Google paga 25 milioni di dollari per il dominio .app di primo livello - Google, o per meglio dire Charleston Road Registry, consociata di Google, ha sborsato 25 milioni di dollari per disporre dei diritti esclusivi sul dominio di primo livello ".app". Le finalità dell'accordo appaiono logiche, tuttavia Big G non ha ancora piani per l'utilizzo del nuovo dominio nell'immediato futuro. La nuova proprietà si aggiunge agli altri domini di Big G, fra cui .android, .free, .fyi e .foo.
L'interesse di Google per i domini di primo livello è nato nel 2012, a quattro anni dalla ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: February 2015
Fri 27th February 2015
GoDaddy's latest obvious applications - Company adds to its stack of pending patents.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has just published a handful of patent applications filed by GoDaddy.
Methods and Systems for Recommending Packages of Domain Names for Registration (application 14/500711) is a continuation of patents I wrote about earlier this month. It essentially describes a way to determining which domain names a user will want and presenting them as a package.
Two others are related to submitting an offer for a domain name when ... read more ...
Dominio .app | Google | Pagati 25 milioni di dollari -
L'uso esclusivo del dominio di primo livello .app è costato a Google la bellezza di 25 milioni di dollari, con i quali l'azienda di Mountain View ha frantumato il record precedente di vendita per i nuovi TLD messi all'asta da ICANN.
L'asta riguardante il dominio .app è in realtà solo una tra quelle a cui Google ha deciso di partecipare a partire dal 2012, anno di avvio da parte dell'ente non profit delle procedure di assegnazione ... read more ...
Top-Level-Domain: Google kauft .app für 25 Millionen US-Dollar -
Auch wenn Google anlässlich der Übernahme der Top-Level-Domain keine konkreten Pläne bekanntgemacht hat, so ist doch klar, dass dem Unternehmen .app sehr viel Geld wert war. 25 Millionen US-Dollar bezahlt Google dafür.
Google bewirbt sich schon seit 2012 um neue Top-Level-Domains und hat sich für .docs, .android, .free, .fyi und .foo beworben. Die Icann versteigert die TLDs seit Juni 2014 nach und nach - und hat darüber schon Millionen eingenommen. So wurde nach Angaben von Businessinsider ... read more ..., Holder of Italian Trademark Awarded In UDRP Based On Links On Parked Page -
Oscar Studio di Cavallin Oscar of Veneto, Italy, which owns an Italian Trademark on the term “leather crown” just won a UDRP on matching .com which was owned by Rob Monster of Epik who registered the domain name on July 18, 2012.
The Complainant operates its site at and has a Italian trademark registered on November 29, 2010 (filed July 28, 2009) in class 25 for clothing, footwear and headgear.The one member panel of Tony Willoughby, while making it clear ... read more ...
Google s’empare de l’extension de nom de domaine (gTLD) .app pour 25 millions de dollars -
Google a mis 25 millions de dollars sur la table afin de s’emparer du nom de domaine .app. Aucune entreprise auparavant n’a mis autant d’argent sur la table pour mettre la main sur une extension de nom de domaine.
C’est fait, désormais l’extension de nom de domaine (ou, pour être plus précis, domaine de premier niveau générique, ou gTLD) .app appartient à Google. Comme l’indique le site Business Insider, Google, ... read more ...
Google s’empare de l’extension de nom de domaine (gTLD) .app pour 25 … -
Google a mis 25 millions de dollars sur la table afin de s’emparer du nom de domaine .app. Aucune entreprise auparavant n’a mis autant d’argent sur la table pour mettre la main sur une extension de nom de domaine.
C’est fait, désormais l’extension de nom de domaine (ou, pour être plus précis, domaine de premier niveau générique, ou gTLD) .app appartient à Google. Comme l’indique le site Business Insider, Google, ... read more ...
Domini Internet, Google compra .app per 25 milioni di dollari -
È la cifra più alta mai pagata per l’acquisto di un top-level domain. Big G, che ha vinto l’asta indetta dall’Icann, non ha ancora comunicato come sfrutterà la nuova estensione ma gli sviluppi sono facilmente immaginabili. Il nome si aggiungerà alla lista di “etichette” già controllate da Mountain View, tra cui .how e .soy.
Pubblicato il 27 febbraio 2015 da Alessandro Andriolo
Google fa la spesa nel mondo del Web e si porta a casa ... read more ...
