Monthly Archives: June 2010

Thu 10th June 2010
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Poll: Choose Your Domain Conference Location -

Help name a domain discussion location.

This is a suppositious here. And no, I’m not operative on a domain name conference. But let’s contend we were going to attend a domain discussion over a winter. Which of these locations would we prefer?

Feel giveaway to leave comments with specifics if we want.

[poll id=”13″]


Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Domain Investor Picks Up Domain Name for $81,000 - auction a big success. I just finished watching a live simulcast party at TRAFFIC Vancouver of the domain name auction. It ended at $81,000, and from the video it appears that the winning bidder was domain name investor Lonnie Borck. Bidding had already reached around $39,000 by the time the simulcast started, and quickly took from from there. My initial prediction of the final auction price was $50,000, but that was before a couple things occurred: 1. ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged Auction Ends Today, .Net Reserves Lowered during Latonas Auction - Auction festivities taking place today. A widely publicized auction for ends today on Sedo at 4 PM EDT. As of the time of writing ten different bidders have pushed the price up to $38,000. Given the number of early bids in this auction this one could sizzle toward the close. Don’t rule out a six figure closing price. Later this afternoon Latona’s will hold its premier domain name auction at the TRAFFIC conference in Vancouver. Rick Latona tells me that ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
GoDaddy Files Patent App for Generating Domains Based on Current Events - System would make it easy to register domains based on current events such as oil spills, earthquakes, etc. The Go Daddy Group has filed two concurrent patent applications for a system of generating domain name ideas based on current events. In the applications, the company notes that a number of people register domain names related to current events, such as earthquakes. Although one of its examples (below) is someone registering a domain for good purposes, it ... read more ...
Wed 9th June 2010
Written by The Domains in EN
Google Is Now Fully Caffeinated As Its Web Indexing Project Is Complete - Google announced today on its blog that is had completed its new web indexing system called Caffeine. It was last August that Google first announced it was working on this project. According to Google Caffeine provides: “50% fresher results for web searches than our last index, and it’s the largest collection of web content we’ve offered. Whether it’s a news story, a blog or a forum post, you can now find links to relevant content much sooner after it is published than was possible ever before.” “”To ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Court Greenlights Order - Order paves way for sale of The Central California Bankruptcy Court has issued an order approving a settlement between the managers of owner Escom, LLC. This means that Escom can go forward with entering into an agreement with domain broker Sedo to sell the domain name. There was a slight hitch in the process as investor Nothin’ But Net (run by Mike “Zappy” Zapolin), which had been quiet in the early stages of the case, filed an objection. ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
NameDrive to Auction 760 Three Letter .EU Domains Starting during 1 Euro - Three letter domains starting at just 1 Euro. NameDrive’s NDX market is running an auction for 760 three letter .eu domain names starting tomorrow. Each domain starts at 1 euro. That’s like a buck twenty starting price, although it might be cheaper by tomorrow if the Euro keeps sliding. The auction will run for seven days. In order to bid you’ll need to open a NameDrive account before the auction starts, and will also need to fill out a “Certified Trader ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
TRAFFIC Kicks Off in Vancouver - A TRAFFIC conference in Vancouver, eh? Yesterday afternoon I carpooled from Seattle to Vancouver for the TRAFFIC conference. As we crossed the border, the border agent was very stern. Why are you entering Canada? For a conference. What kind of conference? A domain name conference. A what? I thought we were about to get into one of “those conversations” where you try to explain the domain name industry. But we didn’t and were shortly on our way into the city. Vancouver ... read more ...
Tue 8th June 2010
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Twitter Grabs T.Co For Its Official URL Shortener - With the auction for E.Co hitting $25K today with almost 2 days to go, announced today that it acquired and was going to use T.CO as its official  URL shortener. The Whois shows the domain name was registered as part of .CO Internet’s Founders’ Program. T.Co now resolves to a Twitter page which says: “”Twitter uses the domain as part of a service to protect users from harmful activity, to provide value for the developer ecosystem, and as a quality signal for surfacing ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
ITIF Report: Global Economic Benefits Of The Internet $1.5 Trillion, More Than Global Sales of Medicine, Renewable Energy, & Government R&D, Combined - Included in the VeriSign 1Q 2010 Domain Name Industry Brief, is a a new study by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), a Washington, D.C.-based think tank. Titled “The Internet Economy 25 Years After .com: Transforming Commerce Life,” the study draws on a variety of research sources to gauge the commercial impact of the Internet, in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the first .com domain name registration. The report measures the reach of e-commerce. The ITIF estimates ... read more ...
Written by in PL and tagged
Domena globalna – dlaczego warto ją zarejestrować? - Domena globalna jest jedną z najpopularniejszą domeną na całym świecie. Jej rejestracja daje duże możliwości rozwoju firmy, dlatego Polscy przedsiębiorcy coraz chętniej decydują się na zamieszczenie swojego serwisu WWW pod adresem z takim rozszerzeniem. Podział domen globalnych Domeny globalne to domeny najwyższego poziomu (ang. TLD - Top-Level Domain). Wśród nich można rozróżnić 5 końcówek, które zarządzane są przez odpowiednie podmioty, czyli ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
VeriSign Domain Name Report 1Q Is Out: 193M Domains Registrations, Up 6%: New .Com/.Net Registrations Up 10% - According to the latest Domain Name Industry Brief published by VeriSign, Inc. (pdf) the Domain Name Industry ended the first quarter of 2010 with more than 193 million domain name registrations across all of the Top Level Domain Names (TLDs), an increase of 11 million domain name registrations, or 6 percent, compared to the first quarter of 2009. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2009, domain name registrations grew 0.6%. The overall base of .com and .net domain names grew to 99.3 million domain ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
