Monthly Archives: April 2015

Thu 16th April 2015
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Všechny lékárny, které vydávají léky pacientům, mohou od 1. dubna … - Národní asociace lékáren (The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® – NABP®) začne od 1. dubna 2015 přijímat žádosti o registraci doménových jmen s koncovkou .pharmacy. Od spuštění programu registrace doménových jmen druhého řádu (TLD) s koncovkou .pharmacy v roce 2014, dosud asociace schválila asi 275 doménových jmen s koncovkou .pharmacy, které bylo možné registrovat v rámci časově omezeného období předběžné registrace. Asociace NABP ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Free .REALTOR Domains Expanded To Local & State Realtor® Associations & Brokerages On May 7 - “The National Association of Realtors® top-level domain .REALTOR will be available to local and state Realtor® associations as well as brokerages in the U.S. and Canada starting May 7. State and Local REALTOR® Member Boards, and REALTOR® owned and operated MLSs have the opportunity to receive a FREE .REALTOR domain for up to 5 years” Since the .REALTOR top-level domain became available to NAR members in October 2014, more than 95,000 domains have been claimed on a free basis. .Realtor has ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Donuts Wins The New gTLD .Theater - Donuts has won another private auction for a new gTLD, this time the right to operate the new domain extension . The only other applicant for .Theater, KBE gTLD Holding Inc. of Brooklyn New York, whose web address is, withdrew its application Some of the new gTLD’s in that vertical include .broadway, .tickets and .show .Theater was scheduled to go to an ICANN auction later this month There are now only 4 ICANN Contention Last Resort auctions scheduled for April; .Living, ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Domain Movers:, and More - Welcome to Domain Movers. In this series I do the heavy digging and discover domain names that are on the move! The vast majority of the domain names in the following list have been either registered, acquired or simply moving for one reason or another, mostly by large companies. These are often early discoveries and may lead to insight into new brands, services, products, companies and new websites. Here we go with the latest domain movers. has been acquired on behalf of a currently ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
20 End User Domain Name Sales - Here are 20 end user domain name sales that took place over the past week. Sedo handled 593 domain name transactions last week for a total of $1.2 million in sales. End user buyers include a webhosting company that created a shorter domain with .ch, an air conditioning company in Arizona, and a bail bond seller. A whopping 57% of domains that sold at Sedo last week had “buy now” prices. (You can view previous lists like this here. If you’d like to learn how to sell your domain names like these ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Donuts' new TLD renovation rates operation from 55% to 72% - Company releases updated figures for renewal rates. New top level domain name company Donuts has released updated renewal rates for the first 25 top level domain names it launched. Rates range from about 55% to 72%, well under the company’s predicted 80% renewal rate. (The company now says it expects rates to trend toward 80% later in the year.) The highest renewal rate belongs to .technology at 71.7%. The lowest is .directory at just 54.7%. .Guru, which received more first year registrations than ... read more ...
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.REALTOR Top-Level Domains to Launch for Realtor Associations and … - In a move to further offer consumers a trusted, valued source for real estate on the Internet, and thereby strengthen the REALTOR® brand, the National Association of REALTORS®’ (NAR) top-level domain (TLD) .REALTOR will be available to local and state REALTOR® associations as well as brokerages in the U.S. and Canada starting May 7. According to Bob Goldberg, NAR SVP of Marketing, Business Development and Member Benefits, brokers who sign up for the .REALTOR domain will be “pinged ... read more ...
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ICANN.WTF? FTC & OCA Asked Whether .SUCKS is a Law Breaker (Part II) - The first part of this article reviewed the actions taken by ICANN in response to a March 27th letter from the Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) alleging that the pricing of Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) registered terms by the .Sucks registry were "predatory, exploitative and coercive" and requesting that ICANN halt the registry's rollout. This second part explores additional ramifications of ICANN's decision to request two national regulators to review the legality of the registry's ... read more ...