Google kauft teuerste Domain: .app kostet 25 Millionen Dollar -
Google: Zahlt 25 Millionen Dollar für .app.
Google hat für 25 Millionen US-Dollar die exklusiven Rechte an der Top-Level-Domain (TLD) .app bekommen. Das ist die höchste Summe, die je für einen TLD gezahlt wurde. Schon 2012 hatte Google für zahlreiche Top-Level-Domains bei der Vergabestelle ICANN geboten. Darunter waren .android, .docs, .free, .fyi und .app, schreibt Business Insider.
... read more ...
25 millió dollárért vett domént a Google -
A doméneket felügyelő szervezet, az ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) jelentése szerint a Google 25 millió + 1 dollárért megvásárolta a .app felső szintű domént (TLD).
A cég már 2012-ben benyújtotta az igényét a doménre, amikor az ICANN úgy döntött, hogy bővítik az általános TLD-k számát. A Google akkor kinyilvánította vásárlási szándékát egyéb doménekre is: docs, ... read more ...
Google compra il dominio di primo livello .app -
In un futuro non troppo lontano sarà possibile navigare su siti Web come “”, “” oppure “”. Il gruppo di Mountain View ha infatti portato a termine l’acquisto del dominio di primo livello .app, con un investimento pari a 25 milioni di dollari (per l’esattezza 25.001.000, il più caro di sempre). L’operazione è stata autorizzata dall’ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), ente statunitense che si occupa ... read more ...
Rekord: Google übernimmt Top-Level-Domain .app für 25 Millionen Dollar -
Mitte 2012 hat die ICANN bekannt gegeben, dass man viele neue TLDs auf den Markt bringen und diese in einem Auktions-System verkaufen möchte. Google hatte sich diese Liste ganz genau angesehen und für nicht weniger als 101 Domain-Endungen ein Gebot abgegeben. Bekommen hatte man allerdings nur 19 neue TLDs, die nicht unbedingt alle einen Sinn ergeben. Doch jetzt hat Google bei einer erneuten Auktion noch einmal zugeschlagen und sich .app für ganze 25 Millionen Dollar gesichert.
Böse Zungen ... read more ...
Huszonöt millió dollárért vett domént a Google -
A doméneket felügyelő szervezet, az ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) jelentéséből kiderül, hogy a nemrég megnyílt lehetőséggel élve a .app felső szintű domént (top-level domain – TLD) a Google vásárolta meg 25 millió + 1 dollárért.
A cég nem most döntött így: igényüket már 2012-ben bejelentették, amikor az ICANN közölte, hogy bővítik az általános TLD-k számát (a Google akkor kinyilvánította vásárlási szándékát egyéb doménekre ... read more ...
Google kauft Top-Level-Domain .app um 25 Millionen Dollar -
Der Suchmaschinenkonzern Google hat laut Business Insider einen Rekordpreis von 25 Millionen Dollar für die Top-Level-Domain (TLD) .app bezahlt. Ursprünglich hatte sich Google 2012 dafür beworben, nun hat man auch den Zuschlag bekommen. Gleichzeitig hat sich Google auch für andere TLDs wie .youtube, .chrome, .baby oder .web beworben. Seitdem versteigert die Domainverwaltungsbehörde ICANN die entsprechenden Adressen.
Google hat bislang den Zuschlag für .how, .soy und .minna erhalten ... read more ...
Invenzione israeliana + savoir – faire francese: rivoluzione nell … -
Un trattore rivoluzionario a rimorchio semi-robotico chiamato TaxiBot, sviluppato dall’Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) e prodotto dal fornitore francese di apparecchiature aeroportuali TLD Group, è stato recentemente distribuito nell’Aeroporto di Francoforte.
La rivoluzione di TaxiBot risiede nella costatazione che il consumo di carburante di un aereo che si muove su una pista è molto importante. Ad esempio, un 747 spende una media 1,25 tonnellate di kerosene nei 17 minuti prima del ... read more ...
Meet The Man Who Just Received 100,000 Shares in -
CNN Money published an article on Eric Martin of York, Pennsylvania, which is a two hour drive away from me. The article title was catchy, “This guy used a get rich quick scheme and got rich” When you read the article it seems Mr. Martin spent some money to get rich quick.
We wrote an article earlier this month about, the domain which was sold by legendary domain investor Garry Chernoff, is now looking to take on Amazon in the business of e-commerce. was running an interesting ... read more ...
