Google updates URL dismissal tool, aka mugshot/revenge porn dismissal tool -
System allows people to alert Google that a page has been deleted, blocked, or changed.
Google has improved its tools for removing a page from its search results or cache on a website you don’t own.
The tool is designed for people to alert Google that a page has been deleted, had robots.txt added, or the content has been changed.
I think you can call this the mugshot removal tool, since one of its purposes is to remove mugshot pages from Google once the mugshot ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: December 2013
Wed 18th December 2013
New TLD discussion finalizes bulletin for Mar event -
Third installment of gTLD Strategy Congress returns to New York City in March.
The 3rd Digital Marketing gTLD Strategy Congress is coming to New York City March 3-4 at the Dream Hotel.
Momentum Event Group, the show’s organizer, has published the conference guide and agenda (pdf). It appears the show will be good for a wide variety of people involved with new TLDs as the domains launch next year. The audience at previous events has been primarily existing applicants ... read more ...
32 finish user domain name sales adult to $50,000 -
Gaming company, natural food store, and rental car company make domain name purchases.
GoDaddy and Afternic combined to sell over $1.8 million worth of domain names last week. Here are 32 that were sold to end users. See previous end user sales reports here. $50,000 – Humble Bundle, which sells PC and Android games on a pay-what-you-want model and donates money to charity. Its websites is $25,000 – Economy Rent ... read more ...
Domain name association Tucows headed to a NASDAQ -
Company to list on NASDAQ and perform a reverse stock split.
If you’ve watched Tucows’ stock over the fast few years, you’ve seen it go from under $1 to almost $3, and its market cap hit $125 million:
The stock surge is due to a couple things. First, the company has grown its stock price the old fashion way: making money. Second, it has used some of its excess cash to buy back its own shares.
Now the company is headed to the NASDAQ in addition to its existing ... read more ...
Tue 17th December 2013
Sedo Transactions Total $1.4 Million Led By For $75K - Sedo reported 688 transactions took place on Sedo’s marketplace and via SedoMLS, totaling $1.4 Million
This amounts to $64.5 Million in year-to-date sales revenue.
Over 45% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings.
Record sale: Today, Sedo’s broker Dave Evanson brokered for $450,000.
Please note that this sale is not included in the attached sales list. It will appear in next week’s sales list.
Highlights of public sales include:
· Top .coms: ... read more ...
Tucows Moving To NASDAQ & Does 1-for-4 Reverse Stock Split - Tucows Inc. (NYSE MKT:TCX, TSX:TC), announced today that it will transfer its U.S. stock exchange listing to the NASDAQ effective December 30, 2013.
The Company also announced that its board of directors has approved a reverse stock split of the Company’s common shares that will combine every four Tucows common shares into one Tucows common share.
The Company’s common stock is expected to begin trading on a split-adjusted basis at the market open on December 31, 2013.
Shares of Tucows have ... read more ... Gets Hit With a UDRP - I know 99% of you could give a crap about a .Pro domain name but in the legal world there isn’t any different between a .pro and a .com domain and, as about a generic domain as you can get,just got hit with a UDRP.
The complainant is not listed but there is a trademark on the term “Insurance Pro”
The domain is being re-directed at the moment to which has a lot of great .pro domain names listed for sale or lease including:
All ... read more ...
Icann orienta gestores de TI na proteção de domínios privados -
Relatório realizado pela entidade orienta como identificar e administrar vazamentos do espaço de nomes privado para DNS.
Da Redação
A Icann publicou um relatório com orientações para gestores de TI do mundo inteiro sobre como proativamente identificar e administrar vazamentos do espaço de nomes privado para o Sistema de Nomes de Domínios (DNS - Domain Name System). O documento também ajuda a eliminar as causas de colisões entre nomes com a inclusão de novos ... read more ...
Godaddy/Afternic Sales Total $1,838.00 Led By For $50K - and just released its sales report for the week of 12/9/13 – 12/15/13.
Total domain sales for the week summed to $1,838,001.
All sales were led by which sold for $50,0000 at $20K was pretty cheap. at $9,700 is interesting.
