Monthly Archives: January 2014

Fri 24th January 2014
Written by in EN and tagged
Why Did Google Spend $18.7M to Apply for 101 New Top Level Domains like … – Android Headlines - Google may be gearing up to sell top level domains (TLDs) like GoDaddy and Hover. In a blog post last year, Google listed the 101 new domains that it applied for when ICANN opened up registrations. Google paid $185,000 just to apply for each domain name, bringing the grand total to about $18.7 million to try to get these TLDs. That didn’t guarantee that the Mountain View company would actually be awarded those domains, so why did they shell out the cash to do it? The official Google response is ... read more ...
Written by in CZ and tagged
.LOL – Google nakoupil řadu internetových domén nejvyššího řádu … - <!-- LG G Pro 2 bude pedstaven na MWC, pijde se 3 GB RAM a 6 displejem Po letech rstu klesly Samsungu v poslednm tvrtlet zisky m se eho bt? --> 0 Google rád nakupuje, o tom není pochyb. Také není pochyb, že na to má peníze. Nedávno provedl celkem zajímavý nákup, který nezahrnoval žádné společnosti či start-upy, místo toho se zaměřil na zajímavé internetové domény, a to rovnou nejvyššího řádu. Tedy ty, které píšeme za ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
ICANN delegates over 100 new gTLDs - The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has delegated more than 100 new generic Top-Level domains (gTLDs) since beginning the process in October, as it looks to increase the current 22 gTLDs to 1,400 at the end of the process. HumanIPO reported in October on the beginning of the process, which is looking to add alternative domains names to the likes of .com, .org and .net. Delegation is one of the final steps before the registries that control the domains can ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google Rolls Out a Few New Features - Here are a few new features Google is rolling out. Stan Schroeder  at Mashable covered that now there is a new feature to Google search that will provide more info. You can now find out more about every search result by clicking on the page name next to the actual link. Courtesy of Mashable This apparently only works for sites that are very well known and will not be there for just any website. Matt McGee at Search Engine Land wrote a piece about a new feature associated with Knowledge Graph. Google ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Brand protection technology: what is it and how does it work? - Approximately 1 400 new gTLDs (Generic Top Level Domains) are about to become available. This is a development of paramount proportions that has not been seen since the birth of the web. Many brands see WWW as a sort of Wild Wild Web, where scammers, cyber pirates and counterfeiters run amok to devalue brands such as yours by utilising tactics that leave money on the table, namely yours, by driving traffic to their sites and hence causing brands large and small major losses. Some need to deal with ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Ultra AEP warns of on-going danger of ‘dirty domains’ – SYS - Only 53 per cent of global top level domains 'secure'Loudwater, UK, 23rd January 2014: Over three years after the world's first top level domains (TLDs) (such as .org, .com and .net) were signed with domain name system security extensions (DNSSEC), nearly half (47 per cent)[1] remain open to malicious tampering. This is potentially leaving millions of the world's internet users open to malicious redirect to fake websites, warns FTSE 250 cyber security company Ultra ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Did we know Apple let expire? That’s what one internet association (wrongly) claims. - Company uses domain as an example of a cybersquatter snagging an expiring domain. But that’s not true. From the “right idea, wrong example” department… Newcastle, England company Zebra Internet Services is now pitching “domain portfolio management” to help its clients protect against cybersquatters that might grab their domain names when they expire. The Journal in Newcastle covered the product launch in a story that kind of misses the mark overall. ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Uniregistry’s new TLD launch skeleton are opposite from a others - Uniregistry plans a more inclusive sunrise, no landrush, and simpler pricing. Frank Schilling’s Uniregistry is taking a very different approach to launching its domain names than most other registries. Rather than squeeze out every last drop of revenue possible from launch phases, it’s doing what it can to push its domains into the hands of registrants. That’s according to launch documents it has filed with ICANN as well as public statements Frank Schilling ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Man who sole for $675k tells his story - Seller acquired the domain name from Great Domains over a decade ago. Earlier this week Silicon Republic reported that Irish tech company Teamwork PM acquired the domain name for $675,000. I reached out to the seller, Alex Lerman, to confirm the sale and ask for more details. He confirmed that the $675,000 sale took place via and the seller buyer paid the escrow fees. He also gave this background: I was fortunate to be an investor in premium ... read more ...