Thu 26th February 2015
More Evidence Why Doing Good Pays Off and Love Doesn’t -
The new gTLDs program can't succeed unless two things happen. The approved registries must do good, and ICANN must weed out applicants who are in love. This is to say that registries should put users' good first, and applicants shouldn't get the nod unless their motive is economic and/or social viability.
A recent study reveals that leading companies have enjoyed healthy profits because they made doing good their strategic foundation. The authors analyzed the core values of 34 companies from ... read more ...
Google Wins The new gTLD .APP For $25 Million - The new gTLD .APP sold for $25 Million to Google today in a ICANN Last Resort Auction which I think is very good news for the new gTLD program in general.
This is the highest price paid in an ICANN Last Resort Auction.
It looks like Google was willing to pay over $30 Million based on the info published by ICANN today
The previously high price paid for a new gTLD in an ICANN Last Resort Auction was $6,760,000 which was paid by Radix for .Tech.
Radix was also a bidder for .APP
.APP had the largest ... read more ...
Google Paid Developers More than $7 BILLION in 2014 For Apps & Games On Google Play - According to a blog post on it company blog today “Google Play now reaches more than 1 billion people on Android devices in more than 190 countries”
“In the past year, we paid more than $7 billion to developers distributing apps and games on Google Play.”
“App discovery plays a critical role in driving your continued success, and over the past year Google has provided best practices to enhance app discovery and engagement, as well as app promotion tools to get the most out of search and ... read more ...
Brands urged to do more to stop ‘predatory pricing’ in next gTLD round -
Tim Lince
Elisa Cooper, vice president of domain product marketing for MarkMonitor, has urged brands to do more to encourage ICANN to tackle predatory pricing during new gTLD sunrise periods. Failure to do so may mean that trademark owners are further held to ransom during the second wave of new gTLDs.
She told World Trademark Review that it’s “not ... read more ...
Jennifer Wolfe Joins a Board - According to a press release we just received DomainDiction, a PR and marketing agency dedicated to the domain industry, announced that Jennifer Wolfe, “the world’s leading expert on TLDs for brands”, will be joining the DomainDiction board of directors.
” As a valuable new addition Jennifer will provide vital strategic guidance and experience with the C-suite among top global brands who are currently launching and creating strategy around their Top Level Domains.
“DomainDiction works closely ... read more ...
Frank Schilling defends in UDRP - Owner of .net domain name filed cybersquatting complaint.
Nothin’ but .net!Baseball equipment company DBAT has lost a UDRP it filed against Frank Schilling for the domain name The baseball company uses the DBAT.NET domain name.
According to the decision (embedded below), DBAT originally threatened Shilling with a UDRP in 2009. It then tried to acquire the domain name through an attorney in 2012. While the details of the 2012 discussions are in dispute, it’s clear that the company tried ... read more ...
Here Is Our Run Down As New gTLD’s Top 4.5 Million Registrations - .Science added another 14K+ domain names registrations yesterday in its second day of general availability, putting the number of new gTLD registrations over the 4.5 million mark.
New gTLD registrations still have a large percentage of free, almost free, very low cost and related party registrations.
.Science domain names which just launched two days ago, are still being registered for free at now has registered 26,656 of the 27,500 .Science domain names or over 96% of ... read more ...
Domain Pulse: Experten sehen neue Top Level Domains an der Grenze zur Irrelevanz -
Nach dem Hype um die Erweiterung des Namensraums um hunderte neue TLDs von .paris, bis .sucks, kommt jetzt die Ernüchterung. Auf der Domain Pulse Konferenz in Berlin räumten selbst die Optimisten ein, dass ihnen wohl noch ein Marathon bevorsteht.
Die Bilanz zu den neuen generischen Top Level Domains (gTLD) fiel nüchtern aus auf der Domain Pulse, dem alljährlichen Treffen der der deutsch-sprachigen Länderadressregistries ... read more ...
Domain Pulse: Experten sehen neue Top Level Domains an der Grenze zur … -
Nach dem Hype um die Erweiterung des Namensraums um hunderte neue TLDs von .paris, bis .sucks, kommt jetzt die Ernüchterung. Auf der Domain Pulse Konferenz in Berlin räumten selbst die Optimisten ein, dass ihnen wohl noch ein Marathon bevorsteht.
Die Bilanz zu den neuen generischen Top Level Domains (gTLD) fiel nüchtern aus auf der Domain Pulse, dem alljährlichen Treffen der der deutsch-sprachigen Länderadressregistries ... read more ...