TLDH raises $33.6 million for new tip turn domain name auctions -
New TLD applicant building war chest to resolve contention sets.
Top Level Domain Holdings, a publicly trade portfolio applicant for new TLDs, has conditionally raised £21 million (approximately US $33.6 million) to help it resolve new TLD contention sets.
After the investment, the company will have over $48 million in cash available. This does not include an up to $15 million investment that will be used for resolving the contention set of one domain name it has ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: January 2014
Fri 31st January 2014
Thu 30th January 2014
Google Finally Agree To Its 1st Stock Spilt - Google (GOOG) announced a stock split by creating “Class C” shares which will carry no voting power.
The stock split which is Google’s 1st, is set for April 2nd.
One share of C stock will be distributed for each share of voting Class A stock owned as of March 27.
Initially, the value of the current stock will be divided equally between the two types of shares.
But they will then trade separately with different ticker symbols. Class C shares will get the company’s existing “GOOG” ticker ... read more ... Lost In UDRP To Trademark Filed Two Years After Domain - Lil’ Drug Store Products, Inc. just won control of the domain name in a one member panel UDRP.
The domain holder did not respond.
The factual findings pertinent to the decision in this case are that:
1. Complainant has since 2003 sold fertility enhancement preparations including non-spermicidal personal lubricants and moisturizers by reference to the trademark PRE-SEED;
2. Complainant owns United States Trademark Reg. No. 2,972,756 registered July 19, 2005 for the word ... read more ...
Google Reports: Paid Clicks Up 31%; Cost Per Click Down 11% - Google reported its financial results for the quarter ending December 31, 2013 after the market closed today
Google’s consolidated net income was $3.38 billion, or $9.90 per share, compared to $2.89 billion, or $8.62 per share, in the year-ago period.
Excluding certain items, Google said it earned $12.01 per share.
Google’s consolidated revenue, rose to $16.86 billion from $14.42 billion in the fourth quarter of 2012.
Paid click growth, rose 31% Y/Y after growing 26% in Q3 and 23% in Q2.
At the ... read more ...
Internet čeká největší rozšiřování v historii. Nové domény přinesou miliony dolarů -
Domn .com dochz msto a zjemci o webov strnky maj problm najt vhodnou adresu. Sdruen ICANN se proto rozhodlo rozit mnostv domn prvnho du. Asi tisc novch koncovek internetovch adres pinese majitelm miliony dolar.
Mezi schvlen nzvy generickch domn nejvyho du (takzvanch gTLD) u pat destky jmen jako .coffee, .ninja i .sexy. Bhem letonho roku by jich mlo pibt asi tisc.
Internetov sdruen ... read more ...
Disponibili più di 100 nuove estensioni per i nomi a dominio - Share on Facebook
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L'ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names e Numbers), cioè l'organizzazione internazionale che si occupa della gestione dei gTLD (generic Top Level Domains), ha recentemente approvato oltre 100 nuovi suffissi per i nomi a dominio.
Molte delle nuove estensioni fanno riferimento a termini di uso comune suddivisibili per categorie, ad esempio ".holiday" per il tempo libero, ".computer" per l'informatica, ".email" per il Web, ... read more ...
Day 1 Donuts Trademark Review: Only 12 of 28 Top Brands Bought The Donuts Block (DPML) - According to the, (WTR) only 12 of the 28 top public companies the publication tracked apparently purchased the Donuts’ domain protected marks list (DPML) trademark blocking product.
7 New gTLD strings all by Donuts went live yesterday.
.bike, clothing, .guru, .holdings, .plumbing, .singles and .ventures
According to the WTR; Apple, Microsoft, Walmart, Samsung, Google, Vodafone, Wells Fargo, Chase, BMW, HSBC, Bank of America and McDonalds and Lego all bought the DPML and ... read more ...
17 Year Old Saved In UDRP: 1 out 3 Panelist Vote For RDNH - Interbanking S.A. of Buenos Aires, Argentina, just lost its bid to grab the domain name from domain investor, Alexander Lerman who was represented by John Berryhill, Phd Esq.
The domain name was registered on March 4, 1997.
The Complainant was founded on September 25, 1996, when Datacash S.A. and Newnet S.A. merged to form Interbanking S.A.
