Monthly Archives: April 2015

Mon 13th April 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Hugo Boss Loses UDRP Attempt To Grab Domain - Hugo Boss just lost its bid to gain control of the domain name The domain holder Jesus Navarro Saracibar, of Baltimore who seems to own some 10K domain name represented himself in the matter and seemed to do a very good job even citing other UDRP cases in support of his arguement. Bottom line the panel rightly found the term “Hugo” is generic Here are the highlights: Factual Background The Respondent is a German fashion house founded in 1924 by luxury Hugo Boss. The Respondent is listed ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Brands blank a symbol with .Sucks defensive registrations - Knee-jerk reaction doesn’t make sense and leaves companies vulnerable. I’m not a fan of .sucks business model. I’m not a fan of charging big brands a premium to protect their brands with the veiled threat of someone creating a gripe site against the company. At the same time, I’m a bit flummoxed at the knee-jerk reaction some companies are taking with .sucks compared to other domains. They’re paying thousands of dollars to protect their domain name, but leaving many other potential ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
See that new tip turn domain names are deleting - Check out which domains people are letting go. Want to take a second stab at domains registered under new top level domains a year ago? Curious what types of domain names people are giving up on after a year? Domain Punch has a new section that shows which domain names were deleted from the zone file yesterday. You can sort by top level domain and length, as well as see deletion numbers for each top level domain name. Keep in mind the domains on the list have just been deleted from the zone. This ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
UK users still don’t trust fancy new Internet top-level domains, study finds - Added on Apr 13, 2015 by John E Dunn Eighteen months into the new era of generic top-level domains (gTLDs) such as .london, .shop and .bank barely one in ten British and US consumers feels comfortable visiting websites using them, according to a large survey by security firm NCC Group. The survey of 10,000 consumers (5,000 from each country) found that 87 percent said that they didn't feel comfortable visiting new domains, presumably an issue connected to unfamiliarity. Roughly ... read more ...
Sun 12th April 2015
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Sex Domains Big Business In Australia - Iconic.Sydney published an article about Sex and Domains, there is a combo, they go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly. Apparently sex related names are becoming a popular choice with the new Aussie based gtlds. From the article: Overall, adult industry domain names accounted for just over 5% of last week’s registrations, making them more popular than food and hospitality (3.7%), beauty and cosmetics (2.9%) and medical services (2.6%). The sex industry: driving online innovation? The fact ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Why .Com Probably Won't Get NetFlixed By The New Gtlds - Alex Kehr wrote an article on his personal blog, titled “Why .COM will probably get Netflixed by New TLDs” The article is about the relationship of .com and new gtlds being analogous to Blockbuster and NetFlix. I think he is misguided in his interpretation. The other thing missing from the article is that Alex works for who is owned by Rightside. It helps the reader know where you are coming from and where your particular bias may lie. From the article: The .COM domain is starting to ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
World Domain Day 2015 Industry Award Winners & A Big Thanks From -             The World Domain Day 2015 Industry Awards were presented at the World Domain Day conference that was held in New Delhi on April 10th, 2015. We at are very proud to announce we won the award for Best Domain Blog and thank the show organizers and all the voters. Here are the winners of the Awards handed out by WDD, congrats to all: Best Registrar: GoDaddy Best Aftermarket Platform: SEDO Best Parking Provider: DomainNameSales Best Domain Blog: TheDomains Best New gTLD: ... read more ...
Written by in FR and tagged
Calendrier des gTLDS – Semaine du 13 au 19 avril 2015 -   Partager cet article :Ce milieu de mois d’avril est assez calme au niveau des extensions. Afin de ne manquer aucune date, notez les sorties de vos futurs noms de domaine pour la semaine 15. Pour une vision plus lointaine, SafeBrands vous invite à consulter le calendrier des nouvelles extensions.A vos plannings !Fin période Sunrise :16/04 – .ong /.ngo17/04 – .college17/04 – .latOuverture période Landrush :13/04 – .tirolOuverture à tous :15/04 – .garden15/04 – .fashionSi vous ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Three Year Global AdSpend Forecast Growth Better Than Last Twenty - Jack Loechner wrote on MediaPost that the next three year forecast for global ad spend growth is better than the last twenty. The article took a look at a recent study from Zenith Optimedia. No surprise the greatest area for growth is in online video which is expected to grow at an average 29% a year through 2017. From the article: According to the new Advertising Expenditure Forecasts from ZenithOptimedia, global adspend will grow 4.4% to reach $544 Billion US in 2015, and will accelerate to 5.3% ... read more ...