DomainTools Takes Investment, Forms Advisory Board - Whois data service takes outside investment. File this in the category of “happened a while ago, but no one knew about it”. During yesterday’s DomainTools Open House, DomainTools CEO Tim Chen said that the company had taken on outside investment and formed an advisory board. Here’s an official statement from the company: As part of Thought Convergence’s goal to expand the DomainTools brand, products and services globally, we have taken on a group of strategic ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
.Co Gets Big .Coup with Twitter - Twitter signs on to .co. .Co has pulled out all the stops in marketing its launch, and it got another big win today. Twitter announced that it will begin using as its URL shortener, and eventually will wrap all URLs on the twitter service through That doesn’t mean that all links will show up with the .co domain, however. The company explained that URLs will show up as in SMS, but on the web interface or through various applications it might actually ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Gregory “Bong” Loses 8 Hyphen .Info Domain in UDRP - What are these guys smoking? I thought I’d seen it all, but I hadn’t until today: someone lost a .info domain name with eight hyphens in a UDRP. But it gets more entertaining. The domain name is: And the registered owner? One Gregory Bong. Yes, bong. Or at least according to the whois record. I can understand why Swisher would want to get this domain name off the web. But this strategy could be expensive. ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged Domain Name Sells for $365,000 - Sedo sells three letter domain for big money, and the future is After a few weeks of not reporting any major domain name sales (and one that go away), Sedo came through big time this week. Highlighting the list is, which the company brokered for a whopping $365,000. The new whois record for the domain name is for Compugroup, a large European e-health company with nearly 300 million EUR in annual sales. The domain marketplace turned in another ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Demand Media Rebrands with New Web Site and Logo - Content and domain name behemoth Demand Media splashes more color. Demand Media’s business model has evolved over time, so it’s only natural that the company is refreshing its image. Today the company released a new web site and logo. The top image in this post is the company’s new logo; the bottom image is the old. The old image was much more reserved and corporate, while the new one is on the fringe. My first thought when I saw the new home page was similarity ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
DomainTools Shows Off New Office in Seattle - Whois company holds open house to show off new office. Seattle is one of my favorite cities. So when I heard that DomainTools was holding an open house Monday to show off its new office in Seattle, I knew I had to make the stopover en route to TRAFFIC in Vancouver. DomainTools didn’t need a moving truck to get to its new offices; they are directly upstairs from the old digs. But it’s a big improvement. The former radio studio downstairs in the two story building ... read more ...
Mon 7th June 2010
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged Taken In A WIPO For “Pornosquatting” - In a three panel decision the generic domain name was transferred to the trademark holder “”The Panel determines that while no specific act of bad faith by Respondent…the Panel finds that Respondent, by providing the name of an unidentifiable business entity and misleading contact information, has taken deliberate steps to conceal its identity and make contact or communication impossible, all while operating a pornographic website at a domain name which could be easily ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
Whose The Biggest Buyer Of Oil Spill Keywords On PPC? Looks Like Its BP - A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about who owned all the Oil Spill and cleanup related domains. The next day Rick Schwartz published a post of his own, talking about some of the domains he registered related to the spill,  and that they were getting traffic making money. Which got me thinking again, who was buying the keywords on PPC that was creating revenue on these domains. It looks like I found the answer. The biggest buyer of keywords for the oil spill disaster? It looks like its BP. According ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
ICANN Predicts 500 new gTLD Applications & A $2M Profit, though It’s Budget Is Flawed - Courtesy of our friends at Mind +Machines, it appears ICANN has based it budget on its prediction of 500 applications for new gTLD’s on the initial roll out. The document showing this is ICANN’s New gTLD Program Budget. As M+M states, ICANN estimate of  500 applications doesn’t take into account duplicate or conflicting applications. “If we suppose that 25% are in conflict, that would leave us with approximately 425 unique TLDs applied for. Subtracting a further 10% who drop out, that ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
If You Can’t Go to Brussels, You Can Still Participate Online - ICANN holds informational sessions on remote participation for June meeting. If something good came of many attendees pulling out of the last ICANN meeting in Kenya for security reasons, it was the tidal shift to remote participation in ICANN meetings. A number of people who chose not to attend the meeting went to the web and ICANN’s many remote participation features to stay involved and virtually raise their hand to speak. A group of domain companies even set ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Receiver Fail: Network Solutions Responds to Expired Domains Sold on NameJet - Company says it sent 54 reminders to receiver to renew domain names. New details have emerged in the case of a court-appointed receiver failing to renew domain names that were subject to a lengthy court case. OK, so it’s not the exciting. We all knew what happened: the receiver failed to renew the domain names, they expired, and then they were auctioned off at NameJet. But a letter from Network Solutions shows that the receiver at least knew how to renew a domain ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged Domain Name Auction Starts during Sedo - Bidding for underway. The charity auction of, sponsored by .Co Internet and Sedo, has started and runs through June 10. A lot of people have been comparing this auction to that of e.Biz, but I don’t think the comparison makes sense. e.Biz sold for so much because it’s a very common term — eBiz. Just look at the buyer, which owns, to understand the value. So what is the value of I think most of the value lies in the “eco” ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
The Week Ahead: Seattle, Then Vancouver - Stay tuned to DNW for reports from TRAFFIC. I’m headed up to the Pacific Northwest this week, and the timing couldn’t be better. It’s getting hot in Austin. It’s near 100 degrees, which is hot enough that I’m asking myself why I live here. My first stop will be Seattle on Monday (high temperature 71) to visit DomainTools’ new offices. I checked out their old digs a couple years ago, and they were nice. But word is the new offices are a nice improvement. ... read more ...