Early .Green devotee fights 3 other field for domain name -
The green domain space gets crowded.
Competition to run the top level domain .green is heating up (and heating up is not a word revered by the green community).
Four companies have submitted applications to ICANN to run the domain name: DotGreen Community, Inc., Demand Media, Top Level Domain Holdings, and Afilias.
DotGreen Community was the first company to announce a bid for the domain. It was founded in 2007 and started touting its plans for a .green domain name ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: June 2012
Wed 20th June 2012
Tue 19th June 2012
Afternic.com Sells $1.02MM In Domains Led By Sunless.com For $25K - Afternic.com just published its weekly report of domain name sales totalling $1,023,904 for the week ending June 17th, 2012. The publicly reportable sales were led by Sunless.com at $24,500, followed by yif.com at $22,000.
Below is the complete list released of publicly reportable sales:
Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Sedo.com Sells $1.4MM In Domains Led By Cruise.me for $28,500 - Sedo.com just announced its weekly sales data ending June 18th, 2012. In all over $1.4MM of domains were sold. The top seller was Cruise.me at $28,500.
Other domains topping the list of public sales were festivals.de for €12,500 kfzteile.net for €10,000.
In all 934 domains were sold. 43% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings.
Below is the entire list of publicly reportable sales in their respective currencies:
Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Afternic Summer Auction Ends On Thurday & Hipster.com Leads The Way - The Afternic.com Summer Auction ends this Thursday at 3:15pm EST on SnapNames and at time of publication there are only a few domains past the reserve with bids.
Hipsters.com leads the way on the auction at $8,250 with 4 bids.
CityTrade.com has the most action with 5 bids and is currently at $550, also above the reserve.
Other names under the reserve but with bids are Hikers.com at $11K, Throat.com at $5,500, CookingHealthy.com at $1,400, MicroSurgeon.com at $2,550, QuotesOfTheDay.com at $1,001, ... read more ...
Moniker.com/SnapNames.com Is a Lastest New gTLD Landrush/Sunrise Auction Provider - According to a press release just out Moniker® and SnapNames®, announced today they were going to provide Sunrise and Land Rush auction services for new gTLD registries
“Leveraging industry expertise and patented technology, auction services are now available for the initial launch phases of a new gTLD – typically known as Sunrise and Landrush phases.”
“SnapNames’ Sunrise and Landrush auctions offer registries a reliable and equitable means to allocate a new domain name when multiple ... read more ...
Right Of The Dot™ Launches Contention Resolution Service For Conflicting gTLD Applicants - According to a press release, going out tomorrow, Right Of The Dot™, LLC is launching a Contention Resolution Service for new gTLD applicants who have applied for the same or confusingly similar domain name extension as other applicants.
Right Of The Dot™, LLC is an Internet consulting firm specializing in advising existing and new TLD registries in maximizing revenue, increasing registrations and market share including board advisement, marketing, premium domain and market positioning, ... read more ...
La liberación de dominios en Internet: ¿una oportunidad de negocio real para las empresas? -
La publicación de la lista de solicitudes de registro de las nuevas extensiones abre nuevos interrogantes sobre las ventajas y los potenciales riesgos para la protección de la marca
En los últimos días, ICANN ha anunciado la lista de solicitantes de registro de nuevos nombres de dominio genéricos, confirmando algunas de las previsiones y abriendo la puerta a algunas cuestiones nuevas sobre los beneficios reales de las nuevas extensiones, particularmente sobre quién se beneficiará ... read more ...
La liberación de dominios en Internet: ¿una oportunidad de negocio real para … -
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Nuevos sufijos ponen fin a la hegemonía puntocom -
El popular .com tendrá que competir pronto con sufijos como .miami, .baby o .lol, después de que la organización a cargo de las direcciones en internet revelara en Londres las 1.930 solicitudes presentadas y aceptadas para ampliar los dominios. La Corporación de Internet para la Asignación de Nombres y Números (ICANN, por sus siglas en inglés), nacida en EEUU, argumenta que la explosión del número de internautas en el mundo hasta unos 2.000 millones tornó esencial la expansión ... read more ...