The Complainant owns a number of trademark registrations in Argentina including:
INTERBANKING – Registration No. 2037652 dated June 21, 1996 ... read more ...
Here come gurus and bikes to break .com monopoly -
New Delhi: The humble .com is set to receive some competition from a new set of unusual web addresses such as .guru and .singles.Internet users will now be able to register in targeted and specific domains ending in .guru, .bike, .singles, .plumbing and .clothing among others as a U.S. company is offering a wave of new Web addresses. Donuts Inc will kick off the general availability period for seven new Internet domain names, marking the beginning of a new era for the Internet in which users will ... read more ...
Apple Snaps Up Several ‘.Guru’ Domain Names on Launch Day - Because I sometimes consult with clients about their online presence, and having to deal with hundreds of TLDs (instead of a handful) which might duplicate their names and make it more difficult for their clients just makes the job more difficult. The only people who benefit from this are domain squatters, registrars, and lawyers, none of whom do anything particularly useful for society. Thanks for pretending to care.
I was pretending to care? :confused:
Sounds like they needed to revise the system ... read more ...
Top Level Domain: Stichtag für eigene URL ist der 3.2. - Die neuen Top Level Domains (TLD) kommen. Am 3. Februar können auch Privatpersonen ihre Wunsch-Domain vorbestellen. Der Dienstleister und Registrar Strato bietet jetzt schon die Möglichkeit, Kosten zu vergleichen und zu prüfen, ob der Wunschname überhaupt zur Verfügung steht. Ob man ihn bekommt, hängt sehr davon ab, wie schnell man am 3. vorbestellt. Ab dem 5. Februar wird man benachrichtigt, ob es geklappt hat.
Zur Verfügung stehen dann die Endungen, um die es lange Streit gab. 20 neue TLDs, ... read more ...
.Brussels & .Vlaanderen Pick Pool For Sunrise, Landrush Auctions - The new gTLD’s .Brussels and .Vaanderen have selected for its Sunrise and Landrush Auctions.
“Today two more international geographical domains, .brussels and .vlaanderen, announce they have selected and its auction services platform to help accelerate their introduction to global markets.”
“Auctions are the best way to resolve contending applications during the introduction of new top-level domains,” says CEO Richard Schreier. “They offer open access, quickly ... read more ...
SHorter .UK Domains Are Launching On Jun 10th - Nominet announced that shorter .UK domains are going to become available on the 10th June 2014.
Nominet says:
“We are proud to announce the upcoming launch of .uk – out on its own for the first time
A shorter, sharper domain name which puts the emphasis firmly on your website name – exactly where it should be.”
One of the most important aspects of the dotUK launch is that domain owners will have first refusal when securing their respective .UK domain!
“So if you have a unique ... read more ...
Forbes: 7 Things To Consider Before Registering A New gTLD; What The Author Got Right & Wrong - just published a post entitled “Seven Things To Think About Before You Register That New Domain” clearly chatting about new gTLD domain names and I think of the 7 issues the author raises 6 are good points yes there is a counter point to each of the even
“Potential buyers should take note of the following seven considerations before jumping in with both feet”:
1. Customer trust:
“”Consumers have grown used to the existing set of domains, and with that familiarity comes trust. ... read more ...
You can have .plumbing instead of .com today, but .africa is delayed - Yesterday saw the first seven new TLDs (top-level domains) go live for domain registration. Until now URLs (website addresses) have either had to end in a generic TLDs (gTLD) like .com, .net, .org or any of the country code TLDs (ccTLD) like or for example.
The first batch of seven new TLDs that went live are .bike, .singles, .clothing, .guru, .holdings, .plumbing, and .ventures with US based registrar Donuts promising new TLDs being added every week until at least the end ... read more ...
Seven Things To Think About Before You Register That New Domain -
We’ve all grown comfortable with existing Internet domains — which have suffixes like .com, .net, and .edu — to the point where they seemed fixed in the universe like the North Star. But this week and next, a slew of new suffixes will hit the market. More will pour in over the coming months and years.
Just one registry (a company from which you can buy a domain), Donuts, dropped .bike, .clothing, .guru, .holdings, .plumbing, .singles, and .ventures onto the ... read more ...