Thu 23rd January 2014
Written by in EN and tagged
The biggest land rush in the history of the internet begins on February 4 - The web is about to have its big bang. About 1,000 new generic top-level domain names, or gTLDs (the last bit of an internet address, such as the com in will come into existence this year. On Feb. 4, anybody will be able to create and start running a website on the first of the new domains. The number of alphabets in which you can create a web address will go from one—Latin—to at least a dozen including Chinese and Arabic. Hundreds of millions of dollars will be made. And our conception ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google Unveiled Smart Contact Lens, we demeanour during who owns a best domain names - A week ago Google introduced their smart contact lens project. Google wrote on its blog in a post which has over 5800 comments: We’re now testing a smart contact lens that’s built to measure glucose levels in tears using a tiny wireless chip and miniaturized glucose sensor that are embedded between two layers of soft contact lens material. We’re testing prototypes that can generate a reading once per second. We’re also investigating the potential for this to serve as an early warning for ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Name Collisions: More Than Just a Technical Consideration - Among those looking for answers at ICANN’s March meeting in Singapore will be new generic top-level domain (gTLD) applicants who haven’t yet found a path to delegation due to potential name collisions. No longer is the issue of name collisions merely technical. Over the course of almost a year, it has evolved into a potential business and financial roadblock. Name collision refers to the confusion that may occur when a new gTLD string exactly matches an existing string used on an internal ... read more ...
Written by in PT and tagged
Icann libera mais cem domínios com novas terminações além do ‘.com’ - Registrar um domínio para um site na Internet não é fácil, devido a escassez de nomes disponíveis na web. Mas, nas últimas semanas, foram liberados mais de cem novos tipos de endereço para os usuários que querem cadastrar suas páginas na rede. Caso o endereço URL desejado com a extensão .com ou já tenha sido registrado, é possível usar novas opções.Lista mostra os 15 nomes de domínios .com mais caros da InternetDe acordo com o blog da Icann (Internet Corporation for Assigned ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Why Google Wants to Give You 101 Alternatives to .Com - Leo Mirani is on a roll he wrote an excellent piece yesterday on the new gtlds with co author David Yanofsky He is out today with a piece entitled, “Why Google wants to give you 101 alternatives to .com” Mike has spoken in the past that Google is a big wildcard with regards to what extensions they end up with and how they distribute them. Google giving away domains for free could be something that impacts existing extensions and new gtlds alike. Mirani delves into why Google wants to do ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Why Google Wants to Give You 101 Alternatives to .Com - Leo Mirani is on a roll he wrote an excellent piece yesterday on the new gtlds with co author David Yanofsky He is out today with a piece entitled, “Why Google wants to give you 101 alternatives to .com” Mike has spoken in the past that Google is a big wildcard with regards to what extensions they end up with and how they distribute them. Google giving away domains for free could be something that impacts existing extensions and new gtlds alike. Mirani delves into why Google wants to do this ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Name Collisions: More Thank Just a Technical Consideration - Among those looking for answers at ICANN’s March meeting in Singapore will be new generic top-level domain (gTLD) applicants who haven’t yet found a path to delegation due to potential name collisions. No longer is the issue of name collisions merely technical. Over the course of almost a year, it has evolved into a potential business and financial roadblock. Name collision refers to the confusion that may occur when a new gTLD string exactly matches an existing string used on an internal ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Verisign: Rise In Value Of Bitcoin Causes Surge In .Com/.Net Domain Registrations: 22K In 2013 - Verisign just published a blog on how the rising value of Bitcoin has led  to surge of .com and .net domain name registrations.   The value of a Bitcoin surged from roughly $13 at the beginning of 2013 to an eventual high of $1,137 at the end of November (The chart below, courtesy of Coinbase, documents the ebbs and flows of a Bitcoin’s value).       