Wed 15th April 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
UDRP Panel Finds Reverse Domain Name Hijacking on Fair Criticism Site & Its Not a .Sucks - Loney John Hutchins (“Complainant”), of Tennessee, has just been found guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH) on his matching domain name The panel of Fernando Triana, Esq, found that the domain was being used as a fair criticism site of conduct of the person’s name in the .com address So the domain holder was able to express his first amendment rights to free speech without having to use a .sucks address Imagine that Here are the highlights Complainant is the owner ... read more ...
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Framing New gTLDs’ Marketing Message - In an earlier essay, I outlined a focused, cooperative marketing strategy that would be a first step for marketing new gTLDs. After that first initiative, gTLD registries' marketing strategy must focus on the complementarities between .com, and new neutral (such as .global and .web) and branding and labeling gTLDs. The legacy domains and the newcomers can work together nicely. If we don't realize this, all Internet users will lose out. Unfortunately, registries of new gTLDs are less focused ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Tom Delonge, Ex Lead Singer/Guitarist of Blink 182 Launches New Site On ToTheStars.Media -         Tom Delonge best known as the former guitarist and co-lead vocalist of the American rock band Blink-182 has launched a new site on the new gTLD ToTheStars.Media Mr. Delonge is already running a Twitter account under ToTheStars in which it says: “The Official Twitter for To The Stars.. Alternative Media Entertainment.” Although the Twitter account lists the URL of the site as, that domain name is re-directing to the .Media domain and the logo makes it clear that ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
16 Yr Old Saved In UDRP But No Reverse Domain Name Hijacking - Grigorius Holdings, SIA (“Complainant”), just lost it bid to grab the generic domain name which was registered on January 2, 1998. The one member panel John J. Upchurch found that Complainant failed to establish rights in a trademark that predate the registration of the domain name. However Mr. Upchurch failed to even discuss Reverse Domain Name Hijacking despite finding the Complainant didn’t meet any of the three requirements of a UDRP and really had no claim to a right ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Verisign Announces First Round of #InternetOfficial Contest First Prize Winners - Verisign announced its first group of winners in its #InternetOfficial Contest. Our own Michael Berkens is one of the judges in this contest. Our illustrious panel of top industry experts and celebrity judges has determined the five best .COM domain names entered into the #InternetOfficial contest during the first monthly entry period. (Drum roll please)…And the winners are: 1. Registered by Tom H. of Niles, Mich. 2. Registered by Adam Y. H. of ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Chat Center ditches a .me and moves to a .Center - John Biggs wrote an article on Tech Crunch yesterday with regards to Chat Center, according to its description Chat Center is the best way to help customers or friends connect with you for Chat. Once you install the app you can claim a Chat Name. This name can be expressed as a URL. From the article: When we last left ChatCenter it was running on the URL and was aimed at creating a one-stop spot for chatting. Now, a few months later, it has moved from a freemium product and gone full ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN good code with an engaging history - A chain of allergy doctors uses a fantastic domain name. Great brand for an allergist.The other day I got out of my car at a retail center and noticed this great domain name on the building next to me: This is a fantastic name for an allergy doctor! I looked up the company and found that they have multiple allergy centers in Central Texas as well as one in the Los Angeles area. The domain name has a bit of history, too. Remember, the .com company that filed for bankruptcy ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
China Dominates 7 Out of Top 10 Trending Keyword Registrations For .Com Domains In March - Verisign’s has posted the top 10 trending keywords registered in .COM and .NET for the month of March The word “China” was the top trending keyword for both .com and .net registrations in March. The next three most trending terms in .Com were also Chinese words. So the top 4 keywords registered in .Com were Chinese and 7 of the top 10. Only appliance, Guys and Rehab were non-Chinese words (including China) Certainly further proof buyers from China are moving the domain market and aftermarket Here ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