100 nuevos dominios genéricos de alto nivel delegados en Internet -
(Internacional) La División de Dominios Globales de la ICANN anunció recientemente que el número de nuevos Dominios Genéricos de Alto Nivel (gTLD) delegados en el Root Zone de Internet , ha superado los 100. La delegación es uno de los últimos pasos antes que los Registros que controlan los dominios puedan comenzar a aceptar las solicitudes de nombres que utilizarán los nuevos gTLD.
"La cantidad de Dominios Genéricos de Alto Nivel es casi cinco veces mayor que hace ... read more ...
Élesek az első igazán érdekes doménnevek -
2014. január 30., csütörtök, 10:05Utolsó frissítés: 2014. január 30., csütörtök, 13:08
domén nevek;
új tartománynevek;
... read more ...
ASEOHosting Introduces Many New Country-Code Top Level Domains -
ASEOHosting Introduces Many New Country-Code Top Level Domains
WhaTech Channel: Hosting
Published: Thursday, 30 January 2014 23:06
Submitted by Jennifer Germano
Press Release from: ASEOHosting
Read: 75 times
ASEOHosting, a provider of premium multiple IP hosting, has announced the availability of several new country-code ... read more ...
Claims Period At The Trademark Clearinghouse Extended Indefinitely -
Terms Conditions and Privacy Statement (the Website) is owned and managed by Mondaq Ltd and as a user you
are granted a non-exclusive, revocable license to access the Website under its
terms and conditions of use. Your use of the Website constitutes your agreement
to the following terms and conditions of use. Mondaq Ltd may terminate your use
of the Website if you are in breach of these terms and conditions or if Mondaq
Ltd decides to terminate your license of use for whatever reason.
Use ... read more ...
Neue Top Level Domains: .diamonds kosten extra -, – ja, diese Orte existieren schon im Netz. Über 100 neue TLDs sind schon in der Rootzone eingetragen, meldete jüngst die ICANN. Nun gibt es bald die ersten englisch-sprachigen Namen für jedermann., oder gefällig? Seit Mittwoch sind die ersten neuen Domains zu haben. Das meldete die US-Anbieter Donuts, einer von mehreren großen Top Level Domain-Boutiquen, die in den kommenden Monaten Hunderte neuer Namensendungen ... read more ...
Neue Top-Level-Domains: in 5 Schritten zur Wunschdomain - Im Februar gehen die ersten neuen Top-Level-Domains (nTLDs) wie .bike, .singles oder .guru an den Start. In den nächsten Monaten und Jahren kommen über 500 weitere nTLDs hinzu - die Chance für Privatpersonen, Selbstständige und kleine Firmen, ihre Wunschdomain zu sichern. Insbesondere geographische nTLDs sind attraktiv: Mit einer, oder lassen sich Websites lokal einordnen und Kunden können direkt entscheiden, ob das Angebot für ... read more ...
Gastbeitrag von Tobias Flaitz (sedo)Mit der richtigen Domainstrategie zum … – deutsche -
Ein Start-up, das im Internet erfolgreich sein will, braucht die bestmögliche Domain. Neben Werbung und Kommunikation, ist die Domainstrategie ein wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor im Onlinemarketing.
Im Laufe des Jahres werden hunderte neuer Top-Level-Domains (TLDs) wie .bio, .hotel, .hamburg oder .shop freigeschaltet. Endungen, über die man als Start-up-Unternehmen informiert sein und wissen sollte, welchen Einfluss sie auf die eigene Webpräsenz haben können. Zu den knapp 1.000 neuen Adresskennungen, ... read more ...
Nuovi TLD da oggi disponibili, tra gli altri .bike e .guru -
Dopo molti anni di attesa, oggi è il giorno in cui la rete ha iniziato a espandere i suoi indirizzi, e gli utenti possono registrare nuovi nomi a dominio, fino ad oggi impossibili. Il Domain Name System è stato ideato all’inizio degli anni ottanta, e questo protocollo si è evoluto lentamente assieme alla Grande Rete - il sistema può anche essere usato in modo privato, ma ovviamente quello pubblico di Internet ... read more ...
ASEOHosting Introduces Many New Country-Code Top Level Domains -
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January 29, 2014 --
Hudson, FL (PRWEB) January 29, 2014 ASEOHosting, a provider of premium multiple IP hosting, has announced the availability of several new country-code top-level domains to its clients. The new ccTLDs will be an invaluable addition for webmasters seeking to increase their exposure in international markets ... read more ...