un modèle non-gouvernemental et pluripartite."Le modèle pluripartite a prouvé sa force", indique-t-il dans un entretien avec l'AFP. "Il est important pour moi de continuer cette évolution. C'est la manière d'aller de l'avant maintenant".Göran Marby, âgé de 53 ans, dirige ... read more ...
EURid Gets .ею (Cyrillic for .eu) -
EURid, who run the .eu registry, have finally been delegated .ею (Cyrillic for .eu). Punycode xn--e1a4c.
One of the things that EURid is chartered to do under its contract to the European Commission was to get the extension in scripts other than Latin.
EURid used ICANN's IDN ccTLD "Fast Track" process, though whether the process is truly "fast" or not is debatable, as it is still quite a long process. According to European Commission's Dec 2015 report, .ею string "was deemed to be confusingly ... read more ...
.Club Sells Over $140K in Premium Domains In January: Over $3.5 Since Launch - .Club reported on its blog that it sold $142,470.52 in Premium Name Sales in January bringing the total cumulative premium name sales for .CLUB to $3,540,637.79.
During the month of January 2016 there were 408 premium names sold.
5 names (,,, and were sold in the NamesCon auction.
The bulk of the remaining premium name sales were tiered premium names sold through the registrar channel.
China registrars continue to be a strong contributor, however, ... read more ...
PTS generaldirektör slutar – Västerbottens -
Flög med 2,29 promille i blodet
Nyheter En svensk helikopterpilot står åtalad i Norge, misstänkt för att ha flugit helikopter i berusat…
Nomination officielle -
«Le modèle pluripartite a prouvé sa force», indique Göran Marby dans un entretien avec l'AFP. «Il est important pour moi de continuer cette évolution. C'est la manière d'aller de l'avant maintenant». Göran Marby, âgé de 53 ans, dirige actuellement le régulateur suédois des postes et des télécoms (PTS), et il va prendre en mai la tête de l'Icann (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). Cet organisme basé en Californie est chargé de l'attribution des noms de domaine ... read more ...
What domain names to buy this week - Here are some good domain names you can order this week.
Back in the day, I did posts about what upcoming expired domain names to backorder. I haven’t done these in a while, but my recent post about selling domains on NameJet sent about 400 clicks to NameJet in 24 hours. That, along with some requests, made me think there’s some value to this.
For example, did you know that was recently on a Sedo auction? I doubt it. Only three people bid in the auction.
With that in mind, I’m ... read more ...
ICANN taps Göran Marby as new CEO - ICANN names new Chief Executive Officer to replace outgoing head Fadi Chehadé.
ICANN announced this morning that it has hired Göran Marby as its new CEO.
Marby is currently the Director-General of the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority. Prior to that, he co-founded security software company AppGate Network Security, where he served as CEO between 2002 and 2009.
He is a Swedish citizen and currently lives in Stockholm. He will relocate to ICANN’s headquarters in Los Angeles.
There will be a ... read more ...
Changing Your Website's Domain Name – DNW Podcast #70 - Here’s how one company switched its domain name.
Changing your website’s domain name is scary. How will everyone find your website? What will happen to your Google search rankings? On today’s episode, we talk to someone who has successfully made this change, Jeff Gapinksi. Jeff’s company Huemor switched from a .com domain to Even if you aren’t considering moving to a new TLD, what Jeff has to say still applies to any company moving from one domain name to another. Learn why ... read more ...