Up Next In The Crypto Currency World – Pot Coin -
This could be a trend domain investor’s dream, the combination of a crypto currency and marijuana. Two of the more popular threads on Namepros are the showcase threads for Marijuan, Pot, Hemp names, and one for showcasing your Bitcoin names.
Roger Huang wrote on Tech Crunch about Pot Coin
It started with one evocative name shouted into the phone from one developer to another: “Potcoin!”
The Founding Fathers had to work for years to craft a Constitution that would grant the government the ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: March 2014
Mon 17th March 2014
First City New gTLD To Goes Live Tomorrow .Berlin -
Arguably it is the extension that kicked this whole new gTLD thing off.
On March 18, .BERLIN will launch into the General Availability phase. 777 years after the city was founded, any business, organization or individual can register Internet addresses under .BERLIN.
Worldwide, this marks the first time a city receives its own new top-level domain. More than 3.4 million Berliners will be given a new home on the net.
According to InternetX, “Even during the pre-registration phase, .BERLIN was ... read more ...
First City New gTLD To Goes Live Tomorrow .Berlin - Arguably it is the extension that kicked this whole new gTLD thing off.
On March 18, .BERLIN will launch into the General Availability phase. 777 years after the city was founded, any business, organization or individual can register Internet addresses under .BERLIN.
Worldwide, this marks the first time a city receives its own new top-level domain. More than 3.4 million Berliners will be given a new home on the net.
According to InternetX, “Even during the pre-registration phase, .BERLIN was one ... read more ...
You Can Bid On The Super Premium Live Domain Auction For The Chinese IDN … -
TLD Registry the company behind the new gTLD for the Chinese IDN for Online (.在线) as well as the registry for the new gTLD (中文网) (Dot Chinese Website) will be holding a live auction in Macau starting at 11 a.m. Friday local Macau Time (03:00 UTC) March 21, 2014 (Thursday March 20th at 11pm EST), and Sedo.com will be taking online bids for those that cannot be in attendance.
As far as I know this is only the second time that Sedo is allowing for online bidding from a live auction ... read more ...
You Can Bid On The Super Premium Live Domain Auction For The Chinese IDN Online -
TLD Registry the company behind the new gTLD for the Chinese IDN for Online (.在线) as well as the registry for the new gTLD (中文网) (Dot Chinese Website) will be holding a live auction in Macau starting at 11 a.m. Friday local Macau Time (03:00 UTC) March 21, 2014 (Thursday March 20th at 11pm EST), and Sedo.com will be taking online bids for those that cannot be in attendance.
As far as I know this is only the second time that Sedo is allowing for online bidding from a live auction event, ... read more ...
Swimsuit.Photos Auction Closes during $3,550 At Godaddy & People Paid $700 To Bid on It - The new gTLD domain name Swimsuit.Photos closed on Friday for $3,550.
The domain name was auctioned off by Godaddy.com who had multiple applications for the domain on the 4th day of registrations, which is part of Donuts Early Access program (EAP).
The cost for an EAP 4 day registration is around $700 at Godaddy depending on the domain.
So in essence the domain sold for $4,250 which is the $700 the winning bidder paid to get the domain on day 4 plus the amount of the winning bid.
The losers in the ... read more ...
Trademark holders fear ‘cybersquatters’ as Web names grow -
GENEVA – The mass expansion of Internet domain names could cause havoc for the defense of trademarks in cyberspace, the U.N.’s intellectual property body warned Monday.
“We have this extraordinary expansion that is going on,” said Francis Gurry, head of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which oversees global rules against “cybersquatting.”
“That is going to have an impact, which is likely to be significant, on trademark protection,” Gurry ... read more ...
Verisign Now Down Over 10% Despite Assurances That ICANN’s Move Has No Effect On .com/.net -
Shares of Verisign are now down over 10% in trading today.
Shares of the company ended trading on Friday at $54.85 are now trading at $49.17 after touch off of its intraday low of $48.55.
Verisign issued a statement today saying that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) announcement of its intent to transition key Internet domain name functions would have no effect on .com or .net registry.