Tokelau: un pequeño país con una gran presencia en la web -
Por Tommy Andres
(CNN) — Si eres una de las empresas que compiten por uno de los casi 2.000 nuevos dominios de nivel superior (o gTLDs, por sus siglas en inglés), debes tener mucho dinero. Solo la petición cuesta aproximadamente 185.000 dólares.
Pero si eres un hombre promedio haciendo su propio sitio web o blog, hay opciones mucho más baratas. Una de las más populares es .tk. Un dominio de nivel superior con código de un país, similar a .ca para Canadá o .fr para Francia. Pero ... read more ...
Por Tommy Andres -
Por Tommy Andres
(CNN) — Si eres una de las empresas que compiten por uno de los casi 2.000 nuevos dominios de nivel superior (o gTLDs, por sus siglas en inglés), debes tener mucho dinero. Solo la petición cuesta aproximadamente 185.000 dólares.
Pero si eres un hombre promedio haciendo su propio sitio web o blog, hay opciones mucho más baratas. Una de las más populares es .tk. Un dominio de nivel superior con código de un país, similar a .ca para Canadá o .fr para Francia. Pero .tk ... read more ...
ICANN might let new TLD field cgange their applications -
Plan may allow new TLD applicants to fix errors.
ICANN is considering allowing applicants for new top level domains to make changes to their applications, the organization confirmed to Domain Name Wire today.
The group is working on a process that could allow applicants to fix errors in their final applications. Officially:
ICANN has received requests for changes to submitted applications. We take these requests very seriously and are working on developing guidelines ... read more ...
Amazon.com’s Quidsi acquires Afterschool.com -
A new Quidsi store in the works?
Amazon.com’s Quidsi, the company behind stores with great domains such as Diapers.com, Soap.com (cleaning and personal care), YoYo.com (toy), and Wag.com (pet stuff), has purchased the domain name Afterschool.com.
The domain name was acquired from WebQuest Inc. with the help of brand protection company Mark Monitor. The domain transferred to Mark Monitor on June 10, and the whois was updated to show Quidsi yesterday.
Quidsi’s domain ... read more ...
Another digital archery use launches. Here’s how we should compensate for one of these services. -
Digital archery services are a no lose proposition — for the service provider.
I just got a press release from an outfit called Digital Archery Hotshots, the latest company to offer digital archery solutions for ICANN’s batching process.
I don’t recall how many digital archery pitches I’ve received now, but I think I might no longer be able to count them on one hand.
Most of these companies have a pay-for-results system, where you pay a higher fee if you ... read more ...
MediaSet.com preference reversed, owners can keep domain -
MediaSet.com can remain with domain registrant.
In April I wrote about how a court had apparently ruled that Italy’s largest broadcaster, MediaSet, had rights to the domain name MediaSet.com. MediaSet is controlled by former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
MediaSet had lost a UDRP for the domain name back in February. That case was defended by ESQwire.com. But then MediaSet got a court in Rome to order the domain transferred to MediaSet.
The latest decision ... read more ...
Mon 18th June 2012
Un país de 10 kilómetros cuadrados tiene millones de dominios registrados -
(CNN) — Si eres una de las empresas que compiten por uno de los casi 2,000 nuevos dominios de nivel superior (o gTLDs, por sus siglas en inglés), debes tener mucho dinero. Solo la petición cuesta aproximadamente 185,000 dólares.
Pero si eres un hombre promedio haciendo su propio sitio web o blog, hay opciones mucho más baratas. Una de las más populares es .tk. Un dominio de nivel superior con código de un país, similar a .ca para Canadá o .fr para Francia. Pero .tk representa ... read more ...
SnapNames.com Featured Auction Closing Tommorow Jun 19th, Only Has Two Domains With Bids - The SnapNames.com Featured Auction for June is closing Tomorrow June 19th at 3:15pm EST and as time of publication there are only two domain names with bids.
MobileHomeInvesting.com has a bid of $1,051, but has not hit the reserve price which is somewhere in the range of $1,001-$2,500, while NYtheatreguide.com has a high bid of $500 and has hit reserve.
Good luck to all sellers and bidders.
