Monthly Archives: November 2014

Thu 13th November 2014
Written by in EN and tagged
1st Day New gTLD Totals: .Melbourne 2518: .Restaurant 2389; .Gifts 1010; .Sarl … - 4 new gTLD entered General Availability (GA) yesterday (.Melbourne was on Tuesday local time) and including all Sunrise domain name registrations by trademark holdersm and all registrations under the landrush in the case of .Melbourne and the Early Access Program for those willing to pay an additional amount to get early access to a domain name here are the totals after the 1st day of GA: .Melbourne 2,518 .Restaurant 2,389 .Gifts 1,010 .Sarl 176 We should note that Uniregistry launched ;Gift a while ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
1st Day New gTLD Totals: .Melbourne 2,518: .Restaurant 2,389; .Gifts 1,010; .Sarl 176 - 4 new gTLD entered General Availability (GA) yesterday (.Melbourne was on Tuesday local time) and including all Sunrise domain name registrations by trademark holdersm and all registrations under the landrush in the case of .Melbourne and the Early Access Program for those willing to pay an additional amount to get early access to a domain name here are the totals after the 1st day of GA: .Melbourne 2,518 .Restaurant 2,389 .Gifts 1,010 .Sarl 176 We should note that Uniregistry launched ;Gift a while ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
DC Court rules that Top-Level Domain not subject to seizure - As I mentioned several months ago, a group of plaintiffs, having obtained judgments in US courts against the government of Iran, has been seeking to satisfy those judgments via writs of attachment – court-ordered seizures – of property belonging to the Iranian government.  This can be a relatively straightforward process when applied to bank accounts, real estate, or tangible personal property – the usual targets of seizure orders.  But the plaintiffs here sought to seize the .ir top-level ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
No, you can’t seize country TLDs, US court rules - In a landmark ruling that signals a win for the current system of Internet governance, a U.S. court has quashed an attempt to seize Iran’s, Syria’s and North Korea’s domains as part of a lawsuit against those countries’ governments. Four mindblowing Ted Talks for techies TED talks make that possible to do in a single sitting. Here are four talks that in just over an hour READ NOW The plaintiffs in the case wanted to seize the country’s ccTLDs (country code top-level ... read more ...
Written by in ES and tagged
No, you can’t seize country TLDs, US court rules - In a landmark ruling that signals a win for the current system of Internet governance, a U.S. court has quashed an attempt to seize Iran's, Syria's and North Korea's domains as part of a lawsuit against those countries' governments.The plaintiffs in the case wanted to seize the country's ccTLDs (country code top-level domains) .ir, .sy and .kp after they successfully sued Iran, Syria and North Korea as state sponsors of terrorism. The domain seizure was ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Amazon’s Surprising Domain Name Move - Amazon has won the right to create domain names ending in .Pay, according to domain-tracking newsletter The Domains. The E-commerce giant, which applied for the .Pay top-level domain (TLD) rights in 2012, became the last bidder standing after Swiss company DotPay SA dropped out just days before .Pay was scheduled to be auctioned off. That means Amazon can proceed through a now-mostly-bureaucratic process of officially being assigned rights to the TLD, including signing a contract that requires ... read more ...
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Aruba si aggiudica l’estensione .cloud - Aruba si è aggiudicata l’estensione .cloud, concretizzando le sue prospettive di operatore globale su questo mercato. Oltre all’italiana specializzata in servizi di web hosting e cloud provider, avevano fatto domanda per diventare Registro Ufficiale per la registrazione dei domini .cloud sei società, tra cui Amazon, Charleston Road Registry (Google) e Symantec.    Il dominio in questione è un’estensione molto ambita, non solo perchè di grande rilevanza per tutti gli attori del ... read more ...