Of course the concern is what will happen the next time Verisign contract ... read more ...
Canyon.bike Lost In 1st UDRP Decision On A New gTLD Domain Name -
Canyon Bicycles GmbH of Koblenz, Germany, just won the first UDRP decision on a new gTLD domain name, canyon.bike (all other decision up to now have been URS cases)
The one member panel found that when it comes to new gTLD’s the will take the entire domain name, both on the left and right of the dot in determining whether the domain name infringes on a trademark:
The Panel finds that, given the advent of multiple new gTLD domain names, panels may determine that it is appropriate to include ... read more ...
Canyon.bike Lost In 1st UDRP Decision On A New gTLD Domain Name - Canyon Bicycles GmbH of Koblenz, Germany, just won the first UDRP decision on a new gTLD domain name, canyon.bike (all other decision up to now have been URS cases)
The one member panel found that when it comes to new gTLD’s the will take the entire domain name, both on the left and right of the dot in determining whether the domain name infringes on a trademark:
The Panel finds that, given the advent of multiple new gTLD domain names, panels may determine that it is appropriate to include consideration ... read more ...
Verisign Issues Statement On ICANN’s Move & Is Down Over 5% In Pre-market -
VeriSign, Inc. VRSN today provided a statement on the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) announcement of its intent to transition key Internet domain name functions.
Verisign shares are down over 5% in pre-market activity trading at just over $52 a share.
Here is Verisign’s announcement:
“”The announcement by NTIA on Friday, March 14, 2014, does not affect Verisign’s operation of the .com and .net registries. The announcement does not impact Verisign’s ... read more ...
Nouvelles extensions Internet : URS ou UDRP ? -
J’ai hésité à plusieurs reprises avant de choisir le titre de cet article. J’hésitais entre celui indiqué ci-dessus (plus Corporate) et les deux ci-après: “Nouveaux gTLDs: si j’étais un cybersquatteur...” et, “Nouveaux gTLDs: l’URS, le nouvel outil des cybersquatteurs”.
Dans la “vraie vie”, j’aurais opté pour le troisième titre car les marques ont vraiment du souci à se faire dans les prochaines années. ... read more ...
Expansion of Domain Name Space May Shift Trademark Protection Strategies … – ag-IP - GENEVA - The unprecedented expansion of the Internet domain name space, until now dominated by .com and a handful of other generic top-level domains (gTLDs), is likely to disrupt existing strategies for trademark protection on the web, a press release by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) stated.
“Trademark owners have been facing significant uncertainty in the expansion of the Domain Name System (DNS) while at the same time working with reduced protection budgets,” said WIPO ... read more ...
Web revolution could hit trademarks -
2014-03-17 09:32
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Geneva - The mass expansion of internet domain names could cause havoc for the defence of trademarks in cyberspace, the UN's intellectual property body warned on Monday."We have this extraordinary expansion ... read more ...
Web domain name revolution could hit trademark defense -
GENEVA - The mass expansion of Internet domain names could cause havoc for the defense of trademarks in cyberspace, the UN's intellectual property body warned on Monday.
"We have this extraordinary expansion that is going on," said Francis Gurry, head of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which oversees global rules against cybersquatting.
"That is going to have an impact, which is likely to be significant, on trademark protection. The exact nature of the impact, we aren't ... read more ...
After winning UDRP, Denver Nuggets let DenverNuggets.com domain name expire -
Denver’s NBA team fought hard for domain name but then dropped the ball.
After going through the effort to win the domain name DenverNuggets.com in a UDRP, the NBA team has failed to renew the domain name.
It now points to an expired domain parked page including ads for Denver Nuggets tickets. [Update: the Nuggets have renewed the domain name.]
The basketball team won a UDRP for the domain name in 2009, but the history of the domain name since then is a bit confusing. ... read more ...
RrSG provides justification to behind adult claims done opposite Minds + Machines -
Communication shows that Web.com didn’t receive contract until after reservation program was live.
Last month I wrote that ICANN’s Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) was questioning if Top Level Domain Holdings/Minds + Machines’ “Priority Registration System” complied with ICANN contracts.