Sat 11th April 2015
Written by in FR and tagged
Calendrier des gTLDS – Semaine du 16 au 22 mars 2015 -   Partager cet article :Le mois de Mars est chargé en matière de nouvelles extensions. Afin de ne manquer aucune date, notez les sorties de vos futurs noms de domaine pour la semaine 12. Pour une vision plus lointaine, SafeBrands vous invite à consulter le calendrier des nouvelles extensions.A vos plannings !Ouverture période SUNRISE :17/03 – .apartments17/03 – .college17/03 – .ong (ngo)17/03 – .irish24/03 – .casino24/03 – .school24/03 – .footballFermeture période SUNRISE :16/03 ... read more ...
Written by in FR and tagged
Calendrier des gTLDS – Semaine du 30 mars au 05 avril 2015 -   Partager cet article :Le début de semaine va être intense puis se calmer en matière de nouveaux tlds. Afin de ne manquer aucune date, notez les sorties de vos futurs noms de domaine pour la semaine 14. Pour une vision plus lointaine, SafeBrands vous invite à consulter le calendrier des nouvelles extensions.A vos plannings !Ouverture période SUNRISE :30/03 – .sucksFin période SUNRISE :30/03 – .wedding01/04 – .porn (période Sunrise TMCH)01/04 – .adult (période Sunrise TMCH)Fin ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
ICANN Really .Sucks By Saying They Don't Regulate Content: Anyone Remember .XXX? - After collecting over 1/3 of a billion dollars in application fees, ICANN attempted to pass off the whole .Sucks issue to law enforcement this week, asking them for an opinion, which is very unlikely to come, of whether the .sucks roll-out violates US or Canadian federal law. ICANN is quoted as saying it was “concerned about the contentions of illicit actions” by Vox Populi but that it lacks the expertise or jurisdiction to evaluate them”. Really? Basically ICANN just “ratted out” one of ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Shocking percentage of consumers do not trust new top-level domains - Security in the Modern World: The ITProPortal Report free to download now: People don’t feel as safe online following the launch of hundreds of new generic top-level domains (gTLDs). According to a poll from NCC Group, 40 per cent of web users reported feeling less secure online since the introduction of the domains which includes the likes of .shop, .bank and .London. Furthermore, 87 per cent said they do not feel very comfortable ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Flippa Weekly Sales Led by - Flippa released their sales leaderboard for the week on their blog today. at $15,000 led the way and that was followed by another, sold for $12,600. Both of these sales were negotiated post auction. Flippa continues to be the place for .io domains. sold for $10,000 and sold for $6,500. There was also some nice .net sales there this week led by at $6,800. Flippa Domain Sales Leaderboard for This Week  @ $15,000  (Negotiated Post-Auction)  ... read more ...