I have no idea who would buy or why or Afternic would sell at all, but it sold for $2,300.
Google does not seem to be the buyer.
Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Cisco Acquires - Cisco’s just announced on its company blog that it has acquired “to help capture this market transition in mobility and cloud”.
The domain name was owned by Collaborative Strategies of San Francisco earlier this year and the site just launched in June when it went under privacy.
Terms were not announced.
Here is the rest of the blog post:
As the rapidly developing mobility and cloud markets transform the technology landscape, the population of mobile workers looking to extend ... read more ...
Name Collisions II – A Call for Research -
This post is a heads up to all uber-geeks about a terrific research initiative to try to figure out causes and mitigation of name-collision risk. There's a $50,000 prize for the first-place paper, a $25,000 prize for the second place paper and up to five $10,000 prizes for third-place papers. That kind of money could buy a lot of toys, my peepul. And the presentation of those papers will be in London — my favorite town for curry this side of India. Interested? Read on. Here's a link to the ... read more ...
Schilling On 2014: “We Plan To Roll Out Significant Evolutionary Developments in Traffic Monetization” - In a letter to clients, Frank Schilling of tells clients that his company has big plans for 2014 which will hopefully lead to higher payouts for Traffic Monetization:
“As pivotal as 2013 was, 2014 will be even more tumultuous with hundreds of viable new G’s coming to market. SLD Domain Names will rain aplenty, like pennies from heaven and the smart registrants and folks on this email list will see this as a significant opportunity to expand their footprints and hedge their ... read more ...
EDF se fait tirer les oreilles à propos du chantier de l’EPR de … -
C'est décidément un chantier qui aura causé beaucoup de souci à EDF. Le groupe a reçu une mise en demeure de l'inspection du travail lui enjoignant de mettre en conformité une machine centrale du réacteur nucléaire EPR à Flamanville, a-t-on appris ce lundi auprès du groupe, qui a confirmé une information de Mediapart.
"Nous avons bien reçu cette demande (...) mais le chantier n'est pas arrêté"
Un porte-parole d'EDF a confirmé auprès de l'AFP que ... read more ...
I Love You Rick, But Your Poll Results Are BullSh*t - Rick Schwartz published the results of the poll he took last week on topics ranging from readers thoughts of his blog, to what they thought about the new gTLD program in a post entitled Rick’s 2013-2014 Poll Results. What They Mean and Pointed Commentary.
As many as you know Mr. Schwartz and I are good friends and fellow Sherpa’s on DomainSherpa’s Live weekly show, actually there are few people in the industries opinion I value more than Rick’s but I have to call BullSh*t on the meaning Rick ... read more ...
Die ICANN warnt vor möglichen Domain-Kollisionen - Mehr als 100 neue Top Level Domains (TLD; vereinfacht ausgedrückt: die Endungen von Webseiten-Adressen wie beispielsweise .com) werden aktuell in den Markt eingeführt. Allerdings entstehen daraus nicht nur Vorteile, wie die ICANN, die Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (, zu bedenken gibt. Sie warnt vor Kollisionen mit Kurznamen privater Netze wie .lan, .corp oder .home und empfiehlt Netzadministratoren auf "echte" Domains umzustellen. Auch die Betreiber von zentralen ... read more ...
EDF : l’inspection du travail exige plus de sécurité à Flamanville ! -
( -- La sécurité du chantier du réacteur nucléaire de Flamanville inquiète l'Inspection du travail... Au point que celle-ci vient de mettre en demeure EDF de mettre d'urgence en conformité la machine centrale du chantier avec les normes de sécurité ! Composée d'un pont polaire (Apco) et de chariots (TLD Mammoet), cette machine sert à l'installation des équipements sur le site de construction. L'information, révélée hier par le site 'Mediapart' a été confirmée par ... read more ...
EPR de Flamanville : EDF mis en demeure -
EDF a reçu une mise en demeure de l'inspection du travail de mettre en conformité une machine centrale du chantier du réacteur nucléaire EPR à Flamanville (Manche), a-t-on appris auprès du groupe, lundi 16 décembre, confirmant une information du site "Mediapart".