France Wants Google to Show Them What's In Their Secret Sauce - The tension between Google and the E.U. continues to persist, now there is talk of a new law in France that would force Google to reveal its secret sauce, in other words show us how your algorithm works. If you think of Google as being dominant in the U.S. it is far greater when it comes to search in Europe. While making up 68% of search volume is the U.S. according to one report, it handles 90 percent in Europe. From Foss Bytes: Google’s secret search algorithm, the heart of Google, may not be ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN
Verisign: China is trending - Chinese terms dominate trending words in .com registrations last month. Much of .com’s growth has been fueled by Asia recently, and the top trending keywords in .com and .net from last month bare this out. Verisign released numbers on March yesterday: It appears that 7 of the top 10 trending terms in .com are in Chinese or related to China. Verisign creates this list by looking at the fastest growing terms from one month to the next. This prevents the list from being full of terms that are always ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Which new TLDs are behaving best on a resale market - .Club is a top seller. NameBio, a domain sales data site, published details this morning about which new top level domain names are selling best on the aftermarket. Here are the top 5 based on publicly-reported sales, ranked by dollar volume: You can see the full chart here. NameBio’s Michael Sumner provides a number of caveats, and I think it’s worth reviewing them. A key one: NameBio’s database only includes public sales it gathers from Sedo, NameJet, Flippa and other marketplaces. I’d ... read more ...
Tue 14th April 2015
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ICANN.WTF? FTC & OCA Asked Whether .SUCKS is a Law Breaker (Part I) - On April 9, 2015 ICANN took the unprecedented step of asking two national consumer protection agencies whether the .Sucks registry, one of the new gTLDs it has approved and which is currently in its sunrise registration period, has a business plan which violates any laws or regulations those agencies enforce. This is the equivalent of sending a message stating, "Dear Regulator: We have lit a fuse. Can you please tell us whether it is connected to a bomb?" With this action ICANN has opened ... read more ...
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eMarketer Report: The Domain Name Explosion: Hundreds of New Choices … - has put out a research paper on the new gtlds titled, “The Domain Name Explosion: Hundreds of New Choices Beyond .com Mean New Marketing Considerations” This report was a paid report, as I called the company about referencing it they also included it in the newsletter section which is available to everyone.(thank you Priscilla) The report draws on data from the Domain Name Association and ntldstats as well as a few others. From the report: ... read more ...
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Beating the Trolls: Celebrities, Companies Rush to Buy .porn Domain Name - Generic top-level domains (gTLDs) are the part of a web link that appears after the dot, In 2011, there were only 22 of those in existence, until the nonprofit Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) decided that there needed to be more. There are now more than 547 and, pretty soon, the list will include gTLDs,.porn, The controversial gTLDs will be available for anyone in the public to buy on a first-come-first-served basis by June ... read more ...
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Huh? Pay beaucoup bucks for .sucks? - As someone whose name also is his brand (welcome to 21st-century journalism), I watch with interest the new .sucks top-level domain, which is available for select preregistration through May 29—the only time to surely secure Today, I looked to a reputable registrar to see what would cost me. Cough, cough: $3,797.99 now, during the so-called Priority Access (e.g., Sunrise) period, or $407.98 when general pre-reg starts ... read more ...
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How ICANN enabled legal Website extortion - I turned 21 in a medium-sized Massachusetts town (not that one) that shall remain nameless. Though I may have tasted the sweet nectar of alcohol prior to the legal line in the sand, it in no way lessened my enthusiasm for the day.For the audacious occasion, I imbibed a local vintage called State Vodka. In our one and only encounter, we established a level of intimacy I’ve rarely found in other parts of my life. Our evening together began early, accompanied by friends and food, but as our ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Sedo Sales Total $1.2 million for a week, led by during $34,000 - Over the past week, 593 transactions took place on Sedo’s marketplace and via SedoMLS, totaling $1.2m. 57% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings.   Highlights of public sales are: Top .com: at 34,000 USD Top ccTLD: at 9,000 EUR Top “other” TLD: at 4,800 USD Congrats to Michael as his sold for $4,888. ... read more ...