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Domini di primo livello: Aruba si aggiudica il .cloud -

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Domini di primo livello: Aruba si aggiudica il .cloud -

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Written by in DE and tagged
ICANN gewinnt Rechtsstreit um die Pfändung von Länderdomains .ir, .sy und .kp - Logo der ICANN Die country code Top-Level Domains der Länder des Irans, Syriens und Nordkoreas sind nach Ansicht eines US-amerikanischen Gerichts nicht pfändbar. Das US-Gericht District Court of Columbia hat eine Pfändung der Länderadressen des Irans (.ir), Syriens (.sy) und Nordkoreas (.kp) abgewiesen. Die country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs) der Länder sind nach Ansicht des Gerichts ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
US-Gericht: Länderdomains können nicht gepfändet werden - Nachdem Kläger, die durch ein Bombenattentat verletzt wurden, in den USA erfolgreich auf Schadensersatz geklagt hatten, musste ein US-Gericht nun entscheiden, ob die 'country code Top-Level Domains' (ccTLDs) der Länder Iran (.ir), Syrien (.sy) und Nordkorea (.nk) pfändbar sind, um den Schadensersatz geltend zu machen. Nachdem die Länderdomains auf einer Liste für mögliches Pfandgut aufgelistet waren, hatte die ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) die Pfändbarkeit angefechtet. Die ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
ICANN gewinnt Rechtsstreit um die Pfändung von Länderdomains .ir, .sy und .nk - Logo der ICANN Die country code Top-Level Domains der Länder des Irans, Syriens und Nordkoreas sind nach Ansicht eines US-amerikanischen Gerichts nicht pfändbar. Das US-Gericht District Court of Columbia hat eine Pfändung der Länderadressen des Irans (.ir), Syriens (.sy) und Nordkoreas (.kp) abgewiesen. Die country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs) der Länder sind nach Ansicht des Gerichts ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Amazon wins Online Auction for .Book Domain – Good E - ICANN has been running a series of auctions over the course of the last year for a new series of custom domain names. Amazon has been battling it out against rival publishing and self-publishing companies in an effort to attain the lucrative .book TLD. Amazon has just won the auction despite a filing by the Association of American Publishers in 2013 that opposed its bid, and described the possible control of the .book TLD by the retailer, or by any private company, to be counter to the ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Domain Name Abuse Is a 4 Letter Word - There has been a lot of back and forth recently in the ICANN world on what constitutes domain abuse; how it should be identified and reported AND how it should be addressed. On one side of the camp, we have people advocating for taking down a domain that has any hint of misbehaviour about it, and on the other side we have those that still feel Registries and Registrars have no responsibility towards a clean domain space. (Although that side of the camp is in steady decline and moving toward ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged owners will remove large if Verisign doesn’t get the way - They could be forced to buy transliterations within a limited time period. Verisign has been negotiating its contracts for transliterations of .com for a long time, and last week we got an idea about what the hold up is. ICM Registry, the domain registry for .xxx and the forthcoming .adult, .porn and .sex top level domains, announced that it finally inked contracts with ICANN for new TLDs. The catch is that ICM had to change how it handled its Domain Matching program. ICM ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
.Melbourne hits 2,775 registrations, .restaurant has plain initial day - .Melbourne wins the day, but not by much. The .Melbourne domain name launched Wednesday in Australia — Tuesday night in the United States — and had 2,775 domain names registered at the close of business on day one of general availability. That does not include landrush domain names that are still in contention. The zone file for .melbourne is a bit tricky, given that the domain launched close to midnight UTC. So these numbers are straight from the registry. Donuts ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Last week’s 200+ lapsed domain name sales adult to $27.1k - In this report, Joseph Peterson discusses over 200 expired domain name sales from last week. A picture is worth a thousand words, and these – depicting KPF’s architectural plan for the Meixi district of Changsha, a capital city in China – go a long way to explaining the $27.1k high bid in NameJet’s auction of last week. Half Dubai, half Venice. I’d love to see the place if they ever build it. Buyers of acronym domains like ($8.8k) are ... read more ...