Fri 10th April 2015
Written by in ES and tagged
Los .com cumplen 30 años y siguen en la punta - Los dominios .com continúan siendo los más demandados en el mercado secundario, acaparando el 50% de las peticiones de entre los 200 dominios de primer nivel disponibles en la ha el dominio que mayor precio ha alcanzado, aunque también hay dominios excelentes en español como, e, la plataforma de dominios líder en compraventa y parking de dominios, felicita al .com por su trigésimo aniversario, además de desearle lo mejor, desea informar ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Maybe Those .Sucks Domains Weren’t A Good Idea After All - It looks like you might not be able to buy that .sucks domain name after all. Two months before websites under the new top-level domain (TLD) were set to go on sale to the general public, the whole idea is being called into question in a serious way. After a huge outcry from businesses, the International Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is investigating whether or not the plan to move forward with the .sucks domains—and charge brands exorbitant fees to secure them—is ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
New gTLD’s Registrations Top 5 Million; .Science & .Link Break 100K: We Break … - The number of new gTLD domain name registrations have topped 5 Million for the first time, according to Here are the top 30 most registered new gTLDs: Domain                Total Reg  % of all Reg Now let’s go behind the numbers. .XYZ as we have spoken about numerous times includes about 375,000 free registrations that were stuffed into Network Solutions customer accounts which represented about 43% of its registrations. The next five top-selling registrars for .XYZ ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
Das suckt doch: Streit über Top-Level-Domain – FAZ - Tupperware, Android und Ford haben eins gemeinsam: Sie haben sich an diesem Freitag bei .sucks registriert. Auf der Homepage laufen ihre und andere Unternehmensnamen in einer Liste ein, so dass jeder sehen kann, wer sich für eine Registrierung entschieden hat. ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
We Need a Focused, Cooperative Strategy for Marketing New gTLDs - This essay discusses recent findings on the difficulty of overcoming decision bias, and it argues that this factor, when combined with a diverse and fragmented demand for new gTLDs, makes a focused marketing strategy crucial to the success of the program. In addition, success requires cooperation among registries and resellers when it comes to sales and marketing. Impulse buying aside, a product's sales are driven by the product's utility, which is why some professionals believe that the main ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Go Daddy Purchases Web Design Marketplace Elto - Back in October of 2013 Ophelie Lechat introduced me to a gentleman named Ned Dwyer, Ned ran a company called Tweaky and was looking to change the name of the company and was looking for a new domain name. I submitted a bunch of names both personal and client names. We were close on a couple but nothing that was perfect for the company. Eventually Ned purchased the domain name Today was purchased by Go Daddy. Tech Crunch wrote: Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but Elto had ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
New gTLD's Registrations Top 5 Million; .Science & .Link Break 100K: We Break Down a Numbers - The number of new gTLD domain name registrations have topped 5 Million for the first time, according to Here are the top 30 most registered new gTLDs: Domain                Total Reg  % of all Reg Now let’s go behind the numbers. .XYZ as we have spoken about numerous times includes about 375,000 free registrations that were stuffed into Network Solutions customer accounts which represented about 43% of its registrations. The next five top-selling registrars for .XYZ ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
ICANN responds to IPC concerns, refers ‘.sucks’ to the FTC - Trevor Little Almost two weeks after the IP Constituency (IPC) formally voiced its concern over pricing policies in the ‘.sucks’ top-level domain, ICANN has swung into action, referring the IPC’s allegations to both the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and, because Vox Populi is a Canadian enterprise, Canada's Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA). World ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
SnapNames Is Holding Auction of 36 Registry Owned .Yoga Domain Names - is holding an auction of  36 .Yoga domain names. About 1/2 the domain names have a reserve range price of $1k or less. Many are at no reserve and only one domain has a high range reserve of $2,500 All of the 36 .Yoga domain names are owned by the registry, Minds + Machines (LSE: MMX). The auction closes on May 4th at 3:15pm EST in accordance with normal closing rules. As of publication one domain, has a bid,  but has not hit reserve. Here is the entire ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Big brands register .Sucks as ICANN asks FTC for review - Oprah, Apple and Microsoft among companies paying to protect their brands. Intellectual property interests and brands owners are upset about the .sucks domain name and its pricing, but many big brands aren’t taking chances even as ICANN asks government regulators to review it. .Sucks registry Vox Populi continues to advertise which companies are coughing up dough to prevent their .sucks domains from being available to the general public. Some of the latest: Oprah (, Verizon (, ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Global e-Commerce Sales Projected to Hit $994.5 Billion This Year - Thad Rueter reported for InternetRetailer .com that global e-commerce sales are expected to hit $994.5 billion according to A.T. Kearney. The report cited the United States ahead of China for “online market attractiveness.” From the article: Global e-commerce sales will reach $994.5 billion this year, up 18.4% from $839.8 billion in 2014, according to a new forecast from A.T. Kearney. That compares to a 20.8% year-over-year increase in 2014, with a 16.1% increase anticipated for 2016, to $1.155 ... read more ...