Issues around registry and registrar cross ownership and making sure registries provide equal opportunity to unaffiliated registrars are sure to pop up in coming years. ... read more ...
6 new TLDs have eclipsed a 10,000 registration milestone -
.Directory enters the club as I become more sure of my forecast for new TLD registration volumes.
Of the dozens of new top level domain names to enter general availability so far, six have now topped 10,000 registrations based on zone file records. .Directory is the most recent entrant in this club after hitting the milestone within the past few days.
Other domains with over 10,000 registrations include .guru, .photography, .tips, .today and .technology.
There are ... read more ...
Verisign tells markets NTIA news doesn’t impact the .com agreement while batch drops -
Verisign points out that NTIA announcement has nothing to do with .com, but at least one analyst has downgraded the stock due to uncertainty.
Verisign issued a press release this morning reminding investors that Friday’s big news about the U.S. government transitioning internet responsibilities does not affect its lucrative contract to run the .com domain name registry.
Verisign shares were down about 6% in the first few minutes of trading today.
Last Friday National ... read more ...
Sun 16th March 2014
The first city in the world with its own domain name is Berlin -
Video: New 'Fairy Tail' anime 1st trailer
Berlin first city to get its full name as own Internet domain
Berlin -
According to DPA News, Berlin can use its own Internet suffix. Thisis technically what is known as a generic top-level domain (gTLD). For Berlin to become the first city came about from an agreement between Berlin's local government and ICANN, the US-based organisation that co-ordinates global Internet ... read more ...
How Are ICANN’s New TLDs Doing? -
ICANN has now accepted several hundred new top level domains (TLDs) and some of them are now open for general registration. I have sized up for zone file access, so I can download daily snapshots of most of the active zones, and I'm making daily counts of the number of names in each zone.
Here's the 20 largest new zones, and the hundred most popular names in the new zones, as of today. Once have more data, I'll make up some charts.
By John Levine, Author, Consultant Speaker. More blog ... read more ...
New gTLD Domain Registrations Pass The 250000 Mark -
According to ntldstats.com, the number of new gTLD domain name registration has now passed the 250,000 mark.
.Guru is still leading the pack with almost 45,000 registrations but .Photography is closing in passing 28,000 registrations.
.Tips and .Today have about the same amount of registrations which are quickly approaching 15,000 each.
.Technology and .Director each have just over 10,000 registrations.
Of all fully launched new gTLD’s .Tattoo seems to have the least with just over 1,200 ... read more ...
New gTLD Domain Registrations Pass The 250,000 Mark - According to ntldstats.com, the number of new gTLD domain name registration has now passed the 250,000 mark.
.Guru is still leading the pack with almost 45,000 registrations but .Photography is closing in passing 28,000 registrations.
.Tips and .Today have about the same amount of registrations which are quickly approaching 15,000 each.
.Technology and .Director each have just over 10,000 registrations.
Of all fully launched new gTLD’s .Tattoo seems to have the least with just over 1,200 registrations.
.Tattoo ... read more ...
UDRP Filed On 19 Year Old Domain BigBang.com Owned By Vertical Axis -
A UDRP has been filed on the domain name BigBang.com by Javier Zetter Casillas
The domain name BigBang.com was originally registered back in February 1995 making it 19 years old.
The domain name changed hands a few times but has been owned by Vertical Axis, Inc since at least 2006.
The domain name is parked
Of course the most famous meaning of the term Big Bang refers to how some believe the universe was created.
However there is also a popular television show known as the Big Bang Theory and ... read more ...
DVD Ripping Software Company has domains seized though stays defiant - Torrent Freak reported a few days back that a DVD ripping software company DVDFab had its domains and bank accounts seized.
A New York federal court has granted the seizure of several domain names, bank funds and social media accounts belonging to DVD ripping software company DVDFab. Judge Broderick ruled in favor of AACS, the licensing outfit founder by Warner Bros, Disney, Microsoft, Intel and others.
AACS, the decryption licensing outfit founded by a group of movie studios and technology partners ... read more ...