You can see the auction by clicking here.
Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
3 Member UDRP Panel Affirms Parking As A Legitimate Use Of A Domain Against TM Holder: ERAM.com - A three member UDRP panel just denied a complaint on the domain name ERAM.com brought by ERAM SA.
I’m not going to go into detail facts of the case, that was brought against Vertical Axis and defended by Ari Goldberger
You should know that ERAM had a Trademark on the term and is a large company that generates some 1,734 billion Euros in revenue.
I just wanted to point out this language of the panel as it related to the parking of a domain name:
“”At the heart of this case is the question of ... read more ...
Facebook.com Acquires Face.com - Face.com just announced that it sold Face.com to Facebook.com for an undisclosed price although TechCrunch.com is reporting the sale could have been as high as $100 Million.
“Facebook has acquired Face.com! ” according to Face.com blog:
“Our mission is and has always been to find new and exciting ways to make face recognition a fun, engaging part of people’s lives, and incorporate remarkable technology into everyday consumer products. If you’re anything like us, Facebook is a part of ... read more ...
ePan.com Sells for $15K on NameJet & BigMall.com Goes For Over $8K - A few nice sales this last week at NameJet.com with ePan.com leading the way at over $15K and BigMall.com selling for over $8K.
Here are the sales we tracked for the week:
There were several three letter .com that drew bids into the mid $x,xxx range but none of them cleared reserve.
Not sure what the owner was looking for but random three letter.com without any meaning are only going to get a mid 4 figure bid at on a liquidation platform.
Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Digitale kerkpionier wil extensie .church registreren -
LifeChurch.tv, een organisatie in de Amerikaanse staat Oklahoma die kerk-zijn in het digitale circuit propageert, heeft een verzoek ingediend om de extensie (gTLD, generic Top-Level Domain) .church van een url te mogen gebruiken. Dat maakte Christian Post onlangs bekend. Volgens een woordvoerder van LifeChurch is een uitgang als .church, vergelijkbaar met .nl of .com, belangrijk voor kerken. De zoektocht naar religie en kerk geschiedt het meest op internet, zo stelt de organisatie. Een duidelijke ... read more ...
Sedo Releases Its List Of Top 10 Most Valuable New gTLD’s & .Shop Is Number 1 - Sedo.com just released a list of what it considers to be the top 10 new gTLD strings.
According to a statistical analysis by Sedo, the top 10 most valuable domains being sought are:
“The analysis was calculated by economist, researcher and domain pricing expert, Thies Lindenthal. the creator of IDNX, the first scientific-grade domain price index.”
“Many factors make domains unique and difficult to compare side by side, but analyzing hundreds of thousands of domain transactions on Sedo’s marketplace ... read more ...
How You Can Object To A New gTLD Extension & What Its Going To Cost You (Hint It’s Not Cheap) - So what if you want to object to a new gTLD string?
The first thing you should know is that not everyone can file an objection.
The second thing you should know is that filing an objection is not free, nor is it exactly cheap (pricing is at the end of the piece).
The cost to object varies depending on the basis for your objection, of which there are 4, and like the UDRP in some cases, if you want a hearing, how many panelists you want to decide on your objection, how long the hearing lasts and ... read more ...
A few tips to ICANN’s new CEO -
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
On Friday, ICANN will announce you as its new Chief Executive Officer.
This is a pretty good gig. You’ll earn about a million bucks a year, which isn’t bad for a non-profit CEO. (That’s what the outgoing CEO earned. I assume you negotiated well.) But you have your work cut out for you. The past, I don’t know, entirety of ICANN hasn’t exactly been rosy for the CEO.
Now, before Friday comes around ... read more ...
Domain equine trade eventuality in Prague subsequent week -
You can have .app if I can have .cloud.
I talked to Top Level Domain Holdings (TLDH) Chairman Peter Dengate Thrush about 15 minutes after ICANN’s “big reveal” news conference ended last week. He told me he had already received an email from another applicant for a TLD that TLDH had applied for, saying basically “let’s talk”.
And that’s a lot of the talking that will be going on at next week’s ICANN meeting in Prague. Competitors who applied for identical ... read more ...