Wed 12th November 2014
Written by in FR and tagged
Premier pilote Windows 10 référencé sur TLD - Nous vous parlions il y a quelques minutes des projets d'Intel concernant ses drivers graphiques pour Windows 10 (NT 6.4). Il est désormais temps pour nous de référencer sur TLD le tout premier pilote officiellement compatible avec ce système d'exploitation et plus exactement avec la Technical Preview (build 9860) sortie fin Septembre. La société Displaylink est la première à dégainer avec son pilote DisplayLink Graphics 7.8 (7.8.58480) qui est toutefois qualifié pour le moment de version ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Tucows Reports & Plans Repurchase $8 Million in Shares - Tucows (NASDAQ:TCX, TSX:TC) reported earnings for the third quarter of 2014 after the market closed. Net revenue for the third quarter of 2014 increased 9% to $38.9 million from $35.6 million for the third quarter of 2013. Net income for the third quarter of 2014 was $2.7 million, or $0.24 per share, compared with $2.6 million, or $0.24 per share, for the third quarter of 2013. Net income for both the third quarters of 2013 and 2014 included the contribution of confidential arrangements related ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Tucows Reports & Plans Repurchase $8 Million in Shares - Tucows (NASDAQ:TCX, TSX:TC) reported earnings for the third quarter of 2014 after the market closed. Net revenue for the third quarter of 2014 increased 9% to $38.9 million from $35.6 million for the third quarter of 2013. Net income for the third quarter of 2014 was $2.7 million, or $0.24 per share, compared with $2.6 million, or $0.24 per share, for the third quarter of 2013. Net income for both the third quarters of 2013 and 2014 included the contribution of confidential arrangements related ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Afnic Study Looks At Who Are The New G’s Affecting Most ? - the registry for domain names in .fr put out a study that took a look at how is the proliferation of new gtlds affecting the existing gtld and cctlds that have been around for many years. The study broke extensions into 3 separate categories: The three main categories are: nTLDs: TLDs created since the end of 2013 and introduced to the market as of the onset of 2014; as of September 2014, there were 408 nTLDs; gTLDs or “legacy TLDs”: all 18 of them are generic TLDs created between 1985 ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Afnic Study Looks At Who Are The New G’s Affecting Most ? - the registry for domain names in .fr put out a study that took a look at how is the proliferation of new gtlds affecting the existing gtld and cctlds that have been around for many years. The study broke extensions into 3 separate categories: The three main categories are: nTLDs: TLDs created since the end of 2013 and introduced to the market as of the onset of 2014; as of September 2014, there were 408 nTLDs; gTLDs or “legacy TLDs”: all 18 of them are generic TLDs created between 1985 ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
1-800Flowers Gets,,,, - Today two new gTLD’s from Donuts go into General Availability today .Gifts and .Restaurant. Both of the strings have around 330 domain name registered in the Sunrise period for “trademark holders” and the Early Access program where people paid an extra fee for early access. When it comes to gifts, except for the domain names that were reserved or on the ICANN collision list, the very best domain names are gone and most of them to under those “trademarks” Check out this ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Amazon Wins Auction for .Book Domain - has won the right to operate the .book top-level domain name in a private auction, according to reports from a number of technology news sites.Amazon’s winning bid will give it the right to sell Internet domain names that end in the suffix .book. While the prices paid in private generic top-level domain (TLD) auctions are generally not revealed, Amazon is reported to have made a winning bid of about $10 million. Amazon won the right to operate the .book TLD in an auction that at ... read more ...
Written by in FR and tagged
Une coquille technico-administrative retarde la réservation du … - La décision de l’ICANN, (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)  l’organisme international, de droit californien,  qui gère  pour tout l’internet mondial les TLD (Top level Domain) de nos chers domaines comme le .com .fr,) d’offrir la possibilité, aux plus fortunés, d’ouvrir leur propre TLD à leur nom, permettant ainsi, par exemple, à la ville de Paris de créer et de mettre à disposition, selon certaines conditions, son propre domaine en ““ au ... read more ...