Un porte-parole d'EDF a confirmé que le groupe avait reçu une telle mise en demeure la semaine dernière, mais a démenti toute interruption des travaux du chantier. "Nous avons bien reçu cette demande de l'inspection du travail ... read more ...
EDF devra mettre en conformité l’EPR de Flamanville - EDF a confirmé avoir reçu une mise en demeure de l’Inspection du travail de mettre en conformité une machine centrale du chantier du réacteur nucléaire EPR à Flamanville , dans la Manche, confirmant ainsi une information du site « Mediapart ». Un porte-parole d’EDF a confirmé que le groupe avait reçu cette mise en demeure la semaine dernière, mais a démenti toute interruption des travaux du chantier : « Nous avons bien reçu cette demande de l’inspection du travail vendredi ... read more ...
EDF : l’inspection du travail exige plus de sécurité à Flamanville ! -
( -- La sécurité du chantier du réacteur nucléaire de Flamanville inquiète l'Inspection du travail... Au point que celle-ci vient de mettre en demeure EDF de mettre d'urgence en conformité la machine centrale du chantier avec les normes de sécurité ! Composée d'un pont polaire (Apco) et de chariots (TLD Mammoet), cette machine sert à l'installation des équipements sur le site de construction. L'information, révélée hier par le site 'Mediapart' a été confirmée par ... read more ...
Les Tops sourient aux entreprises audacieuses -
Des femmes au tableau d'honneur
Voir le dossier spécial
voir le diaporama
Quand TLD a commencé à plancher sur son tracteur d'avion, le Taxibot, en 2008, l'industriel de Montlouis était comme les autres, plombé par la crise. Valentin Schmitt, directeur général, a beau faire le modeste, la réussite ... read more ...
ICANN Opens Comment Period On Last Resort Auctions - ICANN has opened a comment period on its Last Resort Auctions “To gather community input regarding the detailed rules and processes for Auctions to resolve string contention sets in the New gTLD Program.”
“The Auction Rules have been updated since the initial release of the Preliminary Auction Rules on 1 Nov 2013 based on feedback received including during the Auctions Webinar on 7 November 2013 and the ICANN 48 Meeting in Buenos Aires.
The documents being published for comment are:
Auction ... read more ...
Domainers are going to adore and hatred a UDRP decision -
Complaint fails, by why did only one panelist find Quality Logo Products guilty of reverse domain name hijacking?
Get On The Web, Ltd has successfully defended the domain name in a UDRP brought by Quality Logo Products, Inc. While the overall decision in the case was good, domain investors are still going to be upset about some of the details.
The obvious fact here is that is a generic domain. It was also registered in 1999. That’s seven years before ... read more ...
Parajumpers wins a UDRP on third try -
Company behind Parajumpers clothing brand takes UDRP more seriously and wins domain name.
Ape Partners S. p. A. and licensee PJS International S.A. have finally won a UDRP for a Parajumpers domain name after three tries. The company sells winter clothing under the brand name Parajumpers.
In May the company filed complaints against the domain names and Based on the panel decisions, it appears the company and ... read more ...
Frank Schilling sets a theatre for 2014. More domain parking revenue? -
Will Google pay more to domain name owners in 2014? Frank Schilling thinks it’s possible.
Frank Schilling just sent a newsletter to clients, and in it he makes a couple predictions for 2014.
One is that new top level domain names will be a big deal. It’s no surprise that Schilling, who has invested tens of millions of dollars in new TLDs, would say this. But he also argues that existing second level domain name owners will benefit from the ... read more ...
Is there such a thing as a brandable general TLD? -
Some generic domain extensions will need to create a brand to be successful.
Over a thousand new top level domain names are headed to the web, and hundreds of them will be open to the general public for registration.
A lot of them are generic in nature: .web, .site, .website…
Much like .info, you can register these domain names for any use. The domain names make sense and they aren’t limited to a niche.
But could a generic domain name become a brand of its own?
One ... read more ...