By doing a search of the word “bitcoin” for the past six months, it is fairly easy to see a correlation between the two Bitcoin price surges ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Domainfest Is Back & Hits The Loews Hollywood Mar 31- Apr 2nd - has made it official  announcing that the 9th Domainfest will return to Hollywood, California at the Loews Hollywood which includes three full days of sessions. Early registration is now open with a price of $695. Onsite registration will be $1,495 Rooms are as low as $249 a night. “This year is proving to be the most impressive line-up of content, speakers and networking opportunities that DomainSponsor has ever assembled. DomainFest 2014 will give you the game-changing information ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged and Sold for $750,000 - JT also asked me to post here part 2 of his post……. he also told me he bought in the secondary market yesterday also, in addition to the further 4 names for us. “I am not looking for justification on anything I do, not least the price I have paid for the recent acquisition of and But I do feel that an explaination as to why I have made this purchase will hopefully help you understand better. I was part of the team that grew YouPorn from zero (Aug ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
WSJ: There Real End Users Looks Forward To Moving Their URL To A New gTLD - The Wall Street Journal has become the another major publication to publish a story about the launch of the new gTLD program and has actually talked to some real people, small business owners who are looking forward to registering a new gTLD to replace their longer .com The Story is entitled “Sell Bike’s? There’s a Web Domain For That” “The World Wide Web is about to get a lot wider.  Starting Jan. 29, the first of hundreds of new top-level Web domains—the suffixes that appear at ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Cobb International Of South Africa; Guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking - Cobb International (Pty) Limited of Wynberg, Sandton, South Africa, represented by DM Kisch Inc., South Africa. has been found  Guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH) on the domain names and The Complainant contends that the Domain Names are identical or confusingly similar to the Complainant’s registered trade marks, that the Respondent has no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the Domain Names and that the Domain Names are being used in bad faith within ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
WSJ: There Real End Users Looks Forward To Moving Their URL To A New gTLD - The Wall Street Journal has become the another major publication to publish a story about the launch of the new gTLD program and has actually talked to some real people, small business owners who are looking forward to registering a new gTLD to replace their longer .com The Story is entitled “Sell Bike’s? There’s a Web Domain For That” “The World Wide Web is about to get a lot wider.  Starting Jan. 29, the first of hundreds of new top-level Web domains—the suffixes that appear at the ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Ultra AEP warns of on-going danger of ‘dirty domains’ - Ultra AEP warns of on-going danger of 'dirty domains'Only 53 per cent of global top level domains 'secure'Jan 23, 2014 (Menafn - M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) --Over three years after the world's first top level domains (TLDs) (such as .org, .com and .net) were signed with domain name system security extensions (DNSSEC), nearly half (47 per cent)[1] remain open to malicious tampering. This is potentially leaving millions of the world's internet users open to malicious redirect to fake websites, warns ... read more ...
Written by in PT and tagged
Endereços de Internet ganham 100 novos nomes de domínio - .pink, .luxury, .club, .photo e .social são alguns dos novos nomes de domínio de topo, recentemente aprovados pelo ICANN, que poderão ser usados no lugar dos tradicionais .com, .net e .org. Ao todo, nas últimas semanas, a entidade máxima responsável pela "gestão" da Internet aprovou mais de 100 novos gTLD (generic Top-Level Domains), elevando as possibilidades de registo de endereços de 22 para cerca de 1.400 variantes. Os primeiros domínios genéricos de "nova geração" ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Africa covered in 100 new generic TLDs - '; winimg.document.writeln(doc); winimg.document.close(); } //]] li>ul,.container,#coinslid {background-color:#ffffff} ul#serinfo-nav{border-color:#ffffff !important} .body2,.header_scroll,.headbg,.header_noslide,#footer,#rightsidebar,#navigation{background-color:#404040} #nav li a,.nav>li>a,.nav>li>a{border-color:#404040} #serinfo,#serinfo-nav li.current{background-color:#f9f9f9} .overrating,#sidebar p input[type=submit],span.ribbon,a#triggernav,a#triggernav-sec,a.fromhome,.imgwrap,a.mainbutton,a.itembutton,.page-numbers.current,a.comment-reply-link,#submit,#comments ... read more ...